Mykola Fedoronchuk

Mykola Fedoronchuk
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | ISP · M. H. Kholodny Institute of Botany

Doctor of Philosophy


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Publications (83)
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The micro- and macromorphological characteristics of seeds of species of the genera Spergula and Spergularia in the flora of Ukraine were studied in order to identify new diagnostic characters useful for solving taxonomic issues. The ultrastructure of the seed surface was studied using a scanning electron microscope. Seeds of some species of these...
A brief synopsis of the genus Poa in the flora of Ukraine is presented, which includes 25 species, including those previously not reported in Ukrainian literature (P. egorovae, P. humilis, P. klokovii, P. paczoskii) or reported under other names: P. balfourii (instead of P. janczewskii), P. media and P. laxa (instead of P. ursina). A number of spec...
A rational generic concept in the group of Prunus sensu latissimo (Rosaceae) remains debatable, with two main approaches or traditions: one favouring a broad circumscription of Prunus, and another preferring its splitting into numerous segregate genera such as Armeniaca, Cerasus, Emplectocladus, Laurocerasus, Maddenia, Padus, Persica, Prunus s. str...
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За сучасною класифікацією (APG III 2009, APG IV 2016, POWO 2023) порядок Dipsacales представлений двома родинами: Caprifoliaceae (incl. Dipsacaceae, Linnaeaceae, Valerianaceae) і Viburnaceae (incl. Adoxaceae, Sambucaceae). У флорі України родина Caprifoliaceae представлена 14 родами (Cephalaria, Diervilla, Dipsacus, Knautia, Linnaea, Lomelosia, Lon...
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A formal proposal to amend the Code: to amend Recommendation 40A.4 to encourage explicit and full citation of data on the label of the type (holotype) specimen of the name of a new species or infraspecific taxon. The proposal is supported by the sample case of the valid versus invalid original publication of the name Festuca × polovina Bednarska.
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У флорі України порядок Saxifragales (incl. Crassulales, Grossulariales, Haloragales) представлений чотирма родинами: Crassulaceae, Grossulariaceae, Haloragaceae та Saxifragaceae. Найчисельнішими за кількістю видів (природних та інтродукованих) є Crassulaceae (48 видів) та Saxifragaceae (24). Родину Crassulaceae репрезентують 10 родів: Crassula (Ti...
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За сучасними оцінками, родина Caryophyllaceae налічує близько 90 родів та від 2200 до 3000 видів, поширених на всіх континентах, але переважно поза тропіками. Для флори України наводиться 49 родів (з них три потребують підтвердження) та 231 вид (з підвидами). Найчисельнішими на автохтонні види у флорі України є роди Dianthus – 49 видів (разом з під...
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The range dynamics of Cymbaria borysthenica Pall. ex Schltdl. (≡ Cymbochasma borysthenica (Pall. ex Schltdl.) Klokov) (Orobanchaceae) during almost 100 years has been analyzed. This relict species endemic to the Northern Black Sea – Sea of Azov region sporadically occurs in the southern steppe part of Ukraine (with several localities in adjacent ea...
За сучасними оцінками, родина Rosaceae включає від 90 до 120 родів і 3000–3500 видів, поширених переважно в помірних і субтропічних областях земної суші; значно менше – в тропіках і пустельних регіонах. В Україні – 59 родів та понад 280 видів (разом із підвидами) і найбільш часто культивованими, що нерідко дичавіючими (всього в культурі та ботанічн...
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In UKRAINIAN. The book contains more than 100 biographies and overviews of scientific achievements of researchers affiliated with the M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, since its establishment on September 8, 1921 until recent times. Their scientific contributions are properly considered to belong to the nat...
Родина Apiaceae налічує понад 400 родів і від 3500 до 4000 видів, поширених на всіх континентах, крім Антарктики, з найбільшим різноманіттям в помірних широтах і гірських системах, переважно в Європі, Північній Америці, але найчастіше в Азії. В Украні – 74 роди та 161 вид (разом з підвидами), з яких більше половини родів (48) представлені лише одни...
Родина Fabacea Lindl. нараховує, за різними даними, від 730 до 766 родів і від 19 400 до 19 580 видів, поширених на всіх континентах Земної кулі (окрім Антарктиди) і майже в усіх природно-кліматичних зонах. В Україні – 70 родів, близько 380 видів – разом із підвидами, стабілізованими гібридними формами, описаними в статусі видів та найчастіше культ...
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The book presents national and global assessments of the IUCN Red List categories for almost all species of the flora of vascular plants of Ukraine. For each species belonging to categories CR, EN, and VU, the categorization criteria are indicated. Linked xlsx file contains the same data in xlsx format
Родина Lamiaceae Martinov нараховує близько 200 родів і 3500 видів, поширених у всіх кліматичних зонах, з найбільшим видовим різноманіттям в Середземномор’ї. В Україні – 35 родів, близько 180 видів разом із найчастіше культивованими, підвидами та гібридними формами, описаними в статусі видів. Найсуттєвіші номенклатурні зміни відбулися в сегрегатних...
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A formal proposal to conserve the name Aria against Chamaemespilus and Torminalis (all formerly treated in Sorbus s.l., Rosaceae). If this proposal is accepted, the name Aria will be the correct name for a combined genus including Chamaemespilus and Torminalis, but it will not preclude the use of the two latter generic names for those who would pre...
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Distribution of two rare species of the genus Spiraea L., S. polonica Błocki and S. pikoviensis Besser, in Ukraine is analyzed. Current state of their populations is shown and the main conservation measures are provided.
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By the method of data re-collection and re-assessment, we here test the completeness of distribution areas of the species and species aggregates of Rosa in Eastern Europe as mapped in volume 13 of Atlas Florae Europaeae (AFE), and discuss insights into the issues connected with the data. We found many new occurrences which are additions to the publ...
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The life and career of botanist Nataly Desyatova-Shostenko (1889-1968), whose name is passed over in silence in the national botanical science long period of time are considered. Her scientific heritage as systematist, florist, geobotanist, active conservationist of Ukraine is analyzed. New plant taxa, described by the scientist as well as informat...
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A new alien species for the flora of Ukraine, Elodea nuttallii (Planch.) St. John, was found in a bay of the Kaniv Reservoir near the Kuryache Gorlo site and Tsybli village (near Pereyaslav- Khmelnytsky, Kyiv Region). It was probably initially released from aquarium culture into the Dnieper River near Kyiv and then spread downstream. A morphologica...
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The monography reflects result of an integral study of species and coenotic diversity of plant kingdom of the town of Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky (Kyiv Region, Ukraine) and included information about vascular plants (968 sp.), vegetation (60 ass. and 6 derivate comm. from 19 cl.), mosses (66 sp.), lichens (24 sp.), and algae (146 sp.). For botanists, te...
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To assess the coenotic peculiarities of species of the genus Epilobium (Onagraceae), in particular their coenotic amplitudes in the syntaxa of vegetation of Ukraine, 986 relevés from literature sources were analyzed. The names of syntaxa are provided in accordance with the Prodromus of the vegetation of Ukraine. Species of the genus Epilobium are w...
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The information about the modern state synanthropization of forest and schrub floristic complexes of the Middle Cis-Dnipro Region (Ukraine) is generalized. The studies complexes recently have been significantly affected by an-thropogenic influences and its consequences have led to a change in their floristic composition. The synanthropic fraction o...
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В публікації наведені результати порівняльного дослідження морфологічних ознак вегетативних й генеративних органів рослин Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb. та T. odessana Steven ex Bunge. Tаксономічний статус T. odessana, описаного Х. Стевеном з околиць Одеси (Україна), неоднозначно трактується у різних флористичних зведеннях: його розглядають як окремий...
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This article presents the results of cenotype and ecotype analyzes of genus Epilobium L. s.l. (Onagraceae Juss.) in the biotopes of Ukraine. Scientists count about 20 species of genus Epilobium (including Chamerion) of Ukraine. Species of genus Epilobium are characterized by such biological features as a fairly uniform appearance and high hybridiza...
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The results of the Third All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference “Synanthropization of the Plant Cover of Ukraine” are discussed in the paper. The scientific forum was held on September 26-27, 2019, in Kyiv. Many botanists and ecologists from different regions of Ukraine participated in this conference. A number of issues concerning the impact of non-n...
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The article provides a synopsis of the tribes Cicereae, Trifolieae, Lupulineae, Crotularieae, Genisteae of Fabaceae subfam. Faboideae in the flora of Ukraine, with nomenclatural citations, types (for most of them), and main synonyms. It is based on a critical analysis of available data on taxonomic, morphological, and molecular phylogenetic studies...
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Висвітлено життєвий шлях, наукову та педагогічну діяльність одного з перших дослідників природи України Антонія Анджейовського (1785–1868). Книга ілюстрована світлинами. Antony Andrzejowski's short biography (1785–1868) and his Scientific Contributions to Early 20th century Investigation of the Ukrainian Nature have been characterized in Book "The...
В даній статті наведений короткий огляд історії систематики видів роду Epilobium s. l., одного із складних і найбільш чисельних у родині Onagraceae. Вагомий внесок у вивчення видового складу роду (в широкому трактуванні) та розробки його системи зробили Карл Ліней, Генріх Карл Гаусскнехт, Єлизаве́та Іва́нівна Ште́йнберг, Пітер Рейвен, Ілька Кітовур...
The controversial issue of valid publication and typification of the name Festuca ×polovina Bednarska (Poaceae) is discussed. It was assumed until recently that the name was published in 2009 invalidly because the author of the original description failed to cite the type (holotype) specimen. However, she indicated in the protologue that the holoty...
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The article provides a synopsis of tribes Galegeae, Hedysareae, Loteae, Cicereae of Fabaceae subfam. Faboideae in the flora of Ukraine, with nomenclatural citations, types, and main synonyms. It is based on critical analysis of available data of taxonomic, morphological, and molecular phylogenetic studies. Tribe Galegeae is best represented in the...
No official abstract (Correspondence section of Phytotaxa). Brief info: Dianthus recticaulis Ledeb. (1842) is the correct name for the taxon earlier known under names Gypsophila alpina Habl. (1783), G. stricta Bunge in Ledeb (1829), Petrorhagia alpina (Habl.) P.W. Ball & Heywood, etc. The recently proposed name Dianthus strictiformis Madhani & Zarr...
The descriptions of habitats of two rare endemic species – Spiraea polonica Błocki and S. pikoviensis Besser, the species status of which requires a clarification, are given. Both studied species are critical species from S. crenata L. aggr., the status of which is doubtful. The preliminary morphological and biochemical results give us all reasons...
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In memoriam of Volodymyr I. Chopyk, Ukrainian botanist who contributed to plant taxonomy, flora studies, conservation and biogeography.
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The article provides an overview of recent taxonomic and nomenclatural changes affecting the taxa of the genus Minuartia L. s. l. (Caryophyllaceae) occurring in Eastern Europe, following new molecular phylogenetic data. Identification keys and descriptions are presented for genera Minuartia s. str., its segregates Cherleria L., Pseudocherleria Dill...
A review of the system of Caryophyllaceae of the Ukrainian flora is finalized. An updated system of the subfamily Caryophylloideae is presented. The systems of the first three subfamilies were published earlier. The subfamily Caryophylloideae is a well outlined taxon divided into two separate groups (tribes): Sileneae DC. (= Lychnideae A. Braun) an...
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The curriculum vitae and scientific heritage of Lyubov Krytzka are presented. She was a Ukrainian botanist, in particular a florist, taxonomist, specialist on herbarium curation and nature conservation as well as a researcher of the National Museum of Natural History, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Her scientific heritage includes a numbe...
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Here we provide five new combinations for names concerning Sabulina species occurring in Eastern Europe (mainly in Ukraine and adjacent countries), also providing information about their types (if available), distribution and habitats, and taxonomic notes.
The results of the geographic study of the flora of Biloozersky National Nature Park after Meusel (MEUSEL et al. 1965; 1992) has shown that the temperate-submeridional species (26.3 %) prevail in the latitudinal spectrum of its chorological groups. It is typical for flatland temperate latitudinal floras of the Holarctic region. The species of the E...
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In memoriam. Dr. Lyubov I. Krytzka (01.19.1941 - 04.15.2015), Ukrainian plant taxonomist, long-term curator of the National Herbarium of Ukraine (KW), until recently - Senior Researcher at the Botanical Museum (National Natural History Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine).
A djvu version of Vascular Plants of Ukraine: A Nomenclatural Checklist, by S. Mosyakin and M. Fedoronchuk, published in 1999. Please also see a PDF scanned version, also available here.
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The alien fraction flora of the Middle Dnipro Region (Ukraine), represented by 574 species, is analyzed. Ten species of transformers were identified: Acer negundo L., Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Amorpha fruticosa L., Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) J. Presl et C. Presl, Bidens frondosa L., Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq., Impatiens parviflora DC., Robinia...
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Results of typification of species from the genera Scorzonera, Senecio, Serratula, Solidago and Sonchus described from Ukraine are given. For each species, its basionym, synonyms, protologue, nomenclatural type and the place of its storage (herbarium) are presented.
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Results of typification of species from the genera Scorzonera, Senecio, Serratula, Solidago and Sonchus described from Ukraine are given. For each species, its basionym, synonyms, protologue, nomenclatural type and the place of its storage are presented.
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The list of species of vascular plants of the family Poaceae (genera Helictotrichon, Hierochloe, Koeleria, Lolium, Melica, Milium, Molinia, Panicum) described from Ukraine and typification of some species are provided. The following data for each species are provided: basionym, original nomenclatural citation; type according to the protologue, and...
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In the article presents the results of typification of the species of the Asteraceae (of the genera Jurinea, Lagoseris, Lamira, Lapsana, Leontodon, Leucanthemum, Ligularia, Matricaria, Onopordum, Picris, Ptarmica, Pulicaria, Pyrethrum), described from the territory of Ukraine are given. For each species, the following data are provided: basionym; s...
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A synopsis of the genus Luzula in the flora of Ukraine is presented. Nomenclature citations, synonyms, types and distribution data are provided for each species. An identification key to the species is proposed.
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The list of species of vascular plants of the family Asteraceae (genera Taraxacum Wigg. and Tragopogon L.) described from Ukraine is presented. For each species, the following data are provided: basionym; synonym, type according to the protologue, nomenclatural type and its location (herbarium).
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In the article, results of typification of species of Asteraceae (genera Jurinea, Lagoseris, Lamyra, Lapsana, Leontodon, Leucanthemum, Ligularia, Matricaria, Onopordum, Picris, Ptarmica, Pulicaria, Pyrethrum) described from Ukraine are given. For each species, the following data are provided: basionym; synonym, type according to the protologue, nom...
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The results of study of geographical distribution of apophytes fraction of urban floras of various botanical and geographical zones of Ukraine are presented. The general list of apophytes of the urban floras includes 1377 specis which included into 12 types of area (Cosmopolitan, Hemicosmopolitan, Holarctic, Palearctic, European-Siberian-Mediterran...
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"Botanical excursion..." provides a list of species most surviving fragments of nature within the Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi city. They are promising to protect.
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Five species of the genus Рuccinellia Рarl. (Poaceae) described from Ukraine are typiied. The following data for each species are provided: basionym, original nomenclatural citation; holotype according to protologue, or isotype, lectotype, syntype, neotype; herbarium(-a) in which the specimen(s) is(are) deposited.
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The list of species of vascular plants of the Asteraceae family (gen. Centaurea L.) described from Ukraine is presented. For each species the following data are provided: basionym; synonymy, protologue, nomenclatural type and its location.
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The list of species of vascular plants of the family Asteraceae (genera Artemisia, Aster, Barkhausia, Carduus, Carlina) described from Ukraine is presented. For each species, the following data are provided: basionym; synonymy, type according to the protologue, nomenclatural type and its location (herbarium).
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The monography reflects result of an integral study of species and coenotic diversity of plant kingdom of the town of Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky (Kyiv Region, Ukraine) and included information about vascular plants, vegetation, mosses, lichens, and algae.
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The list of species of vascular plants of the family Poaceae (Сleistogenes Keng, Dactylis L., Elymus L., Elytrigia Desv., Eragrostis Wolf, Festuca L.), described from Ukraine, and typification of some species are provided. The following data of each species are provided: basionym, original nomenclatural citation; type according to protologue, holot...
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The list of species of vascular plants of the family Asteraceae (genera Achillea, Anthemis, Arctium) described from Ukraine is presented. For each species the following data are provided: basyonim; synonymy, protologue, nomenclatural type and its location.
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The data on type specimens on 83 taxa of Crassulaceae J. St.-Hil. family deposited in type collection of Herbarium of N.G. Khlodny Botanical Institute of NAS Ukraine (KW) and collections of N.S. Turczaninow (1796-1863) (KW-TURCZ) and W.S.J.G. Besser (1784-1842) (KW-BESSER) are presented. The new combination Vauanthes sebaeoides (Eck. et Zeyh.) Byal...
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The list of species of vascular plants of the family Poaceae (genus Agropyron P. Gaertn., Agrostis L., Agrotrygia Tzvelev, Apera Adans., Avena L., Briza L., Bromopsis (Dumort.) Fourr., Bromus L., Calamagrostis Adans.) described from Ukraine and typification of some species are provided. The following data of each species are provided: basionym, ori...
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ELODEA NUTTALLII (PLANCH.) ST. JOHN (HYDROCHARITACEAE), A NEW SPECIES FOR UKRAINE A new alien species for the flora of Ukraine, Elodea nuttallii (Planch.) St. John, was found in a bay of the Kaniv Reservoir near the Kuryache Gorlo site and Tsybli village (near Pereyaslav- Khmelnytsky, Kyiv Region). It was probably initially released from aquarium c...
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The list of species of vascular plants of the families Valerianaceae Batsch, Dipsacaceae Juss., Apocynaceae Juss., Campanulaceae Juss., Gentianaceae Juss. described from Ukraine. The following data are provided: basionym; original nomenclatural citation; according protologue or holotype, lectotype, isotype, neotype; herbarium (-a) at which thespeci...
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In the next third volume of the original edition charactcnstics of the species families belonging to Aristolochiaceae. Nymphaeaceae, Ceratophyllaceae, Ranunculaceae. Berberidaccae. Papaveraccac. Hypecoaceae. Fumariaceae. Ulmaceae, Moraceae. Cannabaceae, Urticaccae, Fagaeeae, Betulaceae. and Corylaceae occurred under natural conditions of Ukraine ar...
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Just a nomenclatural checklist of names (accepted, synonyms, misapplied etc.) of vascular plants of Ukraine. Published in 1999, and, quite naturally, some information changed dramatically since then. We are working on a new version. NOTE: This is a scanned version of our checklist of the Ukrainian flora (vascular plants). I do not know who genera...
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The state of biodiversity study and conservation in countries of the Carpathians region is considered in these proceedings in the context of international cooperation. A special attention is paid to the organizational-legal grounds of international cooperation, environmental education and training of the population, role of the public and local Sel...


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