-- MulyadiUniversity of North Sumatra | USU · Linguistics
-- Mulyadi
Dr., M.Hum
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I am interested in semantics, syntax, and language typology studies. My dissertation (2012) discusses the semantics of emotional verbs in cross-language studies. I am currently working on a research project of semantic verbs and semantic interjections that show the relation of semantic-syntactic interfaces.
Additional affiliations
May 2017 - May 2022
September 2007 - June 2012
Publications (263)
Setiap bahasa memiliki ribuan kosakata yang dapat diklasifikasikan ke dalam sejumlah kategori atau kelas gramatikal. Anggota dari setiap kategori bisanya diberi nama yang sama karena adanya persamaan perilaku semantis yanaag merefleksikan makna secara umum. Tulisan ini membahas struktur semantis verba tindakan dengan menggunakan teori Metabahasa Se...
This paper attempts to present the verb category and the semantic roles of the verb arguments in Bahasa Indonesia. The formulation of the verb is measured by time stability-scale. Verb category applies the natural semantic metalanguage theory and concept of semantic roles adopts generalised semantic roles theory. The Indonesian verbs have three mai...
This article describes the method of natural semantic metalanguage theory in meanings of words in Indonesian. Sample of the words are some Indonesia verbs, nouns, and adjectives. The purposes are to explain several basic concepts of the theory and some of research procedures. Semantic properties of a word are explored by means of syntactic and sema...
This article discusses behaviour of syntactic argument in the sentence structure of coordination in bahasa Indonesia. By using syntactic typological approach, the research purpose is to describe the sentence types in bahasa Indonesia. The results of the research show that bahasa Indonesia has syntactic ergativity properties because they allow the d...
As an aglutinating language, Indonesian is rich of morphological markers, such as afixes and prepositions. However, from the X-bar perspective, the syntactic behaviour of these markers in forming prepositional phrases has not been clearly depicted. This paper aims to describe the internal structure of preposional phrase (PP) in Indonesian. This stu...
Emotional verbs are verbs that express a person's emotional or psychological state or action. This study uses the Natural Semantic Metalanguage (MSA) theory. MSA theory is a study of lexical semantics. The basic assumption of this theory is that complex meanings can be described using simpler configurations of meaning elements until they cannot be...
This research aims to describe and formulate the formation of culinary words in the Batak Toba language (BTL). It is also hoped that the research can contribute to the revitalization of BTL lexicons, especially those related to culinary names. The approach in this research is a qualitative approach with ethnographic methods. The implementation of t...
Emotions are an important aspect of human life, and emotion verbs play a key role in conveying emotional experiences. This study aims to analyze sad emotion verbs in Minangkabau using the Metabasic Natural Semantics (MSA) theory developed by Anna Wierzbicka and Cliff Goddard. Through qualitative analysis with a descriptive analytic method, this stu...
Speech is a medium for conveying formal messages through events/ceremonies. The state speech is part of the sacred event commemorating the independence day of the Republic of Indonesia. The state speech contains linguistic matters in it. Therefore, the author examines one form of linguistics: causative construction in the speech text. In this study...
Interjections are words used to express emotions or spontaneous reactions. There are various interjections in the Batak Toba language, but the one discussed in this article is the interjection "Ale!". This research aims to understand the meaning of the interjection "Ale!" in the Batak Toba language. The data was collected from the short stories boo...
This research aims to look at the grammatical relations of subjects in the Karo language (BK) with a focus on testing subjects using the rules of raising, reflecting and anchoring. Through qualitative descriptive research methods, data was obtained from informants who are native BK speakers. The results of the analysis show that in BK intransitive...
This article aims to look at the representation of reality in language, especially in the context of using words to express emotions, focusing on the word "angry" in the Acehnese language. Natural Semantic Metalanguage Theory (MSA) is used as a theoretical framework to analyze the meaning of these words. The research method used is qualitative desc...
Sebagai moderator, Najwa Shihab menggunakan berbagai teknik dalam bertanya kepada Bakal Calon Presiden Republik Indonesia pada Pemilu tahun 2024. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap konstruksi interogatif yang digunakan Najwa Shihab. Sumber data berasal dari video YouTube dengan judul "3 Bacapres Bicara Gagasan” yang tayang pada 19 September 2023....
Emotive interjections are phrases that express intense emotions like surprise, happiness, sorrow, anger, and disgust. These exclamations function independently, adding emphasis to speech or writing, and enabling speakers to establish an emotional connection with their listeners or readers. It can be found in many languages including Asahan Malay La...
This research discusses conceptual metaphors related to diseases in Karo language. The purpose of this research is to know and describe the use of conceptual metaphors related to diseases in Karo language. The data source is taken from the expression of disease in Karo language. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method with cognit...
Nowadays, the function of language as a means of conveying messages to establish social interaction is somewhat neglected. Language is no longer a message, but has changed into a sentiment. This is represented in the form of hate speech and bullying that often occurs on social media by violating the Electronic Information and Transactions Law (UU I...
This study aims to analyze the types of grammatical relations that appear in Germany in the German criminal text Der Spiegel and Indonesian in the Indonesian criminal text Kompas. The data in this study are 127 clauses in German and 90 clauses in Indonesia. The data sources in this study are 3 German crime texts in the German (online) magazine Der...
This article is entitled Aliansi Gramatikal Na Lingua Melayu: Study of Linguistic Typology. This study of the Malay language's grammatical alliance aims to understand (1) the basic construction of clauses, (2) the construction of complex sentences, (3) the pivotal system, and (4) ultimately the definition of the grammar alliance system. This study...
This research explores the existence of ergative language features in the Sibolga Coastal dialect. Qualitative descriptive methods were used to analyze data obtained from nine folktale titles in Bunga Rampai Rakyat Tapanuli Tengah (The anthology of central Tapanuli folktales). Of the nine stories, ten clauses were found to show an ergative pattern,...
This research aims to describe the grammatical alliance system found in the Acehnese language. The research method used in this research is descriptive-qualitative. Miles and Huberman Model Qualitative Data Analysis Techniques Miles and Huberman can be carried out in three stages, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and veri...
The ellipsis of the subject is used to make sentences more concise and effective. Subject ellipsis can occur in written and spoken languages. This research examines the ellipsis of subjects in the coordinative constructions of the Acehnese language. A qualitative approach was employed for this research, with data collected from three different loca...
This research aims to describe the types of Indonesian onomatopoeia and describe the original meaning of Indonesian onomatopoeic verbs to be simple so that it is easily understood by cross-linguistic people. The method used is descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques by observing and recording data obtained from written media, suc...
This study aims to describe the forms of nicknames in the Sorkam Kanan community and to identify the factors behind the assignment of these nicknames. This research employs a descriptive qualitative method. The primary data used in this study are directly obtained data regarding individuals with nicknames in the community. The population of this st...
This study aims to analyze the use of conceptual metaphors in a collection of Acehnese folk song lyrics using a cognitive semantic approach. Employing a qualitative method, the research focuses on cognitive semantic analysis to explore and understand the meanings embedded in Acehnese folk song lyrics with depth and precision. The sample collection...
In semantic relations, hyponymy is a relationship where a more specialized word (the hyponym) can be categorized under a more general or generic term (the hypernym). Understanding hyponymy helps elucidate how words and phrases relate to each other in terms of meaning, allowing for the classification of concepts and objects based on their specificit...
This research analyzes conceptual metaphors, as popularized by Lakoff and Johnson, which are divided into three types: structural metaphors, ontological metaphors, and orientational metaphors. The focus is on an editorial on Kompas.id titled "Child Bullying and Suicide," using a qualitative research method. The data collection technique involves th...
This study aims to analyze the construction of serial verbs in Sundanese using the X-bar theory. Data sourced from written Sundanese as the main data and spoken data as supporting data. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative method using the X-Bar theory introduced by Noam Chomsky. The results of the analysis show that the Sunda...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk dan makna idiom pada koran Kompas edisi 2020 – 2021. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah kata yang mengandung idiom. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini yaitu koran Kompas. pengumpulan data menggunakan metode simak dan teknik yan...
This study describe the categorization of scientific motion verbs in the Mandailing language. The data used are oral data, written data, and intuitive data. The research was conducted in the Mandailing area, specifically in East Panyabungan, Mandailing Natal Regency. As native Mandailing people, they have knowladge and understanding of what motion...
This research aims to describe noun phrases in Acehnese pantun collections. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection in this research is by browsing the Aceh Language Centre website. Qualitative Data Analysis Technique Miles and Huberman Model Miles and Huberman can be done through three stages, namely d...
This study aims to describe the structures forming an adverbial phrase in the Batak Toba language. This research is a qualitative research. The data in this study is in the form of Batak Toba text. Data sources are obtained through observation, interviews, as well as using researchers' intuitive data as active speakers of Batak Toba language. At th...
In this research, adverbial phrases in the Karo language will be discussed. This research aims to find out, analyze and describe phrases in the Karo language. Data collection techniques were carried out using reading techniques and recording techniques or listening notes and analyzed using formal and informal qualitative descriptive analysis techni...
This research aims to delineate the grammatical relations within the Toba Batak language, explicitly focusing on characterizing the behavioral properties of subject construction. Employing a descriptive qualitative research approach, this study drew its data from 14 songs in the Toba Batak language retrieved from the social media platform YouTube,...
Alasan yang melatarbelakangi penulisan artikel Struktur Semantik Verba Penglihatan dalam Bahasa Mandailing ini karena sering ditemukan fenomena, salah satunya di dalam kamus, butir leksikon yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan makna verba merupakan leksikon itu sendiri, dan bukan butir leksikon lain yang secara semantik dianggap memiliki makna yang leb...
This study explores the variety of basic colors in the Javanese
language and aims to elucidate their meanings using the Natural
Semantic Metalanguage Theory. Employing a qualitative research
paradigm, data were collected from various sources, including
Indonesian and Javanese dictionaries, LCC Indonesian 2022 and LCC Javanese corpus from CQPWeb. Th...
p style="text-align: justify;"> This study aims to explain the meaning of the verb "create" to a single word with a single meaning or otherwise using the MSA theory. The data used in this study consists of Arabic words, phrases, and sentences that contain the significance of the verba "Create". The method used for gathering data is the slide and ta...
This study aims to describe the representations of uchi and soto in the textbook Marugoto: Japanese Language and Culture Intermediate 1 B1 recommended by The Japan Foundation using the context and the social deixis of Japanese is explained (Wetzel, 2011). Qualitative descriptive method is used for the presentation of data analysis. Data is written...
This research discusses Serial Verb Constructions found in both written and spoken Arabic language. The study is conducted using Syntax Analysis, employing a qualitative descriptive research design. Data collection is done through document analysis and fieldwork by collaborating techniques of reading, listening, and note-taking. Data sources are ob...
This research discusses Indonesian onomatopoeia in the comic Kambing Jantan by Raditya Dika with a natural semantic metalangu ange approach. This research aims to describe the types of onomatopoeia, the original meaning of onomatopoeia, and the semantic st ructure of Indonesian onomatopoeia to be simple so that it is easily understood by cross-lang...
Coordination sentences are those that operate effectively in both written and spoken discourse. The pivot system will discuss the Arabic coordination sentence in this research. This study aimed to highlight the syntactic typology and pivot system of the Arabic coordination sentence. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive and conten...
The word order in the Kualuh Malay language spoken in North Labuhanbatu is the subject of this research, which aims to investigate it. Study In this research, the qualitative research method was utilized. Data for this study came primarily from interviews and participants' own experiences. The clauses or sentences that were discovered in the folklo...
This paper utilizes the Natural Semantic Metalanguage Approach (NSM) to explore the meanings of animal-related taboo names among the Acehnese in Indonesia. Through qualitative interviews with 12 respondents from Langsa City and Peureulak District in East Aceh, the NSM approach reveals two categories of animal taboos. The first, the taboo of swearin...
Makanan tradisional Batak Toba memiliki jenis makanan yang sama dan memiliki perbedaan semantis yang halus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kategorisasi dan makna makanan tradisional dalam bahasa Batak Toba. Data yang digunakan adalah data lisan dan data tulis. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan metode simak dan metode cakap. Data dikumpul...
This research examines Irony focusing on the lyrics of the song "A’touna Et-Tufoole" in Arabic version. The main objective of this research is to explore the meaning of irony in the lyrics of "A’touna Et-Tufoole" and analyze how the meaning of irony is employed within the context of the song. A qualitative approach with descriptive analysis method...
ABSTRAK Linguistik historis komparatif adalah cabang linguistik yang meneliti perkembangan dan perubahan bahasa dari satu waktu ke waktu yang lain, serta menentukan hubungan kekerabatan antara bahasa-bahasa. Rekonstruksi adalah metode yang digunakan dalam linguistik historis komparatif untuk mengembalikan bentuk-bentuk asli dari bahasa-bahasa yang...
Online brochures are one of the preferred choices in describing the advertisement’s worth of many linguistic features. ‘Parenting’ strategies are one of the topics which are discussed in the online brochures. We can find the quotes and problem-solving about ‘parenting’ spread in cyberspace. Online parenting brochures are made by a personal or commu...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis kalimat subordinasi bahasa Batak Toba serta menguji pivot bahasa Batak Toba pada kosntruksi subordinatif. Data yang digunakan adalah data tulis. Data berupa gabungan klausa transitif dan klausa intansitif yang terdapat dalam buku 'Turi-turian Ni Halak Batak'. Penelitian ini merupakan peneli...
ABSTRAK: Penelitian prototipe word order Bahasa Batak Toba (BBT) ini memiliki tujuan untuk menggambarkan karakteristik tata urut kata dan sistem pivot BBT dan menginterpretasikan tipologi BBT berdasarkan karakteristik sintaksis klausanya. Dalam pelaksanaannya data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode agih dengan teknik ganti dan ubah-ujud. Pengujia...
This research is entitled Tataurut Kata Bahasa Mandarin:Tipologi Sintaksis. The theory used to examine the linguistic phenomena of Mandarin in this study includes two theories, namely the word order typology theory by Greenberg and the theory of relational grammar by Comrie. The research data consisted of Mandarin phrases, clauses, and sentences ob...
Ergativity is a linguistic phenomenon that treats the role of the subject in an intransitive clause as the same as the role of the object in a transitive clause. However, its role is different from that of the subject in a transitive clause. The case of ergative contrastively across languages are also found in Indonesian and Japanese. This research...
The purpose of this study is to describe the analysis of Indonesian sentiment regarding the Russia vs Ukraine war with pragmatic studies. There are two things discussed, namely the function and meaning of speech acts resulting from Indonesian public opinion regarding the Russia vs Ukraine war on Twitter. This research is a descriptive qualitative r...
This article discusses grammatical relations in Toba Batak language. Toba Batak language has formal markings, both predicates and arguments that show the relationship between clause elements, and the coding of words in the language. arguments are integrated syntactically. This research uses descriptive qualitative research. Qualitative is used to i...
This paper discusses the language politeness strategy of tourism actors in the Lake Toba area. This study is very important considering that more and more people in the world are traveling to various countries for tourism. Therefore, cross-cultural communication must be intensified. This research is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. Dat...
Kajian metafora dan metonimi dalam perluasan iklan Gudang Garam baik secara visual dan verbal menyampaikan berbagai pemahaman. Penelitian difokuskan pada penggunaan metaforisasi dan metonimisasi dalam iklan Gudang Garam. Dalam iklan Gudang Garam tersebut termuat nyalakan merahmu yang dirujuk untuk menarik perhatian banyak pendengar maupun pembaca....
This study aims to describe the types of coordination in the Acehnese language at the clause level and determine whether the language can be classified as accusative or ergative. The research utilizes a qualitative descriptive approach to outline the pivot system in Acehnese and formulate applicable patterns using coordination structures as a combi...
This study examines the syntactic behavior of question words of malay in the interrogative construction in north labuhanbatu. This study aimed to analyze the question words of all interrogative types in the language. Therefore, the research data cover question words known as word malay in north labuhanbatu which are derived from the relevant litera...
Abstrak Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian semantik dengan fokus pada kajian semantik kognitif. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis deskriptif. Desain penelitian ini adalah konten analisis. Objek penelitian adalah ironi verbal dalam persidangan kasus pembunuhan Brigadir J. Data dalam penelitian ini diambil dari...
This study aims to describe the meaning of directive illocutionary speech acts in the Japanese movie entitled Peach Girl and Miseinen Dakedo Kodomo Janai. The directive illocutionary act is the most frequently used speech act in everyday life. In Japanese, the meanings of these speech acts are often misinterpreted so the meaning of the speech isn’t...
This study discusses the conceptualization of metaphors in the discourse of the Bali G20 Summit using cognitive semantic theory. The purpose of this study is to explore and analyze the types and meanings of metaphors and create a semantic network to see the relationship of meanings with one another. This research is included in the descriptive qual...
This training aims to train students speaking abilities and skills at Kindergarten Tunas Harapan Binjai. Poetry training from an early age hones the ability to think imaginatively, interest in reading, courage to express thoughts and feelings from the sensory process through the five senses in an image. Training was carried out in four sessions. In...
This research aims to analyze the passive construction in Acehnese Language (AL) by using X- Bar Theory which utilized the oral, written, and the data created by the researcher as the native speaker. This research was conducted in the area of Aceh Besar, Aceh Pidie, and Aceh Utara. There were 12 informants selected and the data were taken orally, a...
The study of the disappearance of local languages throughout the world continues to spark the interest of linguists. Even though this fear has been raised in several Indonesian government initiatives, academics have completed a comparatively limited study on local language vocabulary in Indonesia, particularly The Panai Malay Language (PML), which...
Penelitian ini membahas komponen makna gerakan dalam bahasa Pesisir Sibolga dialek Pasar (BPSDP). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan komponen makna gerakan kaki dalam BPSDP. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskripsif untuk memberikan gambaran tentang komponen makna sebuah leksem. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah BPSDP yang dituturkan...
Each language has proverbs contain the same meaning, but its own way of using metaphorical elements by the characteristics of society. This study aims to identify Indonesian proverbs and Acehnese proverbs with various metaphors that have the same meaning. This study employs a qualitative methodology and descriptive analysis, which indonesian and Ac...
This study discusses the semantic structure of the verb 'open' in Indonesian and Japanese. This research uses the MSA theory pioneered by Wierzbicka. Data was obtained and collected using the interview method. The results of the findings obtained two categorizations of the verb 'open' in Indonesian and Japanese, they are: a) using tools (by using t...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1) Jenis-jenis tindak tutur ilokusi pada komentar berita-berita Covid-19 di Instagram dan (2) Bentuk-bentuk ujaran kebencian pada komentar berita-berita Covid-19 di Instagram. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat...
This paper describes the types of thematic role categories of verbal clause arguments in the Toba Batak language (BBT). This syntactic study is conducted through a qualitative approach with a listening technique in collecting oral and written data. Then the data is processed through commensurate and 'agih' methods, which are described through distr...
This study deals with depicting the realization of grammatical relationfound in applicative construction in Asahan Malay Language (AML). This study departs from the theory of relational grammar. The design of this study is by using a qualitative approach. In collecting the data, a documentation technique was used. The informants were three people w...
Syntax, morphology, and phonology can be used as a reference for language classification. This research aims to determine the grammatical alliance of the Simalungun language syntactically and its typology. It is a qualitative study with the typology approach. The data are phrases and clauses of the Simalungun language collected from informants and...
Emotional Interjection expresses inner feelings, shock, emotion, anger or sadness. This type of interjection is different from cognitive and volitive interjection. This study aims to reveal the form and meaning of emotive interjection in Indonesian and Simeulue. This research is a qualitative descriptive study and at the data collection stage the m...
Masyarakat Aceh sering menggunakan simbol-simbol verbal yang ditamsilkan pada binatang ketika berkomunikasi atau menyampaikan pesan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengklasifikasikan dan mendeskripsikan karakter dan tindakan seseorang yang dipandang positif yang harus dianut, atau yang dipandang negatif yang harus dijauhkan. Penelitian ini mengguna...
Berbicara mengenai peribahasa mungkin sudah tidak asing . Dalam peribahasa banyak terkandung makna dan nilai kebudayaan. Membicarakan peribahasa tidak terlepas dari metafora sebagai unsurnya. Kata metafora merupakan kelompok kata bukan dengan arti yang sebenarnya, melainkan sebagai lukisan yang berdasarkan persamaan atau perbandingan. Peneliti meng...
Interjection is a word used to express feelings or something spontaneously. In Indonesian there are many interjection words, but here what will be discussed is an interjection HA! which can be used in various spontaneous expressions. Not only that, Interjection HA! have similarities and differences with interjections in other Indonesian languages....
This paper examines the interjection of ômma in Acehnese language using a natural semantic metalanguage approach. The study employed a qualitative method using oral, written, and artificial data sources. Twelve qualified informants from three study locations, i.e., Aceh Besar, West Aceh, and South Aceh provided their consent to participate in this...
Abstrak Penelitian ini membahas tentang sistem aliansi gramatikal dalam teks koran surat kabar harian. Data diambil dari kalimat bahasa mandarin kompleks yang terdapat dalam teks surat kabar harian berupa gabungan klausa transitif dan intransitif, klausa intransitif dan transitif, klausa transitif dan intransitif, dan klausa transitif dan transitif...
This study is aimed to discover the various eco-lexicons used in marine ritual known as khanduri la'ot through eco-linguistic perspectives. This ritual was carried out by Acehnese community in Aceh Province, located on Sumatera Archipelago, Indonesia. The primary goals of this study are to identify the form and category of the eco-lexicons and thei...
The present study aims to elaborate the structure of the novel; it comprises intrinsic elements (theme, plot, setting, and perspective) as well as extrinsic elements (social reality and author's perspective). The descriptive qualitative study obtained the data in the form of words, phrases, sentences, and discourse from the novel as the data source...
Indonesian has always been ignored as a source of Noun Incorporation. This happens because of the agglutinative nature of Indonesian. This means that many words in Indonesian are formed by combining several morphemes. Even so, it is possible that in fact a lot of Noun Incorporation (IN) processes occur in Indonesian. This research uses Mithun and R...
This research explores basic and secondary colors in Indonesia. This research attempts to explicate the meaning of colors by using the semantic theory of Natural Semantic Metalanguage Theory. This research applied qualitative method. The paradigm of qualitative research revolves around the observation from the surrounding. The data were collected f...
This research has the purpose of identifying and investigating the applicative constructions of Indonesian. The research conducted a descriptive qualitative method. Data were obtained from utterances and research books and the data from other authors that have been acknowledged to be true. Data collection was carried out by observation, such as not...
dalam Bahasa Mandailing ini karena sering ditemukan fenomena, salah satunya di dalam kamus, butir leksikon yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan makna verba merupakan leksikon itu sendiri, dan bukan butir leksikon lain yang secara semantik dianggap memiliki makna yang lebih mendasar/sederhana. Penulisan ini dilakukan agar menghilangkan pendefinisian mak...
The causative construction of the Simalungun language can be produced by combining clauses with cause / baen conjunctions, the use of causative analytic with permanent verbs, all; morphological causative use with (–kon) affixes; and the selection of certain lexical causative verbs that have causative meaning. The method used is the marking method a...
This study aims to describe the constituent forms of the French relative clause. The data source of this research is written text, namely the Tendance book. The data analysis method uses the billing method. The result of this research shows that the basic order of clauses in French is of type , namely the verb precedes the object. the object of the...
In Japanese, idioms are widely used to express feelings, ideas, and opinions. Idioms have a metaphorical meaning that contains the concept of Japanese people's thinking about something. This research examines the idiomatic forms of the word mizu based on
the structure in Japanese. The research approach is qualitative. The research data are idioms...
Language is the way of humans perceives their environment. This paper aim described the study of color semantics in Mandailing language. This is because color is one of the most important elements in human life to convey a certain impression and is an interesting topic to analyze because the vocabulary of color in each language is unique. On this o...
The concept of naming colors in each culture and language is certainly different. Color is defined as a means of expression to interpret the meaning exactly. This study was analyzed about the concept of color in the Batak Mandailing culture. The aim of the study is to describe the vocabulary of colors and their meanings in the Batak Mandailing lang...
This study aims to discover what and how the typology of Angkola Language (AL) is in word order as well as to determine its grammatical alliance. The application of qualitative methods was carried out descriptively to this study, it means that the data analyzed and the results are in the form of a phenomenon description. The stages in this research...
This study aims to describe the question word functional category and to frame the principle of interrogative construction structure in Acehnese by applying the X-Bar theory. The data is the utterances in Acehnese taken from the natives and the descriptive method is chosen in this research. This method is applied to find out what categories can be...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perbandingan subjek bahasa Korea dan bahasa Indonesia berupa letak posisi subjek pada pola kalimat, kategori, dan peranan subjek. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode penetilian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif komparatif. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa teknik simak dan catat. B...
Aims: This research is aimed to investigate the word order in Turiturian of Batak Toba language Study Design: Qualitative research was applied in this research. Results: The result of the research shows that the basic word order found in Turiturian of Batak Toba language consists of two types, namely VSO and SVO. The other pattern also found, namel...
This study aims to analyze and describe the structure of passive sentences with the construction ofkena in Bahasa Indonesia (BI) and hona in Bahasa Angkola (BA). The theory used is X-bar, which is one of the areas of study in Transformative Generative Grammar examining the structure of phrases. This research is qualitative since it emphasizes the i...
This research is a typology study of the Toba Batak languages and Mandailing languages. Both languages are cognate languages with similar language structure and typology. Until now, these two languages are still actively used in the North Sumatra region. This study specifically compares the causative construction in the Toba Batak language and the...
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perbandingan subjek bahasa Korea dan bahasa Indonesia berupa letak posisi subjek pada pola kalimat, kategori, dan peranan subjek. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode penetilian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif komparatif. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa teknik simak dan...
This research is to obtain male and female perspectives on taboo language. This study used qualitative research with a phenomenology approach. There are fourteen subjects in this research that consist of seven males and seven females, the age of the subject is categorized into a start from early adulthood to middle adulthood. The researchers used o...
This research aims to find minor clauses in the utterances issued by Kindergarten students that convey meaning in their interactions at school. The researcher uses Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) in analyzing this kind of discourse to find minor clauses in interpersonal function. There are several minor clauses found in the process of data tr...
This aim of the study is to determine sarcastic utterances in North Country film as a teaching material of American Cuture course at the department of English Literature, Lancang Kuning University. This analysis were using pragmatic approach. In collecting data, the researcher used the documentation type, the data were then analyzed through qualita...