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Publications (98)
The present study aimed to evaluate the performance of Vrindavani crossbred cattle under field conditions of Uttar Pradesh. The study was conducted in six tehsils of the Bareilly district, involving interviews with 201 respondents and covering a total of 554 animals. Data were collected through a semi-structured interview schedule. A one-way ANOVA...
The present study was conducted to observe the effect of OLR on germination potential of biogas spent slurry produced from anaerobic
digestion of pig manure. The organic loading (Kg) was 7.5, 10, 15 and 30 and daily feeding of digester with organic substrate (kg) with 0.37, 0.50,
0.75 and 1.50 for L1, L2, L3 and L4, respectively. Pig dung was rich...
Oral ulcers induce acute weight loss due to anorexia in foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) infected cattle. We hypothesized that providing a palatable form of a therapeutic diet (TD) in different physical forms would increase the feed intake, digestibility and restoration of body weight. A TD was formulated with 19% CP and 2.9 Mcal ME/kg on dry ma...
The increasing demand for energy and the gradual depletion of fossil fuels necessitate an urgent expansion of renewable green energy sources. Utilization of poultry waste for the production of green energy can address the problem of handling waste as well as fulfilling the demands of producing green energy. With this consideration, the present stud...
There is scanty information about the microbial composition of poultry manure processed through several bioprocessing interventions such as anaerobic digestion (AD) and vermicomposting. Here, we investigated the changes in microbial
population and parasitic load of poultry manure (both litter and excreta separately) undergoing AD and vermicompostin...
Engineering Applications in Livestock Production covers the recent advancements and technological developments in the field of livestock production engineering in great detail. The major advances covered in this book include the use of artificial intelligence, image processing, Internet of Things, novel animal product processing technologies, farm...
Water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) is the mainstay of milk production in Asian countries including India. However, the hot climate of the country remains the biggest bottleneck to exploit the potential of this species. Therefore, a study was conducted to assess the effect of heat ameliorative measures on microclimate, thermal comfort, and behavior of...
The existing dairy farm housing, milking, feeding and calf management practices in Tarai region of Uttarakhand along with performance traits were studied. Total 30 households with 596 livestock were considered for this work. Agriculture was the mainstay in the locale with animal husbandry as subsidiary occupation. Dairy animals mainly comprised 76%...
The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of calving floor pen enrichment with rubber mattress on the preparturient calving behaviour of Vrindavani cow. A total 28 preparturient Vrindavani cow were taken and divided into two groups. One group was placed on the floor enriched with rubber mattress while the other group was on bare concrete floor...
Background: The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of floor enrichment with rubber mattress of calving pen on prepartum
calving behaviour of Tharparkar cow during the winter season.
Methods: A total 28 Tharparkar cows were taken in study during winter season (November to March) and divided into two groups
each contain 14 animals. One group...
The study aimed to evaluate the economics involved in the formulation of a therapeutic diet for Foot and Mouth Disease and its impact on the convalescence period. A total of 22 Holstein Friesian crossbred male calves (10-12 months) were considered in which 4 calves were of Control (CON) and 18 calves of treatment groups. The treatment group animals...
Manual milk harvesting in a farm is labor-intensive and is one of the major reasons for the long working hours which takes about 25–35% of the annual labor demand. Milking activities add substantially to the costs of the farm enterprise. Over time, dairy industries have incorporated new technologies with a motto of enhancing efficacy resulting in t...
Liveweight (LW) of pigs is a key feature to monitor daily gain, nutritional status, and health performances and to forecast and control their marketable weight. The direct method of measurement is the most prevalent system which involves weighing of the pigs on a scale which can be a strenuous process for both the animal and the
stockman. The non-c...
The present investigation evaluated the effect of microclimate modification on feed intake, growth performance and hemato-biochemical profile of Murrah buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) heifers during summer. Twenty-four buffalo heifers, between 15-20 months of age with an average body weight 363.75 ± 11.27 kg, were randomly assigned to 4 groups based on t...
The study was conducted to compare the milking behaviour and temperament of Murrah buffaloes due to
suckling and weaning at different ages. Initially, 42 recently calved buffaloes were selected and assigned alternately
in to 3 groups as suckling (Gr 1), weaning at birth (Gr 2) and weaning on 45th day (Gr 3). The different behavioural
parameters of...
Sixty crossbred cows from three different genetic groups (1/2 Holstein Friesian (F) × 1/2 Hariana (H), 1/2F x1/4 Brown Swiss × 1/4 H), (1/2Fx1/4 Jersey × 1/4 H) were randomly selected to study body condition score after calving and its association with performance traits. The correlations between body condition score and body weight at different st...
The present experiment was conducted at Swine Production Farm, IVRI, Izatnagar, Bareilly (Uttar Pradesh) during month of December and March for the cultivation of Indigenous Microorganisms (IMOs) and its application in the composting of piggery excreta as a model for inoculated deep litter system of pig sty respectively in India. The IMOs were cult...
Present investigation was carried out to study the morphometry in relation to body weight, sex and
season in Vrindavani calves. All Vrindavani calves (Age 0 to 3 month) born between August 2019 to
January 2020 were selected (N=87). Body morphometry comprising of Height at Withers (HAW),
Height at Hip bone (HAHB), Height at Pin bone (HAPB), Rump...
Body weight of an animal is represented by a continuous function of time (longitudinal trait) and can be characterized by a trajectory with number of measurements. The present study was carried out to determine heritability estimates of body weight in crossbred pigs (75% Landrace + 25% Bareilly local) using random regression model with Legendre pol...
For analysis of genetic variation within Ghurrah, the local pigs of Rohilkhand region was explored using 16 FAOISAGmicrosatellite markers with 40 genetically unrelated pigs from the native breeding tract. Genomic DNA was isolated and amplified with microsatellite primers labeled with fluorescent dyes and genotyped using genetic analyser. The estima...
Present investigation was carried out to study the behaviour in relation to sickness in vrindavani calves. All Vrindavani calves (Age 0 to 3
month) born between January to August 2018 was selected. During this period approximate 80 calves were born. All calves were examined daily for clinical sign of umbilical infections. In our study we observed...
Soliga tribe is one of the most backward tribe among all other tribes in Karnataka and still they are not in mainstream of the society. Majority of the Soligas are rearing livestock species and cattle and goats are predominant ones. This contributes seasonal income. It can be concluded that Soligas in the buffer zone had better access to treatment...
Soliga tribe is one of the most backward tribe among all other tribes in Karnataka and still they are not in mainstream of the society. Majority of the Soligas are rearing livestock species and cattle and goats are predominant ones. This contributes seasonal income. It can be concluded that Soligas in the buffer zone had better access to treatment...
A total of 24 crossbred (Vrindavani) calves were selected and allocated to four groups (6 per group) as control (C), treatment 1 (T1), treatment 2 (T2) and treatment 3 (T3). During the experimental period, the calves in C were fed only whole milk, whereas the calves in T1, T2 and T3 groups were fed skim milk at the rate of 25, 50 and 75% of total l...
The present study was conducted to find out the effect of false ceiling materials on microclimatic variables of crossbred (Vrindavani) cattle shed during rainy season. Twenty four crossbred cattle were randomly distributed equally into three groups (8 in each) on the basis of their average milk yield, parity and body weight. Control group (T 0) ani...
The present study was conducted on crossbred (Vrindavani) cattle calves to evaluate the effect of modified housing using different roofing materials on growth and physiological performance of calves during the rainy season. A total of twenty four calves (9-11 months old) were randomly selected and allocated in 4 groups viz. control (C): corrugated...
The present study was conducted to compare the effect of weaning at different ages on growth measurement traits and serum biochemical parameters in Murrah buffalo calves from birth to 90 days of age. Out of 42 buffalo calves, 35 were randomly assigned in to 3 groups, viz. control (C): suckling (14); treatment T1 (T1): weaning of calves at birth (11...
An attempt was made to develop auto-flush machine for cleaning of toilet area/elimination area. To study the auto-flush system, a total of 10 weaners were divided into two groups (having 5 each), viz. G1 (weaners kept in a modified intensive pen with auto flush system) and G2 (weaners in intensive pen without auto-flush). The defecation pattern/tre...
Morphometric attributes helps in the characterization of many species of animals besides other characterization strategies viz. phenotypic attributes and molecular techniques like micro-satellite based genetic diversity. The present investigation was undertaken in six tehsils of Bareilly district in Uttar Pradesh to evaluate the morphometric attrib...
Managemental practices in the present context are the tools for increasing production and productivity in piggery sector like other livestock enterprises. The present study was undertaken to document the managemental practices of Desi pigs in Bareilly District of Uttar Pradesh in India. Data on management practices of the Desi pigs was collected fr...
The present study was conducted on crossbred (Vrindavani) cattle calves to evaluate the effect of modified housing using different roofing materials on growth and physiological performance of calves during the summer. Calves (24; 6-8 months old) were randomly selected and allocated in 4 groups, viz. control (C): corrugated cemented sheet (CCS) as r...
The present study was conducted to compare the success rate of training, sexual behaviour, effect of sow's urine and stress level during training on portable with specific human intervention and fixed dummies for semen collection. A total of 22 crossbred (Landrace × Desi) boars of same age (180±5 days) were selected randomly and divided into two gr...
The present study was undertaken to study the impact of milk feeding frequency on performance, health and behaviour of crossbred cattle calves. A total of 12 crossbred (Vrindavani) calves were allocated equally in to two groups, viz. control (G-I) and experimental group (G-II). During the experimental period (from16th to 70th day of birth), the cal...
An imbalance between metabolic heat production inside the animal body and its dissipation to the surroundings results to heat stress (HS) under high air temperature and humid climates. Heat stress has several serious and economically deleterious effects on cattle. The most important effects of heat stress in dairy cows are increased body temperatur...
The objective of this study was to examine the effect of litter size on pre-pubertal body weight and testicular volume in crossbred (Landrace × Desi) boars. The body weights of the piglets in small litter were significantly higher than large litter, at all age except weaning. At 22 weeks of age, boar reared in small litter was 10 kg heavier than la...
The present study was carried out to investigate the reasons of lower birth weight in crossbred (50-75% Exotic and 25-50% Hariana) calves. The data on birth weight of 2,102 crossbred calves, progeny of 22 sires over a period of 11 years from 2005 to 2015 were analyzed under investigation using Least Squares analysis. Heritability of birth weight wa...
The data on various diseases and health disorders in buffaloes maintained at cattle and buffalo farm of IVRI, Izatnagar during April 2003 to March 2015 were analyzed to determine the prevalence of diseases, seasonal pattern and distribution of diseases. The prevalence of digestive disorders was higher in younger age group. Prevalence of disease in...
The present study was conducted to see the impact of weaning ages on post-partum reproductive performance and stress level in buffaloes. Murrah buffaloes (42) were equally and randomly divided into three groups viz. group 1, suckling (control); group 2, Weaning of calves at birth and group 3, Weaning of calves at 45th day. Reproductive parameters w...
Present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of floor surface on lameness score and walking speed of crossbred cows under loose housing system. Crossbred cows (24) were selected and randomly assigned into one of the four groups (6 in each group) having different combination of flooring surface viz. T0-Concrete floor (in covered feeding area)...
Present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of floor surface on lameness score and walking speed of
crossbred cows under loose housing system. Crossbred cows (24) were selected and randomly assigned into one of the four groups (6 in each group) having different combination of flooring surface viz. T0-Concrete floor (in covered feeding area)...
Present study was conducted in Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh to assess the productive and reproductive performances of Local pigs. Various traits of Local pigs were recorded using a relevant proforma. The mean age at puberty in male and female Local pigs was found to be 6.36±0.11 months and 7.27±0.11 months, respectively while, age at sexual m...
The assessment of productive and reproductive performances of pig breeds have been done in different countries of the world. However, the same study for indigenous or so called desi pigs in different parts of India is limited. It is now believed that the study of some productive and reproductive traits is most essential to evaluate the potentiality...
The present investigation was undertaken in six tehsils of Bareilly district in Uttar Pradesh to evaluate the phenotypic attributes of Desi pigs for the first time ever. A total of 632 Desi pigs were selected for the study. Field level investigation on phenotypic of native pigs was done using a relevant proforma. Phenotypic traits were analysed wit...
The present investigation was undertaken in six tehsils of Bareilly district in Uttar Pradesh to evaluate the phenotypic attributes of Desi pigs for the first time ever. A total of 632 Desi pigs were selected for the study. Field level investigation on phenotypic of native pigs was done using a relevant proforma. Phenotypic traits were analysed wit...
The present investigation was taken to study the temperament score and its relation with various production and reproduction parameters in Vrindavani cows. Docile temperament was observed in 74.10% of the cows and restless temperament in 25.90%. The mean temperament scores were 1.92±0.03 and 2.27±0.04 for docile and restless animals, respectively....
Aim: The present study designed to evaluate the effect of different feeding systems on the behavior of local Rohilkhandi kids.
Materials and Methods: A total of 21 growing goats (local goat of Rohilkhand region), weighing around 7-11 kg and aging 4-5 months, were used. These animals were kept in three groups. Group I was fed un-chopped green fodder...
Present investigation studied the effect of heat ameliorating measures on micro-climate of sheds of Murrah buffalo heifers during hot dry summer. Buffalo heifers (24) were categorised in 4 groups (6 in each), viz. control (T0), cooling jacket (T1), cooling jacket+forced ventilation (T2) and sprinklers+forced ventilation (T3). Daily minimum and maxi...
Present study assessed the effect of floor space allowances on carcass traits of crossbred (Landrace × Desi) barrows in Indian conditions. Crossbred barrows (36) were reared with 3 different floor space allowances (12 each) having group size of 4 pigs/pen. One group (TIS) was provided floor space as per Indian Standards (0.9, 1.35 and 1.8 m2/pig fo...
Four batches of fresh sugarcane press mud (SPM), an agricultural waste were collected from the sugar mill near Bareilly city to analyse the chemical composition for exploring this unconventional feed as a suitable alternative feed in the livestock ration. A representative sample from each batch was taken and run in triplicate for the chemical compo...
To study the pattern of mortality as affected by age, season and various diseases in local goats of Rohilkhand region maintained at the Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Bareilly.
Materials and methods:
Post-mortem records of 12 years (2000-01 to 2011-12) were used, and total 243 mortality data were collected and analyzed. The causes of...
This study assessed the relationships between age, body conformation traits, testicular measurements and ejaculate volume of semen in local goat of Rohilkhand region maintained at Indian Veterinary Research Institute. A total of 33 bucks were categorized in to four groups viz. group 1: experienced (2 years), group 2: non experienced adolescence (1-...
Present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of concrete or rubber surface, in combination with open yard with either brick paving or sand bed on milk production and composition in crossbred dairy cows under loose housing system. Total 20 crossbred cows, were assigned to four treatment groups (5 per group) viz. Control group (T0): Concrete fl...
The present investigation was conducted to study the effect of heat ameliorating measures on micro-climatic variables in the loose houses during hot-humid season. In the study different heat ameliorative measures viz. control (T0), cooling jacket (T1), cooling jacket + forced ventilation (T2) and sprinkler + forced ventilation (T3) were utilized to...
The experiment was conducted to record normative sexual behaviour, libido test along with
physico- morphological characteristics of semen in bucks of local goats maintained at sheep and goat
unit, Indian Veterinary Research Institute Izatnagar Bareilly. Available bucks were categorized in to
Group I: Experienced (2yrs), Group II: Non experienced Ad...
Twenty female kids of local goats (6.42±0.28 kg, 3-month-old) were divided into two equal groups. Kids in experimental group received Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCDC-49 (5.6×109 cells/head/day) whereas the control was unsupplemented. This study lasted for 120 days. Rumen liquor was collected for three consecutive days after two months and at the end...
A flock of local goats of Rohilkhand region is being maintained at Institute farm to study their performance. Exact amount of milk production and milk composition by different milking methods were recorded. The local goat of Rohilkhand region produced 57.91±3.51 litre milk in 90 days with daily average of 0.657±0.02 litre. The milk fat, SNF, protei...
Genetic basis of stripe rust resistance was investigated in two exotic winter wheat cultivars namely, Spaldings prolific and China84-40022. Inheritance was studied with the most virulent stripe rust race 46S1119 (avirulent on Yr1, 5, 10, 15, 27, SP, Su, CV and virulent on Yr2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 22, 23, 25). The stripe rust resistance of Spaldings p...
The study was carried out to study the effect of indigenous galactogogue on the body weight gains of sow's body weight and piglets during lactation and to work out on relative economics. Landrace × Desi sows (8) along with their piglets were randomly divided into 2 groups i.e. T1 and T2 (control and treated with galactogogue). Each sow of T1 and T...
A study on the occurrence of reproductive disorders, abortion and mastitis in Vridavani cows was undertaken. The average incidence of abortion was 4.1%. The highest prevalence of abortion was during rainy season and least prevalence of abortion was in winter season. The average incidence of calving disorder (dystocia and stillbirth) was 2.1%. There...
A study was conducted from June to September 2004 to evaluate the effect of sprinkling and fan on the biochemical and hormonal responses of buffalo heifers. Eighteen Murrah buffalo heifers between 15 and 30 months of age were divided into three equal groups on the basis of body weight viz. T-1 - Control without fan and sprinkling, T-2 - provided wi...
The prevalence of digestive and respiratory disorders in crossbred cattle strain Vrindavani was studied. The study revealed that the prevalence of digestive disorders was high in younger age groups and the prevalence was decreasing with the age. In young age groups, the prevalence was more during rainy season, while in advanced age groups the diges...
Vrindavani cattle are recently developed synthetic crossbred cattle strain of India. It has the exotic inheritance of Holstein-Friesian, Brown Swiss, Jersey and indigenous inheritance of Hariana cattle. The present study was undertaken to characterize the Vrindavani cattle maintained at cattle and buffalo farm, Indian Veterinary Research Institute,...