Muhammet Recep OkurAnadolu University · Faculty of Education
Muhammet Recep Okur
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M. Recep OKUR has been working at Anadolu University since 2002. He received his bachelor's degree in Computer Education and Instructional Technologies Department and his master's degree in Informatics in Computer Engineering Department. He received his doctorate degree in Distance Education Department. He works as a Professor in Computer and Instructional Technologies Department. His fields of study are open and distance learning, online learning, e-government, digital transformation.
Skills and Expertise
Publications (48)
While the significance of motivation in the adoption of mobile learning has been well-documented in numerous studies, empirical evidence regarding the roles of cognitive, social, and affective needs remains limited. This presents a notable gap in the field of education concerning the influence of motivational factors on mobile learning acceptance....
This study aims to investigate the integration of massive open online courses (MOOCs) as performance tasks at the K12 level in EFL classes during COVID-19. A pre/post survey including open-ended questions was developed for pilot testing, 110 K-12 students in Turkey in the 2020-2021 school year during the spread of Covid-19 completed these surveys....
This study aimed to investigate distance education practices in higher education during the pandemic, focusing on lived experiences, and proposing a policy decision framework for future distance education in similar conditions. Additionally, the study aimed to establish a design framework for an Emergency Action Plan for similar crisis periods. In...
Although Anadolu University is a dual mode higher education institution, it has been acting as an open university since 1982 and offering quality undergraduate education to millions in Turkiye. In 2023-2024 Fall semester, over a million students registered to its traditional distance education programs. Over four decades many changes and advances h...
Çalışmanın amacı Pandemi Dönemi (PD) acil uzaktan öğretim sürecinde yönetici deneyimlerinin incelenmesidir. Karma araştırma desenlerinden açımlayıcı sıralı desen kullanılarak yapılan bu araştırmanın nicel kısmında tarama yönteminden, nitel kısmında durum çalışmasından faydalanılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında yükseköğretimde yöneticilerin deneyimlerinin...
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in the use of blended learning globally, but there is a lack of understanding of the various types of blended learning models. This literature review study focuses on the blended learning models and the rotation blended learning model. The study gathered data through document analysis and used content an...
Özet: Bu çalışmanın amacı Kitlesel Açık Çevrimiçi Ders (Kaçd) Platformlarında yer alan kişisel gelişim kategorisindeki ruh sağlığını desteklemeye yönelik derslerin SWOT analizi ile incelenmesidir. Özellikle Covid-19 pandemi süreciyle birlikte ruh sağlığı problemlerinden artış yaşandığı görülmektedir. Bu kapsamda çevrimiçi yaklaşımların açık, erişil...
Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is an umbrella term for machine learning, deep learning, algorithms, neural networks, and expert systems, is thought to spark a fourth revolution in education. Artificial Intelligence applica...
Empirical evidence on the e-learning adoption in the field of special education is quite limited. Path modelling in particular draws attention as an important methodological gap. Therefore, a model that can provide a theoretical basis for practice in special education has the potential to make significant contributions. Accordingly, this study aime...
It has been observed that Covid-19, which affects millions of students around the world, has adverse effects on education. For this reason, this research aims to examine the learning losses at the K12 level of emergency distance education applied during the Covid-19 pandemic and to seek solutions for the learning losses experienced. Thus research,...
This study, aimed to determine how teachers’ technostress levels changed during the COVID-19 outbreak. Within the scope of the study, data were collected from a total of 599 teachers, including 295 teachers before the COVID-19 outbreak and 304 teachers after the beginning of the outbreak. The Teachers’ Technostress Levels Defining Scale developed b...
Information on the emotional outcomes of e-learning system use and emotional aspects of user experience in higher education is quite limited. Accordingly, the aim of the study is to identify the factors that influence university students’ intention to continue using e-learning systems and to examine the emotional outcomes of the continuance intenti...
The number of studies providing empirical evidence on e‐learning in the field of special education is limited. From this point of view, the aim of this study is to examine whether the factors influencing the e‐learning adoption of university students with disability differ according to the type of disability and gender. The participants of the stud...
Gerçekleştirilen bu çalışma kapsamında, açık ve uzaktan öğrenme süreçlerinin önemli bir
bileşeni olan ölçme ve değerlendirme sürecinde dikkat edilmesi gereken unsurların neler olması gerektiğini belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda ölçme-değerlendirme ve açık ve uzaktan öğrenme alanındaki uzmanların görüşlerini elde etmek amacıyla durum çalışması...
In this study, which examines the use of e-learning systems by university students with special needs; It is aimed to determine the participants' intention to use these systems in the context of the number of disabilities, gender, and emotions towards use. Survey research, correlational research and causal comparisons, which are quantitative resear...
Within the scope of this study, it is aimed to examine the dropout status of learners enrolled in Anadolu University Open Education Faculty during the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 academic years. For this purpose, a descriptive research method was used to describe the current situation. The findings obtained within the scope of this studywere examined;...
Keywords of the third age 2.refreshment university 3. adult education 4.meaningful learning 5.lifelong learning Abstract Purpose: This research aims to determine the place of the "Refreshment University" in the systems of older age education in the world by examining the purposes, basic features, admission conditions, activities, and w...
Within the scope of this study, it was aimed to determine the factors that should be considered regarding the usability and security of online test applications used as an assessment and evaluation tool during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this context, the case study method was used to obtain the opinions of field experts. Furthermore, in this study,...
E-learning systems with its flexible structure offer learning environments independent of time and place for students with special needs. The effectiveness of these environments for students with special needs depends on the creation of designs that consider their individual needs. The aim of this research is to reveal the needs, difficulties, and...
E-learning systems with its flexible structure offer learning environments independent of time and place for students with special needs. The effectiveness of these environments for students with special needs depends on the creation of designs that consider their individual needs. The aim of this research is to reveal the needs, difficulties, and...
2020 yılının başında yaşanan ve tüm dünyadaki eğitim-öğretim-öğrenme sürecini yeni bir dönüşüme sokan pandemi dönemi, açık ve uzaktan öğrenmenin eğitimdeki yerini ve önemini netleştirmiş; bilgi iletişim teknolojileri desteğiyle etkili, verimli, öğrenenin ilgi ve güdüsünü aktif tutacak öğrenme içerikleri oluşturma ihtiyacı artmıştır. Türkiye’de uzak...
Problems and solution suggestions experienced by university students with visual impairment in the open and distance learning process. Oral Presentation.
This study aims to reveal the numerical change of the number of open education system students according to the central placement examination. Between 2015-2018, the numerical change of the Open Education Faculty students enrolled in the higher education system was examined in the context of central placement examination. In the study examining how...
There is a growing interest in open and distance learning with the advances in information and communication technologies and demand for lifelong learning. In open and distance learning, the learner is thought to be responsible for his or her own learning life. Throughout their learning life, individuals have to drop out their education or leave th...
In Turkey, the most widely used as a social networking platform Facebook is one of the medium among college students in which they interact with each other. The use and gratification approach assessed for communication researches for the first time in the early 1960s; it is an approach that advocates users are conscious participants, focusing on th...
Diversity of interactive environments has increased with use of developing technology in open education systems. In this sense social media platforms allows to coming together of learners. Distance education institutions can make important decisions by following students’ interaction in these environments. Especially students established themselv...
Diversity of interactive environments has increased with use of developing technology in open education systems. In this sense social media platforms allows to coming together of learners. Distance education institutions can make important decisions by following students’ interaction in these environments. Especially students established themselv...
Technology is one of the key concepts in distance education. In the past
30 years the use of ICT has fundamentally changed the practices of open
and distance education. In this process, the needs of the open and distance
education student has changed as well. Now they need continuously
accessible, faster, smart systems to integrate hyper, connectiv...
The final scores of the students taking Fundamentals of Information Technologies I (BIL101U) course at Anadolu University Open Education Faculty were intended to be predicted in this study. Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) model as one of the Artificial Neural Networks and Radial Basis Function (RBF) were used. The analyses were carried out by using the...
Online assessment of student learning is becoming widespread owing to the opportunities that technology offers. Many universities, especially open universities, have been using e-assessment tools in recent years. On the other hand, issues regarding security and identification of learners prevent implementing valid and reliable e-assessment practice...
Though first appeared in 1971, digital book technology has evolved especially since 2000s and it is relatively a new research area. Therefore, to better understand this phenomenon, a quantitative survey research was conducted in 2015 spring term in a state university in Turkey. The objective of the study is to explain current state of digital books...
The globe has undergone drastic changes in new millennial as a consequence of network technologies and social software. Social network sites have become very popular for people from diverse backgrounds and drown much attention by the academia because of the social features provided on networks. Within this perspective, this paper explores potential...
With the help of enhancements in communication technologies, especially within the framework of opportunities provided by the internet, learning can be done both in traditional environments and online environments. Besides numerical content, online learning content has the ability to offer multiple learning tools together. The one which steps forwa...
Faculty members’ roles changes in distance education unlike traditional education and they take new roles. According to these new roles, faculty encounters different problems in distance learning processes. Faculty need to support for overcoming these problems. This study attends to demonstrate support needs of faculty members for online learning e...
The opportunities provided by information and communication technologies with use of Internet ineducational environments after the1990s use of e-learning environments has been increasing in openand distance education. With this process educational computer games have been used in e-learningenvironments for production of course contents. Computer ga...
With the help of enhancements in communication technologies, especially within the framework of opportunities provided by the internet, learning can be done both in traditional environments and online environments. Besides numerical content, online learning content has the ability to offer multiple learning tools together. The one which steps forwa...
This paper presents some issues in online course development process. Online course development takes for a long time and it is a comprehensive process. A web developer makes a scenario from the content which is sent by the field expert or the author. The scenario process is named storyboarding. Participants were selected among experts who involved...
In parallel with the technologic developments in face to face learning environments, development of online learning is continuing rapidly. The use of online learning environments are increasing gradually and multimedia tools which are used in content are becoming more enriched. Text, audio, video and motions can be described as multimedia. In paral...
Learners and instructors are frequently overwhelmed by multiple Web 2.0 tools in Open Network Learning Environments (ONLE) resulting in negative learning experiences. Typically, learners and instructors access each individual Web 2.0 tool by visiting each tool website because they perceive each tool as an individual entity and separated from other...
In the twenty first centuries information age to obtain information and learning environment diversification leads to change learning process. Information obtained at the end of school in traditional education process meets a part of lifelong learning needs of learners. Increase at the level of individual information in different areas led to incre...