Muhammed Zeynel OzturkNiğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi
Muhammed Zeynel Ozturk
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My research is focused on Türkiye's physical geography and the geomorphology of its mountains. In particular, my research focuses on the distribution and evolution of solution dolines and glacial and periglacial landforms.
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June 2013 - present
Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University
June 2009 - October 2013
Publications (104)
CaCO3-cemented beachrocks are widely found along the northern coast of Cyprus. In this study, we aim to discuss the cementation history of beachrocks at ten particular sites within the context of Holocene sea-level changes. Cement fabrics, petrographic and geochemical characteristics, and optically-stimulated luminescence ages of buried quartz grai...
The Taurus Mountain is one of the most important karstic region of the world and dolines are characteristics landforms of this area. However, the number and distribution of doline are unknown in the study area. The aims of this study are to explain the total number of dolines, distribution of doline density, effects of slope conditions and the chan...
The Eastern Black Sea Mountains, located in the northeastern region of Anatolia and running parallel to the Black Sea coast, underwent glaciation during the Quaternary. The mountain range contains 811 cirque sites. Although the majority of the cirques are simple, 309 are complex, according to their developmental features. In Anatolia, intensive cir...
Although alpine periglacial studies in Anatolia date back to the 1950s, the distribution of periglacial areas and their general characteristics are poorly known. At present, geographic information systems and remote sensing technologies facilitate the identification of permafrost and periglacial features. In this study, alpine periglacial zones of...
The Köppen‐Geiger (K‐G) climate classification is the most commonly used climate classification method in the world, and there are many K‐G climate classification studies focusing on Türkiye using different datasets. However, the differences in the datasets used in these studies lead to substantial differences and errors in K‐G climate zone maps. T...
The data in the appendix was produced within the scope of the article named "High Resolution Köppen-Geiger Climate Zones of Türkiye". Contains detailed climate zones of Türkiye.
Ekteki veriler "High Resolution Köppen-Geiger Climate Zones of Türkiye" makalesi kapsamında üretilmiştir. Türkiye'nin detaylı iklim bölgelerini içerir.
Quantifying denudation rates under different climatic and tectonic settings is fundamental to understanding landscape evolution. Carbonate rocks may respond differently to climatic and tectonic forcings than other rock types because of their tendency to dissolve congruently. Yet, there is little information on the long-term denudation rate of carbo...
The Taurus Mountains, the most important karst terrains of Türkiye, contain many surface and subsurface karst landforms, and the morphometric features of these landforms provide important data on the geomorphological and morphotectonic development of karst areas in the Taurus Mountains. Micro and macro karst depressions are the most important surfa...
Hacıabdullah village, where rockfall events occur frequently, is an important mountainous region located within the boundaries of Niğde province, which is one of the top provinces in Türkiye in terms of rockfall events and is located in the Central Anatolia Region. Despite the frequent occurrence of many rockfall events of varying sizes, no precaut...
Öztürk, M.Z. (2023). Uludağ'ın Periglasiyal Jeomorfolojisi. (İçinde) Bursa İlinin Jeolojik Miras Değerleri, (Editör) Orhan, H. sayfa 20-31, ISBN: 978-605-71611-7-8, TMMOB
Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası, Güney Marmara Şubesi
Türkiye is located in the Mediterranean sector of the Alpine–Himalayan tectonic belt and is among the foremost seven countries in the world having an abundance of geothermal resources. The Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex (CACC) is one of the most important geothermal regions in Türkiye. This study aims to evaluate the geothermal system of CAC...
The Başkale basin located in Eastern Anatolia is an area where travertine terraces are seen as widespread due to the tectonic features of the basin. One of these is the Akçal" (or Başkale) travertines, consisting of ridge-type travertines and travertine terraces. In this study, morphometric properties of Akçal" travertine terraces are investigated...
Türkiye has very rich geomorphology and geodiversity because of its climates, topographic conditions, geological history, and rock types. In this geodiversity, fairy chimneys are one of the landforms that attract the attention of the world. Fairy chimneys, also called capped earth pillars, earth pyramids, tent rocks, hoodoos, and chimney rocks, are...
Dolinler orta enlemlerdeki karstik platoların karakteristik şekillerindedir ve Doğu Toroslar’daki yüksek karstik platolar üzerinde çok sayıda dolin yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmanın ana amacı Doğu Toroslardaki dolinlerin alansal dağılımı ve morfometrik özelliklerinin belirlenmesidir. Çalışma kapsamında 1/25.000 ölçekli 217 topoğrafya haritası kullanıla...
Dolines are the characteristic landforms in karstic landscapes, and their morphometric characteristics are commonly used for surface karst research. More than 140,000 dolines were identified using 1:25,000 scale topographic maps (TOPO-Maps) in the West and Central Taurus, Turkey’s most important karst terrain. However, the accuracy of these TOPO-Ma...
Karabıyıkoğlu, M., Öztürk, M.Z. (2022). Konya Havzası Ayrancı Alüvyon Yelpazesinin Fasiyes Ve Depolanma Mimarisi: Güney Orta Anadolu, Geç Pleyistosen-Holosen İklimsel ve Tektonik Denetimlerin Yerel ve Bölgesel Düzeyde Kurgulanması Bakımından Anlamları. 2.Toros Jeolojisi Sempozyumu, 38-41. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
Doğal şekiller, dünyamızdaki iç ve dış kuvvetlerin etkileşimi sonucunda yeryüzünde oluşan kıtalar, dağlık alanlar, ovalık alanlar gibi makro boyuttaki şekillerden; vadiler, kanyonlar, plajlar, dolinler, lapyalar, alveolar ayrışma gibi mikro boyuttaki şekillere kadar, binlerce km2’den birkaç cm2’ye kadar değişen boyutlara sahip doğal oluşumlardır. D...
Harita, üç boyutlu gerçek dünyanın tümünün ya da bir parçasının belli bir orana ya da ölçeğe göre küçültülerek kuşbakışı görünüşüyle bir düzlem üzerine aktarılmış biçimidir. Haritalar herhangi bir yerin dünya üzerindeki konumunu, doğal ve beşeri olayların dünya üzerinde dağılışını ve bu olaylar arasındaki ilişkiyi anlamamıza yardımcı olur. Günümüzd...
In this study, rockfall risks in Murtaza village, which is located within the central district of Niğde province and where active rockfall events are experienced, were evaluated using a high-resolution digital terrain model (DTM) created based on unmanned air vehicle (UAV) images, field measurement data, and three dimensional (3D) rockfall models....
Climate changes determined the repeated connections between the Black Sea, Caspian Sea and Mediterranean Sea. The landlocked anoxic Black Sea basin was exposed to several transgressions throughout Quaternary by the Mediterranean Sea through the Straits of Istanbul (Bosphorus) and by the Caspian Sea through the Manych-Kerch spillway. Sedimentologica...
This study provides methodological aspects on the equivalent dose estimation for travertine samples, namely heated calcium carbonate, using the TL multiple-aliquot additive-dose approach. Large equivalent doses (EDs), within the range 750–1300 Gy, were calculated using the plateau method based on the NTL glow curve. Moreover, a component resolved T...
Glacial lakes, especially cirque lakes, constitute the most important lakes in the alpine belt of high mountain areas in Anatolia. Although there are many studies have been performed on the glacial geomorphology and Quaternary glaciation conditions in Anatolia, the cirque lakes have not been investigated in detail. In this study, the distribution c...
Definitions of urban geological environments are usually required to provide information about an engineering basis for planners and design engineers to prepare a rational land use planning and developing urban areas. Therefore, the geological mapping investigation method can be a beneficial way of defining urban geological environments visually. I...
Toros Karst Kuşağı'nın karakteristik yerşekillerinden olan polyeler, en geniş ve görece en karmaşık karstik yüzey şekillerindendir. Polyeler Anadolu'da en fazla çalışılmış yerşekillerinden bir tanesi olmakla birlikte münferit polye çalışmaları dışında, Toros polyelerinin dağılışı ve bunlara ait temel morfometrik özellikleri hakkında bir çalışma bul...
High plateaus composed of Mesozoic and Cenozoic limestones are the characteristic
geomorphological units of the Taurus region. The gentle slopes of these plateaus are highly karstified due to tectonic and climatic effects. Dolines and paleovalleys are characteristic landforms of these high plateaus in the Central Taurus Mountains and the developmen...
The Upper Kızılırmak Basin, especially between Sivas and İmranlı, is the most important gypsum karst area in Turkey. Dolines formed on gypsum between Sivas and İmranlı are investigated in many articles. However, the spatial distribution characteristics of the doline density in the area are not fully known since none of these studies cover the whole...
Türkiye’de görülen önemli doğal afetlerden bir tanesi olan kaya düşmelerinin modellenmesinde, yüksek çözünürlüklü sayısal arazi ve yüzey modelleri önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Niğde’nin Ünlüyaka köyünde, kaya düşmesi riski arazi ölçümleri ve yüksek çözünürlüklü sayısal yüzey modeli (SYM) kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Yüksek çözünü...
Coğrafi bilgi sistemleri (CBS) , günümüz teknoloji çağının en yaygın kullanılan uygulamalarından bir tanesidir. Özellikle akıllı sistemlerin gelişmesiyle birlikte coğrafi bilgi sistemleri farkında olmasak bile günlük yaşantımızın vazgeçilmez unsurlarından bir tanesi haline gelmiş durumdadır. Araçlarımızda kullandığımız navigasyonlardan, belediyeler...
Anadolu’daki yüksek dağlık alanlar temel olarak iç ve dış kuvvetlerin etkisi altında dolaylı ve doğrudan bir şekilde fiziksel parçalanma, kütle hareketleri, akarsu ve buzul aşındırması süreçlerine bağlı olarak şekillenmektedir. Bu dağlık alanlardaki kütle hareketlerinin başında heyelanlar ile kaya düşmeleri gelmekte ve bu hareketler dağlık alanları...
Ülkemizde karstik süreçlerin etkin olduğu en önemli alan olan Toros Karst Kuşağı, Anadolu Platosu ile Akdeniz arasında yatayda ve düşeyde kesintisiz bir karst kuşağı oluşturmaktadır. Farklı litolojiler ve yapısal özellikler sunmakla birlikte, Jura-Kretase ve Miyosen kireçtaşları Toros Karst Kuşağı içerisindeki dağlarda karstik sistemlerin gelişmesi...
Rockfall is one of the most dangerous hazards in mountainous and hilly areas. In this study, rockfall characteristics of the Kazıklıali Gorge (0.25 km 2) in the lower Emli River Basin located in the SW part of the Aladağlar Mountains was investigated using unmanned air vehicle (UAV) technology and rockfall modeling. To determine rockfall properties...
Uplift history is an important factor in the structural patterns and karstification of the Taşeli Plateau. The morphological development of the study area consists of five stages according to its sedimentation, rotation, uplift, and climatic properties. (1) Shallow carbonates accumulated during the Early Miocene. (2) An emersion and drainage networ...
Polyeler, uygun yapısal koşulların bulunduğu karstik arazilerde gelişen büyük yerşekilleridir. En az bir yamacı çözünebilir kayalardan oluşan dik yamaçlarla çevrili olan polyeler, düz alüvyal tabana ve karstik drenaja sahip olan büyük kapalı karstik ovalardır. Türkiye’de bu karstik oluşumlar başlıca Toros Dağları’nda olmak üzere yaygın olarak görül...
In this study, the ecological properties of a collapse doline located in the steppe of Central Anatolia were determined via microclimate conditions, plant specimens, and high-resolution surface models. The collapse doline covers 8,708 m 2 and has a maximum length of 121 m and a maximum depth of 59 meters. Annual, maximum and minimum temperatures sh...
ABSTRACT: Digital Elevation Models (DEM) and digital surface models (DSM) data are widely used in natural disasters, and they have an important to understand flood dynamics at present. Also, these DEM and DSM data have great importance in hazard and risk management studies and they are widely used for understanding the hydrodynamic of the floods. I...
Yüksek karstik platolar Toros Dağları’nın karakteristik morfolojik birimlerindendir ve bu platoların yüzeyleri yoğun şekilde çözünme dolinleri ve relikt vadiler ile kaplıdır. Bu çalışmada, Torosların en karakteristik platosu olan Taşeli Platosu’nun flüviyokarstik gelişimi, dolinlerin ve relikt vadilerin alansal dağılış özellikleri açıklanmıştır. Ça...
Geyik Mountain is a high karstic plateau and the majority of plateau is composed of the Jurassic-Cretaceous and Permian carbonate rocks. The fact that well-developed glacial and karstic formations on the mountain, which is largely affected by the Pleistocene glaciations, are intertwined, providing favorable conditions for the development of glacial...
Jura-Kretase ve Permiyen neritik kireçtaşlarından oluşan Geyik Dağı (2877 m), karstik plato karakterinde yüksek bir kütledir. Kuvaterner buzullaşmalarından büyük oranda etkilenen kütle üzerinde çok iyi gelişmiş buzul (sirk, moren vb.) ve karstik şekillerin (dolin, uvala, polye vb.) iç içe bulunması, kütle üzerinde polijenik jeomorfolojinin gelişmes...
Bu çalışmada Erinç Yağış Etkinlik İndisine göre belirlenen Türkiye'nin iklim bölgelerinin aylık maksimum ortalama sıcaklık ve toplam yağış değerlerinin rejim özellikleri incelenmiştir. Daha önce birçok çalışmada indise ait iklim bölgelerini gösteren aylık ve yıllık haritalar oluşturulmuş olmakla birlikte, indisin hesaplanmasında kullanılan parametr...
The Cappadocia region located in the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province, has specific landforms formed as a result of physical and chemical weathering processes on Miocene-Pliocene ignimbrite and tuffs. Badlands morphology is the dominant landscape in this region. Fairy chimneys (capped earth pillars, erosion columns, chimney rocks) are typical la...
Doline and uvala (closed karstic depressions) formed as a result of dissolution of the carbonate rocks are dominant landforms on the high karstic plateaus in the Taurus Mountains. Structural fac tors have great effects on development, geometric shape, density and distribution of these land forms. Especially orientation of tectonic weaknesses such...
Karst depressions (doline, uvala or natural, enclosed depressions) are characteristic landforms of high karst pla-of depressions are investigated on the Ermenek Plateau based on 1:25,000 scaled topographic maps. About 10,000 Mehmet Furkan Şener and Muhammed Zeynel Öztürk. Relict drainage effects on distribution and morphometry of karst depressions:...
Karst morfolojisi Akdeniz Bölgesi'nin fiziki coğrafyasının önemli bir bileşenidir ve Türkiye'nin güney kesimi boyunca kesintisiz bir kuşak şeklinde uzanan Toros Dağları dünyadaki en büyük ve en önemli karstik sistemlerden bir tanesidir. Tektonik hareketler karstik alanla-rın şekillenmesinde önemli bir rol oynadığı için Toros Dağları'ndaki karstik ş...
Çalışma alanı Orta Anadolu Kristalen Karmaşığı (OAKK) içerisinde Seyfe Fay Zonu (SFZ) ve uzantısı olan Boğazlıyan Fayı üzerinde yer almaktadır. SFZ, Orta Anadolu'daki en önemli bölgesel ölçekli fay sistemlerinden birini temsil etmekte ve Neo-Tetis'in kapanması sırasında ortaya çıkan çarpışma olaylarının kayıtlarını bulundurmaktadır. SFZ, BKB-DGD do...
The Anatolian plate has shifted to west along the main fault zones such as the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) and the East Anatolian Fault (EAF) due to the movement of the Arabian plate to the northeast. Tuzgölü Fault Zone is one of the most important tectonic structures developed in Central Anatolia depending on the stresses in these main fault zones...
The origin of cylindrical and cone-shaped dissolution pipes commonly observed on coastal eolianites at tropical and Mediterranean coasts is still under debate. Such unusual
paleokarstic landforms have been first recognized on Turkey’s coasts at Doğancılı village to the west of Şile, İstanbul. Main aim of this study is explain physical properties an...
Tufa and travertine are calceraus sediments and they differs with depositional conditions controlled by a complex set of hydrochemical, microbial, vegetational, topographic, tectonic and climatic parameters. While tufa describe freshwater carbonate deposit developed under ambient temperature conditions, travertine describe warm water carbonate depo...
The erosion (weathering) rate of rock surface exposed to atmospheric conditions is one of the methods in geomorphology, in order to explain the long term evolution of the landforms. Due to climatic properties (total amount of precipitation), slope and aspect conditions, erosion rates are highly variable in different region in the world. There are m...
Solution dolines are characteristic landforms on the high plateaus of the Taurus Mountains. In this study, the effects of tectonic structures, drainage and slope conditions on the distribution and morphometric properties of dolines in the western part of the Central Taurus are explained. To delimit the dolines, 1/25000 scale topographic maps were u...
Bu çalışmada Türkiye'de kentleşmenin en az olduğu yerlerden olan Ardahan merkezde bulunan meteoroloji istasyonuna (1827 metre) ait 11 farklı parametrenin 1961-2015 dönemi aylık ve yıllık zaman serilerindeki trendler incelenmiştir. Trend analizleri Mann-Kendall yöntemi ile ele alınmış ve serilerdeki değişim miktarlarını belirlemek amacıyla 1965-1974...
Türkiye’nin en önemli karstik sistemini oluşturan ve Anadolu’nun güney
kesimi boyunca uzanan Toros Dağları üzerinde çok fazla sayıda dolin bulunmaktadır.
Bu çalışmada Torosların merkezi kesimini oluşturan Orta Toroslar üzerindeki
dolin yoğunluklarının ve dolinlerin temel morfometrik özelliklerinin alansal
dağılışı açıklanmıştır. 1/25000 ölçekli top...
Dolinler (karstik kapalı depresyonlar) karstik alanların karakteristik yüzey şekillerindendir. Dolinlerin gelişimi, morfolojisi ve dağılışı üzerinde tektonik, morfolojik ve iklimsel özelliklerin büyük etkisi vardır ve bu etkenlerden dolayı dolinler karstik alanlarının morfo-tektonik gelişimi hakkında önemli ipuçları sağlar. Dolin morfometrisi ile i...
This study was carried out in the upper course of the Yeşilırmak River, which is one of the biggest rivers reaching the Black Sea, northern Turkey. We distinguished two fluvial terraces and dated them using OSL technique. T2 is the young terrace and situated at ~11 m above the actual river (at 620 m asl). T1 is the youngest and situated at ~5-6 m a...
Climate classification is one of the most important topics of climatology. Köppen–Geiger classification is the most widely used method for climate classification compared with other methods. This method is widely used in climatology, meteorology, hydrology, bioclimatology, biogeography, agrometeology, and the study of climate change. Climate zones...
Solution dolines and relict (paleo) valleys are characteristic landforms of high karstic plateaus in the mid-latitudes and the Taurus karst region in Turkey. Relict valleys are evolved as normal valleys which formed by fluvial erosion. The surface drainage systems begin to disintegrate and start to reorganize underground due to joints and fractures...
Circular or semicircular solution dolines are diagnostic landforms of karstic regions, especially on young folded mountains in the mid-latitude zone and Taurus Mountains of Turkey. Tectonic structure, especially fracture intensity and orientation, has a strong effect on doline development, density, orientation and distribution on low-slope high kar...
Solution dolines are diagnostic landforms of karstic regions in the Taurus Mountains. These landforms have important effects on hydrology, soil, vegetation and human activities in karstic terrains. Also, dolines are providing important information about morphotectonic development and past climatic features of karstic terrains. For example, dolines...
This paper examines evaporated deposits of gypsum known as the Ulukıs¸la Evaporites located in the Ulukışla Basin, central Anatolia, Turkey. The Late Eocene compression between the Eurasian and Afro-Arabian plates formed numerous shallow epicontinental basins in SE central Anatolia. During this period, the Ulukıs¸la Basin was a shallow marine envir...
This paper discusses the implications of a lowstand carbonate eolianite and overlying transgressive sequence of coquinite at Şile on the Turkish Black Sea coast based on composition, depositional characteristics and optical age estimations. The cross-bedded eolianite is a mixed ooid quartz grainstone in composition, yielding a depositional age matc...
This study investigates the spatial distribution characteristics of karstic depressions that developed on a 2558 km2 plateau with gently sloping in neritic (reef) limestones in the western section of the Bolkar Mountains. The 30,132 karstic depressions identified are located at elevations between 1315 and 2525 m, while 31°/km2 slope and 5.6 km/km2...
• Giriş
• Oksijen izotop dönemleri
• Radyokarbon tarihlendirmesi
• Argon izotopu tarihlendirmesi
• Uranyum serileri
• Kozmojenik tarihlendirmesi
• Kısa ömürlü izotoplar kullanarak yapılan tarihlendirmeler
The plateau field (Aksıfat, İbrala, Sertavul, DümbelekPlatoları) which is composed of Miocene neritic (reef) limestone and carbonate rocks in the western part of Bolkar Mountains contain a large number of doline and uvala. According to performed mapping studies on 1/25000 scaled 34 topographic maps, 30132 doline and uvalas are detected in 2558 km2...
Dissolution doline and uvala which are characteristic landform of karstic areas are dominant landforms on high plateau in Taurus Mountains and it is estimated that number of these landforms reach to the hundreds of thousands. In this study, elevation (DE), area (DA), long axis (DL), short axis (DS), elongation ratio (Re), orientation angle (α) and...
The Quaternary is a time period that intense climatic and tectonic events occured in the Mediterranean
Sea. In this period continental areas relatively uplifted with respect to fluctuated sea-level. The most
prominent traces of the this interaction are seen along the Cyprus Island coasts because it is located on the
plate boundary between African a...
In this study, the age and origin of cross-bedded oolithic coastal eolianites cropping out at four different
sites on the Doğancılı (Şile, Istanbul) coastal belt are discussed based on sedimentological and petrographic
data obtained by field observations and laboratory analyses as well as OSL dating. The visible thickness of
the cemented paleodune...
In this study, spatial distribution characteristic of dolines and uvalas developed on plateau composed of Jurassic-Cretase neritic limestone and carbonates where found at west of Bolkar Mountains were analyzed. 30129 karstic depressions were detected in 2558 km 2 area through examining of 1/25000 scaled 34 topographic maps. Dolines and uvalas compr...