Muhammed Huseyin Mercan

Muhammed Huseyin Mercan
Marmara University · Department of Political Science and International Relations



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He recieved PhD in Political Science and International Relations from Istanbul University in 2017 and MA degree from Yıldız Technical University in the field of International Relations. His field of interest is the Middle Eastern Politics, Turkish Foreign Policy and Islamic Movements.
Additional affiliations
October 2017 - May 2020
Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University
  • Professor (Assistant)
September 2011 - June 2017
Istanbul University
Field of study
  • Political Science and International Relations


Publications (29)
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In response to global shifts, nations are recalibrating strategies across various domains to enhance their standing in international affairs. This includes reevaluating educational policies amidst a transition from Cold War dynamics to a multifaceted global order. Recognizing the significance of soft power elements, particularly in education, state...
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This paper argues that the al-Aqsa Flood operation launched by the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades –the military wing of Hamas– on the morning of October 7 has led to a psychological and epistemological rupture in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and Middle East politics as the operation marked a paradigm shift in the philosophy of the resistance. Th...
The Framework of Hydro-Hegemony (FHH) has been applied several times to transboundary water disputes. Since it defines Egypt as a hegemon and Ethiopia as a counter-hegemon, many studies have focused on the hegemonic and counter-hegemonic activities in the Nile Basin. However, this article argues that Egypt has also deployed counter-hegemonic tactic...
The Framework of Hydro-Hegemony (FHH) has been applied several times to transboundary water disputes. Since it defines Egypt as a hegemon and Ethiopia as a counter-hegemon, many studies have focused on the hegemonic and counter-hegemonic activities in the Nile Basin. However, this article argues that Egypt has also deployed counter-hegemonic tactic...
Bölgedeki rejimlerin hemen hepsiyle ortak bir vasatta buluşma amacıyla ilişkilerini derinleştiren Türkiye için ayaklanmalarla birlikte bölgede yaşanan ve yeni bir statükonun oluşmasına imkân tanıyan gelişmeler karar alıcıların beklenmedik bir durumla yüzleşmesine yol açmıştı. 11 Eylül saldırılarının ardından İslam dünyasına yönelik saldırgan tutumu...
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Oman, with its geographical location and ancient tradition, is a country that has succeeded in being a balancing factor, despite its distance from the central tensions of the Middle East and its ineffective appearance in regional politics. Especially during the 50-year reign of Sultan Qaboos that began in 1970, Oman was able to establish strategic...
This chapter analyses Turkey’s approach towards four different conflicts in various parts of Asia, each one involving Muslim populations, Jammu and Kashmir, the Uighur problem, the Rohingya Muslims, and the Muslim Moro living in Mindanao/Southern Philippines. It argues that Turkey wants to carveout a role for itself in resolving regional and intern...
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Considering that Palestinian-Israeli conflict is one of the cases in the current international system that is predominantly shaped by the religion factor, it is an important question how and to what extent both Turkey and Iran legitimize their strategies using religious discourse. Although both states rely on Islamic beliefs in their approaches tow...
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Regulations, measures and restrictions implemented by state authorities on public events and mass gatherings due to fear, anxiety, and panic caused by COVID-19 pandemic have made religious field more open to state intervention since the global pandemic started and religious practices underwent radical changes. Governments' public health measures co...
In the new nation-state–centered system established after World War I, the nature of political power and how an Islamic order could be formed under such circumstances became the main subjects of debate in Islamic thought. Thus, Islamic thought extended beyond theological- [fiqh-]centered discussions and became centered around and repositioned throu...
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The “Foreign Policy in the Turkey of the Future,” beyond providing a foreign policy vision for the future, intends to lay out a comprehensive, coherent, and practical framework of analysis for Turkish foreign policy (TFP). Firstly, report touches upon the critical junctures of basic foreign policy in the last century and evaluates Turkey’s position...
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Elinizdeki rapor; temel parametreler ve varsayımlarının verildiği Giriş ve Sonuçla birlikte beş ana bölümden oluşmaktadır. Girişin yer aldığı bu ilk bölümde, çalışmaya uygun bir zemin ve bağlam oluşturulmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışma boyunca yapılacak tartışmaların daha iyi kavranabilmesi için dış politikanın ne olduğu ve nasıl yapıldığına dair bir ta...
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The Palestine question is among the most important and longstanding conflicts in the world. A lasting solution could not be found and problems have multiplied after the foundation of the State of Israel in 1948, mainly because the sovereignty of the Palestinian people has been disregarded. Though the conflict includes complex issues such as the leg...
Müslüman Kardeşler İslami Hareketler Siyasal Kurumsallaşma Muslim Brotherhood Islamic Movements
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İslami Direniş Hareketi-Hamas, 1987 sonunda patlak veren I. İntifada'nın ilk günlerinde kurulmuş ve Filistin'de İslami siyasal bir düzen tesisini hedeflemiş bir yapıdır. Müslüman Kardeşler Teşkilatı'nın Filistin kolu olarak uzun yıllar faaliyet gösteren yapı, Filistin meselesinin derinleşmesi ve işgalin genişlemesi nedeniyle yeni bir kimliğe bürünm...
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Turkish Foreign Policy, Türk Dış Politikası, Türkiye'nin Suriye Politikası, Turkish Foreign Policy towards Syria, Syrian Crisis,
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Bu çalışma Devlet Başkanı Zeynel Abidin Bin Ali’nin ülkesini terk ettiği 14 Ocak 201’den bu yana Tunus’un demokratikleşme ve geçiş sürecine odaklanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda makale, Arap ayaklanmalarının ilk hareket noktası olan Tunus’un devrim sonrası normalleşme ve demokratikleşme sürecini, elit teorisinin kavramsal yaklaşımıyla ele almaktadır. Teori...
This study focuses on democratization process in Tunisia since January 14th, 2011, the date President Zine el Abidine Ben Ali left the country. The article examines democratization and normalization process of Tunisia as a starting point of the Arab Uprisings through the conceptual framework of elite choice theory. The theory postulates that if sof...
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Suriye Suriye Siyasal Sistemi Suriye Dış Politikası Syrian Foreign Policy
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Islamism Islamic Movements
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Suriye Suriye Siyasal Sistemi Suriye Anayasası Syria
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İnsanlık tarihinin en uğrak bölgelerinden birisi olan ve mutluluk diyarı şeklinde ifade edilen Yemen'in modern tarihi çatışma ve problemlerle doludur. Ülkenin güneyinde yer alan ayrılıkçı gruplar, dini temellerde bir bağımsız devlet veya devleti ele geçirip bu çerçevede bir iktidar kurmak isteyen İran destekli Husi Hareketi, el-Kaide'nin varlığı ve...
Conference Paper
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Abstract Turkish foreign policy acquired a new dimension after the 2002 general parliamentary elections with the new Justice and Development Party (AK Party) Government. Ensuing years Turkey adopted a new role on its region as being a role model to the developing countries and changed its foreign policy understanding on acting more proactively. In...
Suriye Siyasal Sistemi Suriye Dış Politikası Syrian Political System Syrian Foreign Policy
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Dış politikayı bütüncül bir perspektifle değerlendirmek, her zaman çeşitli zorluklara sahiptir. Bu uluslararası sistemin ve aktörlerin çok katmanlı ve karmaşık yapısından kaynaklanmaktadır. Dış politikanın bu yapısı, araştırmacıları tutarlı ve ölçülebilir analizler yapmak için bu politikalara yön veren ilkeler bütününü tespit etmeye sevk etmiştir....
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Holistic assessment of foreign policy has always been a difficult task because of the multi-layered and complex structure of the international system and its actors. This very structure of foreign policy has led researchers to identify the guiding principles of these policies to be able to make consistent and measurable analysis. The purpose of thi...
Owing to rich oil and natural gas resources, Persian Gulf and its surroundings are one of the most important and strategic centers. These resources has caused to be improved particular politics for the region. At this juncture, the question of security is the most determining factor about the politics for the Persian Gulf. Oil and Soviet threat has...


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