Muhammad SyafiqUniversitas Negeri Surabaya | unesa · Psychology
Muhammad Syafiq
PhD candidate
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Muhammad Syafiq does research in social psychology and criminology using a qualitative approach focusing on identity issues in the process of disengagement from terrorism and reintegration into society. His most recent publication is 'From a jihadist into an agent against violent extremism: a case study of self-transformation'.
Skills and Expertise
Publications (21)
This paper explores the self-transformation of a former terrorist in Indonesia who is building a role as an activist against violent extremism. This case study focuses on the former extremist’s process of self-change. The participant is a 42-year-old male who was a member of Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), and who was captured in 2014 and imprisoned. The pa...
The present study investigates the role of self-compassion in generating change amongst violent extremists through a study of terrorist prisoners in Indonesia. The aim is to provide insights into the under-explored role of self-transformation and agency in the deradicalisation process by applying Neff’s concept of self-compassion, which comprises p...
This study was aimed at examining the Muslim students’ attitude towards radicalization which reflects their approval or rejection of radicalization by involving the factor of Religious Identity as the dependent variable and Belief in Conspiracy Theory as the mediator. The sample was Muslim students in public and private universities in East Java. T...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi belas kasih diri pada narapidana terorisme. Tiga responden dipilih dan direkrut dari lembaga pemasyarakatan Kelas I Surabaya (Porong) Indonesia dengan bantuan staf penjara berdasarkan partisipasi dalam program deradikalisasi. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan wawancara semi-terstruktur dan dianalisis dengan...
This qualitative study aims to explore the personal experience of former prisoners jailed for terrorism-related offenses in Indonesia who have reported or have been reported as having deradicalised or disengaged from violent extremism. The participants were interviewed about their experiences of deradicalisation and disengagement and the perceived...
This qualitative study was aimed at exploring the experience of a former member of a terrorist organization in Indonesia who have left his terrorist group and abandoned the extremist ideology. A life history method which focuses on the process of self-change and life transition of the former member of the terrorist group was employed A participant...
Becoming a lesbian as well as a follower of a religion that opposes homosexuality creates an ambivalent and contradictory experience. This study aims to reveal the personal experiences of four homosexually oriented Christian women in Surabaya. All participants are members of Protestant Christian church congregations with different denominations. Da...
Full-face veil is a head scarf with a face cover which only leave eyes exposed that is used by Muslim women as accompanied with wearing long hijab and black dominated clothes covering body. A full-face veil has some kinds such as niqab and burqo. Women with full-face veil generally become the target of stigma. This study explores full-face veiled w...
This study was aiming at exploring students's restorative experience of visiting a mosque in campus area. A qualitative approach with phenomenological method was employed. Five students who were chosen purposively based on their visit frequencies to the campus mosque were involved in this study.Data collected using semi-structured interviews and an...
The aim of this study was to understand the experience of social interaction and adjustment among transvestites who live in Gang 'X' Surabaya. This qualitative study was a case study. The participants were five transvestites selected using purposive and snowball sampling. Data collected using semi-structured interviews and analyzed using thematic a...
Leuchaemia becomes one of the most deadly disease for children and teenagers. This study was aimed to reveal the experience of teenagers suffering leuchaemia. Five teenagers suffering leuchaemia were purposively recruited for this study. Phenomenological approach was used. Data collected using semi-structured interviews and analyzed using interpret...
This study was aimed to explain the self-concept of a prisoner who jailed for premeditated murder and factors that influence self changes. A qualitative approach with a case study method was used. One participant and three significant others were involved in this study. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews and analysed using Themati...
This study was aimed to explore how Chinese Muslims, who are individuals with multiple identities, sense their identity and how their identity influences their social interaction. This study used a qualitative approach with a life history method. Two male Chinese Muslims were recruited to be involved in this study. Data collected using semi structu...
The aim of this study was to explore stressors faced by schizophrenic patients who have on-going treatments in Surabaya and to reveal strategies they employ to cope with the stressors. This was a qualitative research with a case study method. The participants of this study were two schizophrenic patients who have diagnosed by the expert as having p...
This study was aimed to explore middle class single adult women's experience concerning their identity as a single in Surabaya. The number of single adult women in Surabaya has been increased since 2010 until recently. Phenomenological method was used in this study. Data collected using indepth semi-structured interviews and analysed using IPA (Int...
This study was aimed to explore the Papua students' adaptation experience while they are studying in Surabaya. A qualitative approach with phenomenological method was applied. Seven participants were recruited using purposive and snowball sampling. Data collected using semi-structural interviews and analysed using interpretative phenomenological an...
Abstract: In the Tajfel & Turner’s social identity theory perspective , poor people living in urban areas are more likely to experience social categorization based on socio-economic status. Rich people tend to be considered as having positive identity status; while, poor people have negative identity status. It can be assumed from Social Identity T...
Mixing but not melting " : Forming and Maintaining Religious Identity among Islamic Activists on Campus. This study aimed at revealing how religious identity is formed and maintained among Islamic student activists in higher education. The implications of the religious identity on their social relations to other students and larger society were als...
Studies on spirituality have been conducted extensively in psychology over the last decade. However, the topic has been mostly explored in mental-health setting rather than in other areas in psychology. It is not surprising, then, if the most issues explored in the studies were the impacts or functions of spirituality toward psychological well-bein...
The phenomena of suicide attacks targeting overseas people or properties in Indonesia carried out by Indonesian young Muslim seem to be elusive. Different to Palestinian and Middle Eastern contexts where acute conflicts are taking place, there were no celebrations to martyrdom in Indonesia. Majority of Indonesian Muslims not only reject suicide bom...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui deskripsi kuantitatif dari bentuk, penyebab, dan dampak dari tindak kekerasan guru terhadap siswanya dalam interaksi belajar mengajar berdasarkan perspektif siswa. Studi pendahuluan dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap Pengawas Sekolah Kota Surabaya, untuk mendapat rekomendasi mengenai lokasi penel...