Muhammad Ardiansyah Sembiring

Muhammad Ardiansyah Sembiring
University of North Sumatra | USU · Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology


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Publications (15)
Technical Report
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Kajian ini menyoroti pentingnya memahami konsep filsafat ilmu dalam pengembangan sains komputer. Filsafat ilmu menawarkan kerangka konseptual yang memungkinkan kita untuk mengeksplorasi pertanyaan-pertanyaan mendasar, seperti sifat pengetahuan dalam bidang ini, hakikat algoritma, etika dalam pengembangan teknologi, dan dampak sosial dari inovasi ko...
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Laying hens are animals that are widely bred by people in Indonesia, especially in the province of North Sumatra as a form of micro, and medium enterprises, commonly abbreviated as UMKM. In order to improve health and avoid disease in these animals, it is necessary to have the knowledge to deal with the symptoms of existing diseases. The purpose of...
Abstrack: UD. Timbul Rezeki, located on Jalan Sei Alim Hasak, Sei Dadap District, Asahan Regency, North Sumatra Province is one of the businesses engaged in the business of selling building materials such as cement, paint, nails, wood and other building materials. In carrying out selling and ordering activities, the goods are still done manually an...
The skin is an elastic wrapping that protects the body from environmental influences, the skin is the organ that is located on the outside and limits it from the human environment. Skin diseases can be caused by fungi, viruses, germs, animal parasites, bacterial infections and others. To identify skin diseases, we usually have to see a doctor, but...
Sebagian besar penduduk Indonesia menjadikan padi yang diolah menjadi nasi sebagai makanan pokoknya. Salah satu proses yang memiliki peranan penting dalam produksi padi menjadi beras adalah proses pengeringan. Pengeringan padi selama ini dilakukan dengan mengandalkan panas matahari karena dirasa cukup menghemat biaya produksi. Akan tetapi, permasal...
DBD umumnya disebabkan oleh nyamuk Aedes Aegypti. Nyamuk tersebut biasa hidup di lingkungan yang kotor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan konsep data mining menggunakan algoritma K-Means (clustering) untuk pemetaan desa yang terjangkit Demam Berdarah Dengue. Pemetaan yang dilakukan untuk mencari daerah yang banyak terjangkit penyakit DBD, d...
Perguruan tinggi merupakan lembaga pendidikan yang mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk menjadi anggota masyarakat yang memiliki kemampuan baik secara akademis maupun keterampilan. Pemilihan jurusan tertentu bukanlah menjadi suatu kegiatan yang mudah dalam prosesnya. Pengaruh dari internal dan eksternal juga mengambil peran dalam hal tersebut. Hal ini...
Data mining adalah proses dari Knowledge Discovery from Databases (KDD). KDD adalah kegiatan yang meliputi pengumpulan, pemakaian data, historis untuk menemukan keteraturan, pola atau hubungan dalam set data besar. Metode Rough Set berhubungan dengan discreet data, rough set biasanya digunakan bersamaan dengan teknik lain untuk melakukan discreetiz...
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One of the efforts to improve employee performance is through giving gifts to employees who have good loyalty and performance. Decision making to determine the best employees can be done by the company by assessing the performance that has been done by its employees within a certain period. Employee performance evaluation at Azaria Café & Resto is...
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The lamp is an artificial source of light that is produced by channelling electric current through the filament which then heats up and produces light. Eye health experts believe that the ideal brightness of a lamp depends on ambient light or ambient light. The rule must ensure that the brightness of the lights must be equivalent to the light aroun...
Kindergarten is an early childhood education that has an important role in developing the child's personality and preparing them to enter the next education level. Kindergarten is the first formal education to enter children aged 4-6 years, until entering primary education. Children at 4-6 years of age usually have problems with non normative behav...
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This research has been done to analysis the financial raport fortrading company and it is intimately related to some factors which determine the profit of company. The result of this reseach is showed about New Knowledge and perform of the rule. In discussion, by followed data mining process and using Rough Set method. Rough Set is to analyzed the...


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