Muhammad fajri Romdhoni

Muhammad fajri Romdhoni
University of Kansas | KU · Department of Architecture

Doctor of Philosophy


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MUHAMMAD FAJRI ROMDHONI is an Indonesian registered architect who graduated from Parahyangan University, got his master's degree from Bandung Institute of Technology, and a Master's of Arts in Architecture, and a Ph.D. from the University of Kansas. He has been teaching Architecture at the University of Sriwijaya and has a keen interest in applied architecture technology, digital architecture, spatial morphology, GIS, Urban Design, and heritage and cultural architecture.
Additional affiliations
August 2006 - present
Sriwijaya University
  • Lecturer


Publications (19)
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p> Palembang is a city with a long history and one of the oldest cities in Indonesia. One of the driving aspects for the formation of the city is its reputation as the area for main trade in Southern Sumatra. The trade also encouraged the development of immigrant communities which later became their inhabited colonies such as the Al-Munawar Village...
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Light Rail Transit (LRT) adalah salah satu moda transportasi massal dengan basis kereta api ringan dengan tujuan untuk mendukung pembangunan berkelanjutan yang direncanakan pemerintah daerah Sumatera Selatan. Manfaat adanya moda transportasi LRT tersebut adalah agar masalah kemacetan lalu lintas dapat berkurang dengan mengalihkan para pengguna tran...
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As one of the fastest growing countries with the largest population in the ASEAN region, cities in Indonesia are constantly evolving and changing. Although the current political establishment is planning to relocate the country’s capital to the Kalimantan island, comparative research on Indonesian cities is very limited. Indonesia is an archipelago...
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Indonesia is one of the fastest-growing countries. It has about 50% of the population in the ASEAN region. The country is currently evolving and changing. The recent highlight is the country's plan to create a new capital city-moving from the megalopolitan Jakarta in the Java island to a new remote area in East Kalimantan. However, research on Indo...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap kondisi terkini dari kota Palembang yang mencakup arah perkembangan kota, kepadatan kota dan juga alur pergerakan di kota Palembang. Sebagai kota tertua di Indonesia, kota Palembang memiliki sejarah yang sangat kuat dengan terdapat layering street network dari fase morphologi kota yang berbeda-beda. Pemaham...
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This paper aims to present Palembang's city's historical evolution into clear morphological phases of the city due to the rapid transformation of Southeast Asian cities with modernization and westernization. Palembang is essential because it represents one of the earliest and historical cities in Southeast Asia and could serve as a good case study...
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This research is to understand the current condition of Density, population, and growth concentration in the city of Palembang. As one of the oldest cities in Indonesia, Palembang has been one of the twelve fastest growing cities in Indonesia, with more than one point six million people in 2018. According to the 2018 United Nations booklet (Nations...
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This research is to understand the condition of population Density concentration in the city of Palembang. According to the 2018 United nations booklet (United Nations, 2018), Palembang's city is dimmed to be one of the fastest-growing cities in Indonesia. Palembang has an annual growth rate between 2.4% to 6%, and according to the research, the ex...
Conference Paper
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Indonesia is one of the fastest-growing countries and consists of 50% of the population in the ASEAN region. The country is currently evolving and changing, and the recent highlight is the country's plan to create a new capital city-moving from the megalopolitan Jakarta in the Java Island to a new remote area in East Kalimantan. Despite the plan to...
Conference Paper
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There is a lack of comparative studies on the street geometry, patterns and angularity of cities, especially those in developing countries such as Indonesia. The problem can be attributed to limited technical knowledge, traditional data collection challenges, and limited data samples. This research used two cities in Indonesia to study differences...
Research Proposal
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This research is to verify the earliest town layout in the South East Asian cities, and how that layout has transformed and changed over time. Most of South East Asian Cities had a great history linked to Empires that ruled regions of multiple countries in today's modern nations. It is vital to understand one of the oldest city in South East Asia w...
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ABSTRAK. Pengembangan kota Palembang terus berkembang sejak adanya kegiatan Pekan Olah Raga Nasional PON dan juga SEA Games yang dilaksanakan di kota Palembang. Saat ini Palembang terus berbenah diri dengan menyosong dilaksanakannya kegiatan olah raga Asean Games di tahun 2018 ini. Berbagai pengembangan fisik kota dari dibangunan jaringan LRT (ligh...
Conference Paper
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Abstrak. Koridor Sudirman merupakan area pusat perdagangan kota Palembang sejak sekian lama dan telah menjadi urat nadi kota dan wajah kota Palembang. Pengembagan kota Palembang yang berjalan dengan sangat pesat mengharuskan kota terus berbenah dan mempersiapkan infrasturkturnya. baru-baru ini pembangunan moda transportasi LRT / Light Rail Transit...
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Palembang, having been one of the oldest city in Indonesia has inherited buildings that define an era. One of those remains are the traces of the colonial buildings in Palembang. The buildings that were built in those era are very predominant to it’s surrounding. The old Palembang area is divided with the 16 ilir in Palembang is an economic sector...
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Abstrak Perkembangan media digital berkembang dengan sangat cepat dan kebutuhan dalam menggunakan media digital di dalam lingkup arsitektur semakin dibutuhkan. Penggunaan media digital arsitektur sangat beragam, mulai dari penggunaan AutoCad sebagai alat penggambaran berbasis vector, dan juga penggunan Sketchup sebagai alat menggambar model arsite...
Conference Paper
Palembang is the city which is divided by Musi River. Palembang is also one of the oldest city in Indonesia. Many old settlements were built in riparian area. This geographic condition of Palembang becomes background of this research. The research questions are: what is the discrepancy between Kampoong and Colonial Settlements in spatial configurat...


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