Muhammad Rijal Fadli

Muhammad Rijal Fadli
Yogyakarta State University | UNY · Department of History Education

Doctor of Education


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Muhammad Rijal Fadli as a student at a well-known Indonesian university, namely Yogyakarta State University, is currently active in the fields of historical education and Islamic studies, so it is not surprising that he writes a lot about it. I can be contacted through my social media Instagram (m_rijalfadli). Email: Google scholar: Scopus Author ID: 57222577665


Publications (38)
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p>Artikel ini membahas tentang sistem pendidikan masa Orde Lama dimana pendidikan masa ini dimulai dari Periode 1945-1950 dan Periode 1950-1966. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode History (Sejarah) dengan tahapan-tahapan: Heuristik, Kritik sumber (kritik intern dan kritik ekstern), Interpretasi dan Historiografi. Hasil kajian membahas bahwa pendidik...
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This study aims to determine the effectiveness of e-modules to foster students' historical thinking skills on material for the proclamation of independence. The research method used is a quasi-experimental design in the form of a nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design. The sample used was 51 high school grade XI students in Lampung. Da...
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In this article, we discuss the history of Islamic legal thought in Tabi'in. It was known at the time of Tabi'in that the development of Islamic law was marked by the emergence of political sects implicitly pushing for the formation of a legal stream. This is due to a number of factors including: regional expansion and the different uses of Ra'yu....
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The purpose of this study was to produce a feasible module. Islamic values-based learning module is an innovation to support educational progress. This module could be utilized as teaching materials to shape the student's religious character through independent learning to achieve the desired competency goals. The research method used was the RD (R...
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Abstrak Filsafat dan ilmu pengetahuan merupakan upaya manusia dalam memahami suatu konsep dan metode dari sebuah disiplin ilmu. Perubahan zaman dan perkembangan telah mengantar filsafat ke suatu konfigurasi dengan menunjukkan bagaimana "pohon ilmu pengetahuan" bertumbuh mekar dan bercabang secara subur dari masing-masing disiplin ilmu. Tujuan penel...
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The Merdeka (Independent) Curriculum is a crucial element for the sustainability of education in Indonesia. Teachers need to have significant readiness to ensure implementation runs optimally. However, many teachers still require clarification and help to understand and need help integrating the Merdeka Curriculum with existing conditions. The obje...
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Teachers play a crucial role in improving the quality of education, an essential aspect of national education development, which applies universally in various cultures and countries. As national education standards and needs increase, educational development becomes a necessity. This study seeks to investigate the enhancement of teacher quality di...
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This research aims to analyze the influence of self-directed learning (X1) and digital literacy (X2) on students’ critical thinking (Y) in social studies learning. This quantitative research method uses structural equation modeling (SEM) data analysis assisted by the SMARTPLS 3.0 application program. The research results explain that self-directed...
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Digital history-based project-based learning (PjBL) in history learning is a learning medium that can provide a special attraction for students who can improve historical concept skills and historical awareness. However, there are still many teachers who have not used it, so it is very important to study it. This research aims to analyze the influe...
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Higher order thinking skill (HOTS) in social studies learning are still often ignored by teachers despite the need for students to acquire these skills. The purpose of this study is to develop her HOTS assessment in a social studies classroom to help teachers improve their students' thinking skills. This kind of research is research and development...
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span lang="EN-US">The values contained in Pancasila have not been implemented in the life of the Indonesian people properly. This study aims to produce a product in the form of a model of planting Pancasila values. This research is a research and development, using a research and development model from Borg and Gall which is modified into seven dev...
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span lang="EN-US">Supervision of learning is one of the most important parts of improving the quality of education. It is necessary to develop an evaluation instrument that can assess the performance of school principals’ learning supervision, to achieve national education goals that accord the needs of the times. So, the purpose of this study is t...
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the question students have a method in social studies learning to increase student activity and learning outcomes. This research uses quantitative methods. The population consisted of seventh-grade students at junior high school in Yogyakarta, with a sample of 122. The sampling technique...
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the question students have a method in social studies learning to increase student activity and learning outcomes. This research uses quantitative methods. The population included seventh-grade students at junior high school in Yogyakarta, with a sample of 122. The sampling techniques clu...
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The purpose of this article is to explain the effectiveness of using Google Meet in history learning as a support for distance learning (PJJ) in the digital era. The method used is a descriptive quantitative approach with experimental design. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with a sample of 32 students and 1 teacher. The technique of...
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This study aims to analyze the relationship between historical understanding, historical thinking, towards historical consciousness in learning history. This type of research is ex post-facto with a correlational design. The population is class X high school students in Yogyakarta, with a sample of 177. The side technique uses cluster random sampli...
The scramble method can help students understand history learning material easily, but not many teachers have implemented it in history learning. The purpose of this research was to find the effect of the scramble method in history learning to increase students' interest in learning history. The quantitative method used is a quasi-experimental non-...
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p> The flipped classroom is very helpful for students to understand learning material, but it is still very minimally used, especially in history learning. This study analyzed the effect of the flipped classroom model in history learning to improve students' critical thinking. This study employed a quasi-experimental non-equivalent control group de...
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This study aims: (1) to know Lampung museum collections that can be used as a learning resource historical learning in Metro 2 State Senior High School; (2) Utilization of the Lampung museum as a learning resource historical learning in Metro 2 State Senior High School; (3) Constraints faced in the use of the Lampung museum as a learning resource h...
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The purpose of this research is (1) to describe the process of learning history that takes place in Metro 1 State Senior High School Lampung, and (2) Steps to instill the values of nationalism in history learning in students in Metro 1 State Senior High School Lampung. Descriptive qualitative method used in this study. Data analysis techniques usin...
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This article aims to examine the concept of freedom of learning from the point of view of the progressivism philosophy of education. The method used is literature study with a hermeneutic approach to explaining the reality that occurs with elements of interpretation and description. The concept of freedom of learning education is under the modern p...
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span>This study aimed to analyze the relationship between understanding Indonesian history, multiculturalism, and historical awareness with the nationalist attitudes of state high school students in Yogyakarta. This type of research was correlational research with a quantitative approach. The sample consisted of 126 students. Data collection used t...
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There are still many digital literacy gaps among pesantren in Indonesia due to maintaining the pesantren culture itself. Pesantren must be able to adapt to the times in the digital era, so they can compete with other educational institutions by utilizing digital literacy. The purpose of this article is to analyze pesantren digital literacy skills a...
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of sociocultural (social-cultural)-based character education with the aim of providing empowerment in the world of education for the formation of national character based on socio-cultural values, at the high school education level. This sociocultural-based character education has been adap...
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Tujuan artikel ini untuk memahami desain metode penelitian kualitatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka (library research), pengumpulan data dengan cara mencari sumber dan merkontruksi dari berbagai sumber seperti buku, jurnal, dan riset-riset yang sudah ada. Hasilnya bahwa penelitian kualitatif dilakukan dengan desain penelitian yang tem...
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span>The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of the sorogan method in history learning to improve students' historical understanding and historical awareness. The research method used a quasi-experimental nonequivalent control group design, and the sampling technique used a cluster sampling with a sample size of 96 students. Collecti...
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p> This article aims to review the struggle of Islamic political parties during the guided democracy era. The research method used is historical with a literature study approach. The results of the study explain that in Indonesia's history, records regarding the democratic order that brought President Soekarno to the top of his highest government,...
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The history learning module integrated character values is an innovation in history learning in schools to support educational progress. This module serves as teaching material for the process of character formation of students obtained through independent learning to achieve the desired competency goals. This research uses the development (RD) of...
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This article reviews the thoughts of KH. Hasyim Ash'ari concerning Islam and nationality. The method in this research is the library research method with a descriptive analysis study. The analytical study uses content analysis and descriptive analysis related to Islamic thought and nationality KH. Hasyim Ash'ari. The results showed that the problem...
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Tujuan dalam artikel ini adalah mendeskripsikan peran modal sosial dalam pendidikan sekolah. Peran modal sosial pada dasarnya masih belum dinilai sebagai aspek penting dalam proses perbaikan kualitas sekolah. Ada kecenderungan bahwa sekolah masih belum menyadari dan belum menganggap penting bahwa modal sosial sangat strategis untuk dikembangkan dal...
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This article discusses the system of government during the Japanese occupation in Indonesia. The research method uses historical methods with four stages, namely heuristics, source criticism, interpretation and historiography. The result is that during the three and a half years of Japanese rule it was an important period for Indonesian history. Af...
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Artikel bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kausalitas peristiwa-peristiwa pasca kemerdekaan dalam proses pembentukan negara RIS (Republik Indonesia Serikat). Berawal dari peristiwa proklamasi kemerdekaan pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945 merupakan titik awal perjuangan untuk menjadi negara yang seutuhnya. Kedatangan Belanda pada tanggal 16 September 19...
Indonesia beriklim tropis memiliki pola hujan tak menentu. Hujan adalah hasil dari sebuah proses endapan di udara yang berbentuk cairan. Terbentuknya hujan terjadi saat titik-titik air jatuh di bumi secara bersamaan. Intensitas curah hujan adalah faktor yang dapat memberi pengaruh terhadap kondisi lingkungan wilayah tersebut. Intensitas curah hujan...
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The efforts in maintaining independence has raised lots of character and hero from different regions and classes. From among the Muslims and religious organizations, appears the name of K.H Hasyim Asy'ari as one of the great scholars who have a role in the struggle for independence through the base boarding school and organization Nahdlatul Ulama....


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