Muhammad Imam NugrahaLambung Mangkurat University | UNLAM · Faculty of Agriculture
Muhammad Imam Nugraha
Master of Science
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September 2014 - February 2017
September 2008 - March 2013
Publications (19)
p class="abstrakInggris">Capillary water in peatlands has a very important role in supplying water to the root zone of plants. The current water content in the root zone depends mainly on groundwater levels in some areas with shallow water levels. The study aimed to measure the capillary water dynamics in peat soils at various soil densities and gr...
Capillary water in the peat has a very important role in supplying water to the root zone of plants. The purpose of this study is to see the relationship with the ground water level of CO 2 emissions from peat soils. This research was conducted in the greenhouse on Indonesian Swamp Land Agricultural Research Institute (ISARI) Banjarbaru, South Kali...
This study examines the dynamics of essential macro-nutrients for rice cultivation in acid sulfate soils ameliorated with composted oyster mushroom baglog waste. A single factor randomized block design (RBD) was used, and the factors studied include the compost dose of oyster mushroom baglog waste, which consists of 5 treatment levels, namely 0 t h...
Routine assistance to several Islamic boarding schools, including the Nurul Muhibbin Halong Islamic Boarding School, is the Adaro Santri Sejahtera (PASS) Program. This program focuses on skill development so that besides having religious knowledge, students are also expected to know about entrepreneurship. This mentoring activity is a form of Commu...
Kelompok Wanita Tani Multi Lestari merupakan sekolompok ibu-ibu di Desa Lianganggang yang aktif bergerak dibidang pertanian khususnya memanfaatkan lahan pekarangan untuk melakukan budidaya tanaman hortikultura. KWT Multi Lestari sangat aktif melakukan budidaya bahkan kerap mendapatkan bantuan dari dinas terkait berupa bibit, pupuk, obat-obatan, dan...
Plants, water, and peat soil interact to form peatland ecosystems, which are composed of these three interrelated elements. The water balance of peatlands is significantly influenced by the capillarity of the peat soil. This study attempts to ascertain the impact of depth on applying subsurface water retention technology (SWRT) membrane on capillar...
Beberapa permasalahan terjadi di Desa Bentok Darat salah satunya penurunan produksi padi akibat serangan gejala nekrosis dan lesi pada daun dan juga malai yang mengalami patah leher diduga mengalami penyakit blas yang disebabkan oleh jamur Pyricularia dengan ditemukannya miselia putih pada benih padi. Pada wawancara dengan ketua kelompok tani perma...
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of water lily activated charcoal as a biofilter in tofu wastewater treatment and to determine the effective dose of water lily activated charcoal as a biofilter in tofu wastewater treatment. The results showed that water lily activated charcoal can be used to improve the quality of tofu liquid w...
Indonesia demands appropriate land expansion for food production since the paddy fields are scaling down nevertheless the population is still increasing. Acid sulfate land has prospects for the development of agricultural areas. The land has a few obstructions in its use for paddy cultivation, including low nutrient availability, high Fe²⁺, content...
Edamame, as an essential food ingredient, has the potential to be developed with a high level of market demand every year. The ability of edamame cultivated on all types of soil has the opportunity to be introduced to the residents of Cempaka Village, Banjarbaru. The introduction of integrated pest control-based cultivation and land management usin...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui interaksi antara varietas dan konsentrasi larutan ekstrak tauge terhadap vigor dan viabilitas benih padi, serta mengetahui konsentrasi larutan tauge terbaik terhadap viabilitas benih padi. Menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan faktorial. Faktor pertama varietas padi yaitu V1=Inpari 30, V2=Balimau,...
The purpose of this study was to determine whether chinese water chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis) could be used as activated charcoal as a peat water biofilter and to determine the effect of carbonization time on the quality of activated charcoal from chinese water chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis). The experimental method used in this study was a single fa...
Sungai Rangas Village, Banjar Regency is one of the food barn areas in South Kalimantan with rice yields that are not optimal because they still use conventional farming methods. This underlies the need for the introduction of an organic farming system with the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) method as an alternative in the development of rice...
Desa Sungai Rangas Kabupaten Banjar merupakan salah satu daerah lumbung pangan di Kalimantan Selatan dengan hasil panen padi yang belum optimal karena masih menggunakan metode pertanian konvensional. Hal ini mendasari perlunya pengenalan Sistem pertanian organik dengan metode System of Rice Intensification (SRI) sebagai alternatif dalam pengembanga...
Modifying cultivation techniques potentially enhances mustard physical qualities to attain the demanded marketable value. The reputation of organic mustard propels farmers to implement modified cultivation techniques to improve harvest quality further. Planting space is one of the modifiable technical cultivations to achieve sustainable crop produc...