Muhammad Ichsan

Muhammad Ichsan
University of the Sunshine Coast | USC · School of Science, Education and Engineering

Master of Conservation Biology


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Muhammad Ichsan currently works at the USAID SEA Project and ZSL EDGE of Existence Fellowship. Ichsan was working with Wildlife Conservation Society as Sharks and Rays Officer. MantaWatch as an Intern and Sharkdiving Indonesia Morotai as a researcher.
Additional affiliations
January 2017 - September 2019
Wildlife Conservation Society
  • Sharks and Rays Officer
May 2014 - March 2015
Sharkdiving Indonesia
  • Researcher
July 2015 - July 2016
University of Queensland
Field of study
  • Conservation Biology
August 2009 - July 2013
Padjadjaran University
Field of study
  • Marine Science


Publications (64)
Technical Report
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Asia is an area of global priority for shark and ray research and faces complex conservation and research challenges. The shark and ray community in Asia is growing, but within this budding community, work may be constrained by access to funding, equipment, and communication within countries and regions. To address these challenges in other regions...
We recorded 23 Ranong guitarfish (Rhinobatos ranongensis) in Southwest Aceh, Indonesia. Measured specimens ranged between 72 and 87 cm total length. There are 20 recorded guitarfish species (Genus Rhinobatos) and so far, three of them have been recorded in Indonesia: Jimbaran shovelnose ray (Rhinobatos jimbaranensis), Indonesian shovelnose ray (Rhi...
Context Giant guitarfish (Family: Glaucostegidae) and wedgefish (Family: Rhinidae) (Critically Endangered, IUCN Red List and CITES Appendix II) are highly exploited throughout their distribution because of their highly valued fins in the international market. Both are commonly caught as bycatch or secondary valuable catch in the Java Sea, including...
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In 2013, Allen et al. discovered the Halmahera walking shark ( Hemiscyllium halmahera ) in North Maluku, Indonesia. The current known distribution of this species is within Halmahera Island and surrounding islands, such as Ternate, Tidore, Bacan, and Morotai. This study discussed the records history of the species on Morotai Island and the risk fac...
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Nebrius ferrugineus , or tawny nurse shark, is a species of carpet shark distributed across the tropical Indo-Pacific region. This species has little species-specific information on biology and fisheries. The tawny nurse shark is listed as “Vulnerable” on IUCN Redlist and is rarely seen, recorded, and studied in Indonesia. We recorded this species...
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Fisheries bycatch is the greatest threat to migratory, long‐lived marine animals. Addressing bycatch ultimately requires changing fisher behaviour, yet social and behavioural sciences are rarely applied to bycatch mitigation, with an absence of theory‐informed behaviour change interventions. Moreover, mitigating bycatch is particularly challenging...
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Aceh province, in the westernmost part of Indonesia, is one of the top contributors to the country's elasmobranch fisheries. Here, we discuss some proposed interventions and their feasibility towards thresher shark fisheries in South‐west Aceh. Fisheries managers must focus more on poverty alleviation and discover alternative livelihood options to...
Many shark species (Class Chondrichthyes) are threatened with extinction due to overfishing. Of the >1,000 described Chondrichthyan species, the pelagic thresher sharks (Alopias pelagicus) are of particular conservation priority since they are evolutionarily distinct and globally endangered. As the world’s largest shark fishing nation, with particu...
The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) strives to balance multiple objectives of ecological wellbeing, social and economic wellbeing, and good governance. The Provincial Government of West Papua with technical support from the USAID Sustainable Ecosystems Advanced Project (SEA) has developed a fisheries management plan (FMP) for the...
Halmahera walking shark (Hemiscyllium halmahera) was first discovered by Allen in 2013 and studies regarding this species are still limited. This species distribution includes Halmahera Island and surrounding islands in North Maluku, such as Ternate, Tidore, Bacan and Morotai. Records in Morotai, one of Indonesia's most well-known marine tourism si...
Tawny nurse shark (Nebrius ferrugineus) is a species of carpet shark distributed across the tropical Indo-Pacific region. Tawny nurse shark is listed as “Vulnerable” on IUCN Redlist and rarely seen, recorded and studied in Indonesia. We recorded this species during SCUBA diving activity in Morotai waters in April 2022. Scientific record of the spec...
Conference Paper
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ABSTRACT Silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) is the most common shark species caught in Indonesian waters. According to 2015 national fisheries statistics, about 60% of total shark production in Indonesia is a group of requiem sharks (family Carcharhinidae), with more than half of the catch is Carcharhinus falciformis species. This shark is caug...
In Indonesia, small-scale fisheries involve about 90% of the total number of fishers and generate significant employment for coastal communities. As defined by Indonesian law, these fisheries are exempted from catch reporting which creates a large gap in catch data for estimating stock status and fishing pressure. Indonesian small-scale fishers are...
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Fisheries bycatch is the greatest threat to migratory, long-lived marine animals. Managing bycatch can be particularly problematic in small-scale mixed-species fisheries, where perceptions of target and non-target vary widely, and all catches have economic or subsistence value. Such fisheries are ubiquitous throughout the world’s oceans, and repres...
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This survival blueprint is a compilation of information of the pelagic thresher shark (Alopias pelagic) in Aceh, Indonesia. This document is an approach for conservation strategies of the species in the long term. More on
Technical Report
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The current global utilization of sharks and rays has reached an alarming level; The high demand for shark and ray products has led to signs of overexploitation in many countries including Indonesia as the world's top shark producer with an average of more than 100,000 tonnes per year. Responding to this threat, the Convention on International Trad...
ABSTRAK Dalam beberapa dekade terakhir telah terjadi eksploitasi hiu yang berlebihan, salah satunya eksploitasi terhadap hiu jenis Hiu tikus Alopias pelagicus. Hiu A. pelagicus tersebar di wilayah perairan Indo Pasifik dengan banyak nama lokal, antara lain hiu monyet, hiu lancur (Bali), hiu tikus (Lombok), cucut pedang (Jakarta), dan tikusan (Cilac...
Technical Report
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Aceh Province is one of the areas that contribute to shark and ray production in Indonesia. Currently, shark and ray fisheries in Indonesia, including in Aceh Province, are facing considerable challenges where shark and ray populations continue to decline amid the high demand for shark products both globally and domestically. Such a condition requi...
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Ray (Batoidea) Conservation in indonesia
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Scalloped Hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini) is an endangered species which its populations have been declining globally including in Indonesia, the world’s top shark fishing country. However, there is a lack of information on the recent population structure of this species to promote proper management and its conservation status. This study aimed t...
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The Labangka tidal waters, located south of Sumbawa Regency are the habitat and potential fishing ground for lobsters. The dominant species caught by the Labangka fishermen are the Panulirus penicillatus and P. homarus. Fishing pressure is one of the greatest factor influencing the biological and stock condition of lobsters in Labangka. The aim of...
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Introduction to Marine Conservation in Indonesia from the Author's Perspective
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As a hotspot of species diversity and fishing pressure, Indonesia is a global priority for the conservation of sharks, rays and their cartilaginous relatives (herein "sharks"). The high value marine tourism industry in Indonesia can create economic incentives for protecting and sustainably managing marine ecosystems and species, including sharks. T...
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The scalloped hammerhead shark Sphyrna lewini is an endangered species which expected to population declined worldwide including in Indonesia due to overexploited. However, there is a lack of information regarding recent population structure to promote proper management and conservation status in Indonesia. This study aimed to investigate the genet...
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Indonesia memiliki perairan yang luas dan dilengkapi berbagai jenis habitat penting untuk mendukung keanekaragaman jenis hiu dan pari. Kondisi ini membuat Indonesia berperan penting dalam pengelolaan dan perlindungan kedua kelompok ikan tersebut. Total tangkapan global ikan hiu dan pari terus bertambah, namun pada saat bersamaan terjadi penurunan p...
Conference Paper
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Thresher sharks (family Alopiidae) are an evolutionarily distinct and globally endangered species group. Indonesia is the world's largest shark fishing nation, and a global priority for reducing the capture of threatened shark species. Kutaradja port is one of Indonesia's largest fishing ports, located in the capital of Aceh Province, Banda Aceh, W...
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In the Fishery law No. 31 2004 stated that the “Fishery management is all efforts, including integrated process in collecting information, analysis, planning, consultation, decision making, allocation of fisheries resources, implementation and enforcement of laws and regulation of fisheries, carried out by the government or other authority geared t...
Technical Report
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Hiu mako atau biasa disebut hiu tenggiri atau hiu makarel merupakan hiu dari ordo Lamniformes yang memiliki persebaran di perairan tropis dan sub-tropis termasuk di Indonesia dengan nama – nama lokal yang berbeda. Hiu mako seringkali tertangkap sebagai tangkapan sampingan dari perikanan pelagis di berbagai wilayah di indonesia. Hiu mako termasuk sa...
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Tonic immobility is an induce method to achieve a temporary condition of cataleptic-like, which is a sudden loss of muscle tone, as a result of various procedures such as situate the object in an “unnatural” posit ion or situation. This method has been widely applied on elasmobranch species, except for species of Hemiscyllidae. This study was inten...
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The waters of North Maluku Province are known as a hotspot for sharks in Indonesia. However, despite the richness and importance of shark population in this area, information about shark fisheries and trade remains limited. The aim of this research was to fill this knowledge gap by identifying the characteristics of shark fisheries and trade in thi...
Conference Paper
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The elevated extinction risk of elasmobranchs is proportional with the increase of fishing mortality due to overfishing. Indonesia is the biggest shark fishing country in the world, with Tanjung Luar as a fishing village specifically targeting sharks. More than 30 species of sharks and rays that have been landed in Tanjung Luar recently received in...
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calloped hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini) are top predators in the marine ecosystem. This species also began to be listed in Appendix II CITES in 2013 and received Indonesia government regulation through banning export. Kutaraja is one of fishing port Banda Aceh, and hammerhead sharks often caught as by-catch from coastal and pelagic fisheries th...
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Indonesia is the heart of the Coral Triangle–the global epicenter for marine biodiversity, and home to many endemic, threatened and protected species. There is a need for rapid, low-cost methods to better identify and tackle seafood fraud in Indonesia because Indonesia is also the world's largest shark fishing nation. Levels of domestic consumption...
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Indonesia merupakan negara dengan perikanan hiu terbesar di dunia dengan rata-rata produksi hampir 50.000 ton/tahun. Sebagian besar hiu ditangkap untuk memenuhi permintaan pasarinternasional, sehingga menjadi salah satu komoditas perikanan yang bernilai ekonomi tinggi. Setidaknya lebih dari sepuluh jenis hiu yang kini telah masuk daftar Appendik II...
Technical Report
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Indonesia merupakan negara dengan perikanan hiu terbesar di dunia dengan rata-rata produksi hampir 50.000 ton/tahun. Namun disisi lain, populasi kelompok ikan ini cenderung mengalami penurunan. Oleh karena itu, salah satu upaya untuk memelihara populasi hiu di alam adalah melalui pengaturan jumlah penangkapan atau kuota penangkapan agar pemanfaatan...
Conference Paper
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Sharks and rays are vulnerable species, which are highly exploited in Indonesian waters but lacked of detailed information on their ecology and fisheries status. This research aims to assess the level of vulnerability of sharks and rays to overfishing using the maximum intrinsic rate of population increase (rmax), derived from the Euler-Lotka equat...
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#SobatHiuPari goes2campus on the Shark-Ed event
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As a CITES implementation for sharks and rays, Indonesia have taken an action to fully protect Sawfish, Whale shark, and Manta Rays and enforce a ban export for hammerhead, oceanic whitetip and silky sharks. Indonesia also implementing their law enforcement on illegal shark and ray trade via investigation and prosecution. However, there is still ch...
Perikanan hiu dan pari sejak tahun 1970an sebagai tangkapan sampingan perikanan tuna. • Menjadi popular ketika permintaan sirip hiu meningkat pada 1980an. • Indonesia penangkap hiu terbesar hingga >100,000 ton per tahun, atau 13% produksi global. • Urutan ke 3 sebagai negara eksportir dengan nilai > 10 juta USD per tahun
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The silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) is the most common shark landed in Indonesian waters, including in the Indian Ocean. However, even though they are frequently caught, there is a lack of information on the population and abundance of silky sharks in the Indian Ocean. Cilacap and Tanjung Luar are two of Indonesia's shark fishery hotspots, b...
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The Mobulidae are zooplanktivorous elasmobranchs consisting of two recognized species of manta rays (Manta spp.) and nine recognized species of devil rays (Mobula spp): the giant devil ray Mobula mobular (Bonnaterre, 1788), the Atlantic devil ray Mobula hypostoma (Bancroft, 1831), the spinetail devil ray Mobula japanica (Mueller and Henle, 1841), t...
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Scalloped hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini) is a top predator on the ocean that has important ecological and economical values. Unfortunately, juvenile hammerhead sharks are commonly caught as an unintentional catch in Aceh Jaya waters. This study was conducted to provide information on critical habitat and fisheries characteristic of endangered sc...
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Bentfin devil ray (Mobula thurstoni) was recorded for the first time in Morotai waters on 3rd March 2017. In a conservation management context, it is important to clarify the population of Mobula thurstoni and their relations with their habitat. Thus, we examined the existence of Mobula thurstoni with the physical parameters: depth, temperature, vi...
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The waters of North Maluku Province are known as a hotspot for sharks in Indonesia. However, despite the richness and importance of shark population in this area, information about shark fisheries and trade remains limited. The aim of this research was to fill this knowledge gap by identifying the characteristics of shark fisheries and trade in thi...
A glimpse of a wonderful continent down under through the lens of a student who adores nature and wildlife. This book will take you where he went from historical landmarks in Australian cities, mesmerizing landscapes, and beautiful creatures he encounter during his time far from home.
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Lying at the heart of the Coral Triangle, and spanning more than 6 million km2 of ocean and 17,000 islands, Indonesia is a global hotspot for marine biodiversity with high levels of shark richness and endemism. It is also the world’s largest shark fishing nation, with average annual catch exceeding 100,000 tonnes per year. Shark fisheries have exis...
Conference Paper
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Morotai Island is well-known for its reef shark diving destination but we have yet to fully discern the density of the reef sharks and the correlation between the predator, carnivore and herbivore in Morotai's South Waters. In a conservation management context, it is important to clarify the population of reef sharks and their relations with their...
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Sharks and rays are increasingly recognized as a priority species group for conservation action. They play critical roles in maintaining functional and productive ecosystems, and contribute directly to human well- being through the fishing industry, tourism industry and role in coastal livelihoods and food security. Sharks are also one of the most...
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In terms of their biology, sharks in general have slow growth, live long, mature late, and have low fecundity (Coleman, 1996; Camhi et al., 1998; Stevens et al., 2000; Bonfil, 2002; Cavanagh et al., 2003). Shark fisheries in Indonesia have been operating since the 1970s, when shark was a bycatch of tuna fisheries. Become more popular when the pri...
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Despite increasing academic research citation on biology, abundance, and the behavior of the blacktip reef sharks, the influence of reef fish population on the density of reef sharks: Carcharhinus melanopterus and Triaenodon obesus population in its habitat were largely unassessed. This present study examined the correlation between abundance of re...
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Indonesia is known for its rich marine biodiversity, which include sharks. There has been high demand of shark fins in the last decades which made the population of sharks decrease. In many countries, shark diving tourism brings enormous amount of income. This study aims to put a fundamental basis for future research about sharks for the future dev...
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This research was conducted in Karang Makassar, Komodo National Park, East Nusa Tenggara, from 26 September to 18 November 2012. This research aimed to determine the temporal distribution of, and environmental influence on the sightings of manta rays in Karang Makassar waters, Komodo National Park, East Nusa Tenggara. Data were collected through ob...
Karang Makassar is known as Manta point which is located in the Komodo National Park, Indonesia. This location is one of the habitat for manta ray. This research was conducted to find out the relationship between the appereance of manta ray with lunar pattern and tidal cycle. Observation data was collected from September to October 2012. Photo ID m...
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Photo ID adalah metode untuk mengenali ciri-ciri spesifik makhluk hidup tertentu untuk identifikasi individu menggunakan citra fotografi. Metode Photo ID menggunakan seperangkat alat SCUBA dan kamera bawah air. Tahapan pada pengambilan Photo ID pada pari manta adalah dengan terlebih dahulu mengenali kondisi perairan dan waktu penyelaman, ketika ber...
This research was conducted in Karang Makassar, Komodo National Park, East Nusa Tenggara, on 26th September to 18th November 2012. This research aimed to determine the temporal distribution and environmental influence against the sightings of manta rays in Karang Makassar waters, Komodo Komodo National Park, East Nusa Tenggara. Data capture used ob...


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