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Muhammad Amin Fathih

Muhammad Amin Fathih
Al-Khoirot Islamic Boarding School, Malang

Doctor of Islamic Education Management
Islamic education researcher


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January 2019 - January 2022
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim
Field of study
  • Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
June 2015 - December 2019
Universitas Islam Raden Rahmat
Field of study
  • Pendidikan Agama Islam
September 2011 - December 2023
Pondok Pesantren Al-Khoirot Malang
Field of study
  • Turast


Publications (14)
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This article aims to analyze: 1) the concept of the visionary leadership of the head of Madin (Madrasah Diniyah) in improving the quality of students (santri) at the Al-Khoirot Islamic boarding school, 2) the process of the relationship between the head of Madin and its members in improving the quality of students at the Al-Khoirot Islamic boarding...
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ABSTRAK Lembaga pendidikan selalu dituntut untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang berkualitas. Pendidikan berkualitas akan dapat diraih melalui adanya lingkungan belajar yang kondusif. Budaya organisasi merupakan salah satu faktor yang memiliki pengaruh besar dalam mempengaruhi aspek individual maupun kelompok yang ada pada suatu lingkungan organisasi. Se...
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The role and function of leadership in an educational institution are the main factors in realizing the achievement of the vision and mission of education. However, a leader will not be able to carry out his roles and functions to the fullest, if the leader is not able to maximize his leadership management properly. The practice of leadership manag...
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The radicalism movement has become the main cause of the growth of terrorism cases in Indonesia. This movement has successfully spread to various educational institutions, one of which is pesantren (Islamic boarding schools). The entry of radicalism into pesantren is inseparable from the lack of internalization of religious moderation attitudes by...
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The Ummi method is a method that teaches the Al-Quran in a tartil manner that is in accordance with the science of tajwid. This method is a new method that was founded in 2011 even though it is relatively new. This method has been widely used in institutions throughout Indonesia. including the al-khoirot Islamic boarding school, the alkhoirot Islam...
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Pengorganisasian merupakan salah satu fungsi manajemen yang berperan penting atas terealisasinya pelaksanaan program pembelajaran yang telah direncanakan agar dapat maksimal. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengkaji manajemen program pembelajaran Markas Bahasa Arab Pondok Pesantren Al-Khoirot Malang. Metode penelitian yang dig...
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Vocabulary learning that is called mufradat in Arabic demands teacher creativity in presenting innovations that accommodate increased learning outcomes. However, the fact is that mufradat learning in Raudhatul Qur'an Elementary School is not on target, so researchers see the need for learning innovations using the Happy Route which aims to accommod...
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Islamic educational institutions are known as the oldest educational institutions in Indonesia, but in terms of quality and managerial aspects, Islamic educational institutions are still secondary. This is inseparable from the many challenges and problems of managerial inadequacy that exist in some Islamic educational institutions. This article aim...
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Islamic educational institutions are known as the oldest educational institutions in Indonesia, but in terms of quality and managerial aspects, Islamic educational institutions are still secondary. This is inseparable from the many challenges and problems of managerial inadequacy that exist in some Islamic educational institutions. Artikel aims to...
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Kajian ini bertujuan mengesplorasi pemikiran Amina Wadud yang mengusulkan bahwa para mufassir tempo dulu ada ketidak objektifan dalam menginterpretasikan ayat-ayat yang berkaitan dengan gender, hal itu dapat dilihat dari produk tafsir yang ada sebelumnya kebanyakan di interpretasikan dari sudut pandang kaum laki-laki saja. Oleh karena itu, Wadud in...
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This article aims to describe the management model and various problems that occur in LP Ma'arif NU through literature studies. The results of this literature review show that the management model in LP Ma'arif NU has similarities with the educational model in Islamic boarding schools. One of them is shown by LP Ma'arif's high priority on the under...
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Educational supervision by some teachers is considered frightening, finding faults and fulfilling administrative documents only. This cannot be separated from the lack of supervisors in properly planning and understanding the objectives and principles of supervision. Educational supervision aims to provide supervision and guidance to teachers to im...
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Leadership is a very important aspect of human life. As it is known that humans are created as social beings, meaning that in living their lives on this earth, humans cannot walk individually. Therefore, humans as creatures who need each other need to have a leader to be able to direct and align the goals to be achieved by each individual. Leadersh...
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Munculnya konsep Islamisasi sains menjadi diskusi dan perbincangan yang panjang sampai saat ini. Ketumpulan dari hasil kajian integrasi antara sains dan agama banyak menyebabkan terjadinya perdebatan di antara para akademisi dan para tokoh pemikir keagamaan yang berbeda pendapat, hal itu tidak lepas dari bagaimana cara mereka memandang kelahiran sa...


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