Müge Sarper KahveciKocaeli University · Institute of Health Sciences
Müge Sarper Kahveci
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Publications (39)
Bu araştırmanın amacı sağlık çalışanlarının egzersiz ve spor kavramlarına ilişkin algı ve düşüncelerinin metaforlar aracılığıyla belirlenmesidir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda metaforlar yoluyla sağlık çalışanlarının egzersiz ve spora dair algı ve düşüncelerini ortaya koymak için sosyo-demografik özellikleriyle ilgili soruların yanı sıra, katılımcıların sp...
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı rekreatif amaçlı e-spor yapan bireylerin, e-spora katılım motivasyonlarının incelenmesidir. Yöntem: Çalışmaya 34 (13,6%) kadın, 216 (86,4%) erkek olmak üzere toplam 250 birey gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında Öz ve Üstün (2019) tarafından geliştirilen E-Spor Katılım Motivasyonu Ölçeği (EKMÖ) ve 7 sorudan...
The communication established between the coach and the athlete in sports, especially in the training environment, plays an important role in the physical, psychological and social
development of the athlete. Coach-athlete communication, which takes place in an environment where positive communication processes are experienced and positive relatio...
Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the opinions of national and non-Taekwondo players about the concept of “pandemic” through metaphor. Method: The research was carried out according to the qualitative screening method and the data were applied online via an e-questionnaire prepared via Google forms after ethical approval was obtained durin...
Bu araştırmanın amacı, profesyonel sporcuların teknoloji bağımlılığına ilişkin metaforlarının incelenmesidir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda daha önceden belirlenmiş ölçütleri taşıyan bütün durumları gözden geçirmek olarak tanımlanan amaçlı örnekleme yöntemlerinden ölçüt örnekleme yöntemi tercih edilmiştir. Bunun için de profesyonel seviyede herhangi bir sp...
Bu çalışmanın amacı çeşitli branşlardan profesyonel sporcuların Fair Play kavramına yönelik metaforik algılarının belirlenmesidir.
Bu araştırmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden ölçüt örnekleme yöntemi tercih edilmiştir. Aktif olarak herhangi bir spor branşını yapıyor olmak araştırmaya dahil olma ölçütü olarak belirlenmiştir. Veriler araştırmacılar...
Fair Play is not only expressed as honest game, honest behavior, but also being
honorable. Ethical behavior means applying the rules with honesty and respect in all
matters. Fair Play, on the other hand, is to put the superior human spirit in life by suppressing personal interests and ambitions above all these. After the International Olympic Commi...
Any kind of behavior that causes discomfort and harm psychologically, physically or
financially that disrupts the effectiveness of teaching is undesirable student behavior. It is
stated that a lot of lessons are loaded in formal education for young people in schools. This load which is 40-minute class hour and 10 minutes of recess, and only 10 minu...
The aim of this study is to determine the opinions of individuals who do and do not do sports about “woman” through metaphor. This research was carried out in accordance with the qualitative research method. After obtaining ethical approval for the research at the beginning of 2022, surveys were prepared via Google Forms, informative announcements...
Anxiety is a mental and physical reaction that a person gives to a frightening or threatening situation. Anxiety is divided into 2 in itself. These are called "state anxiety" and "trait anxiety". State anxiety is de...
Metaphors are mental models that allow people to express a particular phenomenon through another phenomenon. The effect of a strong mental schematization in the use of metaphorical expressions is great for people to make sense of their environment. Although it is thought that it is mostly used in the literary field to express a thought, object or a...
The bridge between the coach and the athlete is usually built verbally. This communication between the coach and the athlete is commonly made in order to support the coach's athlete, motivate him and keep him active in the game, and enable him to show his performance at the highest level during the match. Even the one-word words of the coach such a...
The aim of this research is to examine the effect of anxiety levels of students studying in the last year of Kocaeli University Physical Education and Sports School Coaching Education Department. For this purpose, the Beck Anxiety Scale, which was adapted into Turkish by Ulusoy et al. (1996), was used to determine the anxiety levels of the particip...
Leisure time is the time that is excluded from the basic needs such as eating and education. In addition to many activities, there is participation in sports in free time evaluations. Football is one of the most preferred branches, especially among sports branches. Considering this information; It was also wondered how the athletes, who chose the p...
Quality of life is one of the most important universal goals that societies aim to achieve.
Basically, it is associated with Maslow's hierarchy of needs and since it is subjectively related to the individual's life satisfaction, the quantity and quality of these needs are also important.
Although the positive effects of sports in increasing the q...
Burnout syndrome, which is accepted as a type of stress that occurs in business life,
reduces the sense of pleasure and success that the individual receives from his career,friendships, family interactions under normal conditions, and causes the occurrence of exhaustion by affecting individuals both mentally and physically. In this study, it was a...
tudy Objectives: This study aimed to investigate whether the daily habits and nutritional attitudes of taekwondo athletes working in various regions of Turkey have changed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Upon approval of the ethics committee, it was attempted to reach the entire population of athletes who ac-tively joined tournaments as national and...
Study Objectives: This study aims to identify healthy lifestyles and nutritional attitudes of football referees. It intends to analyze these traits based on age, gender, marital status, economic standing, growing plants or keeping a pet at home, having a hobby, doing sports during COVID-19, the term and level of ref-ereeing. Methods: All of the 261...
E-spor, insanların bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerini kullanarak zihinsel ve fiziksel kabiliyetlerini geliştirdikleri spor faaliyetleri alanına verilen isimdir (Wagner, 2006). E-sporun son yıllarda sadece eğlence için değil bir amaç ve tatmin için de oynananan bir oyun olduğu görülmektedir (Martoncik, 2015). Tüm dünyanın son yıllarda odağına yerleşe...
Fiziksel aktivitenin insan sağlığı ve yaşamsal refahı için önemi bilinmektedir. Boş
zamanlarda yapılan fiziksel aktivitelerin, genetik ve diğer ailesel faktörlerin katılmasıyla
bile düşük ölüm riskiyle ilişkili olduğu bilinmektedir. İkizler ile yapılan çalışmalarda,
fiziksel olarak aktif olan kardeşlerin daha az aktif kardeşleriyle karşılaştırıldığ...
Amaç: Erkek ve kadın bireylere, biyolojik cinsiyetlerinden bağımsız olarak yaşadıkları toplumun inançları, değerleri ve kültürlerine göre toplumsal bir cinsiyet rolü atfedilmektedir. Toplumdaki değişimlerin gözlemlenebileceği ortamlardan biri de spordur. Gelişen teknolojilerle birlikte geleneksel sporlara ek olarak "e-spor" kavramı ortaya çıkmıştır...
Amaç Kocaeli İlinde lisanslı çalışan Taekwondo sporcularının saldırganlık ve mutluluk düzeylerini belirlemektir. Etik onay alındıktan sonra Kocaeli ilinde bulunan kulüplerde lisanslı çalışan 254 Taekwondo sporcusuna araştırma hakkında bilgi verildikten sonra gönüllü katılmak isteyenlere; Ar-gyle ve arkadaşları tarafından geliştirilen Oxford Mutlulu...
Son yıllarda dünyaca kullanımı yüksek oranda yaygınlaşan pilatesin yapan kişilerin de kendilerini dinç hissetmesi hastalıklarına iyi geldiğini idda eden yorumları sonucu araştırmacılar açısından merak konusu haline gelerek pek çok çalışma yapılmaya başlanmasına sebep olmuştur. Tüm bu bilgiler ışığında biz de kitap bölümümüzde pialtes hakkında genel...
1. GİRİŞ İlk olarak 1920'lerde, çoğunlukla yağlardan oluşan bir diyetin, yani öğünlerde yüksek yağ oranı alınırken düşük karbonhidrat alımının 'ketojenik diyet'in (KD) oruç etkilerini çoğaltabildiği ve bu yararlı etkilerin β-gibi ketonların üretimine atfedildiği bulunmuştur. Karaciğerde hidroksibutirat (BHB), asetoasetat ve aseton. KD tedavilerinin...
International success in sports has become an important element both in the daily life of societies and in the politics of the country. With the help of advancing science and technology, as the records are renewed, the athletes competing in swimming pools represent the technological, economic and educational standards of the country they represent....
International success in sports has become an important element both in the daily life of societies and in the politics of the country. With the help of advancing science and technology, as the records are renewed, the athletes competing in swimming pools represent the technological, economic and educational standards of the country they represent....
This study aims to determine what the students at KOU Sport Sciences Faculty think about e-sports via using metaphors. In accordance with this aim, 293 volunteering students were given a questionnaire which evaluates their opinions about e-sports via metaphors. According to the results, which was applied by descriptive analysis, 47,4% of the studen...
The purpose of this study is to investigate the digital addiction levels of the students studying at the Faculty of Sports of Kocaeli University in terms of variables such as their gender, age, school type, parental education level, income status, class level and success level. To this end, following the permission from the faculty administration,...
The aim of this study is to determine the awareness levels of the national level athletes and coaches regarding Female Athletic Triad and whether our athletes carry the symptoms of Female Athletic Triad. The research was conducted in the time period between May-December 2015 with the voluntary participation of 115 national level athletes competing...
In this study it was aimed to determine the knowledge levels of female athletes in badminton players and national team of Badminton on Female Athletic Triad and whether the athletes experience the symptoms of “Female Athletic Triad”. The study was carried out voluntarily with the participation of a total number of 34 athletes from Badminton players...