Moses Fayngold

Moses Fayngold
New Jersey Institute of Technology | NJIT · Department of Physics



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Additional affiliations
July 1999 - June 2009
New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • Lecturer
  • Courses on Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Optics, Special Relativity, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Classical Electrodynamics
July 1999 - May 2009
New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • Lecturer
  • Special Relativity, fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics, Particle scattering and propagation in periodic structures
September 1993 - July 1999
Polytechnic University
  • Professor (Associate)
  • Light interaction with microdroplets, Neutron scattering in crystals.


Publications (49)
Analysis of the recently proposed thought experiment with the path entangled photon pairs is extended here to spin entangled electron pairs. The detailed comparison of the two cases showed the range of distinctions and similarities in their monitoring. The general results contradict the Concurrency Rule stating that intimately linked characteristic...
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This is a response to the note criticizing my paper A New Paradox in Superluminal Signaling. The criticism is based, among other things, on arbitrarily postulated statement about invarience of direction of superluminal information transfer. The analysis presented in my response shows the absence of any grounds for such statement and confirms my ori...
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The wave particle duality, one of the bedrocks of Quantum Mechanics, is supported by overwhelming scientific evidence. Theory unveils its various aspects including complex quantum classical relationships, and numerous experiments performed up to now confirm theoretical predictions. Nevertheless, there are still lively debates on this topic. One of...
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Quantum nonlocality which is conventionally invoked for describing a composite entangled system is shown here to be a possible important characteristic of a single quantum object. To this end, we analyze some interactions of a single photon released from Fabry Perot resonator with environment. The split photon state with oppositely moving parts is...
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The lately developed part of Quantum Bayesianism named QBism has been proclaimed by its authors a powerful interpretation of Quantum Physics. This article presents analysis of some aspects of QBism. The considered examples show inconsistencies in some basic statements of the discussed interpretation. In particular, the main quantum mechanical conun...
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Known experiments with the path entangled photon pairs are considered under more general conditions widely broadening the domain of used bases. Starting from equally weighted superposition and symmetric beam-splitters in the initial setup, we insert the new elements, namely, absorptive plates, and in addition, admit arbitrary beam splitters. The fi...
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Detailed analysis of behavior of spin-entangled particle pairs under arbitrary rotations in their Hilbert space has been performed. It shows a rich range of varieties (faces) of entanglement in different bases. Analytic criteria are obtained for the respective faces of an entangled state. The corresponding conditions generally depend on both the st...
A thought experiment is considered on observation of instantaneous collapse of an extended wave packet. According to relativity of simultaneity, such a collapse being instantaneous in some reference frame must be a lasting process in other frames. But according to quantum mechanics, collapse is instantaneous in any frame. Mathematical structure of...
A thought experiment is considered on observation of instantaneous collapse of an extended wave packet. According to relativity of simultaneity, such a collapse being instantaneous in some reference frame must be a lasting process in other frames. But according to quantum mechanics, collapse is instantaneous in any frame. Mathematical structure of...
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A new paradox in superluminal signaling is presented. In contrast with the Tolman paradox with tachyon exchange between two parties, the new paradox appears already in a one-way superluminal signaling, even without creating the time loop. This produces a universal ban on any kind of superluminal signals, which is stronger than the Tolman paradox. E...
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Some known relativistic paradoxes are reconsidered for closed spaces, using a simple geometric model. For two twins in a closed space, a real paradox seems to emerge when the traveling twin is moving uniformly along a geodesic and returns to the starting point without turning back. Accordingly, the reference frames (RF) of both twins seem to be equ...
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This is an analysis of some aspects of an old but still controversial topic, superluminal quantum tunneling. Some features of quantum tunneling described in literature, such as definition of the tunneling time and a frequency range of a signal, are discussed. The argument is presented that claim of superluminal signaling allegedly observed in frust...
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The evanescent waves named as EW1, EW2, EW3 are described in 3 respective experimental setups: 1) total internal reflection; 2) scattering on an inhomogeneous planar target; and 3) propagation along a waveguide. Some interactions are considered between EW2 and the environment. The latter may include a beam of probing particles and/or the screen on...
Conference Paper
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A photon in a momentum eigenstate, incident on an inhomogeneous screen, produces the superposition of an infinite number of evanescent states (ES) near the screen’s surface. Accordingly, the two different types of ES (or evanescent waves) named as EW1 and EW2 are described in 2 respective experimental setups: 1) total internal reflection and 2) sca...
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A state of a single particle can be represented by a quantum blob in the corresponding phase space, or a patch (granule) in its 2-D subspace. Its area is frequently stated to be no less than, implying that such a granule is an indivisible quantum of the 2-D phase space. But this is generally not true, as is evident, for instance, from representatio...
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So far, none of the known and confirmed experiments have cast any doubts on foundations of special relativity (SR) (see, e.g., experiments on superluminal quantum tunneling [1-3]). The same is true regarding the impact of quantum non-locality; as we know it today, in no way does it challenge SR [4, 5]. In this brief comment we argue that even if th...
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This is an attempt to find a hidden virtue in Tolman's paradox by showing that it can give rise to quantum superposition. We consider tachyon exchange between two particles and show that it can generate superposition of eigenstates characterizing each particle, as well as the entangled state of the particle pair. The new possible aspect of quantum...
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A careful look at an allegedly well-known century-old concept reveals interesting aspects in it that have generally avoided recognition in literature. There are four different kinds of physical observables known or proclaimed as relativistic invariants under space-time rotations. Only observables in the first three categories are authentic invarian...
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We scrutinize congruence as one of the basic definitions of equality in geometry and pit it against physics of Special Relativity. We show that two non-rigid rods permanently kept congruent during their common expansion or compression may have different instantaneous proper lengths (when measured at the same time of their respective reference clock...
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Relativistic kinematics is usually considered only as a manifestation of pseudo-Euclidean (Lorentzian) geometry of space-time. However, as it is explicitly stated in General Relativity, the geometry itself depends on dynamics, specifically, on the energy-momentum tensor. We discuss a few examples, which illustrate the dynamical aspect of the length...
The Michelson experimentThe speed of light and the principle of relativity“Obvious” does not always mean “true”!Light determines simultaneityLight, times, and distancesThe Lorentz transformationsThe relativity of simultaneityA proper length and a proper timeMinkowski's worldWhat is horizontal?
Superluminal motions and causalityThe physics of imaginary quantitiesThe reversal of causalityOnce again the physics of imaginary quantitiesTachyons and tardyonsTachyon–tardyon interactionsFlickering phantomsTo be, or not to be?They are non-local!Cerenkov radiation by a tachyon and Wimmel's paradoxHow symmetry breaksParadoxes revisedLaboratory-made...
The three clocks paradoxThe dialog of two atomsThe longitudinal Doppler effectPredicaments of relativistic trainDramatic stop Braking uniformly in AAccelerating uniformly in TNon-uniform brakingThe twin paradoxCircumnavigations with atomic clocksPhoton races in a centrifuge Braking uniformly in AAccelerating uniformly in TNon-uniform braking
The addition of collinear velocitiesThe addition of arbitrarily directed velocitiesThe velocities' play
Monitoring the speed of lightAdventures of the BumpSlow lightFast light
Relativistic kinematicsRelativistic dynamics
Velocity, information, signalThe scissors effectThe whirling swordsWaltz in a magnetic fieldSpiraling rayStar war games and neutron starsSurprises of the surfThe story of a superluminal electronWhat do we see in the mirror?The starry merry-go-roundWeird dry spots, superluminal shadow, and exploding quasarsPhase and group velocitiesThe de Broglie wa...
Introduction Light and relativity Imaginary paradoxes The velocities' play Superluminal motions Slow light and fast light Tachyons and tachyon-like objects The speed of light as a fundamental constant of Nature
A theoretical model is presented for detecting very small (less than size of an atom) distortions of a dielectric microsphere at distances beyond the resolution limit of an imaging optical system. The method described involves illumination of the object with the circularly polarized light and the ellipsometry of the backscattered light. Comparing t...
The features of light interaction with a molecule resting near an interface may change dramatically when the molecule is moving. If an excited molecule approaches a conducting surface, there is a non-zero probability for the light emission to be reversed into absorption. This is caused by Doppler blue shift in the reflected light seen by the molecu...
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The imaging of a dielectric microsphere with linearly polarized backscattered light is investigated theoretically. Analytical expressions for the electric field and the imaged light intensity distribution in two dimensions are obtained for an arbitrary backscatter geometry, including both telescopic and microscopic arrangements. These distributions...
It is shown that the density of bound stationary states of a particle in any spatially periodic system restricted to one or two dimensions becomes zero at all energies above a characteristic positive maximum value εa. The quantity εa, which may be called the cutoff limit of the band spectrum, depends on the lattice geometry and the mass of the part...
Models of extremely thin single crystals formed by an atomic chain or a plane lattice are analyzed. A fundamental positively-valued upper limit (the cutoff energy Ea) is imposed on the allowed energy bands for any particles (photons included) in such lattices.The highest allowed band may lie partially in the region E>0, but not above Ea. The value...
Darwin's scattering theory is generalized to the case of the small-angle incidence of positrons on a crystal surface when the amplitude of forward scattering by the surface is relatively high (q0 is about 1), which corresponds to the case of the plane channeling of positrons. It is shown that the channeling of positrons under these conditions allow...
The coherent scattering of spin-S particles by a monatomic crystal film is considered, with rescattering taken into account. A relation between the amplitudes qjℓ of different diffraction orders and the dielectric tensor ε β α (ω) of the two-dimensional crystal is found. The relation can be used to obtain ε β α (ω) for an arbitrary frequency (inclu...
An inelastic-channel suppression mechanism not connected with Bragg diffraction is investigated using a two-dimensional model. Coherent scattering by a monoatomic crystalline film is considered, with account taken of the mutual irradiation of its sites by scattered radiation. The same problem is also considered on the basis of a modification, formu...
A new and quite simple method is proposed for consideration of multiple scattering of an incident ray by elements of a plane lattice. This method is used to obtain a general expression for the amplitude of coherent scattering of photons on an isolated monatomic layer. It is shown that at incident radiation frequencies coinciding with resonant frequ...
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An analysis has been made of a planar channeling of high energy positrons along the entrance face of a single crystal. Surface channeling (SC) occurs when the incident positron beam makes, in contrast with the conventional scheme, a small angle with the edges of the tightly packed crystalline planes and thereby with the entrance face. The Doppler-s...


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