Moreno Dutto

Moreno Dutto
Santa Croce e Carle General Hospital · Health Entomology and Zoology



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Publications (91)
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In the present paper the authors report the presence of Daphnis nerii (Linné, 1758) in the Lombard and Retician Alps in the provinces of Sondrio and Como. It is possible that the development of the species on site and hypothesize that the findings are attributed to the 2nd generation on the spot of the species.
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Polyphagous phytophagous organisms that shelter in man-made objects have a higher chance of becoming invasive fast-spreading pests, going undetected during phytosanitary checks and travelling with any type of goods. However, if the same organisms are also a household nuisance, they could be used in crowdsourcing surveys aimed at their early detecti...
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In the Spring 2018 large infestations of the Asian ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus germanus were observed in various chestnut plantations in province of Cuneo (NW Italy). Unexpected thermal increase recorded in April triggered massive colonization of young Euro-Japanese hybrids chestnuts planted in 2017. The attacks spread in a wide western territory o...
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Rodent control operations represent an important tool for the prevention and management of infestations, in outdoor environments, by synanthropic rodents (Rattus rattus and R. norvegicus), which are a source of economic and environmental damage with significant sanitary implications. Although the use of anticoagulants is safer to humans and pets co...
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The presence of subterranean termites in northern Italy is not common, and generally limited to urban areas where winter microclimatic conditions are milder than in the surrounding natural environment. To date there is only one report of termite presence for Piedmont, doubtfully identified as Reticulitermes lucifugus (Rossi). The present paper rela...
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Analysis of some Ptinid and Latridiid beetle invasions of houses in Italy (Coleoptera) In the present paper some invasions of houses in different regions of Italy due to Ptinidae and Latridiidae (Coleoptera) are reported and discussed. The invading insects were two species of Ptinidae, Gibbium psylloides (Czempinski, 1778) (3 cases) and Niptus holo...
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Diagnosi e contromisure in stalla Così il controllo mosche G li allevamenti zootecnici a indirizzo bovino sono realtà ambientali inevita-bilmente soggette alla proliferazione di mo-sche, le quali, in questi ambienti, riescono a completare il ciclo biologico. In linea gene-rale, le specie che con maggior frequenza sono responsabili di infestazioni i...
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Aedes albopictus, the Asian tiger mosquito, was unintentionally introduced in Italy at the beginning of the 1990s. In few decades it spread almost in the whole Country. In Piedmont, the first report dates back to 1994. Usually, temperate populations are affected by seasonal temperature and photoperiodicity and can overwinter by producing eggs that...
Ebola virus is a pathogen responsible for a severe disease that affects humans and several animal species. To date, the natural reservoir of this virus is not known with certainty, although it is believed that fruit bats (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) play an important role in maintaining the virus in nature. Although information on viral transmission...
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Topi, ratti, mosche Parassiti animali nelle stalle valutazione, prevenzione e gestione L e aziende zootecniche rappresen-tano, nel loro complesso, ambienti antropici artificiali dotati di un grado di complessità strutturale variabile sulla In un allevamento, l'infestazione da topi e ratti può avere un impatto molto negativo sia sulla salute di anim...
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Investigations on the presence of Agrilus viridis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera, Buprestidae) in young plants of hazel (Corylus avellana Linnaeus, 1753) in areas of low density of hazel crops. Recently planted hazelnut (Corylus avellana L., 1753) plots located in the plain of Saluzzo (Cuneo province, southwestern Piedmont, Italy) were investigated t...
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SUMMARY Gnorimus variabilis (Linnaeus, 1758) in Calabria (Southern Italy) (Coleoptera Cetoniidae). We report the first discovery of Gnorimus variabilis in Calabria (south Italy) inside an old monumental chestnut (Castanea sativa Miller) growing at the Presila near Catanzaro. This finding extends the dis-tributional range of the species to the south...
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SUMMARY The discovery of Osmoderma italicum Sparacio, 2000 (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Cetoniinae) in the Sila National Park (Calabria, Italy) and revision of its distribution in southern Italy. This article reports on the presence of Osmoderma italicum Sparacio, 2000 in Quercus petraea trees at Caritello-Viperaro (municipality of Magisano, Catanzaro...
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Araneismo dermo-necrotico Il quadro clinico raffigurato nelle immagini (che si riferiscono a una donna morsa nei dintorni di Cefalù) rappresenta un set lesivo (Immagine 6.1) composto da due lesioni eritematoso-ecchimotiche, distinte, a con-torni irregolari con alcune evidenti strie linfangitiche, entrambe centrate, nella zona di inoculazione, da ar...
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New findings of Cetoniinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) for Arabian Peninsula. -Presence of Aethiessa floralis (Fabricius, 1787), Protaetia (Potosia) cuprea ignicollis (gory & Percheron, 1833), Tropinota squalida pilosa (Brullé, 1832) and Tropinota ilariae dutto, 2007 are reported for the first time from saudi Arabia. some of these species might have...
Here we present the first report of the Phorid fly Megaselia rufipes as a “facultative parasitoid” of the honey bee Apis mellifera after its identification in a natural colony in the Piedmont Region of Italy. 60 bees with deformed wings probably caused by deformed wing virus and 50 healthy bees were collected. Whilst maintained in the laboratory, p...
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First data of the presence of Hystrix cristata Linnaeus, 1758 (Mammalia, Rodentia, Hystricidae) in the south-western Piedmont (northwest Italy). In this work, authors report the first occurrency data of Hystrix cristata L. in two sites in western Piedmont (Cuneo province, Northern Italy). The presence has been confirmed by the findings of a road-ki...
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Considerations on some cases of domestic infestations sustained by ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in Piedmont (northwest Italy). In this article are analyzed 9 cases of domestic infestations incurred by carabidae beetles in southern Piedmont in the years 2008-2013. Infestations have analyzed seen as responsible Harpalus dimidiatus (1 case)...
Using international trading and passive transportation routes, the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Skuse, 1894), has colonized Europe. While the most common tool to monitor the presence of the mosquito is the ovitrap, other kinds of eggs are occasionally found in the traps as well. Most of the eggs are easy to distinguish, however, some whi...
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We present a case of the 42-year-old pig farmer from the province of Cuneo in Northwest Italy who was infected by the soil-transmitted nematode Ascaris sp. In November 2010 the patient found one worm in his stool, subsequently identified as female specimen of Ascaris sp. After a first anthelmintic treatment, another worm was found in his stool, tha...
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Periplaneta americana (Blattaria, Blattidae) (Linné, 1758) in Piedmont, Italy: Contributions toward better understanding the distribution of an allochthonous pest. In the present article the authors report their findings on the presence of Periplaneta americana (Linné, 1758) in the Piedmont region of Italy. Although a survey of the available litera...
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The present article discusses three cases of human infestation by Corythuca ciliata (Lace bugs), a parasite of plane trees. The cases were all in the Piedmont region of northwest Italy and the symptoms involved a large number of hives on the subjects' bodies which were scarcely or not at all itchy and which spontaneously cleared up in all the cases...
This report describes a case of nosocomial myiasis caused by larvae of Sarcophaga (Bercaea) africa. The parasitosis developed in an ulcer on the heel of a patient with type 2 diabetes. The ulcer was dressed when the deposition occurred. An experiment was performed in order to demonstrate the ability of Sarcophaga larvae to move through bandages and...
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Failure to comply with requirements for proper storage and use of pesticides in farms can be extremely hazardous and the risk of accidents involving farm workers, other persons and even animals is high. There are still wide differences in the interpretation of the concept of "securing or making safe", by workers in this sector. One of the critical...
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We report a case in which a 21-week pregnant woman was stung by a Euscorpius flavicaudis (De Geer, 1778) scorpion. Symptoms and signs experienced by the patient were the same as those documented in the literature and with no ill-effects for the pregnancy. Envenoming was local and of low degree of intensity. It is important to emphasize that the pat...
Mites Ixodidae (hard ticks) may represent an important public health problem even in urban green areas. In the present study, by doing weekly samples, the green areas (playgrounds, parks, picnic areas for dogs, etc.) of 17 municipalities in the province of Cuneo (Piedmont, Italy) have been inspected, for a total of about 18,710 m2 monitored. No sam...
In this paper the authors analyse the cases of intrusion of snakes into urban environments in southern Piedmont (province of Cuneo) in the years 2010-2012 (up to may). In the study period there were 83 cases of intrusions in urban and domestic areas, mostly due to native harmless species (97.6%), while in 2.4% (n=2) of the cases alien species were...
The present study examines the most common home remedies in the Piedmont region of northwest Italy currently used in the treatment of pediatric enterobiasis, commonly known as pinworm infection. The remedies in question, typically based on popular beliefs and as such are nearly useless, were noted through interviews with subjects who had come to th...
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The valid name for the largest European species of Cetoniinae is Protaetia speciosissima (Scopoli, 1786), with Protaetia aeruginosa (Medvedev, 1964) as a junior synonym. The specimen illustrated by Scopoli in the original description is designated as the lectotype of Scarabaeus speciosissimus Scopoli, 1786. Since the lectotype is lost, a neotype fr...
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RIASSUNTO – La cimice dell'olmo (Arocatus melanocephalus) negli ultimi anni è stata respon-sabile di numerosi casi di infestazioni urbane nel nord-Italia nel periodo estivo. Le cause delle importanti migrazioni estive sono state ricondotte a ragioni climatiche, in particolare all'in-nalzamento termico stagionale che induce questi insetti a ricercar...
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Flies of the genus Sarcophaga are known to cause myiasis in necrotic wounds and in anatomical cavities where fluids have collected. We present here the first case of external cutaneous myiasis by Sarcophaga larvae in the absence of skin ulcerations or necrosis. The host in this case was a geriatric patient with limited motor and neurological capaci...
Pest control in urban settings is a public health issue that is often overlooked and left to the discretion of those who participate in pest control operations. In this article the authors aim to analyse and provide guidelines regarding liability in the use of pesticides and safety standards that must be adopted during pest control operations in co...
This short review deals with the clinical symptoms of human parasitosis -in paediatrics-, induced by the hard ticks and their treatment both during the acute phase and during the follow-up of the patients. Prevention measures at individual levels to lower the risk of infestation are also discussed. Treatment of parassitosis can be summarized as fol...
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Infestazioni invernali da Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) (Diptera, Muscidae) in Piemonte. Analisi di una problematica atipica nelle stalle di allevamento dei bovini di razza piemontese Riassunto Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) rappresenta uno fra gli infestanti più importanti nell'allevamento bovino e con un elevato impatto in termini sanitari ed economici. Il...
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Cutaneous myiasis in humans involving fly species endemic in Italy are uncommon and are not often present in the literature. In the present article we describe the case of cutaneous myiasis in a woman brought to the Emergency Department (ED) of the S. Croce e Carle General Hospital in Cuneo, northwest Italy. The patient was in precarious hygienic c...
We report herein a new case of teniasis caused by Taenia saginata (tapeworm) in a pediatric patient with done-on-purpose dispersion of proglottids happened in an elementary school inside the health district ASL CN-1. This new case highlights how teniasis in children is not as rare, as it is not so rare dispersal of proglottids in the environmental,...
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We present here our experience with a 34-year-old woman living in the province of Cuneo in northwest Italy. The patient had no prior allergic disease history and in the place of bite by Aedes albopictus, she sustained significant reactions (ecchymosis), along with fever and localized lymphadenopathy. Thirty days later, the bites were still visible,...
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We present a case of cutaneous myiasis occurring in a hospital environment (nosocomial myiasis) in an patient with serious multiple traumas sustained in a motorcycle accident. The agent responsible for the myiasis was identified as Sarcophaga cruentata (Meigen 1826). The larvae found in the necrotic wound were removed and the necessary environmenta...
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Riassunto Con il presente lavoro l'autore descrive l'andamento infestante del coccinellide Harmonia axyridis negli ambienti domestici inseriti in contesti urbani e rurali, attraverso l'analisi delle richieste pervenute ai Servizi di Igiene e Sanità Pubblica (SISP) dell'ASL CN-1 (Cuneo, Italia). Sono poi presi in considerazione gli aspetti dannosi d...
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In the period between June 2008 and August 2009, three cases of stings of Euscorpius scorpions indigenous to Italy were treated at two different emergency departments (ED) in hospitals of the Piedmont region, northwest Italy: Santa Croce e Carle General Hospital in Cuneo, and Santissima Annunziata Hospital in Savigliano. Scorpion stings in Italy ar...
This article describes carefully parasitism by ticks hard under various medical issues ranging from biological signs of the notes up to the management of the patient follow-up, passing through the induced symptoms and therapeutic procedures. Just dealing therapeutic procedures is especially important because they compare various techniques proposed...
We describe a case of teniasis in a child, associated to the finding of Taenia proglottids in a classroom of a primary school in the area of Cuneo (Local Health Unit Cn-1, Piedmont Region, Italy). Several proglottids had been repeatedly found by cleaners on the bookbox of several schooldesks in the same classroom. Laboratory investigation was able...
In the present study, ten cases of human and environmental infestation, observed between 2005 and 2008 in the Southern part of Piedmont, are reported. The infestation were caused by fleas and in particular by Ctenocephalides felis. The importance of human pulicasis transmitted by animals you have with (cats) and related risks to human health is ind...
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Miasi cutanea da Sarcophaga cruentata (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) in piede diabetico Cutaneous myiasis from Sarcophaga cruentata (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) in diabetic foot 1 Azienda Ospedaliera S. Croce e Carle, Cuneo. I ditteri sarcofagidi sono tipicamente degli insetti necrofagi allo stadio larvale, mentre allo stadio adulto sono pressoché onnivori p...
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Ticks were collected from 320 domestic dogs presented for medical examination at veterinary clinics in the region of Piedmont, north western Italy, from January 2003 to December 2005. A total of 323 ticks were found on dogs and were identified. They all belonged to the family Ixodidae (hard tick) and the majority (68.7%) belonged to the subfamily I...
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Major inconsistencies between the currently used taxonomy and the type material were noticed during the revision of some types of the Cetoniidae family. In this study, we clarify the taxonomic position of Aethiessa inhumata and designate a lectotype. Likewise, we also designate a lectotype of A. floralis, the type-species of the genus.
Three clinical cases induced by insect sting pertaining to the hymenoptera are presented. These cases were caused by Scleroderma domesticus (Betilidae), one case, and by Xylocopa violacea (Apidae), the remaining two, which are two common hymenoptera rarely harmful. The rarity with which injuries by these hymenoptera occur makes very difficult to ma...
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Thelazia callipaeda eyeworm is a nematode transmitted by drosophilid flies to carnivores in Europe. It has also been reported in the Far East in humans. We report T. callipaeda infection in 4 human patients in Italy and France.
In the present article the author reports a case of ocular thelaziasis in a man living in Piedmont (northern Italy). The subject first complained of symptoms of hyperlacrimation and conjunctivitis. After a series of treatments with eye drops, the nematode responsible for the symptomatology was identified, first mistaken with conjunctivitis. These p...
Conference Paper
INTRODUCTION Many insects live in the same ecological niche occupied by humans entering in close contact with humans and theirs products. They can therefore actively and/or passively produce pathologies that cause minor to severe damages. The “infestation of live vertebrate animals with dipterous larvae, which, at least for a certain period, feed o...
Pentodon bidens (Pallas, 1771) is reported from Austria for the first time and is represented in this country by the subspecies punctatus (Villers, 1789).
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Results of a molecular analysis on the European hermit beetles (the Osmoderma eremita species-complex), recently published in a companion paper, are shortly dis- cussed and commented. These results indicate a clear-cut distinction between two clades. The first one includes the W-European O. eremita Scopoli, 1763, and the two Italian endemic taxa O....
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RIASSUNTO L'autore, nel presente articolo descrive Tropinota (Epicometis) ilariae n.sp. proveniente da Israe-le (Medio Oriente). Questa nuova specie si differenzia bene dalle altre congeneriche per l'aspetto generale del corpo che è nettamente allungato ed affusolato e per la conformazione dei parameri, tan-genti fra loro sul lato interno e brusca...
The Scarabaeoidea Pleurosticta and Lucanoidea beetles of the "Mer- lino" forest. Results of the researches on the Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea (Pleurosticta) and Lucanoidea of the "Bosco del Merlino" near Caramagna (Piedmont, CN) are given. This contribution is included within a series of faunistic investigations de- veloped by the Museo Civico di Stor...
We describe here the first case of gynandromorphism in Stenopterus ater (Linnaeus, 1767). The case refers to one specimen bearing typically male and female features on its right and left sides respectively, therefore representing a case of complete lateral gynandromorphism.


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