Montserrat Pallares-Barbera

Montserrat Pallares-Barbera
Autonomous University of Barcelona | UAB · Departamento de Geografía

Ph.D. in Geography


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Hi everyone, I have been working recently in Cerdà that it might be interesting for your research: "Pallares-Barbera, M., Gisbert, M. & Badia, A., 2020. Grid orientation and natural ventilation in Cerdà’s 1860 urban plan for Barcelona. Planning Perspectives, 36:4," See the abstract in: Best, Montserrat
Additional affiliations
February 2011 - January 2012
Harvard University
  • Visiting Researcher
April 1993 - November 2015
Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Professor


Publications (153)
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Barcelona Cerdà Expansion. This is a study about the benefit to population social wellbeing obtained by implementing the Cerdà's Urban Expansion of Barcelona. Maps can be downloaded from:
Modelling the perceived distance in tourists’ decision-making remains a problem that requires a rigorous and structurally-sound approach in conceptualisation. This paper aims to review past research concerning how distance might influence tourists’ decision-making by presenting a qualitative thematic review and conceptual framework. We analysed ind...
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Latin American cities are increasingly impacted by floods and this trend is likely to be further exacerbated under the combined effects of climate change and urbanisation. To reduce urban flood risk, green infrastructure and the ability to preserve and rehabilitate green spaces is often mentioned as an option to improve the hydraulic response of ci...
RESUM La COVID-19 té sacsejat el paisatge del comerç i del desenvolupament. La crisi de la salut ha desencadenat un xoc econòmic mundial, on el comerç internacional va caure a amb la propagació del virus, la inversió estrangera directa ha caigut dràsticament i la producció i ocupació mundial han estat tallades (United Nations Conference on Trade an...
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El artículo examina los factores que influyen en la dinámica de las economías de aglomeración intraurbanas provenientes de los distritos textiles urbanos durante el siglo XX, centrándose en el Distrito Textil de Trafalgar (DTT) de Barcelona, especializado desde principios del siglo XX en la industria textil, de la confección y el sector mayorista –...
RUN | Rios Urbanos Naturalizados | é uma rede temática financiada no âmbito do Programa Ibero-americano de Ciência e Tecnologia para o Desenvolvimento - CYTED. Neste volume, a rede RUN traz as reflexões, perspectivas, propostas e projetos desenvolvidos pelos seus integrantes. A riqueza e diversidade de estudos trazem novas lições sobre instrumentos...
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Rios urbanos na Ibero-América 9 APRESENTAÇÃO O livro RIOS URBANOS NA IBERO-AMÉRICA-CASOS, CONTEXTOS E EXPERIÊNCIAS apresenta o primeiro conjunto de reflexões produzidos no âmbito da rede temática Ibero-americana RUN-Naturalização dos Rios Urbanos: Ciência cidadã e cocriação como meios de regeneração de rios e minimização de riscos, financiada pelo...
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Latin American cities are increasingly impacted by floods and this trend is likely to be further exacerbated under the combined effects of climate change and urbanisation. To reduce urban flood risk, green infrastructure and the ability to preserve and rehabilitate green spaces is often mentioned as an option to improve the hydraulic response of ci...
Conference Paper
The relationship between stakeholders is intensive and complicated, thus, understanding the relationship between stakeholders is important for the successful management of tourism destinations. To make it viable, this paper applies network analysis and third party in stakeholder theory and explores the interest coordination mechanism of stakeholder...
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Durante los años de 1960 y 1970, los sistemas fluviales medi- terráneos se vieron afectados por presiones antropogénicas de manera generalizada, provocando el descenso de su calidad ecológica. Uno de los casos más paradigmáticos es el río Besós, en el área metropolitana de Barcelona, que fue considerado como el más contaminado de Europa. En las últ...
Esta obra forma parte de la serie de manuales de Geografía que cubren el vacío de las necesarias publicaciones orientadas a los docentes y a los estudiantes de nivel universitario. Hace años que se echaba en falta un libro de referencia actualizado y atento a los procesos recientes de transformación de la realidad geoeconómica, que diera cuenta de...
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Basado en el formato del trabajo de Andrew Barry y Mark Maslin, este artículo tiene como objetivo reflejar las discusiones sobre la capacidad de la economía social y las economías alternativas para generar impactos colectivos sobre el territorio en la segunda década del siglo XXI. La reflexión analítica se apoya en varias teorías sobre la aparición...
COVID-19 has affected every aspect of life around the globe. To understand the spread of disease it is essential to record location and place, space and population. This chapter is based in history and the epidemiologist literature reporting the relevant variables. The objective is to determine which variable affects contagion in compact cities suc...
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Rural depopulation in advanced economies has negative economic consequences for local communities and requires effective policies at different spatio-temporal and governance scales. Since the 1980s, an economic subsidy (Rural Employment Plan, PER-PFEA) was implemented at municipality scale in two autonomous communities of Spain (Andalusia and Extre...
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The way urban development will be shaped during the next decade will have a decisive impact on emissions pathways and our ability to limit global temperature increase. The goal of this paper is to develop a better understanding of the relationship between carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and the spatial expansion of cities, in order to inform how urb...
The way urban development will be shaped during the next decade will have a decisive impact on emissions pathways and global temperature increase. The goal of this paper is to develop a better understanding of the relationship between carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and the spatial expansion of cities to inform how urban planning can shape low-carbo...
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Abstract Underground Built Heritage (UBH) is a distinct class of cultural heritage providing a focal point for community pride and engagement to become a springboard for local sustainable development (LSD). This research aims to articulate how local UBH and its fringe serve as a facilitator of communal identity to mobilize community care towards so...
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RESUM La COVID-19 té sacsejat el paisatge del comerç i del desenvolupament. La crisi de la salut ha desencadenat un xoc econòmic mundial, on el comerç internacional va caure a amb la propagació del virus, la inversió estrangera directa ha caigut dràsticament i la producció i ocupació mundial han estat tallades (United Nations Conference on Trade a...
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Los capítulos de este libro aportan reflexiones sobre procesos innovadores en algunas ciudades europeas y latinoamericanas. Pero ¿de qué hablamos cuando nos referimos a innovación urbana? Parece que existe cierto consenso en su definición: un proceso que facilita nuevas y más eficientes soluciones para resolver futuros y presentes problemas complej...
Abstract: In the second decade of the twenty-first century, urban space finds itself at a key juncture in history where biodiversity, population growth, and climate change are highly relevant elements in the context of global change. A more holistic perception of urban analysis has highlighted the significance of the benefits for human health that...
ABSTRACT Individuals can move through space, but since not all space is the same, they will be attracted to certain preferential locations. There is an uneven distribution of economic activity in space, and it will attract consumers based on the constraints of demand preferences, increased returns to scale, and transportation costs (Hamilton and L...
ABSTRACT Protected natural spaces (ENP) located in metropolitan areas are increasingly integrated into the socio-economic dynamics of these territories. The presence of these spaces near large urban areas plays a very important role both for their environmental sustainability and for the quality of life of their inhabitants, through the provision o...
En la segunda década del siglo veintiuno, el espacio urbano se encuentra en una coyuntura clave en la historia donde la biodiversidad, el crecimiento de la población, y el cambio climático constituyen elementos muy relevantes en el contexto del cambio global. Una percepción más holística del análisis urbano ha puesto en valor la significancia de lo...
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ABSTRACT The increasing concern about climate change has produced growing interest in natural ventilation and urban planning. There seems to be a gap in the study of introducing urban climate into urban planning, even though doing so would increase population comfort and decrease energy spending. Natural ventilation provided by wind flowing through...
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El objetivo es analizar el papel de las economías externas en la evolución productiva del Distrito Textil de Trafalgar (DTT). A lo largo del siglo XX, el DTT albergaba empresas relacionadas con el textil configurándose un clúster. Actualmente, el clúster textil prácticamente ha desaparecido dando lugar a microclústeres creativos y del conocimiento...
Classical analyses of constraints and challenges associated with development in middle-income Latin American countries have been performed based on per capita income levels. Since the first decade of the twenty-first century, the structural gap approach has been an alternative criterion to that of per capita income. It identifies areas where there...
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The chapter aims to provide a contextualisation of the cyberpark concept as this is perceived by a wide range of experts in public space and information technologies. To do so it makes use of a questionnaire survey conducted with the participants of the CyberParks COST Action, which collected their views on a number of aspects concerning both the m...
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User-generated content (UGC) provides useful resources for academics, technicians and policymakers to obtain and analyse results in order to improve lives of individuals in urban settings. User-generated content comes from people who voluntarily contribute data, information, or media that then appears in a way which can be viewed by others; usually...
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Manero Miguel, Fernando and García Cuesta, José Luis (coords.) (2016)Patrimonio cultural y desarrollo territorial. Cultural heritage and territorial developmentPamplona: Thompson Reuters. Aranzadi, 415 p.ISBN 978-8490981009
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This paper discusses how historically the accumulation of symbolic power by men produced a glass ceiling for women in the Catalan Pyrenees and how women have overcome this constraint by engaging in male-led networks, founding gender balanced networks and developing women-nurtured networks. Through semi-structured qualitative interviews and ethnogra...
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Compact cities increase their temperature under the effects of heat island and global climate change. Important literature addressed passive energy cooling and solar urban planning. However, to date little is known about the relevant planning variables for getting insolation and natural ventilation. Failures in planning have caused important overus...
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A lo largo del siglo XX, el Distrito Textil de Trafalgar (DTT) ha sido un espacio económico donde la distribución mayorista de textil y de ropa y la confección de prendas de vestir configuraban un clúster urbano. Actualmente, la especialización económica del DTT está desapareciendo paulatinamente, localizándose un número escaso de estas actividades...
Conference Paper
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ABSTRACT: In the second decade of the twenty-first century, projects of community development and social and economic revival emerge in Barcelona from the social economy. The research is based on finding out why in one territory there are factors driving this type of initiatives, and in others not. The working hypothesis is that in urban environmen...
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Big Data and Geography. Spatial analysis from the demand side. Big Data y Geografía. Análisis Espacial desde la Demanda
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Those who lose their origins lose their identity! Cultural heritage incorporates many elements, but its material and immaterial assets are rooted in history, cultivated in tradition and embody a shared memory, as Manero Miguel and García Cuesta point out in the introduction of the book. Cultural heritage assets also bring identity to a territory an...
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The aim of the communication is to highlight the factors that have driven the deep economic transformation of the Barcelona’s Trafalgar Garment District (TGD) along the 20th century. In the first half of the century, textile headquarters and warehouses concentrated in the TGD. Since 1950s until the end of the century, wholesaling traders and sewing...
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Moving towards a new paradigm of work-practices brought up by new communication and information technologies embedded in the production system, particular places in the city have experienced interesting new functions; old fashioned traditional industry buildings are fractioned in medium to tiny spaces used by very small one to two-person firms in a...
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Abstract: The globalization of the economy has direct consequences in the transformation of inner urban spaces. The competition between higher and lower value-added activities for locating in central urban spaces causes the displacement or the disappearance of the latter. Thus, inner urban spaces are accommodating new economic activities related to...
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Abstract: Classical analysis of constraints and challenges associated with development in Latin American middle-income countries were done based on countries’ per capita income levels. Since the first decade of the twenty-one century (CEPAL, 2012) the structural gap approach is an alternative criterion to that of per capita income. It identifies ke...
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La capacitat d’adaptació i de resistència depenen freqüentment de factors complementaris als purament econòmics. Aprendre del fracàs i encarar-s’hi pot ser moltes vegades tant important com obtenir l’èxit. El Berguedà s’ha enfrontat a diferents crisis al llarg dels darrers 100 anys i immediatament hi ha hagut períodes de recuperació i re-emergència...
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Constricted by its medieval walls, Barcelona was suffocating – until unknown engineer Ildefons Cerdà came up with a radical expansion plan. Rival architects disparaged him, yet his scientific approach changed how we think about cities. Barcelona’s epidemics were devastating: each time they broke out, 3% of the population died, according to Montserr...
The chapter discusses how ICT can be used to enhance the understanding of the relationship between space, users and social practices. As an example of possible use of ICT for capturing and better understanding user’s needs, the new digital tool WAY Cyberparks is presented and discussed. A “cyberpark” is defined as a new type of urban landscape wher...
Conference Paper
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____________________________________________________________________________ RESUMEN El objetivo del artículo es identificar y analizar, a través de la estadística espacial, el Distrito de Trafalgar en Barcelona como espacio económico en la primera mitad del siglo XX. La ciudad de Barcelona ha sido desde el siglo XIX una potencia en el sector indus...
Conference Paper
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RESUMEN: En la segunda década del siglo XXI, el resurgimiento de la ciudad post-crisis ha dibujado espacios económicos emergentes en Barcelona a partir de la economía social. La investigación se fundamenta en averiguar porque en un determinado territorio existen factores impulsores de este tipo de iniciativas y en otros no. La hipótesis de trabajo...
Conference Paper
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The main objective that motivates the paper concerns the study on user-generated data (UGD) for exploring new methodologies that could support and improve the understanding of spatial patterns for urban planning and design of open spaces in urban areas. This paper aims at taking a step forward from current literature, providing on the one hand a me...
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CITATION: Esteve Dot Jutgla; Montserrat Pallares-Barbera. (2015). INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE, ECONOMIC REVITALIZATION AND URBAN COMPACTNESS IN POBLENOU-22@BARCELONA. A NEW BARCELONA MODEL? Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, volum 69, pp. 493-497. ABSTRACT: Poblenou’s intense development has been a result of the urban project 22@Barcelona (2...
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CITATION: Esteve Dot Jutgla; Montserrat Pallares-Barbera. (2015). PATRIMONIO INDUSTRIAL, REVITALIZACIÓN ECONÓMICA Y COMPACIDAD URBANA EN EL POBLENOU-22@BARCELONA ¿UN NUEVO MODELO BARCELONA? Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, volum 69, pp. 9-35. La evolución de la ciudad postindustrial se reestructuró a partir de nuevas actividades,...
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Resumee (French) La diversité des approches adoptées pour étudier les espaces naturels protégés a enrichi nos connaissances sur ces espaces, caractérisés avant tout par leur exceptionnelle singularité et par la qualité des éléments qui les composent; par la valeur aussi de leurs paysages si intimement liés à la société qui les occupent, les organis...
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Patrimonio industrial, revitalización económica y compacidad urbana en el Poblenou-22@Barcelona ¿Un Nuevo Modelo Barcelona? (Resumen) La evolución de la ciudad postindustrial se reestructuró a partir de nuevas actividades, generalmente de servicios, en espacios donde previamente se habían desarrollado procesos de desindustrialización. El objetivo d...
En las áreas de montaña de muchos países en Europa encontramos la misma paradoja: muchas áreas rurales de montaña se están despoblando rápidamente mientras en áreas cercanas es cada vez más escaso el espacio disponible, debido a un fuerte desarrollo de las actividades de ocio y las segundas residencias (Tulla, A.F. y Pallarès, M., 2003c). Esta es t...
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CITATION: DOT JUTGLA, E.; CASELLAS, A.; PALLARES-BARBERA, M. (2010). GENTRIFICACIÓN PRODUCTIVA EN BARCELONA: EFECTOS DEL NUEVO ESPACIO ECONÓMICO. In IV JORNADAS DE GEOGRAFÍA ECONÓMICA. Grupo de Geografía Económica de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles; León, 1 y 2 de julio. Resumen: En el año 2000 se inicia en el Poblenou de Barcelona una estrate...
Conference Paper
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Abstract: Global cities compete for business, visitors, and commerce, but what is the quality of life they offer? Can they compete in quality of life? Is quality of life flat inside the city? These are important questions with difficult answers. Many institutions make general indexes of quality of life, and they compare countries. High concentratio...
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En el Poblenou a través del proyecto 22@Barcelona (2000) se ha producido un desarrollo intenso de revitalización urbana y económica durante la primera década de este siglo. En este artículo se analiza la estrategia del sector público local que incorpora el patrimonio histórico industrial a nuevas funcionalidades. La “comodificación” de los antiguos...
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Patrimonio industrial, revitalización económica y compacidad urbana en el Poblenou-22@Barcelona ¿Un Nuevo Modelo Barcelona? (Resumen) La evolución de la ciudad postindustrial se reestructuró a partir de nuevas actividades, generalmente de servicios, en espacios donde previamente se habían desarrollado procesos de desindustrialización. El objetivo d...
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Poblenou's intense development has been a result of the urban project 22@Barcelona (2000); which revitalized urban morphology and the area's previous economic downturn, during period 2000-2013. This article analyzes how the industrial heritage remaining in Poblenou becomes a competitive element of the project Barcelona city of knowledge, where civi...
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A principios del siglo XXI, la innovación tecnológica basada en el conocimiento como factor de producción y la innovación en la organización de los procesos de pro¬ducción o en las redes de empresas se posicionaron como elementos relevantes que aportaron un mayor crecimiento económico a nivel local y regional (CTESC, 2009), sobre todo urbano. En la...
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This paper covers the development dynamics of the air transportation industry. Having the evolutionary economic geography as the frame of reference, we analyze the co-evolution of the market (selective environment), the aeronautics knowledge and equipment (technology) and the air transportation institutional policy (policy). The stress is on those...
Conference Paper
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ABSTRACT Well-being, biodiversity and urban planning in Barcelona Montserrat Pallares-Barbera , Antònia Casellas, Sònia Sànchez-Mateo, Martí Boada, Jaume Marlès-Magre The aim of this paper is to study well-being of urban population, based on two pillars: the proximity to services to the population and the role played by urban biodiversity. The s...
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ABSTRACT Temporary uses of economic spaces in the construction of firm’s value added chain. The case of Grifone S. A. Ana Vera and Montserrat Pallares-Barbera Over the past half-century, the development of Internet and information technologies in production has driven a revolution in economic spaces. Since information technologies are broadly avail...
Conference Paper
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El objetivo de esta comunicación es estudiar el bienestar de la población urbana, basada en dos pilares fundamentales: la proximidad a los servicios de la población, y la biodiversidad urbana. El valor social de este proyecto consiste en combinar elementos de urbanismo ético que persigue el interés público (localizando servicios a la población), fa...
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Structure of the talk • Problem and motivations of the problem • Objectives and structural question • Case study • Methodology • Concluding unanswered questions
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Introduction The phenomenon of spatially uneven development has always captured the interest of economic geographers, forming one of the foundation stones of the discipline and a major research focus in analyses of both advanced or emerging economies (Hayter and Patchell, 2011; Sheppard et al., 2009). The economic exploitation of localized resource...
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Introduction The study of the distribution of economic activities across space has always been the essence of economic geography, regional economics, and related disciplines. Empirical analyses have provided significant evidence, for example, that especially urbanized regions are very successful in developing innovation and employment (e.g., Wedeme...
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Since the 1980s, artists have been studied as agents of urban gentrification. Well established theories and case studies have provided numerous evidences of the role of artists as initiators of the gentrification process in working-class neighborhoods. From a productive-side perspective, placing an emphasis on the rent-gap and land development, as...
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Since the 1980s, artists have been studied as agents of urban gentrification. Well established theories and case studies have provided numerous evidences of the role of artists as initiators of the gentrification process in working-class neighborhoods. From a productive-side perspective, placing an emphasis on the rent-gap and land development, as...
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Abstract: Productive gentrication, deindustrialization and industrial relocation?e aim of this paper is to present a theoretical discussion on the de&nition and identi&cation of the process of productive gentri&cation. From the discussions of the concept of gentri&cation, broadly conceptualized and studied in processes taking place in residential...
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122 This paper examines Ildefons Cerdà's 1860 Plan for the Urban Expansion of Barcelona; specifically, how and why it was conceived in a unique way, in which the provision of services to the population was an important part. Cerdà based his expansion proposal on an in‑depth socio‑stati‑ stical study of old Barcelona's population conditions. The hig...
Airport capacity continues to be one of the air transport issues that creates the most concern. The major environmental constraint for airports is the noise generated by aircraft. Annoyed communities living around airports have become a limiting factor for airport capacity and operability. This paper brings together the existing literature in the f...
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Despite of historical economic changes, cities have always been the efficient pinpoint of production systems. In this article I postulate that at the first decade of the twenty-first century, the symbolic economy seems the equivalent to what in previous periods were the Fordism or the Flexible Production System. The objective is to analyze how the...