Monika Zielińska-Pisklak

Monika Zielińska-Pisklak
Medical University of Warsaw · Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry



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Publications (51)
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17-β-estradiol (EST) is the most potent form of naturally occurring estrogens; therefore, it has found a wide pharmaceutical application. The major problem associated with the use of EST is its very low water solubility, resulting in poor oral bioavailability. To overcome this drawback, a complexation with cyclodextrins (CD) has been suggested as a...
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The aim of this study was to develop an innovative, dual-stimuli-responsive smart hydrogel local drug delivery system (LDDS), potentially useful as an injectable simultaneous chemotherapy and magnetic hyperthermia (MHT) antitumor treatment device. The hydrogels were based on a biocompatible and biodegradable poly(ε-caprolactone-co-rac-lactide)-b-po...
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Camptothecin (CPT), an alkaloid with potent anticancer activity, is still not used in clinical practice due to its high hydrophobicity, toxicity, and poor active-form stability. To address these shortcomings, our research focuses on the encapsulation of this drug in the poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimer macromolecule. The PAMAM dendrimer/CPT compl...
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In this paper, injectable, thermosensitive smart hydrogel local drug delivery systems (LDDSs) releasing the model antitumour drug 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) were developed. The systems were based on biodegradable triblock copolymers synthesized via ring opening polymerization (ROP) of ε-caprolactone (CL) in the presence of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) an...
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Kawa (wywar z nasion kawowca), będąca jednym z najczęściej spożywanych napojów, zawiera liczne substancje o różnorodnym działaniu farmakologicznym i zróżnicowanej budowie chemicznej. Do głównych z nich zalicza się kofeinę (alkaloidy purynowe), kwas chlorogenowy (kwasy fenolowe), kahweol i kafestol (diterpeny) oraz trygonelinę (alkaloidy pirydynowe)...
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Paklitaksel (PTX) jest naturalnym lekiem przeciwnowotworowym - alkaloidem terpenowym z grupy taksanów stosowanym w terapii raka niedrobnokomórkowego płuc, nowotworów jajnika i piersi oraz mięsaka Kaposiego. PTX daje bardzo dobry efekt terapeutyczny zarówno w monoterapii, jak i w połączeniu z innymi lekami przeciwnowotworowymi. Po raz pierwszy zosta...
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Fotonadwrażliwość indukowana lekami to niepożądane działanie środków leczniczych podanych miejscowo lub ogólnoustrojowo, wywołane ekspozycją na promieniowanie UVA, UVB oraz światło widzialne. Stanowi ok. 8% reakcji skórnych na leki. Może być efektem fototoksyczności, gdy następuje fotoaktywacja substancji leczniczej lub jej metabolitu w skórze, sku...
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Mechanochemical and in-solution synthesis of caffeine complexes with α-, β-, and γ-cyclodextrins was optimized. It was found that short-duration, low-energy cogrinding, and evaporation (instead of freeze-drying) are effective methods for the formation and isolation of these complexes. The products obtained, their pure components, and their mixtures...
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A novel and promising hydrogel drug delivery system (DDS) capable of releasing 5‑fluorouracil (5-FU) in a prolonged and controlled manner was obtained using ε‑caprolactone‑poly(ethylene glycol) (CL-PEG) or rac‑lactide-poly(ethylene glycol) (rac‑LA-PEG) copolymers. Copolymers were synthesized via the ring-opening polymerization (ROP) process of cycl...
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This review discusses a set of instrumental and computational methods that are used to characterize hydrated forms of APIs (active pharmaceutical ingredients). The focus has been put on highlighting advantages as well as on presenting some limitations of the selected analytical approaches. This has been performed in order to facilitate the choice o...
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Nadciśnienie płucne (PH) jest stosunkowo rzadkim schorzeniem o ciężkim przebiegu, charakteryzującym się występowaniem podwyższonego ciśnienia krwi w krwiobiegu płucnym. Niespecyficzne objawy oraz brak prostej metody diagnostycznej przyczyniają się do zbyt późnego wykrywania omawianej jednostki chorobowej, co zdecydowanie pogarsza rokowanie i wymaga...
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Cyklodekstryny (CDs) należą do grupy cyklicznych oligosacharydów złożonych z kilku podjednostek α-glukopiranozy. Zainteresowanie przemysłu farmaceutycznego CDs wynika z jednej strony z łatwości ich pozyskiwania i modyfikacji, z drugiej zaś ze zdolności do tworzenia przez nie kompleksów supramolekularnych z substancjami leczniczymi. Wspomniane właśc...
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Among modern drug formulations, stimuli-responsive hydrogels also called “smart hydrogels” deserve a special attention. The basic feature of this system is the ability to change their mechanical properties, swelling ability, hydrophilicity, bioactive molecules permeability, etc., influenced by various stimuli, such as temperature, pH, electromagnet...
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Due to the growing interest in running a healthy life, including the diet a special interest has been put in searching for products that are rich in nutrients, macro and micronutrients and vitamins. Dates are the fruits that meet these requirements and show multidirectional pro-health effects. These fruits are a source of potassium and other macro-...
Lead nitrate is an inorganic salt, commonly used for the accurate temperature determination in the solid state NMR spectroscopy, due to the strong temperature dependence of the 207Pb chemical shift. As the reason for this phenomenon remained unknown, the main purpose of this study was to explain this temperature dependence at the molecular level. T...
Piracetam, a popular nootropic drug, widely used in the treatment of age-associated mental decline and disorders of the nervous system such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia exists under normal pressure in three polymorphic forms (P1, P2 and P3) of different stability. In this work the relative stability of piracetam polymorphs depending on the t...
The 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy in solution was applied to characterize a series of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) belonging to the class of calcium channel blockers, a group of drug substances extremely sensitive to UV radiation: nifedipine (1), nitrendipine (2), nisoldipine (3), nimodipine (4), nilvadipine (5), felodipine (6) isradipine...
The aim of this study was to determine whether the periodic density functional theory (DFT) calculations can be used for accurate prediction of the influence of the increased pressure on crystal structure and stability of molecular solids. To achieve this goal a series of geometry optimization and thermodynamic parameters calculations were performe...
Glycine is a common amino acid with relatively complex chemistry in solid state. Although several polymorphs (α, β, δ, γ, ε) of crystalline glycine are known, for NMR spectroscopy the most important is a polymorph, which is used as a standard for calibration of spectrometer performance and therefore it is intensively studied by both experimental me...
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The total phenolic content (TPC), total tannin content (TTC) and total flavonoid content (TFC) as well as the antioxidant activity and the cytotoxic effect of the extract from leaves of Erythrochiton brasiliensis Nees & Mart. (Rutaceae) were evaluated. Raw material was collected in different European botanical gardens. Statistical analysis revealed...
This Letter is in response to a paper by S. Aitipamula et al. (CrystEngComm, 2009, 11, 1823-1827) on the detailed analysis of stability of trimorphic cocrystals involving two pharmaceutically active substances, ethenzamide and genistein. The doubt concerns the values of lattice energy calculated using Forcite program (Materials Studio by BIOVIA). T...
The application of various techniques (FT-IR, PXRD, ssNMR) in the analysis of solid dosage forms with low concentration of an API (17-β-estradiol hemihydrate, EBHH) was tested. PXRD analysis of Estrofem Mite tablets (EMT) confirmed the presence of the main crystalline excipient, α-lactose monohydrate. In the PXRD pattern of EMT the strong backgroun...
Diosmin, a flavone glycoside frequently used in therapy of various veins diseases in monohydrate form, exhibits poor solubility in water and low bioavailability. Due to the fact that the anhydrous forms of drugs generally have better bioavailability than the corresponding hydrates, the aim of this study was to analyze the conversion of diosmin mono...
Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (ssNMR) is a powerful and unique method for analyzing solid forms of the active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) directly in their original formulations. Unfortunately, despite their wide range of application, the ssNMR experiments often suffer from low sensitivity and peaks overlapping between API and excipi...
Synthesis, crystal structure, and thermal behavior studies of different solid-state forms of two new 2-pyridinecarboxaldehyde N-acylhydrazones are reported together with the corresponding computational analyses. Both compounds exist in two anhydrous polymorphic forms and crystallize also as hydrates. All of the studied crystals were obtained via so...
New crystalline forms of hydrated and anhydrous N-acylhydrazones are reported. The studied crystal structures were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction at 90 or 100 K. Transferred aspherical atom model (TAAM) structure refinements were performed with the aid of the most recent version of the University at Buffalo Databank (UBDB). The resu...
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Słowa kluczowe: propolis, kit pszczeli, balsam pyłkowy, polifenole, terpenoidy. Streszczenie Propolis jest produktem o bardzo złożonym składzie, produkowanym przez pszczoły z kitu pszczelego i balsa-mu pyłkowego. Głównymi substancjami bioaktywnymi propolisu są polifenole (flawonoidy i fenolokwasy) oraz terpenoidy (mono-, tri-, seskwiterpeny i stero...
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Słowa kluczowe: dziewanna wielkokwiatowa, dziewanna drobnokwiatowa, dziewanna kutnerowa, aukubina, werbaskozyd. Streszczenie: Dziewanna (Scrophulariaceae) jest rośliną o szerokim wachlarzu właściwości farmako-logicznych. Preparaty otrzymywane z jej kwiatów stosowane są do leczenia stanów zapalnych górnych i dolnych dróg oddechowych, nieżytów...
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Kwasy fenolowe stanowią grupę związków szeroko rozpowszechnionych w świecie roślin. Charakteryzują się zróżnicowaną strukturą chemiczną i właściwościami farmakologicznymi. Z uwagi na swoją aktywność prozdrowotną, związaną w głównej mierze z działaniem antyoksydacyjnym, cieszą się obecnie bardzo dużym zainteresowaniem jako bioaktywne komponenty żywn...
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(13) C cross-polarization magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (CPMAS NMR) spectroscopy was applied to the identification and characterization of carvedilol (1-(9H-carbazol-4-yloxy)-3-[2-(2-methoxyphenoxy)-ethylamino]-propan-2-ol) in pharmaceutical preparations. Solid-state spectra (standard linewidth and lack of signal multiplicity) of...
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Rola witaminy C i cynku we wspomaganiu układu odpornościowego Słowa kluczowe: układ odpornościowy, witamina C, cynk, kwas askorbinowy. Streszczenie: Osłabiony układ odpornościowy stanowi przyczynę nawracających infekcji. Właściwa dieta bo-gata w witaminy i mikroelementy jest jednym z czynników wzmacniających naturalną odporność. Podstawową witaminą...
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The β-blockers are important drugs and decades of clinical experience proved their high medical status. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no complete assignment of (1)H and (13)C NMR resonances of popular representatives: acebutolol, alpenolol, pindolol, timolol and propranolol and the published NMR data on carvedilol and atenolol are...


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