Monika Stobiecka

Monika Stobiecka
University of Warsaw | UW · Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies "Artes Librales"



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Monika Stobiecka, assistant professor at the Faculty of „Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw, Poland. Art historian and archaeologist. A fellow of the Lanckoroński Foundation (2016), the Kościuszko Foundation (2018), the Foundation for Polish Science in (2019).
Additional affiliations
October 2019 - February 2023
Akademia Artes Liberales
Akademia Artes Liberales
  • Professor (Assistant)
  • Assistant professor, Lecturer in museum and cultural studies, Academic advisor
February 2015 - February 2019
Akademia Artes Liberales
Akademia Artes Liberales
Field of study
  • Cultural Studies
October 2013 - December 2015
Institute of Archaeology
Field of study
  • Museum Studies
October 2012 - June 2014
Institute of Art History
Field of study
  • Modern Art


Publications (58)
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This paper is an attempt to discuss the concept of lively heritage, based on examples of accidental encounters with animals at archaeological sites. The starting point of this study is criticism of the “sterilisation” or “sanitisation” of archaeological sites. Its theoretical discourse on sterilisation of the past begins with a brief reference to c...
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Digital archaeologists claim that their practices have proven to be an important tool for mediating conflict, ensuring that the digital turn in archaeology entails engaging in current political issues. This can be questioned by analysing a copy of the Syrian Arch of Triumph. The original was destroyed in 2015. A year later, a copy was carved out of...
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Fragment książki "Natura artefaktu, kultura eksponatu. Projekt krytycznego muzeum archeologicznego" wydanej w serii "Nowa Humanistyka" Wydawnictwa IBL PAN (Warszawa 2020).
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Prosthetic archaeology is a theoretical proposal for a materially oriented digital practice. It is based on a critical approach to implementing the latest technologies in archaeology. Drawing from the philosophy of technology and prosthetic studies, this project offers a more critical and meaningful understanding of digital methods in archaeology....
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In contemporary archaeology, we can identify a clash of two apparently antagonistic "paradigms": the "(re)turn to things" and the "digital turn". The latter has had great impact on archaeological museums, traditionally focused on material objects, and in this article I analyse this in terms of a phenomenon that I call "digital escapism". Digital es...
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The Second Conference of the Central and Eastern Europe Chapter of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (CEE ACHS) will take place from 27 to 29 August 2025 at the University of Warsaw. Titled “Heritage voices in and of Central and Eastern Europe: situated perspectives and their global implications,” the conference aims to foreground regio...
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Tekst omawia teoretyczne i praktyczne propozycje redefinicji roli muzeum, jego praktyk i kolekcji oferowane przez przedstawicieli i przedstawicielki krytycznych studiów nad dziedzictwem, interdyscyplinarnego pola badawczego, które sytuuje się na przecięciu antropologii, archeologii, etnologii, historii, historii sztuki, humanistyki środowiskowej, k...
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One of the important tasks of the Polish Academy of Sciences is to foster the careers of young scientists by involving them in various initiatives, including those related to the functioning of the Academy itself.
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Istotnym zadaniem Polskiej Akademii Nauk jest wspieranie rozwoju młodych naukowców przez angażowanie ich w różne inicjatywy, te związane z funkcjonowaniem PAN.
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Heritage is almost univocally conceived of as valuable and good, something we care for and preserve for ourselves and future generations.Although traditionally associated with the unique and monumental, heritage has over the last decades been broadened in response to claims to incorporate more diverse and globally representative legacies. While suc...
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This chapter reflects on the future of archaeological museum as an institution that is actively engaged in public debates on current social, cultural and economic problems, and serves as an instrument for democratic education. An idea of a “critical archaeological museum” is introduced and discussed in reference to a claim that only by (re)connecti...
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This paper discusses new types of naturecultural heritage that have emerged during the Anthropocene. The authors trace and analyze novel records of the ongoing geological event and propose a method of surface-oriented ethnogra- phy to investigate heritage in the Anthropocene. We argue that rethinking history in the Anthropocene means to think throu...
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This paper discusses heritagisation, a key concept in critical heritage studies. The author differ-entiates the sources and meanings of this term within various heritage discourses. First and foremost, the ambition of the paper is to propose an appropriate translation of heritagisation into Polish, one that embraces all the negative aspects of this...
Research Proposal
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Heritage is not only a bridge between the past and the present (or the future) but currently also between culture and nature. The belief that cultural and natural heritage should be separated was recently put into question by the scholars representing critical heritage studies. The foundations for critical approaches in heritage practice and theory...
Conference Paper
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Bodies move, things are in flux, paradigms change. Moving refers to bodily movements, to social movements, migrations, but also meta-movements like the changes between paradigms, the exchange between theories, scholars, disciplines. Although there has been some critique of what is seen as a conflation of archaeology and heritage (Smith and Waterton...
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Wystawy archeologiczne otwarte w ostatniej dekadzie wskazują na paradygmatyczne zmiany w myśleniu o przeszłości. Dochodzi do decentralizacji roli człowieka w narracji o najdawniejszych epokach w celu, po pierwsze, dowartościowania zwierząt, a po drugie uwrażliwienia zwiedzających na ludzko-nieludzkie bycie-w-świecie. Jednocześnie nowe ekspozycje ar...
Conference Paper
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A common-sensical definition of agency is "the ability to act in a given environment". This definition , however, requires clarification of what "acting", "ability", and even "environment" are. Consequently, the definition suggests a set of questions that should be probed further. For a long time, acting and agency were seen as components of a meta...
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A collective work of the researchers representing various academic disciplines, areas of expertise and fields of science as well as different generations, which aims to present interdisciplinarity as an essential element of research activity. The scholars share their experience and thoughts relating – directly or indirectly – to advantages and disa...
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OVERVIEW The last 20 years mark a period of transformation from a traditional model of displaying archaeology to a more immersive model supported by digital and virtual media. The traditional model has generally used glass cases accompanied by extensive texts to inform visitors, whereas the immersive model employs digital media, tablets, virtual re...
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W artykule są poddane dyskusji zjawiska dokonujące się wewnątrz historiografii, jak i te które widoczne są w jej otoczeniu. Można do nich zaliczyć komercjalizację, „gadżetyzację” i techno-entuzjazm. W tym pierwszym przypadku historia staje się towarem, konkurującym na rynku z innymi dobrami. W drugim, traktuje się historię jak swoistą zabawę, co pr...
Conference Paper
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Join our Session at World Archaeological Congress, Prague, July 5-10 Link:
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Zabiegi konserwatorsko-rekonstrukcyjne prezentowane na wystawie w nowym muzeum Akropolu w Atenach zderzają ze sobą porządki materialności, wirtualności i technologii, oddając współczesny Zeitgeist — poszukiwanie kompletności i dążenie do całości, które nie przystają do sentymentalnej estetyki fragmentu. Proponuję w odniesieniu do zabiegu, dekonstru...
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The main goal of this paper is to reflect on the perspectives and challenges of art and archaeology research. The paper investigates main objectives through the lens of the art historian and archaeologist. Even though, the study on relations between art and archaeology has a long tradition in archaeology and the most famous researchers reflected on...
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Abstrakt: Celem artykułu jest ukazanie debat toczonych przez archeologów na temat antropocenu i refleksja nad możliwościami zastosowania tego terminu w studiach nad dziedzictwem archeolo-gicznym. Antropocen jest tutaj rozumiany jako platforma konceptualna pomocna przy redefinicji celów i metod badawczych archeologii. Prowadzone w tym kontekście roz...
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W dyskusjach o archeologii w epoce antropocenu przewiduje się, że w niedalekiej przyszłości postępujące zmiany klimatyczne zintensyfikują migracje ludzi, zwierząt, a także rzeczy – w tym zabytków. Wobec zachodzących zjawisk społecznych, politycznych ( terroryzm) i naturalnych (kataklizmy) przyszłością dziedzictwa ma być jego digitalizacja, któ...
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Tekst jest próbą refleksji nad statusem dziedzictwa kulturowego w dobie antropocenu w odniesieniu do popularnego horyzontu nowego materializmu. Autorka stawia pytania o kondycję materialnych zabytków wobec przemian naturalnych i postnaturalnych, charakter tych metamorfoz, jak również potencjalne strategii dla dziedzictwa wobec destrukcji. Ilustracj...
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The paper is an attempt to reflect on the status of cultural heritage in the age of the Anthropocene in connection to new materialism theories. The questions that are posed concern the condition of material artifacts and monuments that are being transformed naturally and postnaturally, a character of those metamorphoses, as well as potential strate...
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The paper is an attempt to trace the traditions that formed leading trends of displaying objects in archaeological museums. The main point of interest is the meaning of archaeological artifact in past collections. It is proposed to understand an archaeological artifact as a nostalgic souvenir that accumulates past, according to Johann Joachim Winck...


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