Monika Pischetsrieder

Monika Pischetsrieder
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg | FAU · Chair of Food Chemistry



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Monika Pischetsrieder currently works at the Chair of Food Chemistry, Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. Monika does research in Analytical Chemistry, Food Science and Nutritional Biochemistry.


Publications (273)
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The present study aimed to identify antioxidative and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory peptides in fermented buttermilk after simulated gastric digestion. Following isoelectric focusing fractionation, peptides of the most active fractions were identified by ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC–MS...
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Many known chemotherapeutic anticancer agents exhibit neutropenia as a dose-limiting side effect. In this paper we suggest a prodrug concept solving this problem for camptothecin (HO-cpt). The prodrug is programmed according to Boolean “AND” logic. In the absence of H2O2 (trigger T1), e.g. in the majority of normal cells, it exists as an inactive o...
Many known chemotherapeutic anticancer agents exhibit neutropenia as a dose-limiting side effect. In this paper we suggest a prodrug concept solving this problem for camptothecin (HO-cpt). The prodrug is programmed according to Boolean “AND” logic. It requires for its activation the simultaneous presence of triggers T1 (H2O2) and T2 (pH 8 in mitoch...
Many known chemotherapeutic anticancer agents exhibit neutropenia as a dose-limiting side effect. In this paper we suggest a prodrug concept solving this problem for camptothecin (HO-cpt). The prodrug is programmed according to Boolean “AND” logic. It requires for its activation the simultaneous presence of triggers T1 (H2O2) and T2 (pH 8 in mitoch...
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Sheep farming is an important socioeconomic activity in most Mediterranean countries, particularly Spain, where it contributes added value to rural areas. Sheep milk is used in Spain mainly for making cheese, but it can be used also for making other dairy products, such as the lactic-alcoholic fermentation product known as kefir. Dairy products hav...
Alcohol consumption is a widespread behaviour that may eventually result in the development of alcohol use disorder (AUD). Alcohol, however, is rarely consumed in pure form but in fruit- or corn-derived preparations, like beer. These preparations add other compounds to the consumption, which may critically modify alcohol intake and AUD risk. We inv...
Activation of the µ-opioid receptor (µOR) by food components could lead to reward effects or to the modulation of motor functions in the gastrointestinal tract. In an unbiased search for novel µOR agonists in food, a three-step virtual-screening process selected 22 promising candidates with potential to interact with the µOR. Radioligand binding st...
Hop is widely used in beer brewing and as a medicinal product. The present study comprehensively analyzed the main molecular determinants of the antibacterial activity of hop extracts. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) against Bacillus subtilis between 31.25 and 250 µg/mL were found in the ethanolic extracts of five hop varieties for beer bre...
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Leveraging biased signaling of G protein-coupled receptors has been proposed as a promising strategy for the development of drugs with higher specificity. However, the consequences of selectively targeting G protein- or β-arrestin-mediated signaling on cellular functions are not comprehensively understood. In this study, we utilized phosphoproteomi...
Chlorate is a food contaminant that is mainly attributed to the use of chlorinated water and disinfectants. The present study investigated if chlorate could also occur as a process contaminant in chemical leavening agents for baking products. Thus, a sensitive and rapid ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method was...
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3,4-Dideoxyglucosone-3-ene (3,4-DGE) is a glucose degradation product present in processed foods and medicinal products. Additionally, its constant formation from 3-deoxyglucosone in plasma has been suggested. Due to its α,β-unsaturated dicarbonyl moiety, 3,4-DGE is highly reactive and has shown harmful effects in vitro. Here, we investigated the i...
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Reactive glucose degradation products (GDPs) are formed during heat sterilization of glucose-containing peritoneal dialysis fluids (PDFs) and may induce adverse clinical effects. Long periods of storage and/or transport of PDFs before use may lead to de novo formation or degradation of GDPs. Therefore, the present study quantified the GDP profiles...
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Heat sterilization of peritoneal dialysis fluids (PDFs) leads to the formation of glucose degradation products (GDPs), which impair long-term peritoneal dialysis. The current study investigated the effects of metal ions, which occur as trace impurities in the fluids, on the formation of six major α-dicarbonyl GDPs, namely glucosone, glyoxal, methyl...
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The antimicrobial peptide Leg1 (RIKTVTSFDLPALRFLKL) from chickpea legumin is active against spoilage bacteria, yeast, and mold. The present study tested its effectiveness under food storage conditions and examined options to obtain a food-grade agent. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of Leg1 against E. coli (62.5 µM) proved stable over se...
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The fight against food waste benefits from novel agents inhibiting spoilage. The present study investigated the preservative potential of the antimicrobial peptides Leg1 (RIKTVTSFDLPALRFLKL) and Leg2 (RIKTVTSFDLPALRWLKL) recently identified in chickpea legumin hydrolysates. Checkerboard assays revealed strong additive antimicrobial effects of Leg1/...
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The development of functionally selective or biased ligands is a promising approach towards drugs with less side effects. Biased ligands for G protein-coupled receptors can selectively induce G protein activation or β-arrestin recruitment. The consequences of this selective action on cellular functions, however, are not fully understood. Here, we i...
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How we eat has a major impact on our individual health status, our quality of life and our wellbeing. Many of the foods we eat have a major social, environmental, climate and animal welfare footprint. This expertise defines policies to promote sustainability in food consumption as policies that integrate all four target dimensions: human health, so...
Contamination with bacteria leads to food waste and foodborne diseases with severe consequences for the environment and human health. Aiming to reduce food spoilage and infection, the present study developed novel highly active food-grade preservatives affecting a wide range of bacteria. After extraction from chickpea, the storage protein legumin w...
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Die Art und Weise, wie wir uns ernähren, beeinflusst wesentlich unseren individuellen Gesundheitsstatus, unsere Lebensqualität und unser Wohlbefinden. Viele Lebensmittel tragen einen großen sozialen, umwelt-, klima- und tierschutzbezogenen Fußabdruck. Politik für nachhaltigere Ernährung ist in diesem Gutachten definiert als eine Politik, die alle v...
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The plasma of diabetic or uremic patients and of those receiving peritoneal dialysis treatment have increased levels of the glucose-derived dicarbonyl metabolites like methylglyoxal (MGO), glyoxal (GO), and 3-deoxyglucosone (3-DG). The elevated dicarbonyl levels can contribute to the development of painful neuropathies. Here, we used stimulated imm...
Hordenine, a natural constituent of germinated barley, is a biased agonist of the dopamine D2 receptor. This pilot study investigated the biokinetics of hordenine and its metabolites in four volunteers consuming beer equal to 0.075 mg hordenine/kg body weight. A new UHPLC–ESI–MS/MS method determined maximum plasma concentrations of 12.0–17.3 nM fre...
Nonenzymatic post-translational protein modifications (nePTMs) affect the nutritional, physiological, and technological properties of proteins in food and in vivo. In contrast to the usual targeted analyses, the present study determined nePTMs in processed milk in a truly untargeted proteomic approach. Thus, it was possible to determine to which ex...
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The aim of this work was to evaluate the partially purified protease of sour orange flower extract (OFR) by determining the protein profile and milk-clotting activity as well as chemical and sensory characteristics of cheese throughout 45 days of ripening. Three rennets were used to produce cheeses, (1) the sour orange flower rennet at a level of 0...
Peptides are important food components with bioactive properties (including, e.g., antimicrobial, antioxidative, ACE-inhibitory or anticariogenic effects) and technological function. By now, targeted and untargeted mass spectrometry, mainly MALDI-TOF-MS and LC–ESI-high resolution MS/MS, allow for the comprehensive analysis of the peptide compositio...
The influence of production technology, namely, temperature, pH and 2-step fermentation (back-slopping approach), on the microbiological characteristics and on the phosphopeptide profile of kefir obtained with kefir grains was investigated. The growth of yeasts, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and acetic acetic bacteria (AAB) in both grains and kefir wa...
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Seeds represent the major source of food protein, impacting on both human nutrition and animal feeding. Therefore, seed quality needs to be appropriately addressed in the context of viability and food safety. Indeed, long-term and inappropriate storage of seeds might result in enhancement of protein glycation, which might affect their quality and l...
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Die Europäische Union steht in Umwelt- und Klimaschutzfragen vor enormen Herausforderungen. Treibhausgasemissionen, Biodiversitätsverluste, Ammoniakemissionen und nach wie vor vielfach zu hohe Nährstofffrachten in die Gewässer verlangen eine deutlich zielorientiertere und konsequentere Agrarumwelt- und Klimaschutzpolitik als bisher. Die bisherigen...
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The European Union is facing huge environmental and climate-related challenges. Greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity losses, ammonia emissions and continuing excessive nutrient loads in water bodies demand a much more targeted and consistent agri-environment-climate policy than has hitherto been the case. Agri-environment-climate policy measures...
Proteolysis during the storage of UHT milk is associated with major technological problems, particularly bitter off-flavors and age gelation limiting the shelf life of milk. In this study, untargeted peptide profiling by MALDI-TOF-MS identified peptides that were formed by proteolysis and reflected the storage of UHT milk. Analysis of nine differen...
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Pratiquement aucune autre exigence relative à la Politique agricole commune (PAC) ne fait l’objet depuis les années 1990 d’un consensus aussi large entre les parties concernées que celle d’une simplification administrative. Il est urgent de procéder à une simplification, et ce, pour les deux piliers de la PAC et pour tous les niveaux d’acteurs (l’U...
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Endocannabinoids and endocannabinoid-related compounds (ERCs) are involved in many physiological processes. They are released on demand from phosphoinositide and N-acylphosphatidyl ethanolamine (NAPE) precursors and comprise 2-monoacylglycerols (2-MGs) and FA ethanolamides (FEAs). Despite the abundance of advanced quantitative methods, however, the...
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Zu kaum einer anderen Forderung zur Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik (GAP) besteht seit den 1990er Jahren ein derart breiter Konsens zwischen den Beteiligten wie bei der nach einer Verwaltungsvereinfachung der GAP. Eine Vereinfachung ist dringend geboten, und zwar für beide Säulen der GAP und für alle Akteursebenen (EU, Mitgliedstaat, d. h. in Deutschland:...
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Casein phosphopeptides are multiphosphorylated milk peptides, which can have anticariogenic activity and improve mineral absorption by binding bivalent metal ions. The present study investigated phosphopeptides in kefir because fermentation may lead to their enhanced release from milk proteins. After selective enrichment by hydroxyapatite extractio...
Zusammenfassung Im Bereich der molekularen Ernährungsphysiologie beschäftigen sich Lebensmittelchemiker mit der Frage, welche Wirkungen Lebensmittelinhaltsstoffe auf spezifische Körperfunktionen ausüben. Ziel ist es dabei vor allem, die physiologische Aktivität einer molekular definierten Verbindung zuzuordnen. Einen wichtigen Teilbereich der molek...
The phenethylamine alkaloid hordenine, present in germinated barley, was identified recently as a functionally selective dopamine D2 receptor agonist contributing potentially to the rewarding effects of drinking beer. Here, it was shown that the hordenine precursor N-methyltyramine binds with a similar affinity to the dopamine D2 receptor as horden...
This study designed a prediction model to differentiate pasteurized milk from heated extended shelf life (ESL) milk based on milk peptides. For this purpose, quantitative peptide profiles of a training set of commercial samples including pasteurized (n = 20), pasteurized‐ESL (n = 13) and heated‐ESL (n = 16) milk were recorded by MALDI‐TOF‐MS. Seven...
Hop β-bitter acids (lupulones) are health-beneficial components of Humulus lupulus L. showing, for example, antidepressant-like effects in vitro. Despite of the widespread use of hops for medicinal purposes, the concentrations of lupulones in hop-based drugs have not been reported yet. The present study developed, validated, and applied a method wi...
Hedonic intake of strongly rewarding foods is independent from biological needs and, thus, a common cause of obesity. The effect of potato chips on energy intake in a snacking model could be explained by their fat/carbohydrate content (FCHc). The present study investigated if the FCHc shapes energy intake patterns and reward processing of satiated...
The Nrf2 signaling pathway is highly significant for redox homeostasis. Hence, nutrients and drugs activating Nrf2 can prevent oxidative stress-mediated medical conditions. After activation, Nrf2 accumulates in the cell nucleus; therefore, stimulation of Nrf2 by food components and drugs is usually monitored by measuring nuclear Nrf2 levels. The pr...
Glucose degradation products (GDPs) are formed from glucose and other reducing sugars during heat treatment, for example in heat-sterilized peritoneal dialysis fluids or foods. Due to their reactive mono- and dicarbonyl structure, they react readily with proteins resulting in the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), loss of protein...
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Seeds represent the major source of food protein, impacting on both human nutrition and animal feeding. Therefore, seed quality needs to be appropriately addressed in the context of viability and food safety. Indeed, long-term and inappropriate storage of seeds might result in enhancement of protein glycation, which might affect their quality and l...
Beta-bitter acids of hops (lupulones) revealed sedative and antidepressant–like effects in animal studies. Transformation of β-acids during beer brewing leads to the formation of tricyclic transformation products, which have a close structural analogy to hyperforin. The latter compound is responsible for the antidepressant activity of St. John's wo...
„… Die Lebensmittelchemie kann zur Verbesserung der Ernährungssicherung beitragen, indem sie Lösungen entwickelt, um leichtverderbliche Lebensmittel länger haltbar zu machen. Die Entdeckung von unbekannten und nicht gesuchten Kontaminanten und Verfälschungen ist notwendig, um Lebensmittelskandale zu verhindern und den Verbrauchern sichere und unver...
“… Food chemistry has the important task to improve food security by the development of applicable strategies to give perishable products longer shelf lives. The discovery of unknown food contaminants and adulterants that are not being searched for is crucial in order to avoid scandals and to provide safe and pure food for the consumer …” Read more...
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Up to now, only a few studies about microparticle contamination of bottled mineral water have been published. The smallest analysed particle size was 5 μm. However, due to toxicological reasons, especially microparticles smaller than 1.5 μm are critically discussed. Therefore, in the present study, 32 samples of bottled mineral water were investiga...
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Objective: To elucidate the mechanisms of how snack foods may induce non-homeostatic food intake, we used resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), as resting state networks can individually adapt to experience after short time exposures. In addition, we used graph theoretical analysis together with machine learning techniques (s...
To evaluate if the recently identified antimicrobial milk peptides αS2-casein182–207 and αS2-casein151–181 can be of physiological or technological relevance, their presence in commercial milk was investigated. Thus, a UHPLC–ESI–MS/MS scheduled multiple reaction monitoring method was developed for quantification using stable isotope-labeled peptide...
In this study, a new approach was introduced to identify marker peptides that reflect the thermal treatment of commercial milk samples and differentiate ultrahigh-temperature processed (UHT) milk from mildly heated milk. Peptide profiles of training set samples, pasteurized (n=20), extended shelf life (n=29), and UHT (n=29) milk, were recorded by M...
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Background: The oxidative deterioration of vegetable oils is commonly measured by the peroxide value, thereby not considering the contribution of individual lipid hydroperoxide isomers, which might have different bioactive effects. Thus, the formation of 9- and 13-hydroperoxy octadecadienoic acid (9-HpODE and 13- HpODE), was quantitated after shor...
Reactive 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds (DCs) are generated from carbohydrates during food processing and storage and under physiological conditions. In the recent decades, much knowledge has been gained concerning the chemical formation pathways and the role of DCs in food and physiological systems. DCs are formed mainly by dehydration and redox reactio...
The spice Syzygium aromaticum L. (clove buds) exerts topical anesthetic and analgesic effects. Since GABAA receptors are an emerging drug target for pain treatment, the effects of aqueous clove extracts on the human α1β2-GABAA receptor were tested by two-electrode voltage clamp technique applying a three-step test system. The extract significantly...
The histamine receptors (HRs) represent a subclass of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and comprise four subtypes. Due to their numerous physiological and pathological effects, HRs are popular drug targets for the treatment of allergic reactions or the regulation of gastric acid secretion. Hence, an understanding of the functional selectivity of...
Significance: Targeted proteome analysis using LC coupled to scheduled selected reaction monitoring (sSRM)-MS is a highly flexible and reliable method to monitor protein expression profiles. The present study screened modulators occurring in food, which may be protective against colon cancer by inducing cytoprotective enzymes. Primary human coloni...
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Drastic reductions in global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are required to prevent global warming from reaching a level that will have unforeseeable negative consequences for ecosystems and society. At the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris in December 2015, the goal of keeping the increase in global average temperature well below 2°C as compar...
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The dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) is involved in food reward and compulsive food intake. The present study developed a virtual screening (VS) method to identify food components, which may modulate D2R signalling. In contrast to their common applications in drug discovery, VS methods are rarely applied for the discovery of bioactive food compounds. Her...
Monocytes are a part of the innate immune system. Their differentiation into macrophages changes their cellular proteome and secretome. Particularly secretome components such as cytokines are crucial for immune response and inflammation in many diseases. Differentiation of human lymphoma cell line U937 can be triggered by phorbol 12-myristate 13-ac...
Scope: A method was developed for targeted proteome analysis of the expression profile of a set of antioxidative enzymes in rat macrophages and applied to screen the antioxidative potential of several food components/foods. Methods and results: Expression profiles of heme oxygenase 1, peroxiredoxin 1, thioredoxin reductase 1, glutathione reducta...