Mónika Papp

Mónika Papp
HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences and ELTE Eötvös Loránd University · Institute for Legal Studies


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My current research interests are EU law and national interest, EU economic law (internal market, antitrust, state aid), Varieties of Capitalism and EU Law


Publications (34)
A Covid-19 járvány felkészületlenül érte Európát, a járványügyi védekezés miatt a tagállamoknak és hatóságaiknak ugrásszerűen megnőtt az igénye (keresletnövekedés) a járványügyi védekezéshez használt termékek (intenzív terápiás gyógyszerek, maszkok, lélegeztetőgépek, kórházi köpenyek, fertőtlenítőszerek stb.) piacán, amelyet a kínálat nem tudott ki...
Conference Paper
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From the mid-2010s, strategic autonomy appeared in the political and economic narrative of several EU policies. EU industrial policy is also linked to the capacity of the EU to improve its competitiveness, invest in human capital, and R&D, and address market failures. On the other hand, EU State aid rules have often been perceived as too stringent...
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Az uniós állami támogatási jog, a versenyjog részeként, korlátját képezheti a tagállami közpolitikák alakításának. A tanulmány arra kíván rávilágítani, hogy a másodlagos uniós jogban és közpolitikában milyen strukturális változások mentek végbe az elmúlt húsz évben, és erre hogyan reflektál a magyar támogatási politika. Az átfogó, szintetizáló céll...
The judicial review of administrative action was one of the cornerstones of constitutionalism in post-socialist Hungary transitioning towards a liberal democracy based on the rule of law. However, in the past decade its availability has been subjected to restrictions of both systemic and specific nature. Many of the latter type of restrictions have...
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This chapter analyses the conceptual and normative dilemmas posed for the European economic constitution by the varieties of capitalisms in the Member States. Despite the institutional convergence achieved over the past decades, European economic integration remains to be characterised by a diversity of institutional models implemented in the natio...
This ambitious, innovative project examines the principle of effective judicial protection in EU law over two volumes. The principle of effective judicial protection is a cornerstone of the EU’s judicial system and is re-affirmed in Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Since the 1980s the Court of Justice has used...
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In order to meet a variety of locally relevant socio-economic expectations and needs, Hungarian tax policy in the last decade has applied a number of unconventional instruments. The government favored in particular the imposition of additional taxes on corporate taxpayers in specific sectors of the national economy. The taxation of turnover in addi...
The additional taxation of corporate turnover has emerged in the EU Member States and at the EU level as part of efforts to secure the national tax base and presumably to enable a fair and equitable sharing of the tax burden among corporate taxpayers covered by the national tax jurisdiction. Its introduction is usually based on the expectation that...
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic had an immediate and profound impact on mobility and, more specifically, on air passenger transport: airlines were quickly stranded, and the Member States granted aid to air carriers subject to specific eligibility criteria. The Commission reacted swiftly to challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and adopted...
State intervention in the operation of open markets and state aid comes in various forms, of which direct grants are the most common. Around 60% of total EU-28 State aid spending was granted in the form of direct grants. In 2018, around one-third of total EU-28 State aid spending represented tax measures (exemption, reduction, deferral, etc.), the...
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The taxation of corporate turnover has emerged in the EU and its Member States as part of efforts to secure the national tax base and to enable a fair and equitable distribution of the tax burden among corporate taxpayers covered by the national tax jurisdiction. It enables the exercise of the taxation prerogative over value generated in the nation...
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Hungarian economic and fiscal policy in the last decade has applied a number of unconventional instruments. However, their classification as populist policy instruments is far from certain. This is also true in case of the sectoral special taxes greatly favored by the Hungarian administration, in particular the progressive taxes imposed on the turn...
In the last ten years, interventions by the Hungarian government in the national economy have included elements that can be brought under the broader category of economic populism. The fundamental restructuring of market positions and/or market opportunities, under claims for unconstrained policy discretion, that emerged from domestic regulation ha...
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Jelen tanulmány egyrészről az EU állami támogatási jogának és politikájának, másrész-ről a tagállami hatáskörbe tartozó kutatás-fejlesztési politikának az egymásra hatását kívánja bemutatni. A két szakpolitika közötti kapcsolat az EU versenyképességének növelésére irányuló politikai cél erősödésével egyre inkább feszültté válik, és a dilem-mák elé...
The EU Single Market, as a multi-layered marketplace, is characterised by a considerable diversity among the institutional models of local capitalisms in Europe. For the legal instruments applied in its implementation—both legislation and judicial practice, this diversity presents a significant challenge. EU legislative measures are forced to promo...
Turnover taxes with progressive rates have emerged both in the Member States and in the European Union as attractive fiscal policy instruments which promise effective and potentially fairer and more equitable taxation when other options have failed. However, their introduction raises the possibility of unlawful discrimination and the abuse of the t...
The aim of this paper is to show to what degree Member States’ choices in pursuing their national interest is limited by EU internal market law. Additionally, the question is raised whether the EU legal framework is apt to accommodate measures emanating from diverse social, cultural and political settings at the national level. The present study se...
The policies developed by governments for the national economy and their implementation fall under far-reaching restrictions imposed by EU law. These follow from substantive legal provisions as well as from the legal principles of necessity and proportionality, the latter applied in the context of the Member States justifying the violation of their...
This contribution examines rising economic patriotism in Central and Eastern Europe, mainly in Hungary and Poland, after the global financial and economic crisis. A closer look at patriotism in these EU Member States seems warranted given the global shift towards more inward-looking national policies and the challenging of neo-liberal ideas of free...
CARS (Warsaw)Research Centre, on Topic: abuse of bargaining power in the food supply chain. National (Hungarian) Report
Conference Paper
The EU Single Market, as a multi-layered marketplace, is characterised by a considerable diversity among the institutional models of local capitalisms in Europe. For the legal instruments applied in its implementation – both legislation and judicial practice, this diversity presents a significant challenge. EU legislative measures are forced to pro...
Conference Paper
National Report (Hungary): Taxation, State Aid and distortions of competition
This chapter deals with the application of EU competition law by the Hungarian judiciary. It will first sketch the contours of requesting a preliminary ruling from the European Court of Justice as an ordinary practice of Hungarian courts. As Hungarian courts are very active in posing preliminary questions, it comes as a surprise that in competition...
This article examines the ability of EU law to address radical and sudden changes introduced in the Member States pursuing particularistic economic policies in national markets in the wake of the global financial and economic crisis. It contends that national governments relying on the very real political and legal powers available to them in the d...
The aim of this article is to summarize and comment on the most important individual decisions of the European Commission after accession. Eight years after the accession of Hungary to the European Union, it is time to take stock and to look at the application of state aid law so far.


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