Monika MarkovićUniversity of Osijek, Faculty of agrobiotechnical sciences Osijek · Department for plant production and biotechnology
Monika Marković
Land - Special issue "Extreme Weather Events: Implications for Food Security and Natural Capital"
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Publications (72)
Measuring the soil water content (SWC) is a fundamental component of the sustainable management of water resources, soil preservation, and high irrigation efficiency. Non-destructive SWC measurements using soil moisture sensors (SMSs) enables timely irrigation and reduces overirrigation and water stress. Within this context, the performance of four...
Istraživanje je provedeno u kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj, Požega, 2019. godine. Cilj istraživanja bio je proučiti rast i kvalitetu kadifice (Tagetes erecta) i petunije (Petunia hybrida), u pogledu morfoloških karakteristika (broj cvjetova/cvatova i grana po biljci, visinu biljke, masu svježeg cvijeta/cvati, i promjer cvijeta/ cvati) i estetske vrijedno...
The paper presents research on measuring and the possibility of prediction of noise levels on the left and right sides of the operator within the cabin of an agricultural tractor when moving across various agrotechnical surfaces, considering movement velocity and tire pressures while employing machine learning techniques. Noise level measurements w...
The air temperature in Bosnia and Herzegovina is increasing (0.3-0.6 °C per decade), while rainfall events are more extreme. Additionally, there is an increased variability in weather conditions across all seasons, marked by rapid shifts from extremely cold to warm weather, as well as transitions from periods of exceptionally high rainfall to excee...
Modern agricultural production implies the use of highly sophisticated machines. Their high reliability, efficiency, and operational life depend to a large extent on high-quality and timely regular preventive maintenance measures. Unfortunately, during exploitation, the machines will break down, and we attempt to restore them to their correct state...
Paper’s objective was to provide a critical overview of the current state of wastewater generation in different processes around the world and their use in irrigation. As a follow-up, a brief overview of the classification of wastewater and its potential for end use is presented. Furthermore, a specific overview of irrigation using wastewater is pr...
Morphological and biochemical responses were assessed in an iceberg (GIL) and butterhead (GBL) lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. capitata) treated with commercially available soluble preparation of mycorrhizal fungi and beneficial soil bacteria (MT) grown in three irrigation treatments considered in greenhouse (continental Croatia, 2022): I100—control t...
Kukuruz (Zea mays L.) je najzastupljenija ratarska kultura na području Republike Hrvatske. Ostvarivanje visokih prinosa i dobre kvalitete zrna kukuruza moguće je ukoliko se poljoprivredna proizvodnja prilagodi klimatskim uvjetima i potrebama uzgajane kulture. Cilj rada bio je odrediti osnovne elemente navodnjavanja kukuruza na području Orahovice (H...
Climate change is causing serious problems in various economic sectors in particular involving water management. For this reason, it is extremely important to conduct research to identify climate change trends and better understand them. This study was carried out in the Dim Stream basin in the Western Mediterranean region (Turkey), which is partic...
Značaj vode. Voda u tlu. Instrumentalne tehnike i metode praćenja kretanja vode u tlu.
Korištenje različitih senzora za praćenje mikroklimatskih parametara i vlažnosti tla.
Korištenje daljinskog istraživanja i računarskih tehnika u upravljanju vodama. Upotreba bespilotnih letjelica (UAV) i fotogrametrijeu poljoprivredi. Softverski alati za...
Uzgoj brzorastućih biljnih vrsta osigurava nove energetske izvore koji omogućuju zaštitu šuma od sječe i posredno ublažavaju postojeće klimatske promjene. Paulovnija je drvenasta biljka značajna za proizvodnju biljne biomase koju odlikuje brzo klijanje, rast i razvoj velike količine lisne i drvenaste mase u kratkom uzgojnom periodu. Radi brzine ras...
One of the most important tasks of breeders is to improve the properties of breeding material (varieties, lines) and to create a new genetic variability. The study goals were as follows: during two consecutive years (2019 and 2020), to evaluate the agronomic value of nine newly created spring breeding lines of fodder pea, as well as to evaluate the...
This four-year study with four elite soybean lines with different maturities was conducted to investigate the impact of deficit (a field water capacity, or FWC, of 60%) and full irrigation (an FWC of 80–100%) on soybean grain yield and grain quality (grain protein and oil contents and crude protein and oil yields), depending on the environmental co...
Allelopathy, a biological phenomenon, is a valuable tool for weed management and minimization of synthetic pesticide use in sustainable agricultural production. The aim of the study was to evaluate the allelopathic potential of nine sunflower genotypes. Water extracts from dry sunflower leaves collected in two growth stages (butonisation and flower...
Soja (Glycine max. (L.) Merr.) je jedna od najznačajnijih uljarica koja je našla široku primjenu u ishrani ljudi, proizvodnji hrane za stoku te obogaćivanju tla dušikom. Obzirom na sve učestaliju pojavu klimatskih ekstrema, izostanak oborina ili nepravilan raspored oborina tijekom razdoblja vegetacije te nadprosječno visoke temperature zraka, zabil...
Lakes are the most important freshwater resources for humans. It is stated that together with population growth, unplanned urbanization, excessive water consumption, industrialization, and unconscious irrigation, global climate change causes changes in the water levels and volumes of lakes. Lake Eğirdir in Turkey, which is important in terms of dri...
Mitigating the effects of changing climate with adaptable cultivars while reducing the input burden of additional selection criteria is becoming a priority, especially as water shortage is limiting soybean production in Europe. To evaluate the functionality of the photosynthetic apparatus in drought, chlorophyll a (Chl a) fluorescence was measured...
The study of salinity stress in irrigated floriculture can make a significant contribution to the preservation of freshwater sources. To analyze the morphological and aesthetic responses of zinnia (Zinnia elegans L.) and periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don) to different salinity stress levels, the following treatments were performed: s0 = m...
One of the major challenges for agriculture related to climate change is drought. The increasing temperatures and decreasing precipitation in many parts of the world have enhanced the frequency and severity of drought events. Therefore, a detailed analysis is required in order to determine the drought frequency and take the necessary precautions. I...
Maize seed is during germination and cropping in the open under the influence of different agroecological factors, so high yields will be achieved mainly by sowing quality high vigor seeds. The aim of this research was to determine maize seed vigor by laboratory methods (mass of 1000 seeds, germination energy (GE), standard germination (SG), electr...
With the increasing need for energy, energy studies to be obtained from waste gain importance. In this study, it has been tried to determine the amount of biogas energy that can be obtained from olive pomace (pirina), which is produced by processing oil olives. Numerical maps of pirina amounts and potential biogas energy values and location maps of...
Rainfall is the main source of water for crops, yet not all of the rain water is actually available to the plants due to the losses that occur, i.e. evaporation, surface runoff, deep percolation, etc. Of particular importance is to choose the right method for estimation of Effective Rainfall (Re) especially during the climate variability, frequent...
Sustainable and profitable crop production has become a challenge due to frequent weather extremes, where unstable crop yields are often followed by the negative impacts of agronomic practices on the environment, i.e., nitrate leaching in irrigated and nitrogen (N)-fertilized crop production. To study this issue, a three-year field study was conduc...
Within the nursery sector, a global interest in functional fruits imposes a permanent need to improve the tissue culture technology. A modern bioreactor immersion system is currently a valid solution for the micropropagation of many cultures. At the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek (FAZOS, Croatia), a research was conducted with the aim...
Watermark, Tensiometer and Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) are commonly used soil water sensors in irrigation practice whose performance depends on soil type, depth and growing conditions. Here, the results of sensor performance evaluation in different soil depths as well as the field and laboratory testing in silty clay loamy soil are presented. G...
The incidence rate of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is becoming a global health problem that could be caused by changes in environmental and lifestyle habits. The study aimed to identify the association between the quality of drinking water, i.e., physiochemical and biological aspects of the phenotype and activity of IBD in Eastern Croatia. The...
The spring field pea is one of the most important coarse legumes. This study was carried out to investigate the response of a spring field pea variety to three plant densities (50, 100, and 150 plant m-2) during the 2017 and 2019 growing seasons in eastern Croatia. The field study was set up as a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) in four repl...
Main goal of the most breeding programs is to develop highly adaptive hybrids in various environments, and the most important limitation are complex interactions between genotype, environment and management. Every hybrid breeding program follows certain strategy for new hybrid development. One possible strategy is to develop hybrids with lower adap...
Posavina region represents the area with the most favorable natural conditions for agricultural production in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Increase in the air temperature and changes in the amount of rainfall results in changes in evapotranspiration and the values of main water balance elements indicating the need for a precise determination...
Provedeno je preliminarno poljsko istraživanje na dvije lokacije s ciljem utvrđivanja utjecaja kultivara, inokulacije sjemena i navodnjavanja na poljsko nicanje, broj mahuna po biljci, broj zrna po mahuni, masu 1000 zrna, prinos zrna i koncentraciju bjelančevina u zrnu soje u uvjetima istočne Hrvatske. Utvrđen je značajan utjecaj kultivara, inokula...
DOI:10.28974/idojaras.2020.2.7 277 , IDŐJÁRÁS
Quarterly Journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service
Vol. 124, No. 2, April – June, 2020, pp. 277–297
Validating AquaCrop model for rainfed and irrigated
maize and soybean production in eastern Croatia
Monika Marković1*, Marko Josipović2, Milena Jančić Tovjanin3,
Vladimir Đurđević4, Marija Ra...
The paper presents a study of the influence of an uneven surface and number of tractor hours on vibration that is transmitted to the operator's hand-arm system during operation. The study was conducted on the asphalt, gravel and grass traversal during 2015 and 2016. The results indicate that the movement of a tractor on different agrotechnical surf...
U radu je prikazan utjecaj dvaju različitih sustava raspršivanja (klasičnoga i senzorskog) pomoću raspršivača Tifone Vento 1500, s različito podešenim tehničkim čimbenicima raspršivanja, na zemljišno i zračno zanošenje tekućine te depozit u krošnji. Istraživanje je obavljeno prema ISO normi 22866:2005 u nasadu višnje. Analizom varijance ispitan je...
Provedeno je preliminarno istraživanje na dvije lokacije istočne Hrvatske s ciljem utvrđivanja utjecaja kultivara, inokulacije sjemena i navodnjavanja na poljsko nicanje, broj mahuna po biljci, broj zrna po mahuni, masu 1000 zrna, prinos zrna i sadržaj bjelančevina u zrnu. Značajnost učinaka ispitivanih faktora na istraživana svojstva bila je razli...
U radu je istražen alelopatski utjecaj vrste Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f. na klijavost sjemena i rast klijanaca sedam biljnih vrsta. Pokus je proveden u Petrijevim zdjelicama, gdje su procijenjeni ekstrakti svježih listova vrste A. vera u različitim koncentracijama (2, 4, 6, 8 i 10%) na klijavost, duljinu klijanaca te svježu i suhu masu klijanaca ječma,...
The paper presents the recorded vibrations that affect the operator's body when an agricultural tractor moves along three types of agrotechnical surfaces, i.e. asphalt, an alfalfa field, and a field path, and when seven different tractor seat upholsteries are used. The research was performed in accordance with the HRN ISO 2631-1 and HRN ISO 2631-4...
Cilj ovog rada je opisati proizvodnju češnjaka na obiteljskom gospodarstvu u okolici Vinkovaca. Udruga „Češnjak“, Vinkovci osnovana je s ciljem unaprjeđenja proizvodnje češnjaka. Kultivar „Cerićki ozimi“ nalazi se na Sortnoj listi od 2014. godine, a uzgajan je u okolici Cerića u sezoni 2014./2015. Agrotehničke mjere u uzgoju ove kulture prilagođene...
During the last decade eastern Republic of Croatia have experienced several drought and flood events which seriously affected not only the crop production but also the effectiveness of irrigation practice, meaning irrigation scheduling and water use efficiency. This study was conducted to quantify the effect of irrigation scheduling on yield and yi...
These research show results of produced level of tractors vibrations that affects on operator body measurement in relation to working hours of tractor in 2015 and 2016 year. It was done in accordance with the prescribed standards CRO ISO 2631-1 and CRO ISO 2631-4. Measurements were conducted in 2015 and 2016 on LANDINI POWERFARM 100 on access roads...
Soil plasticity is the area of soil consistency, i.e. it represents a change in soil condition due to different soil moisture influenced by external forces activity. Consistency determines soil resistance in tillage, therefore, the aim of the research was to determine the optimum soil moisture condition for tillage and the influence of the chemical...
During the 3-year study, maize (Zea mays L.) production in the eastern Republic of Croatia suffered great losses due to periods of flood (2010) and drought (2011 and 2012). An excessive amount of water as well as lack of it caused variation of yield and efficiency of irrigation scheduling. Irrigation treatments included a rainfed treatment and irri...
Grain yield of maize is mostly affected by amount of available water and nitrogen and correlated to yield components. In this 2-years study the influence of different irrigation water amounts (a1=rainfed; a2=60-100% field water capacity (FWC); a3=80-100% FWC), nitrogen fertilizer levels (b1=0 kg*N*ha⁻¹; b2=100 kg*N*ha⁻¹; b3=200 kg*N*ha⁻¹) and hybri...
The western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte; WCR) is a
serious maize pest in Croatia. The species was first registered in Europe in
the early 1990s and since then became one of the most dangerous maize pests,
especially in parts of Central and Southeast Europe. Larvae that feed on the
maize roots cause the most serious damages...
U radu su prikazana mjerenja obavljena tijekom dvije agrotehničke sezone. Mjerene su razine vibracija koje utječu na trup rukovatelja prilikom korištenja dva različita poljoprivredna stroja (malčer i raspršivač). Koristi se traktor Landini Powerfarm DT 100. Mjerenje je ponovljeno tri puta u trajanju 30 minuta. Istraživanje je obavljeno na poljopriv...
U radu su prikazani rezultati trogodišnjeg (2010. – 2012.) poljskog pokusa u kojem je istraživan utjecaj godine (a1 = 2010.; a2 = 2011.; a3 = 2012.), učinkovitost normi navodnjavanja (b1 = kontrola; b2 = 60 do 80% poljskog vodnog kapaciteta (PVK), b3 = 80 do 100% PVK), količine N gnojiva (c1 = kontrola; c2 = 100 kg N ha-1; c3 = 200 kg N ha-1) te nj...
Deficit irrigation of soybean was induced by irrigation at 60-100% field water capacity (FWC) during three different climatic years in sub-humid area. Crop evapotranspiration (ETc) was measured for each irrigation plots, dry-land (a1), deficit irrigation (a2) and full irrigated plots (a3). Average across years ETc totalled 46.05 mm/dec from initial...
Continuous monitoring of soil moisture content plays a key role in irrigation
scheduling and yield formation. This study was conducted to derive the
technique and efficiency of application of granular matrix sensors (GMSs) in
a sprinkler irrigation system of maize (Zea mays L.). Two irrigation (a2 =
60%- 100% of field capacity (FC), a3 = 80%-100% o...
This study was conducted (2010-2012) to analyse the efficiency of irrigation scheduling in maize production based on soil moisture measurements (Watermark soil moisture sensors) in years with extreme weather events at the research site of the Agricultural Institute in Osijek, eastern Croatia. Three irrigation treatments and four maize hybrids were...
Irrigation efficiency improvement requires optimization of its parameters like irrigation scheduling, threshold and amount of water usage. If these parameters are not satisfactorily optimized, negative consequences for the plantsoil system can occur with decreased yield and hence economic viability of the agricultural production. Numerical modellin...
Repetitive heat and drought stress conditions have a significant impact on quantity and quality of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) production in most regions of the world. Objective of this study was to determine the relationships between photosynthetic performance index (PIABS), water use (WU), grain yield-based water use efficiency (WUEG), and grain...
The influence of technical spraying factors on vertical distribution of liquid and air velocity was observed and measured with vertical patternator device. In research, Lechler yellow (TR 8002C) and red (TR 8004C) nozzles are used with two different sets of fan rotor blades (two different air velocities) at 540 rpm of PTO. The research was set as c...
Research is conducted on an apple orchard with two different types of orchard sprayers, axial (Hardi Zaturn) and radial (Hardi Arrow). The influence of major technical spraying factors (type of nozzle, working speed and spray volume) were observed on coverage of the treated area, average droplet diameter, number of droplets per cm2 and drift. The w...
The objective of the investigation was to determine water shortage in the soil in average and dry
years, and to calculate a potential yield increase in average years for cultivation of certain crops, on the condition of sufficient availability of water in the soil, in two pedo-climatic locations – in the areas of Koprivnica and Pazin. Water shorta...
Four inbred lines of maize (Os 438-95 = C1, Os 30-8 = C2, Os 6 = C3 and Os 1-44 = C4) were grown for 4-year period (2006-2009) in the stationary field experiment on Osijek eutric cambisol. Impact of irrigation, nitrogen fertilization and genotype were tested. Soil moisture was maintained by two irrigation rates from 60-100% and 80-100% of the field...
Four inbred lines of maize (Os 438-95 = C1, Os 30-8 = C2, Os 6 = C3 and Os
1-44 =C4) were grown for 4-year period (2006-2009) in the stationary field
experiment on Osijek eutric cambisol. Impact of irrigation, nitrogen
fertilization and genotype were tested. Soil moisture was maintained by two
irrigation rates from 60-100% and 80-100% of the field...
In the decade from 2000 to 2009, the yield of maize grain in Croatia varied from 4.2 t ha -1 (2003) to 8.0 t ha -1 (2008). The yield variation was mainly caused by weather conditions unfavourable for maize production, meaning lack of precipitation, unevenly distributed during the vegetation season, and mean air temperatures above the long-term mean...
Agriculture is mainly classified as a diffuse source of soil and water pollution. The main goal of the study was to assess the impact of agriculture on pollution of percolating water by total nitrogen. Research was conducted in the eastern Croatia. Quantities of percolating water in the period 2002 - 2009 ranged from 158.5 to 261.5 mm. It was also...
Field trials were set during a two year period under field conditions in Osijek. The aim was to confirm an influence of irrigation rate, nitrogen (N) fertilization and soybean varieties on seed yield and some yield components. The irrigation treatments were: control (A1); soil moisture content from 60% to 100% retention water capacity (RWC, A2) and...
The experiment was set up as split-split plot method with three repetitions in two vegetation seasons (2006-2007) in order to determine the influence of irrigation treatment (A1-control, A2-60% to 100% field water capacity (FWC), A3-80% to 100% FWC), N fertilizer (B1-control, B2-100 kg N ha -1 , and B3-200 kg N ha -1) and genotype (C1= OSSK 596; C2...
The research has been conducted on trial fields of Agricultural institute in Osijek during growing season 2009. The research has been set up as split-split plot method in three repetitions. Irrigation is main factor: A1 control variant without irrigation, A2-65%-100%, and A3-80%-100% of field water capacity. Fertilization has been administered as f...
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