Monika Hartmann

Monika Hartmann
University of Bonn | Uni Bonn · Institute for Food and Resource Economics (ILR)


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Publications (148)
This pre-registered dataset was generated to investigate the effect of framing on consumer acceptance of beneficial soil-microbes in tomato production. For this purpose, an online experiment was conducted with 754 consumers in Germany in 2022. A market research agency recruited participants from their online panel, and quotas for a representative s...
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Ziel des ersten Arbeitspakets (AP 1) von SocialLab II war der Aufbau eines Monitorings zu Rahmenbedingungen, die Einfuss auf die Entwicklung der gesellschaftlichen Kritik und Akzeptanz der landwirtschaftlichen Nutztierhaltung haben. Basierend auf Ergebnissen von SocialLab I (Christoph-Schulz et al., 2018) ging es um die Etablierung einer langfristi...
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Zusammenfassung Das Projekt SocialLab, das im Jahr 2012 ins Leben gerufen wurde, zielt darauf ab, die Notwendigkeit von Verbesserungen in landwirtschaftlichen Nutztierhaltungssystemen, sowohl aus wissenschaftlicher als auch aus gesellschaftlicher Sicht anzugehen. Denn falls umfassende Veränderungen hin zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit bei der Produktion tier...
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Zusammenfassung Ziel des ersten Arbeitspakets (AP 1) von SocialLab II war der Aufbau eines Monitorings zu Rahmenbedingungen, die Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der gesellschaftlichen Kritik und Akzeptanz der landwirtschaftlichen Nutztierhaltung haben. Basierend auf Ergebnissen von SocialLab I (Christoph-Schulz et al., 2018) ging es um die Etablierung...
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Zusammenfassung Im Jahr 2019 wurde in Deutschland eine einheitliche, freiwillige Kennzeichnung von Haltungsbedingungen für tierische Produkte eingeführt, um diesbezüglich mehr Transparenz zu schaffen. Allerdings werden diese Labels auf Verpackungen oft übersehen. In diesem Zusammenhang untersuchte die vorliegende experimentelle Studie in einem virt...
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Smart Farming Technologies enable plant-specific agrochemical applications which can increase the efficiency and reduce the environmental impacts of agriculture. However, the uptake of Smart Farming Technologies remains slow despite their potential to enhance sustainable transformation of food systems. The design of policies to promote sustainable...
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Smart weeding technologies (SWT) enable substantial herbicide savings via precise sensor-based application. This can enhance agrobiodiversity and make modern agriculture more sustainable. Currently, our knowledge about what will determine SWT adoption at farm-level is limited because few mature and economically viable prototype systems are availabl...
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Background: Food service operations in universities and colleges, such as cafeterias and canteens, may support healthy and sustainable diets among students and staff and contribute to a transformation of the wider food system. Multiple studies on interventions to promote health and sustainability in this setting have been conducted, but no up-to-da...
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This paper investigates consumer choices in the presence of conflicting goals, with and without information making conflicts salient. An experimental online study was conducted with a sample of German consumers, focusing on pig farming. The results show that personal health benefits outweigh animal welfare considerations, while the latter still wei...
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In this study, a hedonic pricing model with a stochastic frontier is applied to a sample of 183,717 observations of product sales of sausages in Germany to determine the valuation of attributes in the market. The average price of sausages is 1.14€/100 g, with meat substitutes valued at 1.53€/100 g and meat sausages at 1.01€/100 g. Our results show...
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Bio-based technologies such as biorefineries and aquaponics are considered key factors for the transition towards a sustainable bioeconomy, but they may fail due to a lack of public acceptance. The present study explores the level and determinants of citizens’ general and local acceptance of two technologies (biorefineries and aquaponics) in two re...
Despite numerous health benefits, the majority of consumers, in particular young adults, show low levels of whole grain consumption behaviour (WGCB). In order to increase WGCB, this pre-registered experimental study investigates the effect of a two weeks message intervention. Participants (n = 329) received either information about health benefits,...
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This article presents data from three experiments in which we triggered and measured cognitive dissonance in meat-eaters. Cognitive dissonance is a well-established concept in the social psychology literature; however, empirical measures are scarce. In all datasets, we used textual information and/or images related to meat consumption as means to t...
Purpose The type of flooring in stalls is an important factor that shapes consumers' overall perception of animal husbandry. Although slatted and straw floors have benefits and drawbacks, consumers strongly prefer slatted over straw floors in pig husbandry. The present study investigates whether information provision can depolarise consumers' impli...
Germans are critical of their animal husbandry systems although being increasingly detached from practical husbandry experience and benefitting from its low prices and high availability. Based on literature on citizens' acceptance of agriculture and the social licence to operate framework this study derives and tests the relevance of various factor...
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We analyze the literature on the relationship between corporate social performance (CSP) and corporate financial performance (CFP) by applying meta‐regression analysis (MRA) to 7800 results of 512 empirical studies. Our findings reveal a small positive link between CSP and CFP as well as the presence of publication bias that favors statistically si...
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It is evident that sustainable meat consumption and production require shared responsibility for actions and consequences by consumers and producers. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the relevant focus areas within the meat food value chain that consumers attach relevance to. Furthermore, the study provides an understanding of potential acti...
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Legislation and consumer preference for more sustainability in the food system require farmers to adopt more stringent sustainably measures without sacrificing business profitability. Scientific and technological innovations, such as beneficial soil microbes for in-field application, may help to achieve this goal, but adoption rates have remained s...
A growing number of consumers indicate that they are reducing the amount of meat they eat or are completely abstaining from meat consumption. Some of them have partly shifted to meat substitutes. In order to gain insights into the factors determining the decision to eat or not to eat meat alternatives, the present study extends the Theory of Planne...
Purpose While research shows that organic labels are perceived positively for most food products, the findings are more ambiguous for wine. This may be due to the complexity of the product. Accordingly, the labelling effect might be influenced by people's prior knowledge of wines and their attitudes towards organic wines and thus be more pronounced...
The present study investigates the effectiveness of health and environmental information provision as an intervention to reduce meat consumption behaviour. In an experimental online survey (n = 194), we tested how information about the negative effects of meat consumption on health or the environment influence attitude and intention to reduce meat...
Eco-labels are informational cues that transform credence into quasi-search attributes but their influence on consumer decision making is often disappointing. This paper identifies antecedents of trust in, and use of, eco-labels, validating a theoretical model with data for four publicly managed organic labels (the EU green leaf and three national...
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This study investigates the relevance of psychological constructs in determining consumer intention to buy and Willingness-To-Pay (WTP) for a processed meat product, cured ham, differentiated by the attributes of animal welfare, ham variety, and price. Data obtained from an online survey conducted in Germany was used to estimate an integrated choic...
Im Beitrag werden die Bedeutung der Informations- und der Verhaltensökonomik für eine systematische Erfassung von Handlungsfeldern zur Förderung eines nachhaltigeren privaten Konsums dargestellt. Es wird am Beispiel des Konsums von Lebensmitteln gezeigt, dass die Informations- und Verhaltensökonomik einen angemessenen theoretischen Rahmen bieten, u...
This cross-country study investigates the relative role of organic labelling in consumers' purchase decisions for apples and the extent to which behavioral constructs, derived from an extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior, influence consumers' choices. We apply an Integrated Choice and Latent Variable Model, combining a discrete choice experi...
Previous studies have shown that credence attributes play an important and often undervalued role in consumers’ product evaluation and purchasing behavior. By contrast, the factors moderating these effects have received less attention by scholars. The current study uncovers the moderating effects of consumers’ psychographic characteristics (i.e.: s...
Environmental, ethical and health concerns have damaged the image of meat products for some consumer groups. As a result, the relevance of meat substitutes (MS) and the labelling of credence attributes has increased. However, it is unclear whether MS do indeed make the grade regarding nutritional quality when compared to meat and whether the Front-...
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Zitiervorschlag: GROßE STREINE, L; KLINK-LEHMANN, J.; WEINGARTEN, N.; SIMONS, J.; S. UND HARTMANN, M.: (2021): Konkurrierende Schutzgüter in der Tierhaltung: Analyse aus Sicht der Konsument*innen. Landwirtschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Bonn, Schriftenreihe des Lehr-und Forschungsschwerpunktes USL, Nr. 194, 85 Seiten.
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Previous studies have identified health, the environment and animal welfare as key motivations for becoming and remaining vegetarian/vegan. However, the idea of vegetarianism/veganism appears to have interesting facets that go beyond those drivers. This paper describes and examines this attraction. Twenty-six in depth interviews and two group discu...
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Conventional empirical studies of foodborne-disease outbreaks (FDOs) in agricultural markets are linear-stochastic formulations hardwiring a world in which markets self-correct in response to external random shocks including FDOs. These formulations were unequipped to establish whether FDOs cause market reaction, or whether markets endogenously pro...
This research examines the effectiveness of the EU Pledge, a self-regulation initiative of leading food companies at the European level, in restricting television advertising of food and drink products high in fat, sugar or salt (HFSS) to children. In October 2011 and 2014, television program of ten German television networks was recorded on a week...
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This paper presents empirical findings from a combination of two elicitation techniques—discrete choice experiment (DCE) and best–worst scaling (BWS)—to provide information about the role of consumers’ trust in food choice decisions in the case of credence attributes. The analysis was based on a sample of 459 Taiwanese consumers and focuses on red...
Technical Report
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Responsible Partner(s): UBO Author(s): Hartmann, M.; Yeh, C.-H.; Amilien, V.; Čeliković, Z.; Csillag, P.; Filipović, J.; Giraud, G.; Gorton, M.; Kuč, V.; Menozzi, D.; Poschwatta, O.; Quarrie, S.; Roos, G.; Saidi, M.; Tocco, B.; Török, Á.; Veneziani, M.; Vreden, T. Date of Publication: February 2019 Food Quality Scheme labels are an essential mean...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to enhance the understanding about the determinants of consumer food leftovers in out-of-home settings by taking a decomposed perspective on attitudes. Design/methodology/approach Data on 307 guests in a university canteen composing of stated measures for 12 beliefs, general attitude and behavioral intention...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to obtain insights into Vietnamese consumers’ knowledge and relevance of as well as their reaction to modern food retailers (MFRs) responsible and irresponsible conduct. Design/methodology/approach Data were obtained from an online survey applying content analysis, uni- and multivariate tests and multivariate r...
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The presentation of credence attributes such as the product's origin or the production method has a significant influence on consumers' food purchase decisions. The dataset includes survey responses from a discrete choice experiment with 1309 food shoppers in Taiwan using the example of sweet pepper. The survey was carried out in 2014 in the three...
Objective The present study aimed to examine the effectiveness of two different implementation forms of the EU School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme (SFVS). Design A quasi-experimental design was applied including a thrice as well as a twice weekly intervention group. Repeated 24 h dietary recalls were used to measure children’s fruit and vegetable (F...
We examine whether an equality of organic standards (EqualOrganic) information treatment impacts Taiwanese consumers' food preference and purchasing behavior. EqualOrganic implies that regardless of products' country-of-origin (COO), organic certifications are based on the same production regulation and managerial processes. We apply discrete choic...
The high prevalence of childhood obesity is a major concern in developed and developing countries. An increase in fruit and vegetable (F&V) intake is perceived as one of the numerous strategies to prevent and reduce the risk of adiposity. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relevance of personal and social determinants in explaining ch...
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Firms in the EU food processing industry have to adjust to changing eating habits, increasing consumer requests regarding product and process quality, as well as strong competition and market saturation (e.g. Menrad 2004). Given those challenges, innovation can be an important measure to generate and retain competitive advantages on domestic and fo...
Background: Children's dietary-related diseases and their associated costs have expanded dramatically in many countries, making children's food choice a policy issue of increasing relevance. As children spend a considerable amount of money on energy-dense, nutrient-poor (EDNP) products, a better understanding of the main drivers of children's inde...
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Since the majority of food waste in high-income countries occurs at the consumption stage and given the clear trend towards out-of-home food consumption, it is important to understand the factors that lead to food waste in the hospitality sector. The present study uses a behavioral structural equation model to test the drivers of consumers’ leftove...
In order to provide a basis for the reduction of food losses, our study analyzes individual food choice, eating and leftover behavior in a university canteen by consideration of personal, social and environmental determinants. Based on an extended literature review, a structural equation model is derived and empirically tested for a sample of 343 s...
The use of antibiotics in livestock production has repeatedly been in the dock over the last few years. However, reducing antibiotic treatments without increasing the suffering of animals requires changes in animal husbandry practices which will likely come at a cost. The objective of the paper is to investigate the factors influencing consumers’ w...
Objective To assess the impact of the European School Fruit Scheme (SFS) in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, on children’s fruit and vegetable (F&V) consumption, in particular frequency. Design The study consisted of a pre-test/post-test design with an intervention (eight primary schools) and a control group (two primary schools). Children’s F&V c...
Die wachsende Bedeutung von Nachhaltigkeit in Politik und Öffentlichkeit sowie das gesteigerte Interesse der Konsumenten an nachhaltigen Lebensmitteln eröffnet Unternehmen der Ernährungsindustrie und des Ernährungshandels die Möglichkeit, sich durch ein verantwortliches Verhalten in den gesättigten Lebensmittelmärkten zu differenzieren und eine Uni...
The purpose of this study is to identify the determinants of suppliers' intensity of participation in the European Union school fruit scheme (SFS) based on the example of the SFS in the German federal state North Rhine-Westphalia. In 2013/14, approximately 100 suppliers including many agricultural enterprises or farm shops took part in a telephone...
This study analyzes the determinants of the positive and negative effects experienced by suppliers in the context of programs involving the joint participation of the state, society, and local economy. The European Union’s School Fruit Scheme (SFS) forms the basis of this study. Particular attention is paid to the origin of the suppliers; that is,...
Based on an online discrete choice experiment (DCE) this study investigates the relative importance of food label information (country of origin, production methods, chemical residue testing (CRT)) and price for Taiwanese consumers’ in their purchase of sweet peppers. Results show that respondents focus mostly on the COO labeling during their sweet...
Based on an online discrete choice experiment (DCE) this study investigates the relative importance of food label information (country of origin, production methods, chemical residue testing (CRT)) and price for Taiwanese consumers’ in their purchase of sweet peppers. Results show that respondents focus mostly on the COO labeling during their sweet...
Das verbraucherpolitische Leitbild befindet sich im Wandel. Der notwendige Abschied vom umfassend informierten und nutzenfixierten mündigen Verbraucher wurde durch die interdisziplinäre Verbraucherforschung eingeleitet. Niemand hat mehr einen Otto Normalverbraucher vor Augen, sondern es entwickelt sich ein vielfältiges Bild von Situationen, Rollen...
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The objective of this study is to understand the relevance of Stevia as an innovation driver for the food and beverage industry. The study employs primary and secondary research approaches to examine the relevance of Stevia as an innovation along the supply chain, - from “farm to fork”. The study also looks at country specific issues during the mar...
In this study, an extended TPB model is applied for analyzing consumers’ purchasing behavior of regional pork. In addition to cognitive attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control the model includes personal norms/affective attitudes. Furthermore, identification with and perceived authenticity of a labeled region-of-origin are cons...
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To assess factors determining the reaction of individuals to the threats of overweight and obesity and to examine the interdependencies between weight-reducing strategies. Cross-country survey covering 19 countries and 13,155 interviews. Data were analysed using a bivariate probit model that allows simultaneously analysing two weight-reducing strat...
Cause related marketing (CrM) has become one of the most dynamic marketing tools. CrM allows companies to signal their overall business culture regarding Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at the point of sale. More recently retail chains in Germany have started to use CrM as a strategy to differentiate themselves and their products and to secur...
Purpose –Web-based CSR disclosure provides a variety of advantages for firms. Determining factors for web-based CSR disclosure have been analyzed in several papers. However, only limited research has been conducted on both, the food industry and small and midsized enterprises. This paper is one contribution to fill this gap as we investigate web-ba...
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Purpose/Value – The objective of this paper is to determine (1) the extent to which sustainability serves as a sales argument and (2) which areas of sustainability are communicated in the fruit juice industry. This seems promising against the background that there are several ethical challenges the fruit juice chain is increasingly confronted with...
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There is an ongoing debate regarding health-related on-pack information appearing on products with low nutritional quality. The purpose of the study was to contribute to this discussion by examining the relationship between health-related on-pack information and the overall nutritional value of highly processed ready-to-eat breakfast cereals (RTECs...
Based on autoregressive (AR) models and Arellano-Bond dynamic panel estimation, this article analyses profit persistence in the European dairy processing industry. The sample comprises 590 dairy processors from the following five countries: Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom. The AR models indicate that cooperatives which account...
This paper decomposes the variance in EU food industry return-on-assets into year, country, industry and firm effects using a hierarchical linear model (HLM). The HLM approach accounts for some of the methodological drawbacks of conventional approaches of variance decomposition such as anova and components of variance and additionally allows the es...
Purpose Country of Origin (COO) labeling has been shown in several studies to be an important extrinsic cue for consumers in their quality evaluation of food products such as olive oil, wine or tea. COO has not been discussed in the context of pepper; however pepper's quality highly depends on the heritage. This paper aims to explore this aspect....
Cause-related marketing (CrM) campaigns are increasingly used by firms as a marketing tool to promote and differentiate their products from those of competitors. Nevertheless, little is known about consumers’ attitudes, knowledge, and perception regarding CrM campaigns and the communication channels they use to learn about CrM. In this article the...
Purpose All food sectors, especially meat production and processing, has been in the dock over the last decades. CSR is considered as a way for an enterprise to increase its reputation and safeguard against risks, e.g. food safety, environmental or social incidence. Thus, it is not surprising that CSR has gained importance for meat companies. Howev...
One way to support consumers in integrating health aspects into their purchase and eating behaviour is to make information available to consumers in a comprehensible manner. In behavioural economics framing effects are acknowledged as important factors influencing perception of information. In this paper framing effects are analysed by means of an...
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is of high relevance for food companies as this sector has a strong impact and a high dependence on the economy, the environment and on society. CSRs threats and opportunities are increasingly shifting from the single-firm level to food supply chains and food networks. This induces substantial challenges for th...
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The popularity of ethical consumption increases. This has motivated firms to increasingly implement Cause‐related Marketing (CrM) campaigns in Germany. But research reveals that especially German consumers are sceptic with regard to the amount of money spent for the good ‘cause’ by the enterprises. This can be explained by the small share of inform...
Country of Origin (COO) labeling has been shown in several studies to be an important extrinsic cue for consumers in their quality evaluation of food products such as olive oil. COO has not been discussed in the context of pepper; a spice which’s quality is highly dependant on its heritage. This is the first study that combines face-to-face intervi...
Conference Paper
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Most parents are aware of fruits and vegetables being healthy for children, but children's and adolescents's dietary intake of F&V is still below the recommendations. The question to be investigated is: what fills the gap between parents' nutritional knowledge and children's diet? A mixed methods research was conducted to study parental perspective...
This book is the result of several years of research activity on the topic of how to better link farmers, processors and retailers with each other in order to ensure and improve the supply of food products which meet consumer needs and wants. The book is structured in three parts. Starting with an overview regarding main developments in the agri-fo...
This chapter discusses potential research opportunities in the growing field of interorganizationalrelationships that could build on the theories and empirical evidencediscussed in thi