Monika Foltyn-Zarychta

Monika Foltyn-Zarychta
University of Economics in Katowice · Investment

Ph.D. / DSc (habilitation, post-doctoral degree)


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Research Interests: Intergenerational Decision Making, including Intergenerational Justice Discounting Long-Term and Public Investment Appraisal, including Environmental Investments Cost-Benefit Analysis Investment Project Appraisal Non-Market Goods Valuation Public Projects Financing
Additional affiliations
April 2016 - May 2016
Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Visiting Fellow
  • 2015/16 European Fellowship Programme of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA)
February 2006 - present
University of Economics in Katowice
  • Professor (Assistant)
October 2001 - February 2006
University of Economics in Katowice, Poland, Katowice
Field of study
  • Economics


Publications (36)
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Socially responsible investments are a significant element of the global capital market and are becoming increasingly important also in the eyes of Polish investors. ESG ratings are a crucial decisive criterion, as they provide information on the corporate governance (G), and social (S) and environmental (E) activities, of companies. Even though th...
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The readiness to sacrifice profit while making socially responsible investments among millennials, as future investors and managers, was examined. Specifically, a multi-level perspective on willingness to pay for socially responsible investment was assumed to understand how nationality, personal values and investment knowledge affect millennials' r...
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Energy policy investments are usually evaluated using a cost-benefit analysis (CBA), which requires an estimation of the social discount rate (SDR). The choice of SDR can be crucial for the outcome of the appraisal, as energy-related investments generate long-term impacts affecting climate change. Once discounted, these impacts are highly sensitive...
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W ostatnich dziesięcioleciach obserwuje się na świecie dynamiczny wzrost zapotrzebowania na infrastrukturę. Aby zaspokoić te rosnące potrzeby i lukę infrastrukturalną, powstają liczne oraz charakteryzujące się coraz większym stopniem wyrafinowania, złożoności i unikatowości projekty infrastrukturalne. Są one opracowywane w różnych dziedzinach życia...
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Energy-related investments gain increasing attention nowadays, particularly in Poland due to clean-energy investment needed to limit greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and counteract climate change. However, economic appraisal is problematic: the longevity of impacts inextricably involves intergenerational ethical considerations. A crucial parameter is...
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The transition of the energy system in Poland has a long time horizon and demands a substantial investment effort supported by proper economic evaluation. It requires a precise Social Discount Rate (SDR) estimation as discounting makes the present value of long-term effects extremely sensitive to the discount rate level. However, Polish policymaker...
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Research background: An investment appraisal applies a single discount rate across all effects. However, this may be insufficient for heterogenous environmental impacts, mixing private and public goods as well as use and non-use values, where individuals may have multiple intertemporal preferences due to their duality to act as consumer or citizen....
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SRI investor’s decisions are driven by more than the standard utility components based solely on return and risk and investors’ utility functions are usually extended to three dimensions, where the third one describes one general non-financial factor usually defined as social responsibility. We argue for decomposing the non-financial component to r...
W ramach przeprowadzonych badań dokonano przeglądu instrumentów finansowania zrównoważonej infrastruktury oraz możliwości oferowanych przez instytucje unijne (fundusze UE oraz EBI) i międzynarodowe (OECD oraz BŚ). Analiza literatury oraz oficjalnych stron internetowych umożliwiła dokonanie identyfikacji barier występujących w finansowaniu tej infra...
Streszczenie Artykuł prezentuje zarys problemów występujących przy podejmowania decyzji inwestycyjnych w przypadku bardzo dużych projektów inwestycyjnych, określanych mianem megaprojektów. Zaprezentowane zostało w związku z tym pojęcie megaprojektu oraz dokonano identyfikacji jego cech, kluczowych dla procesu podejmowania decyzji. Następnie przepro...
The paper aims to diagnose whether it is justified in investment appraisal to apply a separate treatment (in terms of the value of the discount rate) for close-in-time versus distant-in-time project effects as well as for effects applying to close-in-space versus distant-in-space beneficiaries. The analysis rests on a survey asking Polish citizens...
In the investment context, the fiduciary duties are traditionally interpreted as ensuring the highest return on investment with the lowest possible risk for the beneficiaries. However, in the past two decades it became visible, that many beneficiaries of mutual funds demonstrated that they put a certain value on investment outcomes other than finan...
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Inwestycje o bardzo długim horyzoncie czasowym podejmowane są coraz częściej. Jest to odpowiedź biznesu i instytucji publicznych na zmiany, jakie zachodzą we współczesnym świecie. Opracowywane strategie jak i pojedyncze projekty inwestycyjne, szczególnie w zakresie infrastruktury środowiskowej, obejmują okres liczony w dziesięcioleciach, a nierzadk...
Environmental protection involves numerous investment projects that generate effects for time-frames exceeding one generation horizon. Neoclassical economics fails to effectively deal with supporting the decision-making process in such cases. Achieving Pareto optimality, valuation of non-market impacts and intertemporal allocation are vulnerable to...
This study attempts to examine socially responsible market size in Poland by exploiting content analysis as a method. Analyzed documents of institutional investors include documents, whose preparation is guided by legislation and industry standards. The selection criteria reduce self-reporting biases. The study revealed that Polish institutional in...
W opracowaniu dokonano krytycznej analizy trzech podstawowych cech utylitaryzmu: welfaryzmu, agregacjonizmu oraz konsekwencjalizmu jako teoretycznych podstaw w formułowaniu kryterium decyzyjnego analizy kosztów-korzyści, czyli ekonomicznej wartości bieżącej netto, w ocenie inwestycji międzygeneracyjnych. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że powyższe cechy...
Conference Paper
Full text available at: pp. 208-216 Abstract Investment evaluation under uncertainty in case of long-term, intergenerational projects is exposed to a number of biases. Evaluation process is vulnerable due to high level of uncertainty as well as ethical issues as the decisio...
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Abstract Climate change mitigation investment are inevitably extremely extended in time which raises multiple problems in the appraisal procedure. One of pivotal issues is the choice of the discount rate (DR), which affect tremendously the present value of future effects. The paper aims at estimating the value of social discount rate for intergener...
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In the appraisal of intergenerational public investments due to their extraordinary long life cycle special attention must be given to uncertainty issues. Since the value of discount rate influences greatly the net present value of a project in Cost-Benefit Analysis framework when discounting of very remote project impacts is involved, the imprecis...
available at The aim of the paper is to investigate the characteristics of long-term infrastructure investments with intergenerational impacts and the influence of the identified features on methodological assumptions of project evaluation methods and their applicability for intergene...
Intergenerational public investments are difficult to appraise due to discounting process, which affects immensely present value of project's effects. The paper identifies the concepts of long-term discounting and evaluates the impact of constant and declining discount rates in the long-term project appraisal. The results indicate that application...
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Appraising projects with intergenerational effects is a complex task, incorporating the issue of bringing future impacts to present value. This is usually achieved by applying the discount factor. However, the choice of discount rate to intergenerational context faces multiple technical and moral problems. The paper analyses a theoretical rationale...
Article INTERGENERATIONAL PERSPECTIVE IN FAMILY ENTERPRISES – MOTIVES AND APPRAISAL OF INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES Summary The paper aims at identification of motives of implementing intergenerational investment projects by owners of family businesses and the consequences of embracing interg...
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Streszczenie Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja możliwości rozszerzenia kryterium decyzyj-nego w ocenie inwestycji międzypokoleniowych o aspekty etyczne w oparciu o założenia etycznej zasady wzajemności. Autor, w oparciu o krytyczną analizę literatury przedmiotu dokonuje analizy możliwości przełożenia wewnątrzge-neracyjnych motywów, na których opier...
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Full text available at Streszczenie: Długoterminowe inwestycje publiczne są trudne w ocenie ze względu na proces dyskontowania, który przy zastosowaniu stałej stopy dyskontowej ma niezmiernie duży wpływ na wartość bie...
Conference Paper
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The paper analyses the issue of the place of public goods changes in investment project appraisal in the light of efficiency criteria used in Cost Benefit Analysis. Four efficiency tests: Pareto, Kaldor-Hicks, Scitovsky and Kaldor-Hicks Moral are analysed from the perspective of their influence on the scope of public good value inclusion into econo...
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PRIVATE GOODS VS. PUBLIC GOODS IN INTERGENERATIONAL INVESTMENT DECISIONS The paper presents theoretical analysis of changes in private and public goods characteristics along with extending the time frame from intra- to intergenerational. The research objective is also to identify the influence of those changes on intergenerational investment apprai...
Conference Paper
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ANNOTATION The problem of estimating the discount rate level is a crucial issue in investment project appraisal procedure. The discount rate is strongly determined by the type of investment that sets the scope of decision criteria. The need to apply financial efficiency, economic efficiency or justice criterion impose the frames for theoretically c...
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„(…) Badania nad opłacalnością inwestowania można uznać jako podwaliny intelektualne i początek rozwoju metodyki finansowej analizy wielu zagadnień finansowych, w tym planowanych projektów inwestycyjnych. Dalszy rozwój w zakresie wykorzystania wartości bieżącej netto w ocenie projektów inwestycyjnych, wzbogacany o immanentny ich element, tj. ryzyko...
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The problem of long term public investment appraisal, especially those affecting future generations is a complex issue consisting of the questions of the valuation of inputs and outputs, uncertainty and the problem of dealing with effects emerging in different moments of time. The last problem is usually solved by using discounting procedure.The pa...
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Omówiono specyficzne cechy projektów proekologicznych i jej konsekwencje dla oceny efektywności przedsięwzięcia. Zanalizowano założenia i metodykę analizy kosztów-korzyści ze wskazaniem elementów wspomagających ocenę przedsięwzięć proekologicznych oraz jej ograniczeń. Przedstawiono wybrane metody wartościowania kosztów i korzyści środowiskowych zwi...


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