Mónica Ojeda

Mónica Ojeda
Mónica verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Mónica verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
University of Seville | US

PhD in Psychology


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October 2023 - present
University of Seville
  • Profesora Ayudante Doctora (Lecturer)
  • @MonicaOjedaP // monicaojeda@us.es


Publications (31)
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Background: The proliferation of sexting among adolescents around the world today has woven a complex tapestry of sexual expression and exploration. However, its implications extend beyond consensual engagement, occasionally manifesting as a form of cyberviolence. Varied prevalence rates further complicate our understanding of the extent of youth s...
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Sexting is a form of intimate communication available in today’s digital society consisting of exchanging erotic-sexual content online. However, doing it without the consent of the person appearing in the content is becoming a normalised form of cyberviolence among adolescents. To advance our understanding of this phenomenon, further research is ne...
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The purpose of this study was to compare attitudes toward sexting using vignettes. Participants were 49 university students (ages 19-26) who participated in five online focus group discussions and responded to five written vignettes describing sexting. The five vignettes about sexting were composed of five types of sexting experiences: 1) sexting u...
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Cyberbullying is a problem that is more prevalent and serious among LGBTQ+ people. Previous research has mostly analysed sexual orientation and homophobic cyberaggression. Hence, becomes necessary to consider sex-gender diversity as a whole and aggressions of a general nature. Moreover, existing prejudices underline the need to consider homonegativ...
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Background: Face-to-face and virtual violence among adolescents could lead to polyvictimisation and polyaggression. More studies are needed to simultaneously analyse various types of violence to understand the extent of involvement in violence during adolescence. Objective: This study explores the overlap of bullying, cyberbullying, sexual haras...
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Sexting has become another form of intimate communication in the digital society in which we live, not only for adults but also for adolescents. Therefore, this study aims to explore adolescents' perspectives on the definition of sexting, reasons for engaging, or not, in it, attitudes towards this phenomenon and its possible consequences. Focus gro...
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This study explores the phenomenon of sexting among college students through a qualitative research design. Participants took part in online synchronous focus groups where they were asked twelve open-ended questions about their experiences with sexting. Overall, 49 Croatian and Bosnia and Herzegovinian students partici�pated in fve focus groups....
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Qualitative research on sexting is not at all rare internationally (for an overview, see Doyle et al., 2021). Despite this steady increase in qualitative international research, qualitative studies examining the phenomenon of sexting in non- Western, traditional cultural contexts are rare. This study aims to qualitatively examine sexting in Croatia...
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Sexting has become a new form of intimate interaction in line with contemporary communication methods. This phenomenon often leads to positive outcomes, but it can also have negative repercussions depending on the situation, such as the context of the relationship, and whether it is consensual or coercive. Despite this, the main types of sexting be...
Ovaj priručnik pripremljen je u sklopu projekta Priro�da i odrednice sekstinga među adolescentima i mladima: Kros-kulturalno istraživanje (SextYouth) Odjela za psiholo�giju Sveučilišta u Zadru, koji financira Hrvatska zaklada za znanost (HRZZ), od veljače 2021. do veljače 2026. godine. Priručnik sadrži opisane edukativne radionice za adolescen�t...
The use of the internet and social networking sites have enabled some phenomena to cross the school walls; cyberbullying has emerged as a counterpart to bullying in virtual contexts. Cyberbullying and bullying share a victim-aggressor power imbalance as well as an intention to harm. Many individual and contextual variables are associated with an in...
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The frequency, attitudes and experiences related to sexting among students within this research were examined by a qualitative research method, through two online focus groups in which students from Bosnia and Herzegovina participated. Two online synchronous focus groups were included in the research which took place via Zoom. The size of the grou...
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Sexting has become another form of intimate communication in the digital society in which we live, not only for adults but also for adolescents. Therefore, this study aims to explore adolescents' perspectives on the definition of sexting, reasons for engaging, or not, in it, attitudes towards this phenomenon and its possible consequences. Focus...
Environmental education is a decisive tool in the promotion of a citizenry committed to environmental sustainability. Among the current challenges, the management of water shortage is one of the main issues, thus addressing it from childhood is crucial to enhance the connection with nature. Few studies report on the impact of educational programmes...
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El contexto digital y las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) avanzan a una gran velocidad y, aunque presentan múltiples beneficios, sus posibles riesgos también repercuten en la convivencia de los centros educativos. Entre ellos, el cyberbullying es un fenómeno de gran interés, pero sigue siendo necesario comprobar la eficacia de...
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Background: Sexting has garnered interest from the public and the scientific community given its ever-increasing presence in adolescents' lives. However, analysis varies depending on the baseline study used. This calls for a standardised sexting instrument that addresses scientific evidence-based recommendations. The primary aim of this study was...
Animación didáctica que habla sobre el ciberacoso, dando las pautas para aprender a convivir en la Red. Abordar y prevenir la violencia escolar se ha convertido en una de las principales prioridades de la educación. A pesar de ser muchos los tipos de violencia que podemos encontrar en las escuelas españolas, desde hace unos años el ciberacoso está...
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Some adolescents use social media platforms, such as Instagram, for sexualized self-presentation, which includes posting images in which someone is scarcely dressed, has a sexy gaze or in which sexual willingness is suggested. These behaviors could be a first step towards sexting. Given that adolescents are highly influenced by peer perceptions, th...
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El sexting es una de las prácticas a través de la que los jóvenes exploran su sexualidad. Aunque se recomienda responder educativamente a todas las formas en las que se puede expresar este fenómeno, en España, se ha publicado poca investigación que analice su prevalencia diferenciando los distintos tipos de comportamientos de sexting: envío, recepc...
This chapter analyses the impact that new technologies have on adolescents’ social relationships and, specifically, on their peer and first romantic partner relations. Despite being an emerging topic in the literature, new technologies have shown to play a vital role in young people’s early romantic relationships (Fox & Warber, 2012; Subrahmanyam &...
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An increasing proportion of adolescents appear to see sexting as something normal, despite the serious consequences it can have on their well-being. Only little is known about the factors that facilitate teens' participation, and even less about whether the same factors influence different types of sexting behaviors – sending, receiving, forwarding...
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Introduction Sexting is a new way to explore sexuality among adolescents that can be associated with bullying behaviors. Previous studies have focused on peer‐victimization but relationships between bullying and different forms of sexting have not been explored. This study evaluates the reciprocal relationships between the perpetration of tradition...
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Sexting is a recent phenomenon which is being increasingly accepted as normal and has become another way for adolescents to express and explore their sexuality. Over recent years, it has attracted considerable media attention and the concern of researchers, families and schools in response to the possible risks involved. However, no definitive conc...
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Sexting refers to the exchange of sexual content material via technological devices. The definitions of this phenomenon vary greatly, mainly, depending on the types of sexting: primary and secondary. Besides the above, there is no common perspective on whether sexting is a risk behavior that entails some type of impact by itself or not and, in such...
En las últimas décadas, la expansión de Internet ha configurado una nueva realidad aumentada, complementaria a la realidad cara a cara, donde cada vez existen más posibilidades para comunicarse y relacionarse. Todas las personas tendemos a dedicar gran parte de nuestro tiempo a Internet, y lo hacemos cada vez a edades más tempranas y de más diversa...
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Cada vez más niños, niñas y adolescentes utilizan los medios digitales para descargar música, ver vídeos, hacer las tareas escolares, participar en redes sociales y, sobre todo, comunicarse con amigos y familiares. Hoy las personas nos relacionamos con el mundo a través de internet, y los niños y niñas no son ajenos a esa realidad. Con la participa...
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Los últimos estudios realizados con muestras de adolescentes españoles ponen de manifiesto que la convivencia de los centros educativos se está viendo afectada no sólo por el acoso escolar sino también por el «ciberacoso». De hecho, hoy la convivencia es también «ciberconvivencia». Esta realidad nos exige un replanteamiento sobre las claves a tener...
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Una de las competencias obligatorias compartidas en materia educativa que tienen asignadas los Ayuntamientos es la de "participar en la vigilancia del cumplimiento de la escolaridad obligatoria". Normalmente esta competencia se ejerce a través de la participación municipal en las comisiones de escolarización, pero también se ejerce a través de los...


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