Mohd Rozi Umor

Mohd Rozi Umor
National University of Malaysia | ukm · School of Earth Sciences and Environment



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Publications (65)
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Engineering geological characterizations, and geophysical mapping of subsurface structures to monitor some susceptible infrastructural facilities to hazardous slopes for effectiveness, safety to lives and properties, in addition to policy management for sustainable development. Novel integrated engineering geology, geoelectrical resistivity (ER), a...
The ER technique was used to assess the information on the geological subsurface structures underneath the regions to simplify the characterization, and classification of the rock mass properties. Kinematic, and slope mass ratings (SMR), were combined to map out the fragmented zones, thereby determining the geo-engineering characteristics for the u...
Relative density is one of the most important properties indicating the strength and state of compaction of the soil. The dynamic cone penetration test is considered one of the fastest field tests for evaluating the relative strength of soil layers, including density. In this study, an attempt is made to correlate the relative density of the landsl...
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In recent decades, the number of rainfall-induced landslides has increased significantly in many parts of Malaysia, especially in the urbanized and hilly areas. The disturbance of hilly morphology as a result of human activities has increased the potential for erosion on man-made slopes, especially during extreme rainfall during rain events. Most h...
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Understanding of the climate-water nexus for sustainability, required good knowledge of the climate effects on groundwater aquifer units, particularly in rural communities. The studies were achieved using RES2-D modelling of the subsurface structures at the study site. Geophysical exploration with the application of 2-D Electrical Resistivity Imagi...
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A geophysical survey has been carried out to assess the distribution of gold minerals at the Felda Chiku 3, Gua Musang district, Kelantan, Peninsular Malaysia. A 2-D geo-electrical resistivity imaging (ERI), combined with Induced Polarization (IP) method, and Oasis Montaj modelling were applied to delineate the potential conductive zones associated...
A geophysical survey involving electrical resistivity imaging was carried out in various parts of Perak state, Malaysia, to assess the risk of establishing engineering structures in a karst system. The area is underlain by the Palaeozoic Kinta limestone bedrock. A total of 9 survey lines were established on the proposed sites. The data collected fr...
Penilaian geobahaya cerun telah dijalankan di Empangan Sultan Mahmud, Tasik Kenyir, Kuala Berang, Terengganu menggunakan kaedah Sistem Penilaian Cerun Model-B bertujuan untuk meramalkan potensi cerun mengalami tanah runtuh dengan nilai skor geobahaya. Kajian juga bertujuan untuk menilai ketepatan terhadap jenis cerun yang berbeza di ketiga-tiga kaw...
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Weathering profile characterization is one of the significant information in the interpretation of the condition of rock. In addition, the tropical climate in Malaysia causes the deep–seated weathering phenomena of granitic rock. The identification of weathering profile of granite can be made using in–situ Schmidt hammer rebound test which is one o...
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Geophysical survey techniques were carried out to identify the potential zones of manganese ore in Central Peninsular Malaysia. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and induced polarization (IP) geoelectrical methods have been used to identify the metal distribution and mineralization zones. Five geoelectrical survey profiles were deployed at th...
The geodynamic process from the evolution of supercontinent has distinct isotope characteristics explorable using zircon Hf isotopic composition. Since Peninsular Malaysia associates with Gondwana dispersal and Pangaea formation, analyzing the U-Pb and Hf-isotopic content of its 500–200 Ma magmatic zircon could reveal the signal left by the transit...
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The study emphasis on physical properties and geochemical of the clays from Bestari Jaya area to determine its suitability for any commercial application. Nine samples collected from six boreholes as representative of white and dark clay in the study area. All samples examined through the optical properties test and physical properties such as mois...
The study emphasis on physical properties and geochemical of the clays from Bestari Jaya area to determine its suitability for any commercial application. Nine samples collected from six boreholes as representative of white and dark clay in the study area. All samples examined through the optical properties test and physical properties such as mois...
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Alluvial tin mining in Karangan area was closely related to the mineralization of Bongsu Granite and its contact zone with sedimentary rocks of Semanggol Formation possibly through greisenization process. A gravity survey focusing on high tin anomaly area in Gunung Bongsu Forest Reserve was conducted to define the subsurface geology and structural...
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Stong Mount is located within the rock unit known as Stong Complex. The Stong Complex consists of three suite rock units whiz the Berangkat Suite, Kenerong Suite and Noring Suite. The Berangkat Suite can be divide into three litodemics unit called as Sungai Lah Granite, Bertam Granodiorite and Dabong Tonalite, whereas the Kenerong Suite consists of...
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The seismic reflection survey conducted along the road at Damansara to determine the depth of bedrock in order to justify whether HDD method can be utilize to store the fiber optic cable. 10 line seismic survey performed along 1.2 km roadside. The result show that the subsurface profile represent by two layer of earth materials that is topsoil and...
Conference Paper
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The study took place at Stesen Janakuasa Sultan Mahmud, Kuala Berang, Terengganu where it is situated about 13 km away from nearest town, Kuala Berang. In order to enable development, detail study about the area are needed. Geological terrain mapping method are widely used to classify area that are prone to hazard (geological hazard) based on the e...
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The Klang Gates Quartz Ridge was formally named as the Gombak Selangor Quartz Ridge (GSQR) by the Selangor State Government by 24 June 2015. It was believed as the longest quartz ridge in the world which is about 14 km long. Their wide is range between 50 m to 200 m and elevation more than 300 m from sea level. The GSQR can be divided into the east...
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Kampung Awah and Tasik Kenyir are geologically located in East Malaya Blocks. These block is also known as western margin of Indochina terrane. Apart from sedimentary formations, East Malaya Blocks is also dominated by plutonic and volcanic rocks of mafic to rhyolitic compositions. Petrography and geochemical data suggest that Kampung Awah and Tasi...
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The Klang Gates Quartz Ridge was formally named as the Gombak Selangor Quartz Ridge (GSQR) by the Selangor State Government by 24 June 2015. It was built entirely of quartz vein formed when residual magma crystallized and consolidated within vertical slab of dyke through large linear fissures within massive granitic rock known as Kuala Lumpur Grani...
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This study reports on the petrology and geochemistry of the plutonic and volcanic on southern part of the Tioman Island. Tioman lies about 50km east of Rompin district, Pahang. The island is dominated by plutonic and volcanic rocks with minor occurrences of metamorphic rock. The plutonic rocks consist of hornblende diorite and biotite granite. The...
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The article is about the geoheritage of limestone at Merapoh area Pahang. The limestone is unique and formed caves at several hills within the study area. We classified the cave into adventure cave, panorama cave and historical cave.
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A geophysical survey using seismic refraction technique was carried out at vicinity of Alor Gajah town, Melaka with the aim to characterize the subsurface materials based on seismic P-wave velocities as well to determine boundary between layer of soil and rock. The geology of study area consists of slate, phyllite to schist and limestone, with mino...
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The Geological and Geotechnical Aspect is an important part in identify the KL East Park as value able ecopark in Kuala Lumpur area. The concept of the KL East Park is introduced to shift a paradigm in the utilization of natural resources without destruction. The proposed KL East Park area is located near to Genting Klang Quartz Ridge which is know...
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The Geological and Geotechnical Aspect is an important part in identify the KL East Park as value able ecopark in Kuala Lumpur area. The concept of the KL East Park is introduced to shift a paradigm in the utilization of natural resources without destruction. The proposed KL East Park area is located near to Genting Klang Quartz Ridge which is know...
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The granitic rocks of the peninsula have traditionally been divided into two provinces, i.e., Western and Eastern provinces, corresponding to S- and I-type granite respectively. The Western Province granite is characterised by megacrystic and coarse-grained biotite, tin-mineralised, continental collision granite, whereas, the Eastern Province grani...
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Malaysia is a country which is rich in natural resources and one of it is a gold. Gold has already become an important national commodity. This study is conducted to determine a model that can be well fitted with the gold production in Malaysia from the year 1995-2010. Five nonlinear models are presented in this study which are Logistic model, Gom...
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This paper aims to provide the overview of occurrence, distribution and origin of the heavy minerals in the study area. A total of 45 selected stream sediment heavy mineral concentrate samples were panned using standard dulangs, dried and separated from other light minerals using bromoform. The heavy minerals were separated into different fractions...
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The geochemical studies are carried out for igneous rocks from Palong Pluton at the border area of Negeri Sembilan and Pahang. The study area is about 250 km(2), covering the area of Kemayan, Pasoh and Serting. The purposes of the geochemical study are to classify and determine the chemical characteristic of the granitic rocks, to correlate and int...
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Peninsular Malaysia has traditionally been divided into three mineral belts, viz the Western Belt for tin, the Central Belt for gold and the Eastern Belt for both tin and gold. Although the Western Belt is accepted as the tin belt, close examination of geological maps and reports revealed that gold do occur in various places in this tin belt. In Jo...
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This study was conducted to identify the main factors that contribute to the gold production and hence determine the factors that affect to the development of the mining industry in Malaysia. An econometric approach was used by performing the cointegration analysis among the factors to determine the existence of long term relationship between the g...
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Petrographic and geochemistry studies were caried out on volcanic rocks within the Semantan Formation at the vicinity of Gunung Benom, Pahang to reveal their mineral composition and sequence of crystallization. Three rock types were identified. They are rhyolite tuff, porphyritic quartz rhyolite tuff and trachyte andesite, and they have different t...
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The Berangkat Pluton of the Stong Complex can be divided into three units, namely Sg. Lah Granite, Bertam Granodiorite and Dabong Tonalite. The subdivision is based on distinct differences in rock type and distribution, petrography and geochemistry. Sg. Lah Monzodiorite is the core of the pluton and it consists of monzonite to quartz monzonite, has...
Conference Paper
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The subsurface profiling and investigation of slope stability was determined by using the resistivity method. A total of seven lines resistivity surveys were conducted which were marked as PD01 until PD07. The water saturated zone can be detected on every line especially on line PD04 consist of huge water saturated zone caused by surface drainage s...
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In the main island of Langkawi archipelagos is located two main major batholiths namely as Bukit Sawak Granite and Gunung Raya Batholith. Some other granitic bodies were also found at the southern part of Langkawi archipelagos at Tuba Island and Dayang Bunting Island and those represented the small intrusion batholiths. This paper gives a review co...
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The recently compiled geochemical database was used to distinguish geochemical characteristics of three granite belts in Peninsular Malaysia: Western granitoid Belt, Central granitoiod Belt and Eastern granitoid Belt. More than 600 geochemical data were used and plotted to classify their rock types and affinities, geochemical series, and tectonic s...
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2-D geoelectrical resistivity imaging surveys have been successfully used to map areas with moderately complex geology (Griffiths and Barker 1993). This paper discusses the results of 2-D resistivity survey which was conducted to investigate the occurrence of cavity in limestone area at Felda Chiku 5, Gua Musang, Kelantan. The resistivity surveys w...
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Mount Kinabalu is the highest mountain in Malaysia. The uniqueness of the Mount Kinabalu's rocks is the existence of varieties of enclaves with scientific and esthetic features of geological heritage value for Malaysia. Enclave refers to any country rock or mineral that was engulfed by a genetically unrelated host rock. In Mount Kinabalu, hornblend...
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Pluton Berangkat merupakan salah satu unit batuan di dalam Kompleks Stong. Ia berada di bahagian selatan dan menempati hampir 20 % keluasan Kompleks Stong. Permasalahan kajian terdahulu oleh Singh, et al. 1984 mengatakan jenis batuan dominan adalah tonalit dengan menamakannya sebagai Tonalit Berangkat. Dalam kajian ini, penulis mengunakan istilah P...
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Kajian ini bertujuan mengelaskan batuan siri kalk-alkali yang jarang dikaji oleh pengkaji terdahulu bagi menentukan siri batuan, punca batuan dan sekitaran tektonik semasa pembentukkan batuan berdasarkan geokimia
Conference Paper
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The Stong Complex consists of three lithodemic unit, i.e. Berangkat Tonalite, Noring Granite and Kenerong Leucogranite. All units have a good correlation on major-and minor-element distribution, suggesting that they are co-magmatic. The classification based on geochemistry shows the complex from shoshonite series into high-K calc-alkaline series fi...
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Tujuan kertas kerja untuk menunjukkan tren REE hasil analisis INAA bagi empat unit litodem di dalam Suit Stong Berdasarkan tren REE ini, proses-proses petrogenesis dan hubungan antara keempat-empat unit batuan ini dicadangkan


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