Mohammed Saleem Ali Shtayeh

Mohammed Saleem Ali Shtayeh
Mohammed Saleem verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Mohammed Saleem verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Biodiversity and Environmental Research Center | BERC



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I have authored over 100 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals, in different topics including: Med Plants & Ethnobotany, Biocontrol Sci, Env Biotech, Phytopathology, Pl Ecology and Conservation Biology, Env Health, Med Mycology. I also published about 13 Books. I won the "Abdul-Hameed Shoman Foundation Prize for Arab Scientists in Biological Sci for the year 1986; & Hisham Hijjawi Award for Appl Sci (3 times) in the Fields of Industry, Env, Agric, & water (1999,1999,2000)
Additional affiliations
May 2022 - present
Biodiversity and Environmental Research Center - BERC
  • Professor (Full)
  • Bioexploration of indigenous Palestinian plants as a source of therapeutics & other bioactive constituents. Development of aromatic plant production systems tolerant to irrigation with treated effluents. Ethnopharmacology & phytotherapy. Plant Biodiversity Dermatophytes and Candida - epidemiology & genetic diversity. Epigenetics- Gene silencing. Fig viruses & tomato viruses - epidemiological & molecular characterization. Improve Wheat Production under Climate Changes in the MiddleEast
June 2001 - January 2017
Biodiversity and Environmental Research Center
  • Principal Investigator
June 2001 - January 2017
Biodiversity and Environmental Research Center
  • President and Chief Scientist
June 1982
University of Reading
Field of study
  • Plant Biology


Publications (299)
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The incidence of watermelon chlorotic stunt disease and molecular characterization of the Palestinian isolate of Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus (WmCSV-[PAL]) are described in this study. Symptomatic leaf samples obtained from watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.)), and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) plants were tested for WmCSV-[PAL] infection by...
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Rhus coriaria L. (Sumac) is an important and a widely used crop in the Mediterranean basin as a food spice, and also in folk medicine due to its health promoting properties. Phytochemicals present in plant foods are -in part- responsible for these consequent health benefits. Nevertheless, detailed information on these bioactive compounds is still s...
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Analysis of differentiation (genetic diversity and related relationships) among 22 landrace (Ficus carica L. sativa) and 2 wild form (F. carica L. caprificus) accessions of fig growing under the same environmental conditions in the Palestinian Fig Collection, Til, Nablus, Palestine, using PCR-based Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and pomolo...
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The incidence of squash leaf curl disease and molecular characterization of the Palestinian isolate of Squash leaf curl virus [SLCV-(PAL)] are described in this study. Symptomatic leaf samples obtained from squash (Cucurbita pepo), watermelon [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.)], and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) plants were tested for SLCV-[PAL] infection...
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Most of the biodiversity in the State of Palestine is concentrated in about 51 nature reserves or protected areas (approved by the Palestinian Council of Ministers) (50 of them in the West Bank and one in the Gaza Strip). In order for these protected areas to play their role in protecting biodiversity, they must be characterized by representation (...
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The incidence of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) and biological and molecular characterization of the Palestinian isolates of ToBRFV are described in this study. Symptomatic leaf samples obtained from Solanum lycopersicum L. (tomatoes) and Nicotiana tabacum L. (cultivated tobacco) plants were tested for tobamoviruses infection by reverse t...
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Citation: Ali-Shtayeh, M. S., Jamous, Rana M., Abu Zaitoun, Salam Y. (2022). Flawed research, inaccessible research outputs, and biased or poor-quality reporting would misguide conservation actions to curb biodiversity loss. Biodiversity & Environmental Sciences Studies Series, 17 (1), 1-12 (ISSN: 1818-3751) Scientific evidence is essential to gui...
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Scientific evidence is essential to guide effective conservation actions to reduce biodiversity loss. Conservation research resources are often wasted due to flawed studies, inaccessible research outputs, and biased or poor-quality reports. In the State of Palestine, the national reports on the Convention on Biological Diversity are the main source...
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This study aims at providing an updated checklist of the native vascular flora of the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza Strip (State of Palestine, SP), serving as a taxonomic and nomenclatural basis for botanical research and encouraging new floristic surveys and biosystematic studies. The study provides an up-to-date checklist of native vascular taxa...
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Distribution of Nablus Iris populations in their natural habitats in Nablus mountains: An ecological survey .
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Threats facing Sawsan Nablus in its natural habitats in the Nablus mountains: a field survey.
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Palestinian royal irises propagation by an improved forced aril iris seed germination method.
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The development of new approaches to increase the efficacy of cancer treatments is crucial. Recently, the uses of natural products to treat cancer are very common. In addition, working with plants that are native to Palestine and determining the biological activities of these plant extracts, is extremely important due to the potential for new drug...
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Plumbago europaea L. is a plant utilized in Palestinian ethnomedicine for the treatment of various dermatological diseases. The current investigation was designed to isolate plumbagin from P. europaea leaves, roots and for the first time from the stems. Moreover, it aimed to evaluate the antimycotic activity against three human fungal pathogens cau...
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The royal irises (Iris subg. Iris sect. Oncocyclus) species generally occur in small populations or locally scattered over rocky hillsides, steppes, and deserts from the north Caucasus to the eastern Mediterranean. Species of this section are easily recognized by their inflorescences of a single, large, spherical flower and sepals with a dark signa...
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Background: Candida albicans (C. albicans) is one of the main etiological agents causing cutaneous candidiasis (CC). Objective: The aims of this study were to compare genotypes of C. albicans strains causing CC in Palestinian infants. Methods: A total of 100 isolates of C. albicans were isolated from infected lesions. Genomic DNAs were amplified by...
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Fig mosaic is a viral disease (FMD) that spreads in Palestinian common fig (Ficus carica L.) orchards. Recognizing the economic value of fig plants and the harmful nature of FMD, the disease poses a significant threat to the economy of the fig production in Palestine. We applied the reverse transcription and amplification (RT-PCR) and PCR technique...
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Lavandula pubescens Decne (LP) is one of the three Lavandula species growing wildly in the Dead Sea Valley, Palestine. The products derived from the plant, including the essential oil (EO), have been used in Traditional Arabic Palestinian Herbal Medicine (TAPHM) for centuries as therapeutic agents. The EO is traditionally believed to have sedative,...
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In the present study, the medicinal aromatic plant Mentha spicata has been investigated as a source of essential oil (EO) and pharmaceuticals. The quantity and composition of EO from M. spicata cultivated in Palestine were analyzed seasonally over a three-year period. A significantly higher EO content was produced in summer and fall months (2.54–2....
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Eid, I. S., Shtaya, M. J., Mallah, O. B., Abu Zaitoun, S. Y., Jamous, R. M., Ali-Shtayeh, M. S. (2019). Characterization of novel sources of Fusarium resistance in Faqous (Cucumis melo subsp. melo var. flexuosus), by phytopathgological approach. Biodiversity & Environmental Sciences Studies Series, 14 (1), 1-14. ISSN: Palestinian snake melon (Faq...
Medicinal aromatic plants (MAPs) are cultivated for the production of specialty materials including essential oils (EO), and pharmaceuticals, but most are still wild collected. The need for renewable sources of intensive industrial products as well as the protection of plant biodiversity can be satisfied by cultivating MAPs as agro-industrial crops...
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Drought is the major environmental factor limiting wheat production worldwide. Developing novel cultivars with greater drought tolerance is the most viable solution to ensure sustainable agricultural production and alleviating threats to food-security. Here we established a core-collection of landraces and modern durum wheat cultivars (WheatME, n =...
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Abstract: Background: Crop landraces embody a source of beneficial genes potentially providing endurance to environmental stress and other agronomic qualities including yield. Our study included eighty-eight snake melon accessions (Cucumis melo var. flexuosus) collected from 9 districts in the Palestinian West-Bank. These accessions represent four...
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Palestine (West Bank and Gaza) has been considered as an important center of plant diversity and speciation in the Mediterranean region. However, several species are threatened by numerous factors including human activities, e.g., conversion of traditional to intensive agriculture, accompanied by deep ploughing and the application of pesticides, ov...
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We evaluated the antioxidant and porcine pancreatic lipase inhibition (PPLI) activities of 90 plants extract. The antioxidant activity was measured using the free-radical scavenging capacity (DPPH), and reducing power (RP) assays. The pancreatic lipase inhibition assay was used to determine the PPLI activity of plant extracts. Among the 90 plant ex...
ABSTRACT Environmental conditions, including irrigation water quality, are known to affect secondary metabolite production in plants and hence the composition and activity of essential oils of aromatic plants. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of irrigation with secondary-treated effluent, as compared with potable water irrigation, on...
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Background Gastrointestinal parasites are one of the main restrictions to small ruminant production. Their pathological importance is primarily related to the major production losses, in quantity or quality, induced by the direct action of worms. Control of these parasites is based exclusively on the frequent use of anthelmintic drugs. However, the...
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Mallah, O.B., Yaish, S., Shtaya, M., Jamous, R.M., Abu Zaitoun, S.Y., Ali-Shtayeh, M. S. (2017). Exploring genetic variations of Palestinian snake melon (Cucumis melo var. flexuosus) germplasm using RAPD molecular markers. Biodiversity & Environmental Sciences Studies Series, 11 (1), 1-10. ISSN: 1818-3751 Economically, melons (snake melon and cant...
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Economically, melons (snake melon and cantaloupes) are important crops cultivated in Palestine. Traditional melons are rain-fed crops. Although melons differ greatly in morphological traits such as shape, fruit color, taste, and flavor, low genetic variations between these crops are present. The aims of this study are to explore the genetic variati...
Conference Paper
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Crop landraces represent a source of useful genes endowing tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses, and other agronomic traits including yield. Our study involved 88 Palestinian snake melon, Faqous (Cucumis melo var. flexuosus) accessions [representing 22 populations, belonging to four local varieties: Green Baladi (GB), white Baladi (WB), green S...
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The irrigation of Mentha spicata with secondary treated effluent did not affect yield of essential oil quantity in the crop. The inhibitory activity of BuChE was similar of the essential oils under the two irrigation types collected in summer and fall, with IC50 of 9.67 and 9.51 mg/ml in summer for potable and effluent, respectively, and 6.72 and 6...
Genetic diversity in 50 snake melon accessions collected from Palestine (West Bank) was assessed by examining variation in 17 phenotypic characters. These accessions belonged to four important landraces of Cucumis melo var. flexuosus: green Baladi (GB), white Baladi (WB), green Sahouri (GS), and white Sahouri (WS). Principal component analysis (PCA...
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Genetic diversity in 50 snake melon accessions collected from Palestine (West Bank) was assessed by examining variation in 17 phenotypic characters. These accessions belonged to four important landraces of Cucumis melo var. flexuosus: green Baladi (GB), white Baladi (WB), green Sahouri (GS), and white Sahouri (WS). Principal component analysis (PCA...
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The current study was aimed at carrying out a comprehensive population-based epidemiological study of candidiasis among women and school children in the city of Nablus. The study investigated the susceptibility of recovered yeast isolates to selected drugs and certain plant extracts and the cytotoxic effects of certain plant extracts on selected hu...
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The study focuses on searching for new germplasm resources and genetic variation of Cucumis melo var. flexuosus (Faqqous) to control melon Fusarium in the Middle East.
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Context and objectives: The unmonitored use of herbal medicinal remedies by patients with cancer presents a significant challenge to oncology healthcare professionals. We describe an increasingly popular herbal "wonder drug," Ephedra foeminea (Alanda in Arabic), whose use has spread from the Palestinian patient population throughout the Middle Eas...
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The scarcity of water throughout the world dictates utilization of marginal water for irrigation (Bernstein et al., 2009). Regional and national decision making is increasingly involved in devising ways to optimize the use of the available water recourses. The latter includes the treatment of sewage effluent and its use for irrigation purposes. Agr...
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Fusarium wilts, caused by races of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. melonis, have a devastating impact on melon in the Middle East and Mediterranean region including Palestine. The soil-borne disease is difficult to control because of the long survival of the pathogen in soils. Identifying sources of genetic resistance and incorporating them in cultivars a...
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The scarcity of water throughout the world dictates utilization of marginal water for irrigation (Bernstein et al., 2009). Regional and national decision making is increasingly involved in devising ways to optimize the use of the available water recourses. The latter includes the treatment of sewage effluent and its use for irrigation purposes. Agr...
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Seventy-six soil samples from the different irrigated fields in the West Bank were surveyed for the presence of entomopathogenic fungal (EFP) species using Galleria-baiting method (GBM). Seventeen strains belonging to seven fungal species were isolated. The most infective strain was Beauveria bassiana isolate (Nab55) with 100% mortality at about 5...
Complementary medicine (CM) is extensively used by patients with cancer across the Middle East. We aimed to compare the perspectives of two Arab populations residing in diverse socioeconomic-cultural settings in Palestine and Israel regarding CM's role in supportive cancer care. A 27-item questionnaire was constructed and administered to a convenie...
Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the prevalence and the factors related to the use of herbs by women during pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and for infant health care. The study also aims to identify the herbs therapeutic uses and preparation. To date, no previous studies have investigated this prevalence in Palestine. Methods: A cross-secti...
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The aims of this study was the genotyping of Candida albicans strains isolated from patients with invasive cutaneous and vulvovaginal infections and to investigate the fluconazole, flurocytosine (5-FC), and amphotericin B susceptibility of the strains genotypes. For this purpose, 151 C. albicans isolates [from 68 candidiasis (VVC) and 83 cutaneous...
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To determine the epidemiology of dermatophytosis in Palestinian patients, detect changes in the etiological agents during the last three decades, and to correlate between concomitant tinea pedis infections, and other cutaneous lesions. 220 suspected dermatophytosis patients were involved in this study. In an additional 38 cases, where consultation...
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The present study attempts to explore the phytochemical constituents of different extracts from Cynara cornigera and Cichorium endivia plant materials. The two species studied are native in Egypt. Five different solvents, viz., aqueous, methylene chloride, petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, and n-butanol were used. Phytochemical analysis revealed the...
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Aims: To evaluate eleven medicinal plants as natural sources that possess strong antidermatophytic, antibacterial, anticandidal and antioxidant substances with potential applications in therapeutics and food industry. Place and Duration of Study: Sample: Biodiversity and Environmental Research Center, BERC, between December 2013 and April 2014. Met...
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Background: Due to its unique geography, and diverse climate zones, Palestine has a large variety of native plants. However, local species have not been systematically screened for their biological activities. Methods: Plant samples were collected from 76 natural sites distributed in different geographical and climate zones. Samples were assessed f...
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Rhus coriaria L. (Sumac), belonging to the Anacardiaceae family, is an important and most used species of the genus Rhus in the Mediterranean region since antiquity. Sumac has long been used as a flavoring spice, drink, appetizer, and as acidulant in food recipes; in addition to its use in traditional medicine. The role of plant in leather and text...
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Background: Cholinesterase inhibitory therapy serves as a strategy for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), several acetylcholineesterase inhibitors are used for the symptomatic treatment of patients with mild to moderate AD. These compounds have been reported to have adverse effects including gastrointestinal disturbances. Numerous medicinal...
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Background In the early 2000s, two cucurbit-infecting begomoviruses were introduced into the eastern Mediterranean basin: the Old World Squash leaf curl virus (SLCV) and the New World Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus (WmCSV). These viruses have been emerging in parallel over the last decade in Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine. Methods...
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Context: Despite several pharmacological applications of the medicinal plants in the Traditional Arabic Palestinian Herbal Medicine in Palestine (TAPHM), studies on their antioxidant properties are yet scarce. Objective: This work evaluates the antioxidant and anti-tumor activities of the ethanol extracts from different parts of six plants: (Arum p...
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Abstract Context: Despite several pharmacological applications of the medicinal plants in the Traditional Arabic Palestinian Herbal Medicine in Palestine (TAPHM), studies on their antioxidant properties are still scarce. Objective: This work evaluates the antioxidant and antitumor activities of the ethanol extracts from different parts of six plant...