Mohammed Aziz Elhoumaizi

Mohammed Aziz Elhoumaizi
Mohamed I University | UMP · Department of Biology

International Date palm Expert


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over 25 years professional expertise in the field of date palm production, harvest and post-harvest and protection, this expertise was developed through the collaboration with international organizations in many countries as international date palm expert.


Publications (67)
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their genetic diversity. This study assessed the genetic diversity among thirty-nine date palm cultivars fromTunisia (Phoenix dactylifera) and India (Phoenix sylvestris) by using six AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Poly-morphism) markers. 360 loci were amplified, with 127 loci polymorphic (34.35 %). The Jaccard’s similaritycoefficient ranged from 0...
Conference Paper
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The proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Meeting on Oases, ISMO 2023, focused on the theme “What contribution does scientific research make to the preservation and development of oases ?” and took place in Errachidia from November 20 to 22, 2023.
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Introduction: In hot arid regions, the productivity of certain date palm cultivars faces a significant challenge wherein non-fertilized flowers can give rise to parthenocarpic singular or triplet fruit. Aims: The aims of this study, we aimed to investigate the impact of delayed pollination on date palm yield and fruit quality, while also examining...
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Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) fruits are rich in various bioactive compounds, such as phenolic acids, hydroxycinnamates, flavonoid glycosides, coumarins, alkaloids, and proanthocyanidin oligomers. The focus of this study was to develop a simplex-centroid mix design method to identify the most suitable mixture of solvents (water, acetone, and m...
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‘Mejhoul’ date cultivar originated from Morocco and largely spread around the world. It is of high commercial value and is considered to be one of the best-exported dates concerning its fruit quality and size in comparison with other cultivars. This study aims to investigate variations within the physicochemical and microbiological characteristics...
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The shortage of irrigation water pooled with the effect of climate change and inadequate management in oases; affects the sustainability of the oasis ecosystem. Irrigation, as practiced in these oases, is not conducted according to the real water requirements of the crops, this management can induce water stress which affects the physical character...
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SUMMARY Introduction – Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is a perennial plant, the pillar of oasis’s ecosystem and a target to pests attack. Distribution and the incidence of date palm pests varied differently in each country, between regions and among the date palm plantations. Materials and methods – During 2017, a study was undertaken using 4,3...
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زراعة المجهول في المملكة المغربية د٠ محمد عزيز الهميزى
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The quantification of water flow through the stem is vital for date palm (Phoenix dac-tylifera L.) to promote a good water stress management. The thermal dissipation probe (TDP) method developed by Granier is widely used to evaluate transpiration of forest trees; however, there are contradictory reports regarding its reliability. Considerable error...
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Dates represent a very important energy source that contains a wide range of functional, nutritional, bioactive, and aromatic components. Dates characteristics have been widely studied but none has been conducted on the pre-harvest factors responsible for the quality variation. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of pre-harvest practice...
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I have organized the First International Colloquium of Medjool Date on Production and Marketing, which will take place virtually on August 30 and 31, 2021. It will be a small event, but my purpose is that not only be an academic event, since I have opened it to date harvesters and companies related to Medjool cultivation, so that the exposed topics...
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From 2016 to 2017, a survey was carried out during four vegetative cycles of date palm tree ( Phoenix dactylifera L.) in Figuig oasis of Morocco. Two types of date palm culture were surveyed, that is traditional and modern plantations. The aim of the survey was mainly to explore date palm diseases, their incidence and geographic distribution in Fig...
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1 Chercheurs à l'Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique/Centre Régional d'Oujda (Maroc) 2 Professeur à l'Université Mohammed Premier, Faculté des Sciences d'Oujda (Maroc) *Auteur pour correspondance: RESUME. Communautés végétales et faciès pastoraux dans la zone de Taourirt-Tafoughalt du Maroc oriental: Écologie et invent...
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Abstract: Given the issue of water shortages, it is important to examine the comparative performance of various irrigation systems, especially in the regions of scarce water resources, such as in the oasis where date palm (phoenix dactylifera l.) is grown. Different methods of irrigation are in use, which most used is drip-irrigation, however its u...
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In Morocco, palm groves cover an area of 71 369 ha concentrated mainly in the valleys of Drâa, Ziz, Tafilalet plain, Bani (Tata) and Figuig. The average production of dates in a normal year is estimated to 100 000 t, it is characterized by the existence of a multitude of cultivars including a high proportion of 'Khalts' and other more interesting c...
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Abstract: Palm trees are a family (Arecaceas) of plants with hundreds of species. Most economically important species are date palm (Phoenix dactylifera.L), coconut palm (Cocos nucifera), and oil palm (Elaeis guineensis).Being monocotyledons, palm trees show distinct differences of the wood structure compared to common wood species. This study aime...
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Les oasis sont actuellement menacés par les pénuries d’eau engendrées par la surexploitation des ressources souterraines et les changements climatiques (PDGE, 2011). La gestion de l’eau et l’allocation optimale de cette ressource en système oasien nécessitent l’adoption des technologies modernes afin de conserver l'équilibre et la pérennité du syst...
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S. Gammoudi, H. El Masoudy*, H. Rey, S. Griffon , M. Bennaceur, C. Littardi, N. Bouguedoura, M. Bensalah, R. Lecoustre et M. A. Elhoumaizi.
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L’arrangement phyllotaxique du palmier dattier (Phoenix dactylifera L.) est spiralé qui donne lieu à une paire de spirales ou parastiches apparents (8,5) et à sens opposé. Selon le théorème fondamental de la phyllotaxie (FTOP) l’angle de divergence d pour un tel arrangement phyllotaxique, doit être compris entre [135°,144°] et [135.95°, 138.14°] so...
Conference Paper
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Plant architecture is defined like the whole of the structural forms which the plant presents through its existence. In the context of the present study, a statistical checking of relationships between the characteristic parameters in terms of vegetative aerial and reproductive architecture of the date palm was done, this allow to implement a new m...
Date palm tree is an economic crop which is grown in the Sudan Savannah and Sahel regions of North Cameroon. Its role in food production, foreign exchange earnings, raw materials for industries, and income and employment generation makes it a crucial asset for national economic development. Yet, Cameroon does not figure among the date-producing nat...
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In Morocco, date palm is the most important arboricultural crop and little is known about its germplasm. Thus, this work aimed at analyzing genetic diversity among 200 date palms sampled from three oases (Figuig, Tata and Zagora) of Morocco using microsatellite markers. Among these palms, 191 were females, belonging to 26 cultivars, and 9 were male...
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Les steppes arides des Haut Plateaux marocains connaissent une dégradation alarmante suites à une pression anthropique irraisonnée (mise en culture massive, déboisement, surpâturage). Pour pallier à cette dégradation, l’état marocain a mis en place différent es actions de restauration en particulier les mise en repos . Pour évaluer l’impact de cet...
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Date fleshes of low quality (second grade dates or date by-products)from two cultivars "Assiane " and "Aziza bouzid " growing in Figuig oasis of Morocco, were characterized by the same values of sugars,dietary fibers, ash and protein as dates of high quality. The mineral analysis indicated high potassium content for the two cultivars followed by so...
Conference Paper
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Dans la cadre du réseau MOCAF de nombreuses mesures morphométriques et géométriques ont été réalisées sur divers morphotypes et cultivars de Phoenix dactylifera L. dans les pays méditerranéens membres du consortium. Depuis le début des recherches en modélisation de l'architecture de Phoenix dactylifera L.;de nombreuses mesures ont été effectuées su...
Conference Paper
Les études faites sur l’analyse de la diversité morphologique du palmier dattier sont basées essentiellement sur les méthodes factorielles (ACP, AFC) afin de faire ressortir les variables ou caractères les plus discriminants. Les mesures des données sont effectuées avec des méthodologies qui ne font pas appel à l’architecture du palmier dattier et...
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The aim of this research was to investigate physico-chemical and some functional properties (water and oil holding capacity, emulsion capacity and stability) and associated antioxidant capacity of date fiber concentrates (DFC) from five potential Moroccan cultivars. The main chemical composition of date flesh was also analyzed. Date flesh had high...
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The aim of this research was to investigate physico-chemical and some functional properties (water and oil holding capacity, emulsion capacity and stability) and associated antioxidant capacity of date fiber concentrates (DFC) from five potential Moroccan cultivars. The main chemical composition of date flesh was also analyzed. Date flesh had high...
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L’impact de trois techniques pastorales (mise en repos pastoral, plantation d’Atriplex nummularia et culture entre bandes arbustives) dans sept sites aménagés a été étudié sur la dynamique de la phytomasse sur pied des steppes dégradées du Maroc oriental, entre 2006 et 2012. Les sites sont annuellement pâturés en mode différé. Malgré le pâturage et...
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In Morocco, as in most of North Africa countries, date palm plantations are currently in danger of being destroyed due to “Bayoud” disease. However, little is known about Moroccan date palm germplasm. Thus, this preliminary work aimed at analyzing genetic diversity among 128 date palms sampled from the Figuig oasis (Morocco) using simple sequence r...
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Fourteen native date cultivars from different oases and regions of Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria were examined for their approximate composition, water activity, and CIELAB parameters. Sugars were the predominant component in all studied date cultivars (~ 54.14 -75.56 g/100g dry matter), followed by moisture content (~7.2 -31.9%), along with small a...
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In Figuig oasis of Morocco, dates played an important role in the economic and social lives of the people. Common dates varieties were investigated for biochemical and microbiological composition. Date flesh of all varieties showed high level of total sugars (62.60-83.32%) and a small amounts of protein (2.3-3.85%), ash (2.15-3.46%) and fat (0.1-0....
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We studied 66 'Medjool' date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) accessions from Morocco, six varieties of dates from Egypt, and four 'Medjool' accessions and one 'Deglet Noor' accession from California to investigate the hypothesis that 'Medjool' is a landrace variety in Morocco. We used four sets of fluorescent-labeled amplified fragment length polymor...
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Six date varieties from Egypt, one `Deglet Noor' and four `Medjool' date accessions from California, and 66 accessions of `Medjool' date from Morocco, the country of origin of `Medjool' date, were examined using four sets of fluorescent labeled amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. A total of 402 AFLP bands were generated and 160 w...
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Introduction. The present study had as objectives to measure the palm leaf divergence angle in the field, to determine the frequency of trees and offshoots showing clockwise and counterclockwise phyllotaxis, to establish the relationship between phyllotaxis of the mother tree and that of its offshoots, and, finally, to determine the effect of the d...
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Thèse Présentée à la faculté, pour obtenir le grade de Docteur d'Etat Es-Science (Option : Biologie végétale) Modélisation de l'architecture du palmier dattier (Phoenix dactylifera L.) et application à la simulation du bilan radiatif en oasis Par EL HOUMAIZI Mohammed Aziz (Thèse de Troisième cycle) Soutenu le 20/04/2002 devant la commission d'exame...
This study permitted to model the architecture of four Moroccan cultivars of date palm. Biometrical analyzes showed that the distribution of pinnae on the leaf follow Gamma function and the variation in width of midrib from the base to the top of the leaf follows Exponential function. The phyllotaxic direction of the offshoots present a clockwise o...
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A morphometric study has been conducted on 26 date-palm cultivars(Phoenix dactylifera L.). It comprises a detaileddescription of vegetative system (26 criteria). The data analyzed usingmultidimensional statistical methods, the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) andhierarchical ascendant, Unweighted Pair-Group Method Arithmetic average (UPGMA).The r...
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Research of the morphological discriminant criteria for the characterization of date palm (Phœnix dactylifera L.) cultivars Summary: A morphometric study has been conducted on 26 date palm cultivars (Phœnix dactylifera L.) planted in the experimental station of Zagora (South Morocco) it has concerned a detailed description of all plant organs espe...


Question (1)
I have the great pleasure to inform you that  the International Training program on International training course on: Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) root system modeling and architectural will be held   from 30  October to 3  November  2017  Ouarzazate, Morocco.
 تحية طبية ،
يسعدني أن أحيطكم علما بأن برنامج دورة تكوينية دولية في موضوع : هندسة ونمذجة النظام الجذري لأشجار النخيل . ستعقد من 30 أكتوبر إلى 3 نوفمبر 2017 ورزازات، المغرب.
Best regards
Elhoumaizi  M. A
I have the great pleasure to inform you that  the International Training program on International training course on: Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) root system modeling and architectural will be held   from 30  October to 3  November  2017  Ouarzazate, Morocco.
 تحية طبية ،
يسعدني أن أحيطكم علما بأن برنامج دورة تكوينية دولية في موضوع : هندسة ونمذجة النظام الجذري لأشجار النخيل . ستعقد من 30 أكتوبر إلى 3 نوفمبر 2017 ورزازات، المغرب


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