Mohammad KanediLampung University · Department of Biology
Mohammad Kanedi
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Mohammad Kanedi currently works at the Department of Biology, University of Lampung and Department of Pharmacy Tulang Bawang University, Lampung, Indonesia. Mohammad research interest mainly in Animal Function Biology. His current project is 'The use of succulent plant for hair growth promotion herbs'.
Additional affiliations
July 2009 - present
Tulang Bawang University, Bandar Lampung, Lampung
- Lecturer
Publications (148)
Banana (Musa spp. family Musaceae) is one of the
horticultural crops in Indonesia with a wide variety
of cultivars. Apart from being used as a staple food
substitute, bananas have long been used as a source
of traditional medicine. In an effort to find and
develop the medicinal potential of bananas,
pharmacological research has been carried o...
Mealybugs (Insecta; Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) are the important pest of agricultural crops and ornamental plants worldwide, including in Indonesia. Beside their high invasive nature and high economic impact, mealybugs are difficult to control so that the presence of this insect is of serious concern. That is why research to find effective ways to...
One of aging-related changes in the testes in male is impairment of spermatogenic process that make spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and spermatids cells decreased which ultimately reduces fertility. There are many phytochemical compounds that are known to have anti-aging properties. One plant that is known to contain anti-aging compounds is the kerse...
Currently available diuretics are not completely free from side effects such as electrolyte imbalance and
metabolic alterations. Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) contained many type of bioactive substances that related to diuretics. This study aimed to reveal and verify the effect of water fraction of avocado leaves extract against output of rat
Squid ink is among the marine-
derived substance that is known to have many
bioactive properties such as antioxidant, anticancer
activity, antimicrobial activity, and anti-
inflammatory activity. Through its antioxidant
properties squid ink was suggested to have
therapeutic potential for reproductive damages. This
study is an attempt to evaluate wh...
Bacillus thuringiensis is a spore-forming bacterium known to have the ability to synthesize proteins that are toxic against insect pests. Currently, the bacterial protein toxins are widely used as pesticides because they are environmentally friendly and safe for health. As a cosmopolitan microbe B. thuringiensis is widely distributed in nature with...
Cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica L.) is one of the most invasive weeds in the world which causes many losses in agriculture and plantations. To find added value from cogon grass, in many countries in the world, including Indonesia, various studies have been carried out on the aspects that can be utilized from this grass. In this article, the result...
Squid ink is known to contain many bioactive properties such as antioxidant, anticancer activity, antimicrobial activity, and anti-inflammatory activity. Through its antioxidant properties squid was suggested to have therapeutic potential for sexual function disorders. This study is an attempt to evaluate whether squid ink has therapeutic benefits...
Kopi organik dapat dikatakan sebagai tanaman organik jika pertanian kopi tersebut setidaknya menanam kopi mereka selama tiga tahun tanpa menggunakan bahan kimia sama sekali. Standar tiga tahun diperlukan agar kondisi kebun kopi benar-benar teruji bersih dari sentuhan kimiawi. Legalitas sertifikat organik juga mewajibkan durasi penanaman tiga tahun...
Snake plant or Mother-in-law's tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata Prain) is a plant possessing of many ethnobotanical uses one of which is for medicinal. Previous pharmacological studies showed that this plant has several properties such as healing lesions, anthelmenthic, antimicrobial and cytotoxic. This research was conducted to investigate phytocom...
Etawa goat milk is the name for dairy products from a hybrid goat named Etawa. In Indonesia, goat milk is usually marketed and consumed fresh, without proper sterilization in the production process. As a raw product, Etawa goat milk has the potential to be contaminated with various microbes. In order to improve the microbial quality of Etawa's raw...
The effectiveness of mosquito traps containing CO2-producing agent as the attractant is depending on many factors, among others is the type of material used. This research was conducted to find out whether materials that have been proven effective in trapping mosquitoes of various species such as sugar + yeast and citric acid + baking soda are also...
Prolonged use of pesticides was known to have a negative impact on the environment, health, and living organisms. Therefore alternative pest control techniques need to be developed continuously. One pest eradication techniques that is believed to be safe for the environment is biological control. This study intended to evaluate the toxicity propert...
The testes are two glandular organs in the male reproductive system responsible for producing gametes called sperm and synthesizing androgen hormone called testosterone. The two functions of the testes are used as parameters for fertility and sexual performance in males. This paper presents the results of research to find plant-derived ingredients...
The positive impact of the discovery of antibiotics coupled with advances in the development of antimicrobial drugs has improved human health. Unfortunately, prolonged use of antibiotics has increased microbial resistance. That is why research to find natural ingredients that have the potential to be developed into plant-derived antimicrobial drugs...
Avoiding the bites of Aedes aegypti is the best way to prevent transmission of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). One effective way to avoid mosquito bites is to apply a repellent lotion. This research is an effort to find natural ingredients for mosquito repellent lotions. The purpose of this research is to determine the repellent effect of the ethan...
This research carried out to determine the chemical composition of Streptomyces sp extract and the toxicity activity of the secondary metabolite against mosquito larvae of Anopheles sundaicus. By using a completely randomized design (CRD), the study was conducted from June to November 2021. The results of the chemical test showed that the isolate o...
Improvements in the quality of education from year to year are always strived for, both at the elementary, secondary, and tertiary levels. Efforts to improve the quality of education are influenced by the curriculum, textbooks, learning media, learning methods, and evaluation systems. The teacher as one of the spearheads in the community learning p...
Mamalia kecil seperti Rodentia dan Scandentia adalah salah satu satwa liar yang sering dianggap sebagai hama perusak, sehingga kurang dijaga kelestariannya. Keberadaan Rodentia dan Scandentia dalam ekosistem sangat penting antara lain sebagai sarana penyebaran biji tumbuh-tumbuhan, dan sebagai kontrol terhadap serangga. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan...
This experiment is a follow-up study of our efforts to develop gamal plant (Gliricidia sepium) as natural insecticides. The purpose of this study was to determine the stability of the physical properties and the toxic activity of the extract that had been stored for up to three years. There were two types of extract prepared, namely water and metha...
Gloriosa superba (Kembang Sungsang, local name) belongs to the monocotyledoneae class and the Liliaceae family. This plant is known as a medicinal plant and its pharmacological effects have been developed both traditional and modern. All parts of the Gloriosa superba, especially the tubers and seeds, contain alkaloids namely colchicine and gloriosi...
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) has an increasing number of infections almost every year in Indonesia. Efforts to prevent this disease are carried out by using insecticides to reduce the spread of the Aedes aegypti mosquito as a disease vector. However, the continuous use of synthetic insecticides for a relatively long time can cause various environ...
Chili peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) was one of the vegetables that have good marketing prospects in Indonesia. However, the disease that was often found in chili plants is anthracnose. Anthracnose disease is usually caused by the fungus, Colletotrichum sp. which can attack from the growing period until harvest. The purpose of this study was to isola...
Wound healing is a complex process of tissue repair consists of four stages: hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling. These stages are influenced by different chemicals so that the use of natural products containing many lead compounds is important to be considered. In the plant-derived natural products there is a variety of useful...
Hyperuricemia is a disease caused by an increase in uric acid levels in the blood over the normal level. Increased uric acid levels happen because the levels of purines in the body are quite high, so that the breakdown of purines into uric acid increases. This study used dried vanilla fruit extract using 60% ethanol solvent. The test animals used w...
In Indonesia sungkai plant (Peronema canescens Jack.) categorized as a luxurious timber because the wood is used for various purposes such as: for houses construction, interior finishes, furniture and decorative veneer. Besides being used for its wood, the sungkai plant is also used as a medicinal plant to treat several diseases such as: fever, rin...
Proses pembelajaran di Sekolah Dasar (SD), seharusnya bisa dilakukan dengan cara yang interaktif antara guru dengan siswa sehingga membuat siswa lebih senang , merasa penuh tantangan, lebih inspiratif, sehingga dapat meningkatkan keinginan siswa untuk berperan aktif dalam proses kegiatan belajar mengajar, serta memberikan kesempatan yang luas untuk...
Birds are one of the most diverse animals in the world, especially in Indonesia. Liwa Botanical Garden located in Pekon Kubu Perahu, Balik Bukit District, West Lampung Regency, is a conservation area with the theme of conservation and development of ornamental plants, representing the flora of Southern Sumatra. This research is a continuation of th...
Minyak jelantah (mijel) atau minyak goreng bekas pakai masih sering digunakan konsumen untuk penghematan. Namun penggunaan lebih dari 3x dapat menimbulkan masalah kesehatan. Kegiatan pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk mengedukasi ibu-ibu akan bahaya penggunaan mijel secara berulang dan memberikan solusi pemanfaatan mijel dalam bentuk lain. Selain itu ju...
Traditional hair care using ingredients from plants has been practiced for a long time by local people in many countries, including Indonesia. However, biological-pharmaceutical scientific research has only flourished in the last two decades. This article presents the results of research conducted by students and researchers in Indonesia. There are...
Campuran minyak dan bahan kimia pada surfaktan yang dibuang langsung ke lingkungan akan mengakibatkan penurunan kesuburan tanah sertamenghambat proses degradasi oleh mikroorganisme. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan senyawa alami yang mampu mampu meningkatkan kelarutan minyak jelantah dalam air seperti biosurfaktan. Salah satu bakteri penghasil biosurfakt...
Peperomia pellucida (L.) is an herbaceous plant belonging Piperaceae family believed by traditional communities in many Southeast Asian countries including Indonesia as a medicinal plant efficacious for treating various diseases. This traditional belief has also been strengthened by various pharmacological and phytochemical research findings. Howev...
Researchers attempted to obtain animal models that experienced hypercholesterolemia and led to liver damage to determine the performance of the liver. Rats were chosen because of the ease of handling, collecting organ and blood samples. Still, their high price and availability that are more difficult to find have made some researchers look for alte...
Spider (Arachnida) is one of the classes of arthropods known to give strong responses to differences in land cover vegetation. This study intended to investigate whether the difference of vegetation types that are located adjacently occupied by the same genera of spiders. Two adjacent areas in Liwa Botanical Garden that covered by two different typ...
Tuber extract of nutgrass (Cyperus rotundus or rumput teki), induce apoptosis in leukemia cell lines. This effect related to the essential oil content of nutgrass. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of nutgrass essential oil on the quality of sperm in mice. Mice were divided into 4 groups using a completely randomized design. Group 1 (c...
Organic farming has been recommended by many experts in the world because of its positive ecological impacts such as increasing biodiversity. In Indonesia, the practice of organic farming is very widespread, including in smallholder coffee plantations. This study was intended to determine the impact of the organic farming system applied by smallhol...
Caricature plants (Graptophyllum pictum L.) contained bioactive compounds that are known to have antibacterial properties, such as alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins and tannins. However the antibacterial activity study of this plant extract is still limited. Current study aims to investigate the effects of ethanol-soluble fraction of leaf extract of...
Kompetensi dasar yang harus dimiliki peserta didik mencakup merencanakan dan melakukan penyelidikan atau penelitian sederhana, berkomunikasi ilmiah, mengembangkan kreativitas dan pemecahan masalah, serta memiliki sikap ilmiah, maka seorang guru dituntut mampu mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan sarana laboratorium dalam pembelajaran. Salah satu penelitian s...
Minyak goreng bekas yang sudah berwarna coklat kehitaman sebaiknya tidak digunakan lagi karena bersifat karsinogenik. Minyak goreng yang telah dipakai berulang kali biasa disebut dengan minyak jelantah. Biasanya minyak jelantah (mijel) akan dibuang oleh ibu-ibu secara sembarangan sehingga menyebabkan minyak tersebut menjadi limbah di lingkungan sek...
Codiaeum variegatum (L.) is known to contain bioactive compounds that have many pharmacological properties such as abortifacient, antiamoebic, antibacterial, anticancer, antifungal, and antioxidant. This study aims to reveal whether the ethanol fraction of leaf extract of this plant has antipyretic activity. The male mice (n=25) with a weigh range...
Vibrio is a group of bacteria that causes Vibriosis in many aquatic biota cultivated in ponds. This research aims to determine the type of the Vibrio sp. which causes vibriosis disease in white snapper reared in the marine cultivation ponds at the Center for Marine Cultivation Fisheries (CMCF) Lampung, Indonesia. The research was conducted using in...
Spiders are organisms that can adapt to various environments throughout the earth's surface from arctic regions to desert areas. Many spiders occupy areas with low vegetation and shrubs. The Liwa Botanical Garden has dense vegetation which is an ideal habitat for spiders. This study aims to determine the diversity and abundance of spiders (arachnid...
Analysis of Content (Pb) in Hair Tire Repair Shop Workers and Golden Fish Along The Soekarno-Hatta Bandar Lampung with Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. Lead is often referred to as a lead or of lead, the metal is denoted by Pb. Heavy metal lead can cause poisoning and accumulate in the human body. Process of entry into the body can lead through...
Minyak jelantah (mijel) is known in Indonesia as waste cooking oil. Even though it is a waste, mijel is still used by consumers for savings. The problem is, if it is used repeatedly more than three times, mijel can cause health problems. In addition to health hazards, if discharged through water channels, it can cause environmental pollution. Lack...
Analgesic is any drug used to achieve analgesia-relieve from pain, without blocking the conduction of nerve impulses. Sukun (Artocarpusaltilis) and melinjo (Gnetumgnemon L.) are plants that can be expected to have analgesic properties because they contain bioactive that can inhibit biosynthesis of prostaglandins, a hormone-like pain reducing agent....
Pewarna yang lazim digunakan pada pewarnaan tulang keras fetus umumnya adalah alizarin red. Masalahnya, seringkali warna rangka fetus yang dihasilkan kurang kontras dan kurang tajam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama perendaman dengan alizarin red terhadap kekontrasan warna rangka fetus mencit. Penelitian ini menggunakan enam...
Analgesic is any drug used to achieve analgesia—relieve from pain, without blocking the conduction of nerve impulses. Sukun (Artocarpusaltilis) and melinjo (Gnetumgnemon L.) are plants that can be expected to have analgesic properties because they contain bioactive that can inhibit biosynthesis of prostaglandins, a hormone-like pain reducing agent....
Sukun (Artocarpus altilis), the breadfruit, has been known to contain phytochemicals that have inhibitory activity against xanthine oxidase, however little is known about their efficacy in lowering uric acid levels. This study aims to determine the effect of water-soluble fraction of breadfruit leaf extract on blood uric acid levels in purine-rich...
Muli banana peels contain flavonoids, saponins, and tannins that foster the process of wound healing. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of ethanol extract in muli banana peels (Musa acuminata) on cut wounds healing process in mice (Mus musculus). The study design was the completely randomized design by using 24 male mice which w...
Motivation/Background: Rat is cosmopolitan animal which means they can live in all type of places worldwide, including highlands, lowlands, rice fields, forests, and settlements. A high rat population can have an impact on losses in various fields of human life. The Liwa Botanical Garden is one of the areas developed for tourism so the presence of...
Sukun (Artocarpus altilis), the breadfruit, has been known to contain phytochemicals that have inhibitory activity against xanthine oxidase, however little is known about their efficacy in lowering uric acid levels. This study aims to determine the effect of water-soluble fraction of breadfruit leaf extract on blood uric acid levels in purine-rich...
The diversity of bird species can reflect the high biodiversity of an area. it means that birds can be used as a bio-indicator of environmental quality. Determining the quality and level ofenvironmental damage can be seen from the diversity of bird species in the region. Environmental quality will be better if the diversity of bird species in the r...
The Liwa Botanical Garden is located in Kubu Perahu Village, Balik Bukit District, West
Lampung Regency. The Liwa Botanical Garden has an area of 86 ha, built in 2007 with the
theme of Indonesian Ornamental Plants. The Liwa Botanical Garden is one of the
destinations that is being developed for tourism activities and used as a recreational object....
Grasshopper is one of the diurnal cosmopolitan insect, the existence of grasshoppers is very
influential for some other animal populations such as birds. It is still lack of information of
diversity, distribution, population, and other basic biological aspects of grasshoppers at
Kebun Raya Liwa (KRL). To monitor biodiversity, it is necessary to pro...
The diversity of freshwater fish in Way Sindalapai River is quite abundant but there has not been much study on the diversity of fish in Way Sindalapai River. This study aims to determine the diversity of freshwater fish species in Way Sindalapai River, Liwa Botanical Garden. The study began with a preliminary survey with a purposive sampling metho...
Pengendalian nyamuk Aedes aegypti sebagai vektor Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) telah banyak dilakukan dengan menggunakan pengendalian kimiawi yang semakin lama akan menimbulkan resistensi terhadap nyamuk Ae. aegypti sehingga dibutuhkan insektisida alami. Daun tomat (Solanum lycopersicum L.) memiliki kandungan flavonoid, saponin, alkaloid dan minyak a...
Tikus merupakan hewan liar yang mampu beradaptasi dengan kehidupan manusia. Tikus juga menjadi hama penting dalam kehidupan manusia, baik dalam bidang pertanian, perkebunan, permukiman, dan kesehatan. Tikus digolongkan ke dalam Ordo Rodentia dan Famili Muridae.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan pemerangkapan tikus menggu...
Penggunaan obat skabies (skabisida) umumnya terbuat dari senyawa kimia sintetik. Efek pemberian dari senyawa sintetik kimia adalah resistensinya tungau terhadap obat. Daun kemangi dapat menjadi alternatif skabisida karena memiliki kandungan minyak atsiri berbahan aktif eugenol, sineol dan flavanoid. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Oktober-November...
Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus Kunth) herb has known to have antibacterial activities against several bacterial strains. In this study, we tested leaf extract of the kenikir against Shigella dysenteriae and Salmonella typhi strains. The extracts of 100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, and 20% (v/v) screened for their antibacterial activity in comparison with standard an...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui ekstak etanol daun kenikir (Cosmos caudatus Kunth) terhadap penyembuhan luka sayat pada mencit (Mus musculus L.) dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda yaitu 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), dengan 6 perlakuan dan 4 kali pengulangan. Terdiri dari K+ dengan povidone iod...
Paraquat dichloride (1.1'-dimethyl-4.4'-bipyridinium dichloride) was commonly herbicide used by most farmers in Indonesia. It raises herbicide-free radicals and affects male reproductive organs. It caused infertility such as a decrease in the number of spermatogenic cells. Fortunately, red ginger has capable of dealing with infertility problems. Th...
Paraquat is a toxic compound that disrupts biochemical processes in the body, cell death, and multi-organ failure. The liver and lung are the target organ of paraquat toxicity. The body needs antioxidants to counteract free radicals. Red ginger (Zingiber officinale Roxb. Var rubrum) is a spice that contains antioxidants. This study was conducted to...
Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a disease that is transmitted through the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquito vectors. The Maya index (MI) is an indicator to identify whether an area is at high risk as a breeding site for mosquitoes. This study aims to determine the types of breeding places and types of mosquito larvae of DHF and MI vect...
Objectives: For decades, scholars have debated the benefits of exercise during pregnancy. Birthing ball exercise is the latest among the antenatal exercises which pregnant women commonly perform in Indonesia. Therefore, the current study aimed to investigate whether pelvic rocking exercise using the birth ball is effective in correcting the fetal l...
Hypercholesterolemia is a condition characterized by high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Vanilla is one among plants that has cholesterol-lowering substances, but research on this subject is still lacking. This study aimed todetermine whether ethanol fruit extract vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) can be used as antihypercholesterolemia
Hyperglycemia, a high level of blood glucose, is a main indicator of diabetes mellitus. Diabetic patients that do not
manage the sugar levels in their blood can suffer from many severe complications. One of plant origin bioactive
suspected to have anti-hyperglicemic activity is vanillin. This study aimed to determine whether ethanol fruit
Dengue fever was one of the dangerous diseases due to it might cause death in a short time. It transmitted through its vectors, namely, Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Maya index is an indicator that used to identify a high-risk area or not as a breeding ground for Aedes sp. The purpose of this study was to determine the type of landfill which...
The residue of paraquat herbicides may cause human health problems. Paraquat causes the testosterone hormone to decline. Testosterone hormone affects aggressive and sexual behavior. It is caused by free radicals in the body. Free radicals can be non-reactive if in the body there are antioxidants. Red ginger could be used as an antioxidant because i...
Paraquat is one of the chemicals that contributes to increasing pollution Indonesia. The careless use of paraquat can increase production of ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species), resulting in damage to a wide range of vital organs and reproductive system disorders such as infertility. ROS in the body can be captured by antioxidants. Red Ginger contains hi...
Introduction and Aims: This study was conducted to determine the effect of plant extracts of suruhan (Peperomia pellucida L. Kunth) on the blood glucose level and sperm parameters in male mice with alloxan-induced hyperglycemia. Materials and methods: By using a completely randomized design, 25 male albino mice were grouped into five with five repl...
This study was conducted to determine the effect of plant extracts of suruhan (Peperomia pellucida L. Kunth) on the blood glucose level and libido of alloxan-induced male mice. By using a completely randomized design, 25 male albino mice were grouped into five with five replications each. Group 1 treated with alloxan at the dose of 150 mg/kg bw (as...
Polar extract of gamal leaves (Gliricidia sepium) from various cultivars in Lampung, Indonesia, is revealed to show insecticidal effect on various types of mealy bugs, but its effect on papaya meally bugs (Planacoccus marginatus) is not yet known. This study aims to determine the insecticidal effects of water extract formulation of gamal leaf powde...
Introduction: Studies of the protective effects of insulin on endothelial impairments are still very limited. Aim:This study is intended to find out the effect of insulin injection on expression of HIF-1, VEGF-β, and caspase-3 in myocardial tissues of rats subjected to hypoxic-hyperglycemic condition. Materials and methods:Wistar rats (n=30) were s...