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Mohammad Hossein Keshavarz

Mohammad Hossein Keshavarz
Girne American University in North Cyprus



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I am currently engaged in Sociolinguistics and Pragmatic research.


Publications (55)
This article reports on an empirical study on the relationship between the collocational competence of 100 Iranian EFL learners and their performance on open-ended and multiple-choice cloze tests as an overall language proficiency measure. The target language proficiency level of the subjects was examined through their performance on a TOEFL test....
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This article addresses the issue of whether bilingual children begin phonological acquisition with one phonological system or two. Five hypotheses are suggested for the possible structure of the bilingual child's phonological system. Analyses of data from a longitudinal study of a Farsi-English bilingual infant, Arsham, supported the hypothesis tha...
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The present study aims at testing two dominant hypotheses regarding the development of inflections and other functional categories, namely the Structure-Building Model, and the Continuity Hypothesis within the generative theory. According to the first view, functional categories are entirely absent in children's early grammars, which contain only p...
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There is no dearth of studies on pronunciation problems of students of English as a Foreign Language (EFL); however, research on pronunciation problems of young learners is scarce. Therefore, to fill this research gap, the present quasi-experimental study aimed at investigating the effect of L2 input on the pronunciation performance of young learne...
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This study investigated impoliteness in relational contexts. The data, which come from a Persian TV drama, were analyzed from two perspectives: intentionality and perception of impoliteness by interlocutors. Two relational contexts were identified: power-imbalance and power-neutral, each comprising two types of impoliteness: reciprocal and non-reci...
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Compared to non-academic contexts, the use of address forms in academic settings is insufficiently researched. To fill this gap, the present study investigated the address forms commonly used by students and lecturers in Iranian universities in their oral and written communication. The analytical framework used in this study is semio-cultural conce...
The present study aims at exploring the cultural conceptualizations of oaths in Persian as reflected in an Iranian film, called Qasam ‘Oath’; a film whose theme centers on oath-taking, and its characters frequently take conversational oaths in various scenes. Analysis of the dialogues and visuals of the selected film utilizing the analytical framew...
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This study investigated WhatsApp messages exchanged between two generations of Iranian students and their respective lecturers in light of politeness, age, and the speech act of request. We utilised two sets of data: messages sent by current young students to two young lecturers, and those sent by former middle-aged students to two senior lecturers...
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There has been growing interest in cultural linguistics in recent years; however, there is a dearth of studies exclusively analyzing human-nature interaction, particularly in the context of Iran. Thus, to fill this gap, the present study set out to investigate the relationship and interaction between humans and nature from a cultural linguistic (CL...
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Notwithstanding the great potentials of Cultural conceptualization, there exists culturally-constructed concepts for which Cultural Conceptualization stands in need of further explications. The authors came across this shortcoming while applying the Cultural Conceptualization model to a book chapter for Springer in 2019. More specifically, we reali...
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Preface to the Sixth Revised Edition The author’s experience in teaching Contrastive Analysis, Error Analysis, and Interlanguage Hypothesis to students with diverse linguistic backgrounds in a multilingual/multicultural context over the past 12 years has led to major revisions and changes in the book, both in content and in organization. In the cur...
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The aim of this study was to explore international university students’ perceptions of future global employment opportunities and expectations with regard to workplace diversity. The study employed a qualitative research design. The data were collected from nine study groups with thirty-eight students from twenty-one different countries studying in...
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Abstract Like many other words, hoca(m) has undergone a historical development. Originally a religious term, hocam has turned into a widespread and multidimensional address form in Turkish academic settings expressing the sociosemantic notions of solidarity, equality, respect, intimacy, and distance. In this study, after tracing the historical deve...
Like many other words, hoca(m) has undergone a historical development. Originally a religious term, hocam has turned into a widespread and multidimensional address form in Turkish academic settings expressing the sociosemantic notions of solidarity, equality, respect, intimacy, and distance. In this study, after tracing the historical development o...
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There is no dearth of studies on pronunciation problems of students of English as a Foreign Language (EFL); however, research on pronunciation problems of young learners is scarce. Therefore, to fill this research gap, the present quasi-experimental study aimed at investigating the effect of L2 input on the pronunciation performance of young learne...
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How to cite: Keshavarz, M. H., & Ashtarian, S. (2008). The relationship between Iranian EFL learners' gender and reading comprehension of three different types of text. Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 11(1), 95-112. Abstract The present study investigated the relationship between reading comprehension of three types of text and the gender o...
The purpose of this study is twofold: (a) to present evidence for the use of the two time-honored features of politeness in Persian, namely ‘self-lowering’ and ‘other-elevating’ , and (b) to add a new dimension to Brown and Gilman’s (1960) seminal address formula to make it more inclusive so that it can accommodate for languages that do not follow...
The author’s experience in teaching Contrastive Analysis, Error Analysis, and Interlanguage to students with different linguistic background in a multilingual/multicultural context over the past few years has led to major revisions and changes in the book, both in content and organization. In the current revised edition, some outdated materials hav...
This study investigated the interactive function of teacher-written feedback. To this end, 10 students from two English toward proficiency (ETP) classes in a private university in North Cyprus were asked to engage in a letter to my teacher (ALMT) activity during the feedback-revision process in the course of their study. Moreover, the think-aloud p...
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Purpose: Numerous studies have been conducted on foreign language classroom anxiety (FLCA); however, research on the effect of parents’ education, school type, and gender on EFL learners’ anxiety in a single study is scarce. Therefore, to fill this niche the present study aimed at investigating the impact of the aforementioned variables on FLCA. R...
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Abstract The purpose of this study is twofold: (a) to present evidence for the use of the two time-honored features of politeness in Persian, namely ‘self-lowering’ and ‘other-elevating’ in electronic communication, and (b) to add a new dimension to Brown and Gilman’s (1960) seminal address formula to make it more inclusive so that it can accommoda...
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Abstract Education is one of the main sectors that have been drastically affected by COVID-19 pandemic worldwide. In this paper, after providing a brief background about the global impact of Coronavirus pandemic on different spheres of life, the effect of COVID-19 on education, in general, and higher education, in particular, will be discussed. The...
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Research on the speech act of compliment is abundant; however, studies on the characteristics of compliments in Turkish, in general, and in Turkish TV dramas, in particular, are scarce. Therefore, to fill this research gap, the present study set out to investigate the use of compliments in a popular Turkish soap opera. To achieve the purposes of th...
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The present study aims at testing two dominant hypotheses regarding the development of inflections and other functional categories, namely the Structure-Building Model, and the Continuity Hypothesis within the generative theory. According to the first view, functional categories are entirely absent in children's early grammars, which contain only p...
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Reading comprehension ability and metacognitive awareness of reading strategies among high, mid and low ambiguity tolerance EAP students. Abstract This study examined the differences among high, mid and low ambiguity tolerance groups in their reading comprehension ability, their metacognitive awareness of reading strategies, and three categories of...
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This study aimed at investigating whether third-grade high school students use different cognitive and metacognitive strategies while doing two reading comprehension tests, which were different in terms of the difficulty of reading texts. A total of 57 third-grade high school students majoring in math and experimental science participated in this s...
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Preface: This book aims at helping Turkish-speaking students of English to learn the most frequent English words which are essential for understanding academic texts and articles, as well as preparing for standardized tests such as IELTS, TOEFL, and university entrance exams. The words in this book are based on the findings of a study conducted by...
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Preface The significant role of phonetics and phonology for improving EFL learner’s pronunciation has always been acknowledged by English teachers. Some methods of foreign language teaching, such as the audio-lingual method, have put a great deal of emphasis on pronunciation teaching. In the communicative approach, although pronunciation is not ta...
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Blended learning is a revolutionary concept that embraces traditional classroom teaching and online/offline learning. Many studies have been conducted on blended learning; however, research on its effect on motivation with reference to personality and learning styles is scarce. Therefore, the present study set out to fill this niche. To this end, 3...
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This study aimed at investigating the attitude of Muslim students towards the use of certain English idioms and proverbs. Thirty Muslim students were asked to express their reactions and feelings towards two categories of English idioms and proverbs: the first category included idioms and proverbs containing the names of animals that are prohibited...
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This study investigated the impact of explicit instruction of collocations on EFL learners' English proficiency. To this end, the performance of two groups of EFL learners in the form of time-series assessment was compared. To ensure the homogeneity of the participants, a pretest namely Preliminary English Test (PET) was administered. The teacher a...
While there is a plethora of research on pronunciation problems of EFL learners with different L1 backgrounds, published empirical studies on syllabification errors of Iraqi Kurdish EFL learners are scarce. Therefore, to contribute to this line of research, the present study set out to investigate difficulties of this group of learners in the pronu...
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There is no dearth of publication on pronunciation problems of different L1-background learners in EFL contexts; however, research in ESL situations (where English is spoken outside the classroom) in general, and in the Nigerian context, in particular, is scarce. Accordingly, to fill this research gap the present study set out to investigate the pr...
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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of two types of semantic mapping strategies (teacher-student interactive semantic mapping strategy, and teacher-initiated semantic mapping strategy) on reading comprehension of Iranian intermediate EFL students. The participants of this study were 144 female students at Qazvin Ki...
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Some researchers argue that linguistic knowledge of one's native language facilitates the acquisition of additional languages (see, for example,. To contribute to this line of research, the present study investigated the probability of significant differences among monolingual and bilingual EFL learners in their awareness and perceived use of metac...
Table of Contents Introduction......................................................................................... 1 Pretest .............................................................................................. 11 300 Absolutely Essential GRE Words .............................................. 22 800 High-Frequency GRE Words ...........
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The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of task-based language teaching (TBLT) on EFL learners' pragmatic production, metapragmatic awareness, and pragmatic self-assessment. To this end, 75 homogeneous a Email address: zia_tajeddin@yahoo.com, Phone Number: +98 21 88694665 b Email address: keshavarz22@gmail.com, Phone Number: +90-...
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Translation as a phenomenon which involves both linguistic and social aspects has been investigated from various perspectives. The present CDA-based study is an attempt to probe the manipulation of ideologies in translations of political texts. A CDA (Critical Discourse Analysis) approach, based on Fairclough (1989), van Dijk (2004), and Farahzad (...
This study investigated metadiscourse and its subcategories in English research articles (RAs) written by nonnative (Iranian) and native English writers from the two disciplines of applied linguistics and civil engineering. The study aimed at seeing whether language and discipline influenced the frequency of occurrence of metadiscourse elements in...
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This study investigated metadiscourse and its subcategories in English research articles (RAs) written by nonnative (Iranian) and native English writers from the two disciplines of applied linguistics and civil engineering. The study aimed at seeing whether language and discipline influenced the frequency of occurrence of metadiscourse elements in...
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This study examined the differences among high, mid and low ambiguity tolerance groups in their reading comprehension ability and their metacognitive awareness of reading strategies. To this end, 123 first-year college students majoring in Engineering with an age range of 19-25 were stratified into three groups of high, mid and low ambiguity tolera...
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In the field of interlanguage pragmatics (ILP), studies of the speech acts of second language learners have revealed that although learners may come to acquire the grammatical forms of the target language (TL), they do not always understand the sociocultural rules that govern the appropriate use of the target language. Lack of adequate knowledge in...
The impact of writing strategy instruction on Iranian students' learning of the newly-taught words.
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The author of this study investigated the variety of functions used by a bilingual infant to provide further evidence for the communicative-functional approach to child language acquisition, compared the development of pragmatic functions by a monolingual child, and devised a categorization system that can be applied to child language acquisition d...
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The main objective of the present study is to investigate the impact of social context as well as intimacy and distance on the choice of forms of address in Persian. However, as secondary objective, variation in the use of address forms according to social characteristics of the speakers will also be studied. The hypothesis is that variations in th...
The sudden shift from power to solidarity in Iran in the face of the sociopolitical upheaval in the country has yielded some interesting changes in the forms of address in Persian. In general, since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, forms of address in Persian have undergone a sociolinguistic simplification. In post-revolutionary Iran plain speech an...
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Reading comprehension plays a central role in nonfiction general English university courses in different EFL situations and one of the important factors affecting it is vocabulary size. Accordingly, the present study aimed at investigating the effect of unknown vocabulary size on EFL learners' reading comprehension. To this end, 40 TEFL freshmen we...


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