Mohamad SumantriState University of Jakarta | Unj · Department of Elementary Teacher Education
Mohamad Sumantri
Doctor of Education
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Publications (37)
This study aims to determine the relationship between achievement motivation and professional competence with regard to the performance of teachers in public elementary schools in Central Java. The quantitative method is used in this study. The results of this study indicate that (1) there is a significant positive relationship between achievement...
This study aims to assess the numeracy skills of low-grade students in solving addition and subtraction problems, and present solution options to overcome the problems that arise. The approach used was quantitative method. The research subjects consisted of second semester low-grade students at State Elementary School 07 Petukangan Utara, Pesanggra...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian reward terhadap motivasi belajar siswa. Menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian survei cross-sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa dari dua sekolah dasar di Kecamatan Setiabudi. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik simple random sampling y...
During learning, there needs to be special attention to student social skills. The reason is that having social skills can have an influence on student activeness in learning. In this context, Civics learning is one of the lessons related to student social skills, because there are more aspects related to social, such as multicultural community rel...
Critical thinking skills are the ability to solve problems and make decisions when facing a problem. Critical thinking skills can consist of the ability to analyze, interpret, evaluate, summarize, and synthesize various information to prevent negative impacts from occurring. The purpose of this study was to describe and identify students' critical...
Minat baca adalah kecenderungan individu untuk memiliki keinginan atau ketertarikan yang kuat dalam melakukan kegiatan membaca, yang juga diiringi dengan usaha yang berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh minat baca individu siswa yang masih rendah khususnya tingkat sekolah dasar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengumpulkan data dan m...
Background: Important to improve writing skills in elementary school students; therefore appropriate teaching materials are needed to fulfil learning facilities. Digital storytelling based on local wisdom is a teaching material solution that is relevant to the times and precisely facilitates storytelling learning to improve students’ skills of expr...
Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan dasadarma pramuka dengan sikap yang sesuai nilai pancasila siswa kelas V sekolah dasar di kecamatan Setiabudi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan model korelasional. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu siswa kelas V di SDN Guntur 03 Pagi dan SDN Menteng Atas 1...
This research aims to answer teachers' needs in utilizations DSLW to improve story writing skills for fourth-grade elementary school students. The research flow for developing teaching materials for researchers uses the Dick and Carey model. Effectiveness testing was conducted using an independent sample t-test to determine the effectiveness of dig...
As a student teacher candidate, the ability to communicate is a vital competency to be mastered. One of the best ways to share is how students and teacher candidates use technology. Advances in information and communication technology make digital literacy ability as significant as other abilities that exist in every individual human being. This st...
Digital storytelling emerges from the integration of storytelling and digital to meet media needs in learning, such as communication and self-expression, as well as to facilitate learning by improving language skills, one aspect of story writing skills. The purpose of this research is to find out the needs of teachers and students in using digital...
Pada masa pandemi saat ini, seluruh proses pembelajaran dilakukan secara daring atau dilakukan di rumah. Tenaga pendidik dituntut untuk berfikir kreatif dan inovatif dengan harapan proses pembelajaran dapat berjalan lancar dan para peserta didik dapat bersemangat serta memahami pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui media apakah ya...
This article has aimed to investigate the scientific literacy achievement of fourth-grade elementary school students. The research used a qualitative method with data collection techniques in interviews and open questions. This study involved a fourth-grade teacher and fourth-graduate students. Based on the existing theoretical framework, an assess...
Tujuan penelitian ini dalam rangka mencegah meluasnya penularan Covid-19 pada warga sekolah khususnya dan masyarakat Kota Serang pada umumya, Pemerintah Kota Serang mengeluarkan surat edaran Nomor 421-1/2097-Dispendbudkot/2020 Tentang Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Belajar Dari Rumah Selama Kejadian Luar Biasa Corona Virus Disease. Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran d...
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengelolaan pendidikan sekolah dasar yang berorientasi kepada pendidikan multikultural di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Sangiang Jaya. Fokus subjek dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 4 orang yaitu 3 guru kelas tinggi dan kepala sekolah. Peneliti yang di gunakan adalah penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif...
The purpose of this research is to design and create an educational game based on e-learning Matemathic on the Basic Concept of Counting. The method of this research is research and development. This research was conducted in DKI Jakarta Elementary School class V and the object of research was an educational game based on e-learning Matemathic in t...
This study aims to determine the learning of mathematics through light scales media from used goods. Students’ understanding of weight comparison is still experiencing difficulties. Students often mistakenly distinguish heavy objects from light objects. Teachers have tried to make improvements through learning methods, but only 20% of student learn...
The ability of creativity needs to be the focus in learning mathematics because achievements in learning mathematics develop students’ mathematical creativity abilities. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the Missouri Mathematics Project model on students’ mathematical creativity abilities. The research method used is an experi...
The purpose of this research is to improve the student mathematics learning outcomes through Kahoot learning games application at elementary school. This classroom action research adopted from Kemmis and Mc Taggart Model was conducted in three cycles for the fourth grade as many as 22 students at 02 Public Elementary school in Tomohon, North Sulawe...
This study aims to develop digital comics for learning science in elementary schools. Digital comics make it easier for students to learn science both online and online. The method used is research and development. The method used in data collection is a questionnaire. Research and development results: (1) The development research process is carrie...
This study aims to develop a hybrid learning model on the brightspace platform to be more user friendly. The hybrid learning model is one of the sophistication of internet-based technology that is a trend today and will be sustainable in the future. Almost every activity requires digital skills. Hybrid learning activities that can be used to discus...
This review aims to present reductant materials that can be used to reduce the oxygen content of graphene oxide which supports the manufacturing of TCF so the development of TCF increases in the future. Reducing agents are separated into two types i.e. toxic materials and green materials. The method that was used to make TCF based on graphene oxide...
Digital animation is an example of a concrete manifestation of a copyrighted work that combines computer applications in the multimedia field by combining images, text, audio, animation, and video so that it can modify a series of photographic images in such a way that they appear as if they are moving and making sounds and can become interesting s...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh model pembelajaran dan kemandirian belajar terhadap kemampuan berfikir kritis IPA siswa kelas V sekolah dasar di Jakarta Timur. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen semu (quasi experimental design) yang merupakan pengembangan dari metode eksperimen murni a...
Education is one of the instruments of change and national civilization, especially related to human values and mental attitudes. The teacher is an activator, motivator and evaluator of education so that its existence must always be in a quality position. For that reason, it is necessary to conduct sustainable professionalism development as a form...
The study aims to determine the effect of the use of interactive learning media environment-based and learning motivation on science learning outcomes. This research was conducted on grade V students of SDN Wijaya Kusuma 07 Jakarta Barat from September to November 2019. The method used was an experiment with a research design using two-way ANAVA (t...
This research is motivated by the learning of Natural Sciences which have not been integrated with multiple Intelligence and Higher order Thinking Skills (HOTS). The objectives of this study are:. 1) To describe the model of science learning based on multiple intelligences in elementary schools. 2) To describe the learning model of the effectivenes...
This study aims to determine the effect of interactive learning media on student science learning outcomes. The influence was obtained through processing data from several previous research results with similar problems through the meta-analysis method. Data analysis was carried out in a quantitative manner by percentage. The research unit uses wri...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan karakter peduli lingkungan melalui program sekolah berbasis alam di internasional green school sumedang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data dari penelitian ini adalah hasil observasi dan wawancara. Hasil dan kesimpulan penelitian mengung...
The aim of this study is to determine the application of environmental caring character through nature-based school program in international green school Sumedang. A caring character is an effort to instill environment-based character values that increase the learner's sensitivity to environmental preservation. A nature-based program is a principle...
The quality of learning is determined by teacher performance, which is influenced by an individual’s competence and their confidence in teaching. The aim of this research was to gain an understanding of the causal relationship between competence and confidence in relation to teacher performance. We found that individual competence had a strong infl...
The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of formative testing and self-directed learning on mathematics learning outcomes. The research was conducted at an elementary school in central Jakarta during the 2014/2015 school year. Seventy-two fourth-grade students who were selected using random sampling participated in this study. Data...
The objective of this research is to find out the effect of (1) the feedback from peers and from the teacher towards the ability to perform the instructional performance procedure (2) the student interest towards teaching profession and (3) the interaction between the different feedbacks and the of teaching profession towards the ability to perform...
Abstract .The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between students attitude to health education and learning environment by learning outcomes of health education .This study by using methods of survey correlation. The study is done in public primary schools in Bogor with n = 40. The sample used a technique of random sampling. Th...
The objective of this research was to know the effect of learning strategy and self-concept toward the environmental learning result about recyclable Garbage in a public elementary school, SDN 1 Tugu Selatan, North Jakarta. This research applied true experimental design with posttest-only control design. Population of the research covered all sixth...
The purpose of this study is to answer the problem of how to improve the social skills of children aged 4-5 years through group -based manipulative motion activity. The research was carried out in the children group of 4-5 years old at The Kindergarten of IPEKA Sunter, North Jakarta as from March through May 2011. The research method used an action...