Mohamad RosyidinDiponegoro University | UNDIP · Department of International Relations
Mohamad Rosyidin
Master of Arts
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Publications (75)
Diplomasi multilateral seringkali diasosiasikan dengan upaya kolektif untuk memecahkan aneka persoalan di tingkat regional atau global. Indonesia sejak lama mempraktikkan diplomasi multilateral sebagai bagian dari komitmen menciptakan dunia yang lebih baik sebagaimana amanat konstitusi. Di bawah kepemimpinan Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi), diplomasi...
Indonesia’s status as a middle power has become a commonsense in contemporary International Relations (IR) literature. Existing scholarships on this topic rely on a behavioral approach, emphasizing foreign policy characteristics in defining Indonesia’s status. Other scholars employ a material approach, measuring Indonesia’s economic as well as mili...
This article aims to compare two Indonesia’s foreign policy ideas, namely, dynamic equilibrium and the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP). It treats both ideas as an analytical tool instead of propositions to be tested against empirical evidence. Using liberal-institutionalism approach, this article argues that despite both ideas applies in t...
Realism and liberalism are the most dominant paradigms in the study of International Relations. Both are often positioned diametrically because they have basic assumptions that contradict each other. Even though comparing the two paradigms violates the principle of incommensurability, it doesn't mean it's not useful. This paper attempts to map the...
There have been abundant literature concerning movies as a learning tool in International Relations (IR). The use of movies as a learning tool matters in order to achieve learning outcomes since movies could reduce the level of abstraction of a concept. This paper aims to explain the global climate change phenomenon depicted in a documentary film e...
This paper seeks to analyze Indonesia’s multilateral diplomacy under President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)during his first term of presidency(2014-2019). Specifically, this research will be focusing on threemultilateral forums; G20, APEC, and East Asia Summit. Thispaper departs from the puzzle of why Jokowi’s foreign policy seems to be paradoxical; on one...
The rise of China as one of the great powers in the international politic has been the hottest topic in the 21st century. Following the economic reform led by Deng Xiaoping in 1978, China re-emerges stronger than ever with its influences covering major parts of the world. One region particularly stands out since the prior dominance of United States...
Existing literature on economic sanctions is abundantly clear regarding the motivation of countries to impose sanctions on other nations. Yet, there are few scholarly works on the motivation behind the improbability of economic sanctions in a specific country or region. In other words, the key question is not ‘why do states impose sanctions?’ but r...
This article aims to explain the failure of US-North Korea’s denuclearization negotiation in 2019. There has not been research on this topic. In general, existing literature proposes four factors that explain the failure of international negotiation, namely, actor, structure, strategy, and process. This article contributes to existing literature by...
This article aims to explain the idea of Global Maritime Fulcrum (GMF) by applying the concept of national myth. In his first term as Indonesia’s president, Joko Widodo, committed to restoring the country’s status as a maritime power, based his government’s foreign policy strategy on the glorious story of the Srivijaya and Majapahit kingdoms that r...
During the reign of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Indonesia’s foreign policy showed a high level of global participation. It had been recognized as a pivotal state by the international community. It played an important role in many international issues ranging from international security, economy, democracy and human rights, to climate change. In addit...
p>Roadmap Vision 4,000 Peacekeepers 2015-2019 is Indonesia's foreign policy in the era of President Joko Widodo's administration related to Indonesia's participation in the UN PKO (United Nations Peacekeeping Operations). This policy is aimed at placing 4,000 active Garuda Contingent troops at the end of 2019. Roadmap Vision 4,000 Peacekeepers cont...
Indonesia’s foreign policy under Joko Widodo ‘Jokowi’ has significantly shifted compared with his predecessor’s era, especially regarding policies on regionalism. While former President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono emphasises multilateralism with a particular focus on ASEAN, Jokowi’s administration tends to overlook ASEAN as a multilateral organization...
After the demise of Suharto’s New Order dictatorship in 1998, Indonesia has been committed to democratization process. Since then, democracy has become an integral part of Indonesia’s foreign policy. As the world’s third-largest democracy, Indonesia initiated the Bali Democracy Forum (BDF) in 2008 as an instrument of democracy promotion in the regi...
In spite of optimistic views on the feasibility of the R2P operationalisation in Southeast Asia, reconciling global norms with regional principles is not an easy task given the cult of sovereignty that inhibits socialisation and implementation of R2P. Using the case study of Indonesia’s foreign policy implementation in Myanmar, this article demonst...
In the South China Sea, China neither implements power-maximizing policy nor engages a peaceful approach. Instead, China implements both coercion and cooperation in pursuing its strategic interest in the disputed area. How can we explain China’s paradoxical behavior? This article claims that the best way to explain China’s policy in the South China...
Studi Hubungan Internasional memiliki beraneka ragam teori untuk memahami politik dunia. Teori-teori itu lahir dari pemikiran seorang tokoh yang melakukan terobosan ilmiah besar sehingga karya-karya mereka mempengaruhi perkembangan studi Hubungan Internasional selama berpuluh-puluh tahun. Sumbangan gagasan besar inilah yang menjadi topik buku ini....
Artikel ini bermaksud memetakan isu intervensi kemanusiaan dalam konteks teoritis. Dua perspektif utama berdiri secara diametral dalam memandang intervensi kemanusiaan yaitu realisme dan kontruktivisme. Realisme, di satu sisi, memandang bahwa intervensi kemanusiaan tak lebih dari instrumen diplomasi untuk mengejar kepentingan nasional. Mengingat re...
Pahlawan Perang Dunia II Winston Churchill suatu ketika pernah berkata, “Sejarah dibuat oleh para pemenang”. Jika kita membaca dan mencermati sejarah dunia dari masa ke masa, kata-kata tersebut barangkali ada benarnya. Para penakluk Spanyol (conquistadores) mulai dari Christopher Columbus, Fransisco Pizzaro, sampai Hernan Cortez mengarang cerita ba...
The debate over the gap between theory and practice in international relations has been neglected by the vast majority of scholars. This paper is aimed to examine whether or not constructivist consideration has a place within ASEAN policy-making process regarding the Rohingya crisis. The absence of ASEAN’s role in managing Rohingya’s refugee crisis...
The most challenging task in creating peace in the South China Sea is how to deal with Chinese assertive behavior. This is important since many proposals of the regional security architecture have failed to engage China in order to establish a long-lasting peace in the region. This paper seeks to explain the failure of security management in the So...
Since President Jokowi came to power in October 2014, Indonesia’s foreign policy has undergone fundamental change, most obviously in the state’s emphasis on domestic priorities rather than global engagement. Although Jokowi’s foreign policy has pursued an ‘active’ principle by participating in many international forums, it seems to have overlooked...
Buku ini membahas politik luar negeri Indonesia periode pemerintahan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (2004-2014). Berbeda dengan karya-karya sejenis, buku ini menggunakan pendekatan eklektis (kombinasi pendekatan rasionalis dan konstruktivis) untuk memahami kiprah Indonesa di panggung politik internasional.
Kejahatan perang adalah fenomena yang lazim dalam setiap kejadian konflik bersenjata baik dalam lingkup antarnegara maupun intra-negara. Meskipun sudah ada payung hukum internasional yang mengatur tentang tata cara berperang, namun tetap saja sangat sulit menjamin bahwa kekerasan bersenjata menjunjung tinggi prinsip-prinsip kemanusiaan universal. B...
Buku ini membahas politik luar negeri Indonesia periode pemerintahan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (2004-2014). Berbeda dengan karya-karya sejenis, buku ini menggunakan pendekatan eklektis (kombinasi pendekatan rasionalis dan konstruktivis) untuk memahami kiprah Indonesa di panggung politik internasional
Penelitian mengenai isu-isu internasional telah menghasilkan banyak karya akademik baik berupa skripsi, tesis, disertasi, makalah konferensi, jurnal, maupun buku. Di kalangan mahasiswa, penelitian merupakan aktivitas yang tak dapat dipisahkan selama mereka menempuh pendidikan tinggi. Akan selalu ada saja tuntutan untuk melakukan penelitian. Salah s...
Para penstudi HI sejak lama percaya bahwa faktor-faktor di luar realitas material penting dalam mempengaruhi interaksi antar aktor internasional. Mereka berangkat dari asumsi sederhana bahwa sebagai bagian dari Ilmu Sosial, HI semestinya lebih menaruh perhatian pada dimensi-dimensi non-material ketimbang terlalu percaya pada realitas obyektif yang...
Sanksi ekonomi adalah fitur penting dalam politik internasional. Sebagai bentuk diplomasi koersif, sanksi ekonomi bisa dianggap sebagai alternatif perang namun juga tahap selangkah sebelum perang. Negara-negara banyak menerapkan sanksi ekonomi karena dipandang cukup efektif untuk memaksa negara lain menuruti keinginan mereka. Namun faktanya, banyak...
‘The clash of civilizations’ of Samuel Huntington and ‘the end of history’ of Francis Fukuyama are two grand
theories that have been widely accepted as the most dominant narratives in post- Cold War international
relations. Unfortunately, there have been litt le theoretical developments in today’s world to predict the
future of international confl i...
Tulisan ini adalah telaah singkat tentang bagaimana gagasan berperan dalam politik global khususnya menyangkut isu terorisme. Kebanyakan literatur mendiskusikan terorisme dari kacamata keamanan, studi strategis, dan studi agama. Analisis yang ditawarkan juga cenderung berorientasi praktis bahkan kadang-kadang doktriner. Terorisme memang ancaman nya...
This article seeks to sketch theoretical foundation of the humanitarian intervention. The enduring debate regarding the legitimacy behind the issue from the perspective of international law is abundance. Yet, there have been little efforts to address this issue from International Relations perspective. Two competing paradigms are useful to explain...
Tulisan ini akan mendeskripsikan eksploitasi ruang siber oleh kelompok teroris sebagai instrumen untuk mencapai tujuan mereka. Fokus tulisan ini bukan pada ancaman ruang siber melainkan ancaman terorisme melalui ruang siber. Terorisme pada sifat aslinya sudah sangat mengancam, apalagi ditambah dengan eksploitasi internet oleh teroris menjadikan anc...
Indonesia has been known to have abundant natural resources and culture-based creative industries. The country is therefore vulnerable to the practice of fraud of origin. One of many industrial sectors susceptible to thatparticular crime is the wooden furniture businesses. In many cases, it is apparent that natural products and raw materials of Ind...
Middle power diplomacy is often associated with foreign policy activism in international environment. Due to their limited resources, middle powers implement niche diplomacy by focusing on a single issue area. Yet, contemporary Indonesia’s foreign policy demonstrates a rather different conception on what middle power diplomacy really is. This paper...
Penelitian ibarat membangun rumah. Struktur bangunan secara keseluruhan akan sangat ditentukan oleh pondasi yang menopangnya. Pondasi ini dalam kegiatan penelitian disebut desain riset. Membangun pondasi penelitian yang kokoh mensyaratkan pemahaman tentang logika penelitian. Logika penelitian secara umum mencakup latar belakang pemilihan topik, rum...
Tulisan ini bertujuan menelaah peran identitas dalam politik luar negeri Indonesia kontemporer. Setelah menduduki kursi kekuasaan Presiden Jokowi menggeser identitas nasional dari yang semula berfokus pada penguatan peran Indonesia di ranah global ke penguatan identitas sebagai negara kepulauan dan negara maritim melalui doktrin ‘Poros Maritim Duni...
Insiden di wilayah Natuna antara pihak Indonesia dan Tiongkok menjadi ajang pembuktian bagi Indonesia dalam melihat isu keamanan di Laut Cina Selatan. Pendekatan Indonesia sejauh ini masih sangat individualistis yakni memperkuat peran negara untuk menjaga kedaulatan. Hal ini sejalan dengan prinsip realisme bahwa tidak ada yang dapat menjamin keaman...
Momentum peringatan KAA seringkali memunculkan pertanyaan tentang apa relevansi forum tersebut dalam menghadapi tantangan jaman yang senantiasa berubah. Khusus untuk Indonesia, sebagai salah satu inisiator forum itu pertanyaannya berkisar tentang apa manfaatnya bagi pencapaian kepentingan nasional. Tulisan ini menganalisis relevansi KAA bagi pemban...
Perdebatan mengenai jurang antara teori dan praktik dalam studi Hubungan Internasional telah berlangsung sejak lama. Tulisan ini ingin menguji apakah teori konstruktivis mampu memberikan sumbangan pemikiran dalam memandu kebijakan negara-negara di ASEAN. Absennya peran ASEAN dalam menangani kasus pengungsi Rohingya pasca konflik sektarian di Myanma...
Buku ini berangkat dari asumsi bahwa negara-negara berkembang atau ‘Selatan’ (the South) memiliki andil besar dalam mewarnai peta politik internasional. Lebih dari sekedar negara atau kawasan yang memiliki kesamaan nasib dan sejarah, ‘the South’ adalah istilah yang menggambarkan suatu identitas yang berimplikasi pada pola perilaku negara-negara ber...
Non-Aligned Movement was undoubtedly the greatest legacy of Bandung Conference in 1955. It has been questioned since the world is no longer bipolar but multipolar in which there is no single dominant power rules the world. Nevertheless, the long-lasting spirit of the Bandung Conference is cooperation among developing countries or South-South Relati...
This is the first textbook examining constructivism as one of dominant perspectives in International Relations (IR) in Indonesia. Existing IR literatures in Indonesia are introductory books that have very broad topics. There is little attention in the academic communities to write about specific theme thoroughly.
This book was written to fulfill th...
Tulisan ini ingin mengamati peran swasta dalam kebijakan luar negeri. Selama ini kajian-kajian yang ada tentang diplomasi dan politik luar negeri jarang mengkaji peran swasta. Paradigma tradisional memandang swasta semata-mata sebagai aktor diplomasi yang melayani kepentingan negara. Pertanyaannya kemudian adalah: bagaimana jika kegiatan swasta di...
Konflik komunal antara etnis Rakhine dan Rohingya di Myanmar pada 2012 telah menyebabkan gelombang pengungsi besar-besaran ke beberapa negara tetangga, salah satunya Indonesia. Pemerintah Indonesia telah melakukan upaya-upaya konstruktif mulai dari memberikan bantuan kemanusiaan sampai menempuh jalur diplomasi. Kebijakan Indonesia ini menarik karen...
Banyak yang berpendapat bahwa keikutsertaan dalam berbagai forum internasional tidak memberikan keuntungan bagi Indonesia. Termasuk keikutsertaan Indonesia dalam G20, forum negara-negara dengan perekonomian terkuat di dunia. Keanggotaan Indonesia dalam G20 dianggap hanya mengejar prestise, atau lebih parah lagi politik pencitraan. Tulisan ini menan...
Poverty is classical problem that rise never ending debate on international level. How to solve it has been influenced by neoliberal paradigm which emphasize on ‘structural adjustment program’. In addition, poverty was perceived as national issue which reducible to state responsibility. In fact, this approach has evidently failed to overcome global...
North Korea missile launch test had triggered widely international response particularly from the West. They sharply condemned North Korea that it destabilizes international security. Soon after that, India successfully launched ICBM which can load nuclear warhead. Contrast to North Korea, Western powers were silence over what had been done by Indi...
Indonesia’s foreign policy in the 21st century has been undergoing significant transformation after elected president Joko Widodo (Jokowi) came to power. The most prominent character of Jokowi’s foreign policy is domestic-centric oriented which stress mainly on the protection of Indonesian citizen abroad as well as improving economic development. A...
The existence of arms race indicated by the increasing of defense budget can be regarded as the high degree of the security dilemma among states. In Southeast Asia, the fact that the increasing of defense budget followed by military modernization may be the biggest obstacle to create an ASEAN Security Community. Unfortunately, there have been a lit...
Selama dua periode pemerintahan Susilo bambang Yudhoyono (2004-2014), politik luar negeri Indonesia mengalami kemajuan signifikan dalam hal peran Indonesia di pentas global. Namun peningkatan peran itu ternyata tak mampu mendorong peningkatan pengaruh Indonesia di dunia luar. Pengaruh Indonesia tetap minimal meskipun Indonesia adalah salah satu pem...
Buku ini berangkat dari kenyataan bahwa dunia sedang mengalami perubahan dramatis yang ditandai oleh pergeseran kekuatan (power shift) global dari Barat ke Timur. Penurunan secara relatif kekuatan Barat oleh kebangkitan Asia seharusnya tidak perlu ditanggapi dengan penuh curiga oleh Barat. Sebaliknya, Barat harus mengakui eksistensi kekuatan-kekuat...
Palestine cause is the only remaining problem since Bandung Conference in 1955. Indonesia has staunch position towards Palestine by supporting its long way struggle to gain independence status. Aside diplomatic supports, Indonesia also gives special attention on Palestine through the New Asia-African Strategic Partnership (NAASP). Indonesia has com...
The study of alliance almost always concern about why and how alliance formed.
Research that deal with interaction dynamic among states within it is very rare. An
alliance needs a leader who coordinate and giving guidance during military operations.
Until recently, US are the only dominant state who leads coalitions against problematic
countries. Y...
This paper seeks to interpret and evaluate President Yudhoyono’s diplomatic approach towards Malaysia regarding the captured of three Indonesian officials in 2010 by Malaysian Maritime Police. It is interesting since violation of state sovereignty had triggered mass protest in Indonesia, the executive ignored the public demand. Rather than using co...
In conducting foreign policy, states occasionaly caught in the middle of great powers rivalry. The ideal principle of state’s foreign policy in the situation of dilemma is keeping balance between two power blocs in order to preserve national interest. Most studies on foreign policy dilemma stress on description and neglect theorisation to understan...
Democratisation has become salient phenomena in world politics since post-Cold War. It has been argued that democratisation not only ensure civil rights but also bolster international peace and security. The problem is many countries remain adopt authoritarianism which violate civil rights even if there is no political disruption. Nevertheless, the...
Article argues that foreign policy can be product of complex interrelation between agent and structure. It uses Indonesian foreign policy on the US military deployment in Darwin, Australia, as a case study. There is contracdition between opinion on parlement and executive on this issue. The parlement argues that military base in Darwin will threath...
South China Sea conflict is one of the most destabilizing factors in Southeast Asia. Despite it has been occur for long time period, there has not been major wars among occupants. This puzzle challenge realist particularly ofense-defense theory stating that when perception of victory is greater than defeat, it will lead to war. China’s military cap...
Politik luar negeri Indonesia pada abad duapuluh satu telah mengalami perubahan dramatis dengan munculnya gagasan ‘million friends zero enemy’. Doktrin ini merupakan respon terhadap globalisasi yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya interdependensi dan regionalisme. Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono percaya bahwa abad duapuluh satu adalah dunia yang pen...
Political crisis in Libya had led UN Security Council to decide to take limited military intervention in Libya. France, US, and United Kingdom minus Russia and China committed to attack Libya entitled “Operation Odyssey Dawn” in order to protect civilians from casualties of the Moammar Khadafi regime. Constructivist used concept such as norms to ex...
Crisis in Korean peninsula that occured in the end of 2010 did not lead to war between Cina and US. Neorealist and liberalist explain based on external variable. Realist explains on the basis of the structure of international politics. Neorealist believe that war can be avoided if only balance of power mechanism exist to maintain international stab...
When studying foreign policy, most students of international relations employ decision making theory to explain the origin of states policy. They often believe that it can account for appropriately and make simple analysis regarding why certain strategies taken by state. As a result, the decision making theory has been dominated foreign policy rese...