Móga János

Móga János
Eötvös Loránd University · Department of Physical Geography


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Publications (43)
In this chapter the geomorphic evolution of Hungarian karst areas and the history of current karstification are overviewed. The denudation surfaces of the karst areas and their development, as well as their development age and subsequent transformation and the beginning of present karstification are described. Karstification started in the Pleistoc...
Terrestrial mud volcanoes usually develop in overpressured, hydrocarbon-bearing sedimentary basins where argillaceous, viscous fluids and gases find passages to the surface. In this study mud samples collected at the Beciu mud volcano area (Romania) were examined using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing technique. Bacterial communities were dominate...
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Lamayuru Badlands have developed in the area of lacustrine sediments of a former lake from Ladakh region, North-West India that was set up 35-40,000 years BP at 3,600 m above sea level due to a catastrophic landslide triggered by the neotectonic activity on the Indus Suture Zone. After disappearance of lake, around 1000 years ago, the exposed sedim...
Mud volcanoes are widespread geological and geomorphological structures that are usually associated with folded sedimentary deposits bearing hydrocarbons. A significant number of mud volcanoes and gas seepages occur both in the extra-Carpathian area and the intra-Carpathian area in Romania. The most famous region in terms of number, geomorpho-diver...
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Soils play an important role in the ecosystem of karstic landscapes both as a buffer zone and as a source of acidity to belowground water. Although the microbiota of karstic soils is known to have a great effect on karstification processes , the activity and composition of these communities are largely unknown. This study gives a comparative analys...
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Armored mud balls that form in fluvial environments were observed on the river bed of two small streams from South-East Subcarpathians Bend, in the area of Miocene deposits with salt dia-pirs. Pieces of well-rounded clay mate-rial but with coarse surface were found on the gravel banks as well as partially submerged into stream channel and embedded...
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Armored mud balls that form in fluvial environments were observed on the river bed of two small streams from South-East Subcarpathians Bend, in the area of Miocene deposits with salt dia-pirs. Pieces of well-rounded clay mate-rial but with coarse surface were found on the gravel banks as well as partially submerged into stream channel and embedded...
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Lamayuru Badlands have developed in the area of lacustrine sediments of a former lake from Ladakh region, North-West India that was set up 35-40,000 years BP at 3,600 m above sea level due to a catastrophic landslide triggered by the neotectonic activity on the Indus Suture Zone. After disappearance of lake, around 1000 years ago, the exposed sedim...
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In this study, we have summarised the results of the salt karst landforms of Meledic Plateau (Romania). For the morphometric examination of dolines, we used field measurements and drone images which were evaluated by photogrammetric analyses. In addition to field imagery/photographing, we also used drone images to examine the typical plant communit...
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In our study, we discuss the morphometric examination results of the dolines of Meledic Plateau and the hydrogeological relations of its sinkhole dolines and caves. Field measurements were supplemented by the evaluation of aerial photographs, taken by a quadcopter, to define salt doline types and to examine their morphometric characteristics. Preli...
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In the karst areas, the epikarst system is a very sensitive environment, due to its position at the interface between soil and vadose zone. The epikarst is a weathered zone that develops as a re-sult of both abiotic and biotic process-es. In this paper we present the result of the complex investigations of epikarst zone which overlap dolines within...
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In the karst areas, the epikarst system is a very sensitive environment, due to its position at the interface between soil and vadose zone. The epikarst is a weathered zone that develops as a result of both abiotic and biotic processes. In this paper we present the result of the complex investigations of epikarst zone which overlap dolines within t...
Conference Paper
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Solotvynois located in Transcarpathia, in the Tyachiv district. As a negative result of the age-long local salt mining a large scale karst development has started here. Therefore, the coating of former mine chambers and stulms yields in the increasing part of the territory, leving behind landscape wounds of several million cubic meters on the surfa...
Karst areas have great environmental importance as sources of subsurface water and often maintain very sensitive ecosystems. In recent years, increasing number of microbiological studies focused on the bacterial communities of karst soils. In this study, diversity examinations on two distinct Hungarian karst areas, Aggtelek and Tapolca, were perfor...
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The caves in Hungary have been protected for a long time. The current national legislation on nature conservation states that all known and unknown caves are under ex lege protection but the karst areas above them are not. The territories above the caves can be owned by the state but also some of them belong to private owners, thus a great diversit...
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We have been following and studying for years the changes with catastrophic consequences, taking place in Solotvyno, Ukraine (Aknaszlatina), and the destruction of salt mines caused by water influx. On the one hand, our work was based on field observations and measurements in the salt karst system. On the other hand, we built up a GIS database base...
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V vseh Karpatih so kraški pojavi najbolje razviti v Transilvanskem gorovju (Apusenih), med Transilvansko kotlino in Veliko madžarsko ravnino. Ti pojavi so skladni z različno sestavo in različno kamninsko zgradbo ozemlja ter z različno naravo denudacijskih procesov. Avtor podaja pregled in morfogenetsko sistemizacijo tega najbolj zanimivega kraškega...
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Drobnozrnati siliklastični sedimenti glavne galerije in gornjega nivoja jame Baradla, izkazujejo veliko homogenost v zgradbi in sedimentnih teksturah. Paleomagnetne analize kažejo normalno polarizacijo vseh vzorcev, kar pomeni starost, ki je mlajša od meje Brunhes/Matuyama pri 780 ka. Siga oz. stalagmiti, ki pokrivajo siliklaste v gornjem jamskem n...
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In the Ha Long Bay, at the Vietnamese shores, a typically humid tropical karst formation was evolved, which formed into a karstic archipelago due to the transgressions of the seawater. Le Duc An (1972) called it Ha Long karst types. The karst formation of thousands of islands consists of Proterozoic, Middle-Late Cambrian, Middle Devonian, Carbonife...
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In our study we summarized the research results of the landforms developed through parakarstic processes on the Aknaszlatina (Solotvyno) saltkarst. By the help of fieldwork and through the analyses of satellite images, with the use of GIS, we determined the position of salt mines created in previous centuries and we analyzed those natural and antro...
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The Bakony Mountains (part of the Transdanubian Middle Mountains) is mainly built of limestone and dolomite. The summits and basins were covered by thin loess layers during the Pleistocene, hence most part of the range is loess covered or partly exhumed karst. Deposits of brown coal and bauxite have stimulated industrial development in the Bakony M...
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In order to study the karstological processes within the karst ecological system, the geohazards and degradation of karst landscapes on the karst areas of the Bakony mountains (Hungary), we investigated the abiotic elements of the environment, soil and cover deposits, erosion soil decay; the changes in the quantity and quality of karst waters: cont...
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In Hungary the caves and sinkholes are under ex-lege protection, which means that from the period of cognition they are considered as protected natural values without any separate legal act to ensure their protection. The sinkhole of Üröm is the only periodically active sinkhole in the environment of Budapest. Its cave, the sinkhole cave of Üröm is...
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Karst areas belong to the most exposed terrestrial ecosystems, therefore their study have a priority task in Hungary, as well. The aim of this study was to compare the structure, activity and diversity of soil microbial communities from two distinct Hungarian karst areas (Aggtelek NP and Tapolca-basin). Soil samples were taken three times from 6 di...
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Having investigated the impacts of changes on the landscapes caused by the nature and the society it can be stated that on karstic landscapes – which are very sensitive ecological indicators – very negative, moreover irreversible processes take place, anthropogeneous and natural-anthropogeneous processes result considerable degradation. These proce...
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In our work we examined the resource vulnerability of Kis-fennsík (Bükk Mountain). The studied area is a typical non-confined karstic area with developed surface features. It is part of the Bükk National Park, with protected geological, morphological and ecological values. In addition, this aquifer provide fresh water for cities nearby. In our work...
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The caves in Hungary have been protected for a long time. The law about natural conservation says, that all known and unknown caves in our country are ex lege protected. This means, that only the caves themselves are under protection, but the areas above them are still not. The territories above the caves can be state owned or private properties, a...
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The karst of Abaliget – Orfű are rich in karst forms: it has many dolines, ponors, caves and gorges, too. It is a typical karst covered region: the significant part of its karstic bedrock is covered with several meters of pleistocene loess sediments. We used geoinformatics analyses to get to know the morphometric parameters of the most rrepresentat...
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Significant parts of the karstic bedrocks of Tési-plateau are covered with loess deposits. The cover deposit plays an important role in the characterising of karst processes. The thickness and structural qualities of the loess influence the quantity of the precipitation leaking through the cover deposit. Depending on the qualities of the loess (and...
Conference Paper
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The south-eastern segment of the Silice karst plateau (part of the Gömör-Torna karst area, NE-Hungary and SE-Slovakia) was analysed in terms of doline morphometry using GIS methods. From structural and lithological point of view, it is a highly compound zone where constrains on doline evolution can be fairly well studied by statistical assessment d...
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V članku poročamo o morfoloških raziskavah na puhlični planoti Tési in z bazaltom prekritim kraškim območjem v okolici gore Kab na južnem delu gorovja Bakony. Skoraj 600 m visoka gora Kab, prekrita z bazaltom, izstopa iz hribovitega predela južnega dela gorovja Bakony. Površina gore, ki meri kakih 35-40 km², je prekrita z različno debelim bazaltom....
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Avtor razlaga razvoj kraškega površja Gömör-Torna2 (na madžarsko-slovaški meji) od terciarja do danes. Na planoti je mogoče slediti razvoju od pokritega do odprtega (golega) krasa in vpliv procesov zakrasevanja na površinske oblike in na smer podzemeljskega odtoka. Avtor je preučil razvoj površja in podzemeljske vodne mreže ter na podlagi morfološk...
The geomorphology and underground drainage of the Szilice and Alsó-hegy (Lower Plateau) have been studied within a long-term project in order to estimate the extent of ecological risks. The subsurface routes of waters issuing on the Slovak Karst is not yet fully understood, it is known, however, that they are percolating towards Hungary and appear...
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Abstract UDC: 911.2:551.44(439) Móga János & Németh Róbert: The morphological research of the Basalt and Loess covered plateaus in the Bakony Mts. (Transdanubian Middle Mts. – Hungary) We have conducted our morphological researches on the loess-covered Tési plateau and on the basalt covered karst area around Mt. Kab in the southern part of the Bako...
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Abstract UDC: 551.44(234.421.2) János Móga: Morphogenetical karst types of the Transylvanian mountains (Mt. Apuseni) The most well developed karstic forms in the whole of the Carpathians emerged in the Transylvanian Mountains (Mt. Apuseni) situated between the Transylvanian basin and the Great Hungarian Plain. This phenomena correlates with the div...


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