Moch. Syarif HidayatullahSyarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta | UIN · Department of Translation
Moch. Syarif Hidayatullah
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Publications (15)
The paper focuses on the contestation among the moderate, the radical, and the liberal Indonesian Islamic groups in cyberspace. This study aims to find the typology and expression of each group in Indonesian cyber Islam. It is important to understand the position of each group in Indonesian communities, especially in the aftermath of the Election o...
Abstrak Penelitian ini akan memfokuskan kajian pada penggunaan internet oleh kelompok Islam di Indonesia untuk keperluan ideologisasi paham radikal terkait isu Syiah. Situs yang diteliti adalah Arrahmah.com, yang dipilih karena dianggap sebagai ikon paham radikal terkait isu ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pola ideologisasi dilakukan dengan secar...
Numerous Islamic groups in Indonesia use the internet to offer ideology against other groups or other sects to internet users. This study focuses on sectarian ideology on Islamic online media in Indonesia. Having combined and sought this media, I found that lppimakassar.com and manhajsala- fi.com are the most intensive sites in offering sectarian i...
explain about natural disasters from the Qur’an views. The Qur’an
shows that all natural disasters caused by unbelieve and unjust
behavior. Natural Disaster is part of the scenario of the Lord to “call
back” his people to return to his way. In other words, the wise always
successfully reap the w...
Para ahli ilmu sosial menyadari bahwa untuk memahami perilaku manusia, termasuk kaum perempuan, harus diacu pada etika tentang hal-hal yang baik dan buruk, yang berkualitas dan yang tak bermoral. Karenanya, menurut Hellwigg (1990: 3), apabila dalam dunia nyata konsep etika dianggap telah sering kali diabaikan. Sebaliknya, pencarian atas jawaban yan...
Arabic words are distinguished from each other by their three forms:
1) ism, noun, which consists of definite and undefinite noun; 2) fiʻl,
verb that consists of: a) fiʻl mâdhî: past form, fiʻl mudhâriʻ: present
and future form, fiʻl amr: imperative form, b) mutaʻaddî and lâzim:
respectively transitive and intransitive verb; and 3) harf, particle....
Semenjak Islam masuk ke Nusantara, pengaruh sintaksis bahasa Arab sangat terasa dalam naskah-naskah nusantara, terutama naskah keagamaan. Fakta bahwa pengaruh bahasa Arab cukup kuat terhadap sintaksis bahasa Melayu pulalah yang mendorong Ronkel (1899) menulis artikel yang berjudul “Over Invloed der Arabische Syntaxis op de Maleische”. Bustān al-Kāt...
Research on the influence of Arabic syntax to Malay language or Indonesia language in 19 th century is really difficult to be found. In fact, the 19 th century is the century that is important in the assessment phase of the Indonesia grammar (Malay), because in this phase began many grammar books and dictionaries of Malay language, both written by...
Dalam Islam, teks keagamaan bisa ditemukan pada kitab Alquran, hadis, fikih, tasawuf, dan akhlak. Indonesia sebagai negara yang mayoritas penduduknya beragama Islam, mempunyai sejarah panjang dalam pengalihan teks-teks tersebut ke dalam bahasa di Indonesia (atau sebelumnya Nusantara). Teks keagamaan dalam Islam didominasi teks yang berbahasa Arab....
This article discusses the semantic field and lexeme meaning in sentences of head of state in Arabic, especially, which is found in Alquran and Hadith. The lexemes which examined were ūlī al-amr, amīr al-Mu'minīn, khalīfah, imām, sulthan, and malik. Those data were excluding the inflection of plural form, except ūlī al-amr. On semantic field, there...