Moacir Santos Tinôco

Moacir Santos Tinôco
Catholic University of Salvador · Coordenação de Pesquisa e Pós Graduação

PhD - Adjunct Professor


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Our project looks at the effects of development over the biodiversity on the north coast of Bahia, Brazil. It is a long term monitoring program and through years we have been able to look at development effects mainly over 230 reptile and amphibian species, but we also look at birds, insects, arachnids, mamals and other relevant subjects.
Additional affiliations
April 2017 - January 2021
Federal Rural University of Pernambuco
  • Lecturer
  • Colaborator Lecturer at the Ecology Graduate Program.
September 2009 - September 2015
University of Kent
  • PhD Student
July 2001 - present
Catholic University of Salvador
  • Work as a lecturer at biological sciences and engeneer


Publications (109)
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Food acquisition is one of the most important dimensions of a species' ecological niche. A lizard's trophic relations with its environment, and a foraging strategy that results in its acquiring food, are of major relevance to its survival. However, and considering that it might be an obvious conclusion, this group's diet is determined by complex of...
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-the bahian sand dunes Whiptail Lizard is probably the most endangered reptile in bahia, brazil. it is an endemic lizard with a restricted distribution. Most of its populations are confined to a coastal sand dune vegetation ecosystem in the atlantic forest domain. most of the literature records are disjunct and present occasional reports of the spe...
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We describe a new species of the Dendropsophus decipiens Group, morphologically most resembling D. haddadi but genetically more closely related to D. oliveirai and likely endemic from the Atlantic Forest biome, northeastern Brazil. The new species can be distinguished from all species of the D. decipiens Group based on the combination of morphologi...
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There is a major discussion regarding the best methods for marking bats, especially concerning the use of efficient devices. Among the several devices available nowadays, metal bracelets and necklaces are most commonly used. However, their use still causes controversy among researchers worldwide, mainly due to the injuries they cause, loss of infor...
The diet of lizards could be influenced by several factors, whether extrinsic, such as climatic variables and habitat structure that directly influence the availability of prey, and/or intrinsic, such as body size, sex, and foraging behaviour. In the present study, we provide new data on the trophic ecology of Glaucomastix abaetensis, a lizard thre...
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A investigação da limnologia possibilita a proposição de estratégias de manejo e conservação de ambientes aquáticos e gestão dos usos da água. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar as condições limnológicas e a variabilidade espaço-temporal da qualidade da água da Lagoa de Pituaçu (2016-2018), Salvador, Bahia. Foram realizas as análises físico...
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The habitat heterogeneity hypothesis predicts that increasing habitat structural complexity will result in greater species richness and diversity. We employed ants as a model organism to investigate the significance of coastal vegetation in sandy soils (“restinga”) in northern Brazil for the conservation of biodiversity. This investigation involved...
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Na educação formal, a complexidade ambiental abre caminho para um olhar interdisciplinar, não linear, privilegiando o diálogo entre as diferentes áreas do conhecimento. O estudo propôs investigar concepções sobre a matemática e questões ambientais ligadas à realidade local, apresentadas a partir de padrões e comportamentos de estudantes do 6º ano e...
No conceito popular as serpentes são seres míticos, envoltos em crenças e visões distorcidas sobre sua biologia e importância ecológica. Apesar da sua importância, a percepção que se tem na maioria das vezes é de que as serpentes representam sempre uma ameaça. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar a percepção dos moradores...
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Ecological aspects are essential for testing hypotheses about the characteristics, evolutionary processes and behaviour patterns of different taxa. However, for many neotropical lizards, like Gymnodactylus darwinii, such information is scant in the literature. This lizard is endemic to the Atlantic rainforest, occurring from Rio Grande do Norte to...
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A conservação ambiental das lagoas e reservatórios continentais assegura os usos múltiplos destes ecossistemas de água doce, o abastecimento de água, a educação, a pesquisa científica, a pesca e o lazer. Esta pesquisa almeja investigar a variabilidade da qualidade da água da Lagoa de Pituaçu (2014 a 2016), associada aos remanescentes de Mata Atlânt...
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Este artigo buscou identificar os potenciais impactos socioambientais da construção da Ferrovia Integrativa Oeste-Leste (FIOL) nos corpos hídricos em seu trecho no estado da Bahia, adotando o caminho metodológico da revisão sistemática à luz do pressuposto que, a cada avanço dado no campo do dito desenvolvimento, resultou também, de alguma maneira,...
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O acesso à água com qualidade e quantidade suficiente para atender as demandas da reprodução material e simbólica da vida e da saúde é um direito humano fundamental. Pretende-se investigar as relações entre a qualidade da água subterrânea nos municípios de Vera Cruz e Itaparica e as desigualdades no acesso à saúde e ao saneamento na RMS, Bahia. Ado...
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RESUMO: O acesso à água com qualidade e quantidade suficiente para atender as demandas da reprodução material e simbólica da vida e da saúde é um direito humano fundamental. Pretende-se investigar as relações entre a qualidade da água subterrânea nos municípios de Vera Cruz e Itaparica e as desigualdades no acesso à saúde e ao saneamento na RMS,...
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Although ophiophagy is not a well-known event among neotropical lizards, occasional snake predation events have been reported for some species. For Tropidurus torquatus only one record of predation on Phalotris matogrossensis is currently known. Here we report the second record of ophiophagy in Tropidurus torquatus, adding a new prey item to its kn...
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Neste capítulo traremos uma revisão sobre os Planos de Ação Nacionais para Conservação de Espécies Ameaçadas de Extinção (PAN), focados na herpetofauna, e como essa ferramenta auxilia a gestão e as políticas públicas. Discorremos como o PAN é conduzido de forma colaborativa e objetiva identificar, orientar e priorizar ações para combater as ameaças...
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This is a book review of the title: "Biogeography Patterns of South American Anurans", written by Tiago S. Vasconcelos, Fernando R. da Silva, Tiago G. dos Santos, Vitor H. M. Prado, and Diogo B. Provete.
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Most anurans suffer greater environmental pressures compared to other vertebrates, because during their life cycle they inhabit aquatic and terrestrial environments, and are subject to predation by both vertebrates and invertebrates (Tilman, 1986). Along the evolution, anurans developed behavioural and morphophysiological mechanisms to avoid predat...
Phytotelmata are habitats that house several species. Oftentimes invertebrate species need to disperse themselves sometimes carried by other animals, an interaction called phoresy. Phoresy can be influenced by different factors, therefore, we aim to investigate which factors influence the phoretic potential between anurans and invertebrates from br...
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A herpetofauna da Caatinga continua subestimada. A falta de conhecimento levou essa região a ser considerada de baixa riqueza e endemismo. Este estudo tem como objetivo determinar a composição e riqueza de espécies da herpetofauna no município de Nordestina. Os dados foram coletados utilizando diferentes técnicas amostrais, como armadilha de interc...
A formação de restinga do litoral norte da Bahia talvez seja uma entre algumas das mais relevantes porções deste ecossistema no Brasil, dada a sua megadiversidade e urgência da sua conservação. Reúne, em um único e pequeno trecho, algumas das mais importantes paisagens encontradas no país: dunas, charcos, mata alagada, pantanal, enclaves savânicos,...
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Courtship displays vary greatly among lizard species. It plays an important role on mating success since, apart from being species-specific, it should signal and inform male individual quality to the female. These individual “quality” characteristics can be in terms of some intrinsic quality (such as better immune system, physiological condition, a...
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Describes a record from a boa constrictor being predated by a Boiruna sertaneja.
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Describes the canibalism on Ameivula nigrugula individuals.
Conference Paper
Conspicuous species are known for its difficulties to survey and monitor. This will lead to difficulties related to the establishment of their conservation status. This is the case of the moustached treefrog that inhabits the endemic and endangered species of the bromeliad genus of Hohenbergia. These bromeliads, as well as the moustashed treefrog,...
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The north coast of Bahia comprises a 220 km long region within the Atlantic rainforest ecoregion. Studies focus­ing on snake communities are still scarce in this part of the state of Bahia. In this study, we assess snake diversity at nine locations, including habitat use and activity patterns. The sites were surveyed for three years, and four museu...
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There are few regions in the world exhibiting high indices of amphibian diversity (1), and the Atlantic forest of the North Coast of Bahia–Brazil, known as NCB, is one of them. The diversity in this area falls between the 16 out of the 21 important global amphibian hotspots in the world (1). One of the greatest assets to the vast diversity of neotr...
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Habitat loss and fragmentation have negative impacts on the environment, reducing the habitat available to species. In order to minimize these effects we need strategies to enhance the value of refuge areas. Bromeliads are important microhabitats for many taxa during certain stages of their life cycles, and can potentially be readily transplanted....
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Fatores ecológicos atuam na composição e distribuição das espécies da herpetofauna, o que é resultante da combinação entre processos ecológicos, como condições e recursos, e evolutivos, limitando a capacidade de dispersão e colonização de novos habitats para as comunidades. Os fatores ecológicos limitantes, como físicos, edáficos e bióticos, estão...
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Rhinoclemmys punctularia (Daudin, 1801) inhabits rivers and lakes primarily in the Amazon region, with a disjunct population in southeastern Brazil. Herein we present the second record of R. punctularia from the Atlantic rainforest and the first from the state of Bahia, northeast Brazil. We recorded four specimens over a decade in different habitat...
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Information about the snake diversity and their natural history from the Atlantic forest domain in Brazil refer mostly to inland forests than to coastal region. Within the state of Bahia, this knowledge is concentrated to the southeastern coastal stretch. Herein we report on the diversity of snakes from the restinga, ombrophilous forest and anthrop...
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In order to optimize consultancy business’ activities in conducting environmental licensing studies through theoretical discussion, we propose groups of terrestrial arthropods and specific sampling methods as models for environmental management services. The terrestrial arthropods selection method was based on the assumption that they are relevant...
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The article for a daily journal briefly discuss the relationship between human right, ethics, dignity and environmental conservation.
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Resumo: Os espaços interativos, como parques e zoológicos, exercem um papel importante na divulgação e na popularização das ciências. Tendo em vista que esses ambientes se tornam importantes instrumentos para o desenvolvimento de práticas ambientais educativas, esse estudo tem o objetivo de demonstrar a importância da utilização desses espaços como...
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The agile snouted tree frog Scinax agilis (Anura, Hylidae) is one of the restinga frog species, with reported distribution in the Espírito Santo, Alagoas, Sergipe and Bahia states, especially in sand dune habitats, known locally as restinga. On the north coast of Bahia, north-eastern Brazil, it is known, according to literature, only from the citie...
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Brazil holds all of the main South American ecoregions, ranging from rainforest to drylands, and from central highlands to coastal sand dune plains. Most of these ecosystems contain a high diversity of reptiles. However, some landscapes are on the threshold of high extinction rates. Deforestation caused by agriculture, fire, flood, pollution, urban...
Technical Report
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Listed as Least Concern in view of its wide distribution, presumed large population in Northeastern Brazil, and its relative level of protection from occurrences within a number of protected areas.
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Resumo: A restinga é um ecossistema costeiro do bioma de Mata Atlântica, com solos pouco desenvolvidos. Tem sido historicamente modificada pela ação antrópica para fins econômicos. A avifauna das restingas tem origem de outros biomas e ecossistemas, principalmente da Mata Atlântica. São importantes bioindicadores, ideais para a avaliação de áreas q...
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This year's ARC-BHS Scientific Meeting was held on 9th December 2012 and attracted over 110 delegates to the Bournemouth Natural Science Society venue. The contributions made are listed over the next few pages. At the end of the meeting, Prof. Trevor Beebee, BHS President, was presented with a copy of the volume of Amphibian Biology (Vol. 10-Conser...
Technical Report
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A presente Lista deve ser citada como: Referência: Contribuições e comentários devem ser enviados para: ECOA. 2010. Animais e Plantas do Parque Metropolitano de Pituaçu-Lista de Espécies. Acessível em Centro de Ecologia e Conservação Animal. ANIMAIS E PLANTAS DO PARQUE MET...
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Resumo Populações de P. aff. falcipes foram investigadas ao longo do litoral norte da Bahia com o objetivo de fornecer informações acerca da sua distribuição. A amostragem ocorreu em oito áreas de restinga: Busca Vida, Arembepe, Imbassaí, Massarandupió, Baixio, Barra de Itariri, Praia do Forte e Costa Azul, que incluíram sete municípios. Procuras v...
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Phimophis guerini inhabitats open areas, forest and habitats within urban regions. In this paper we report two new localities for P. guerini in the state of Bahia within restinga environment. The two sites are along the northeast coast of Bahia, at Praia do Forte and Imbassaí. The sites support many species of reptiles and amphibians and are threat...
Conference Paper
There a few herpetofauna mega diverse hotspots on Earth. The Australian desert, the Colombian forest, the Kalahari desert, the North American desert and the rainforests of southeast Asia, are some relevant regions for reptiles and amphibian. The Atlantic forest in Brazil, a highly disturbed ecoregion, is one of the most important global herpetofaun...
Conference Paper
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Climate There are a few herpetofauna hotspots in the world. Most of them are located in the Australian, US and Kalahari deserts. Tropical forests in Colombia, southeast Asia and Africa are also regions of high diversity Despite of the strong disturbance it has suffered, a small porBon of the AtlanBc forest in the Brazilian north eastern region, has...
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Composição da avifauna e sua relação com áreas manejadas na restinga da Reserva Imbassaí, Litoral Norte da Bahia, Brasil INTRODUÇÃO A avifauna das restingas é composta por espécies originárias de outros ecossistemas ou biomas, principalmente a Mata Atlântica, fato que ocorre também com demais grupos zoológicos e botânicos (GonzaGa et al. 2000, Reis...
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Snakes are a highly important group among squamates, which includes specialized and generalist ophidians with diets composed of a variety of organisms (Greene, 1997). Many records of colubrid diets include invertebrates, fishes, amphibians, lizards and their eggs, other snakes, birds and small rodents (Palmuti, Cassimiro and Bertoluci, 2009; Bernar...
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Restinga is a coastal ecosystem covering almost the entire Brazilian coast line and it is associated with the Atlantic Forest biome and therefore is a complementary component of the landscape. Its vegetation is highly variable and specialized, being influenced by salt, and with low fertility and moist soil. This environmental landscape promotes the...
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RESUMO A utilização de lixo marinho por organismos recifais é citada para algumas espécies de crustáceos. No presente estudo documentamos pela primeira vez a utilização de lixo marinho como refúgio por espécies de peixes recifais: Acanthurus bahianus, Astrapogon puncticulatus, Epinephelus adscensionis, Haemulon parra, Malacoctenus sp., Pareques acu...
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RESUMO O presente trabalho buscou descrever o comportamento de cobertura do ouriço-lilás, Lytechinus variegatus utilizando o lixo marinho, em costões rochosos da Baia de Todos os Santos. As observações foram obtidas em dois costões rochosos (Farol da Barra e Porto da Barra), sendo realizados 60 censos visuais subaquáticos utilizando um método de am...
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RESUMO Relatamos aqui a associação de abrigo de peixes marinhos com águas-vivas e também sacos plásticos flutuantes. Nossas observações foram realizadas em três costões rochosos localizados na entrada da Baía de Todos os Santos, nordeste do Brasil, um ponto com registros de contaminação por resíduos sólidos. O caso apresentado mostra onde jovens pe...
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Restinga's birds distribution and habitat use at the Reserva Imbassaí on the North Coast of Bahia region. Brazil's restinga bird fauna is mainly composed of Atlantic forest species as well as open habitat natural regions, showing a few endemism. Little information is found on the distribution and ecological interaction in these landscapes and are m...
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Brazil's restinga bird fauna is mainly composed of Atlantic forest species as well as open habitat natural regions, showing a few endemism. Little information is found on the distribution and ecological interaction in these landscapes and are mostly reported to the country's south and south eastern regions. Therefore this study has as main aims the...
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This study presents the diversity of lizard species at the Imbassaí Preserve, located in the Mata de São João municipality, on the northern coast of Bahia region, Brazil, with special attention to the threatened and endemic species. We present the main results on richness and abundance, from a long term monitoring program and especially from the pe...