Mitja RužojčićUniversity of Zagreb · Department of Psychology
Mitja Ružojčić
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March 2012 - October 2012
February 2015 - May 2019
September 2011 - September 2014
September 2008 - June 2011
Publications (27)
Implicit component of aggression as a personality trait seems to be important for understanding aggressive behavior in different life domains, including counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs). However, the expression of aggressive urges might depend on the level of self-control an individual possesses. In this paper we report the results of 2 stud...
This paper reports the results of three interrelated studies investigating the validity and resistance to desirable responding of the Implicit Association Test for Aggressiveness (IAT-A). In Studies 1 and 2, we tested its validity by correlating it with an established explicit measure of aggressiveness, the conceptually closest measure of socially...
The conditional reasoning approach to personality assessment is a promising new method that has the potential to predict a range of work-related outcomes. Aiming to expand the approach to organizational leadership field, we describe six studies that explored the feasibility of using conditional reasoning to measure the motive for power. We identifi...
To better understand the process of responding to the Conditional Reasoning Test for Aggression (CRT-A) and its implication for the test’s use in personnel selection, we conducted two lab studies in which we compared test scores and eye movements of participants responding honestly and faking the test. Study 1 results showed that, although particip...
Although implicit aggressiveness, measured by the Conditional Reasoning Test for Aggression (CRT-A), seems to be important to understand counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs), little is known about psychological mechanisms that explain this relationship. Building on previous work, we examined the role of job satisfaction and workplace anger in th...
Several studies show the importance of basic psychological needs (BPN) for decreasing burnout and increasing grade point average (GPA), but, to our knowledge, no prior study has explored the potential contextual differences in Southeastern European countries. Moreover, even less is known about how this relationship may differ during stressful (exam...
The aim of our study was to explore psychological determinants of COVID-19 responsible behavior. We focused on trait anxiety and worry about the corona crisis, knowledge and unfounded beliefs about coronavirus and thinking dispositions (cognitive reflection, actively open-minded thinking, faith in intuition and science curiosity) that should drive...
Nepoželjna organizacijska ponašanja (NOP) štetna su ponašanja koja donose milijunske gubitke organizacijama, a ujedno škode psihološkoj dobrobiti i produktivnosti zaposle-nika. Osobine ličnosti su jedna od glavnih determinanti NOP-a, no istraživanja odnosa ličnosti i NOP-a uglavnom su se foku-sirala na svjesne/eksplicitne aspekte ličnosti i tek su...
In this research, we aimed to explore determinants of job performance and well-being while working from home (WFH) in a specific context of mandatory WFH during COVID-19 lockdown in Croatia, a country where WFH is a highly unusual arrangement. In Study 1, on a nationally representative sample of 166 Croatian employees WFH during lockdown, we tested...
The aim of the study was to test convergent/discriminant validity of two measures of cognitive reflection, cognitive reflection test (CRT) and belief bias syllogisms (BBS) and to investigate whether their distinctive characteristic of luring participants into giving wrong intuitive responses explains their relationships with various abilities and d...
The aim of our study was to explore psychological determinants of COVID-19 responsible behavior. We focused on trait anxiety and worry about the corona crisis, and knowledge/unfounded beliefs about coronavirus and thinking dispositions (cognitive reflection, actively open-minded thinking, faith in intuition and science curiosity) that should drive...
Although it is generally acknowledged that the Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) captures intelligence and numerical ability, many agree that it cannot be completely reduced to these constructs. Rather, it is presumed that the CRT also assesses some kind of thinking disposition towards reflective and open-minded thinking. In this manuscript, we repor...
U ovom je istraživanju vraćen fokus na dvije osobine koje su prije pojave petofaktorskog modela ličnosti, uz inteligenciju, smatrane ključnim odrednicama radnih i karijernih postignuća, motiv za postignućem i motiv za moći. Provjereno je hoće li ovi motivi predviđati tri važna radna ishoda: rad na rukovodećoj poziciji, plaću i intrinzičnu motivacij...
Education is an important protective factor against poverty. However, not all young people growing up in poverty have equal chances to achieve certain educational success. Previous research acknowledges the importance of various individual-level and family-level predictors. The importance of individual-level predictors can be explained by the struc...
Implicit aggressiveness, measured by the Conditional Reasoning Test for Aggression (CRT-A), has been shown to be important for understanding counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs). However, it is not clear how employees justify CWBs that stem from their unconscious tendencies. We tested the idea that implicitly aggressive individuals develop negat...
Implicit aggressiveness, measured by the Conditional Reasoning Test for Aggression (CRT-A), has been shown important for understanding counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs). However, it is not clear how employees justify CWBs that stem from their unconscious tendencies. We tested the idea that implicitly aggressive individuals develop negative jo...
Purpose. The purpose of the study was to examine the role of job strain in predicting work-related well-being among young highly educated professionals employed in the private and public sector in Croatia.
Design/Methodology. Self-reported measures of job demands and decision latitude, job satisfaction, perceived employability and positive psycho...
Nesigurnost posla smatra se stresorom s negativnim posljedicama po pojedinca i organizaciju. Međutim, iako je negativna povezanost ove značajke radne okoline s osobnom dobrobiti, stavovima prema poslu i organizaciji te ponašanjima na radnom mjestu relativno dobro utvrđena (De Witte, 2005), istraživanja koja su se bavila mehanizmima preko kojih nesi...
22. psychological summer school
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Zagreb
The aim of this study was to examine the association of job insecurity and procedural organizational justice with job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment and to determine whether interaction between job insecurity and procedural organizational justice predicts these work and organizational attitudes. The study included 455 particip...
Employability, as an extremely timely construct and frequently used term, can be described and defined in different ways and at different levels. One way to define it is as a possibility or probability of finding (other) work within the same organization or on the open market (Forrier and Sels, 2003). Beside characteristics of the individual and th...
The aim of this study was to examine the attitudes of psychology students from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at University in Zagreb and Centre for Croatian Studies to each other and to check whether the year of study, the average grade score, the number of acquaintances in the other study of psychology and collective self-esteem pr...
Question (1)
Hi, we are planning to equip our social science research lab with devices that would enable us to use social sensing, i.e. to analyze nonverbal and paraverbal behavior of our research participants in different situations. We would like to record our participants and then use a software that can automatically extract body movements and speech patterns of interest so that we don't have to rely on coders to watch and observe the behavior on videos. So my first question is, do you know any programs that could do this?
In our lab, we would also like to use motion sensors to detect movements more precisely. Do you have any recommendations for where to get motion sensors that would be useful for scientific research? And, same as for videos, do you know any programs that could extract and help interpret these types of data?
Any help is much appreciated :)