Mitchell J. Neubert

Mitchell J. Neubert
Baylor University | BU


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August 2002 - present
Baylor University
  • Professor


Publications (69)
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Persistent and pervasive rudeness and lack of respect are unfortunately common in workplaces today. The deleterious effects of this incivility at work may be even worse than previously demonstrated, impacting not only employee victims but also trickling down to those who employees contact. However, we propose that leaders who prioritize their follo...
Servant leadership is ripe for exploration from both etic and emic perspectives investigating its robustness as a leadership style globally. Through a meta-analysis of data from 139 studies, we examine the relationship of servant leadership with 23 attitudinal, behavioral, and performance outcomes across cultures. Utilizing values and practices app...
Servant leadership (SL), characterized by enduring qualities of genuine caring, humility, and empathy, has been positively associated with numerous leader effectiveness outcomes (e.g., employee satisfaction) across sport and non-sport settings. This study addresses the need to more thoroughly investigate follower characteristics that may allow serv...
Servant leadership is a model of leadership based on ethics and benevolent service to others and has been associated with numerous positive outcomes for employees and organizations. Due to a limited number of studies examining servant leadership (SL) within sport, the purpose of this study was to investigate the relation of servant leadership and l...
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This study investigates the relationship between an organization’s religious values, as espoused by the founder or in media messaging, and applicant intentions to pursue a job. Drawing on person-organization fit theory, we also explored interactions between an organization’s espoused religious values and characteristics of the individual applicant....
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The emergence and scope of personal and collective efforts to integrate faith into workplaces is a social movement that includes and extends beyond personal ethics. This paper discusses the development of The Integration Profile (TIP) Faith and Work Integration Scale, which is designed to measure the multidimensional nature of faith expressions wit...
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Religion is one of the most pervasive and central topics in society. However, its relative neglect by entrepreneurship research leads to an insufficient understanding of entrepreneurial action. To address this gap, we build on boundary theory and the psychology of religion to develop a sketch of the role of religion in entrepreneurial action, inclu...
Entrepreneurs tend to think differently than nonentrepreneurs. Among the differences are values prizing achievement and self‐direction, while downplaying tradition and conformity. Religion is an important correlate to human values. Nevertheless, previous research has failed to explore adequately the connections among religious beliefs, human values...
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Websites offering microfinance loans have become an increasingly popular form of investment. However, it is unclear why some projects offered on sites such as,, and are more successful at meeting funding goals than others. The present article reports the results of an experiment to test if communicating soci...
Forms of capital play a significant role in the innovation and performance of start–up firms. Current entrepreneurial research has focused on the role of financial, human, and social forms of capital. We build on a large body of theory and research in sociology and economics, proposing spiritual capital as an additional influence where institutiona...
Servant leadership is a style of leadership characterized by principles of other-centeredness and ethical behavior, and suggests that truly effective and legitimate leaders place service to others ahead of personal power and control. Studies on servant leadership in organizational and sport settings have consistently produced positive outcomes. How...
This chapter explains the author’s approach to teaching and training virtue in the classrooms of universities and workplaces of today’s organizations. It includes a description of seven primary virtues, the presentation of a behavioral measure of these seven primary virtues developed for use in teaching and training, and examples of pedagogy that h...
This chapter describes an experiential activity, the Ethics SLAM!, that promotes the development of undergraduate students’ courage in voicing their ethics in relationally situated ethical dilemmas. The pedagogical approach and activity are grounded in established psychological principles and have been honed through years of practice in both large...
This chapter provides an overview of research on the relationship between religion and work, occupations, and entrepreneurship. It begins with a review of Max Weber’s well-known Protestant Work Ethic thesis and problematizes it using extant research from sociology, psychology, and business. The relationship of religion to workplace outcomes is comp...
Accumulating evidence finds servant leadership is related to critical employee and organizational criteria, but only a limited amount of studies link servant leaders to both internal and external stakeholder outcomes. Moreover, there remains a great deal to learn regarding the conditions under which this influence is enhanced or diminished. We addr...
Purpose – This paper responds to ongoing calls to develop alternative management theory to guide management practice. In particular, the purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the merit of developing sustainable management theory and organizational practices that parallel conventional management theory and practices. Sustainable theory is based on...
This chapter describes an experiential activity, the Ethics SLAM!, that promotes the development of undergraduate students’ courage in voicing their ethics in relationally situated ethical dilemmas. The pedagogical approach and activity are grounded in established psychological principles and have been honed through years of practice in both large...
Forms of capital play a significant role in the innovation and performance of start-up firms. Current entrepreneurial research has focused on the role of financial, human, and social forms of capital. We build on a large body of theory and research in sociology and economics, proposing spiritual capital as an additional influence where institutiona...
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Christians sometimes separate work and faith into secular and spiritual spheres. But recent studies show that if faith-work integration is emphasized in congregations, members experience work more positively and contribute positively to their workplace.
This chapter explains the author’s approach to teaching and training virtue in the classrooms of universities and workplaces of today’s organizations. It includes a description of seven primary virtues, the presentation of a behavioral measure of these seven primary virtues developed for use in teaching and training, and examples of pedagogy that h...
We examine the influences of servant leadership from two context, workplace and a place of worship, on employees’ two forms of deviance: entrepreneurial behavior and negative deviance. Regulatory focus theory is proposed as offering an explanation for the influence of servant leadership. The promotion focus mindset of an employee is argued to be th...
Accumulating evidence finds servant leadership is related to critical employee and organizational criteria, but no evidence to date links servant leaders to the stakeholders they aim to serve, customers or patients. We address this limitation by exploring the influence of servant leadership in a healthcare context. We employ a multilevel model that...
Religious and spiritual variables have largely been excluded from organizational research. Yet, there is a growing body of literature that suggests religion and spirituality have a significant and substantive role in influencing employees’ attitudes and behaviors at work. This paper aims to add to this literature by looking at the relationships of...
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The influence of religion on work has not been fully explored, and, in particular, the relationship between religion and entrepreneurship as a specific type of work. This study explores the link between entrepreneurial behavior and religion. The study finds that religion, for entrepreneurs, is highly individualized, leading to the initial impressio...
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Research in the sociology of work has long considered the importance of individual worker values but has not considered one of the central sources of those values: the congregation. In this study we examine this understudied relationship and propose greater theoretical specification on religious capital. We argue that religious capital, like social...
Disputes over the connection between beliefs and behaviors, coupled with the relative paucity of survey measures of specific theological beliefs related to work and its association with financial success, motivated the development of two beliefs scales: beliefs about work as a means to honor God and beliefs about God promising prosperity for believ...
The relationship between entrepreneurship and religion is complex (Dana 201013. Dana , Leo Paul . 2010. “Entrepreneurship and Religion”. In ed, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. View all references), and religion can help or hamper the entrepreneurial process, depending on the context and culture (Dana 200912. Dana , Leo and Paul . 2009....
Research in the sociology of work has long considered the importance of individual worker values but has not considered one of the central sources of those values: the congregation. In this study, we examine this understudied relationship and propose greater theoretical specification on religious capital. We argue that religious capital, like socia...
While there is clear consensus across disciplines that the concept of virtue is relevant at the individual level of analysis, there are varying perspectives regarding virtue at the collective or organizational level. A basic question to be asked is whether the construct of virtue is relevant when the unit of analysis is a human group or organizatio...
While personal experiences and family socialization are likely to influence beliefs and behaviors linking faith to work, religious congregations also are likely to play a prominent role in shaping faith-work connections. Our purpose in this chapter is to draw upon a nationally representative sample of over a thousand working adults to describe the...
The entrepreneur is a celebrated figure in American society. These innovative risk-takers hold an influential place in the economy and in popular culture. Substantial research has gone into identifying characteristics associated with these individuals, but research on entrepreneurs and religion is surprisingly sparse and inconsistent. Using nationa...
Regulatory focus theory is proposed as offering an explanation for the influence of ethical leadership on organizational citizenship behaviors and employee commitments. The prevention focus mindset of an employee is argued to be the mechanism by which an ethical leader influences extra-role compliance behavior as well as normative commitment, where...
This study delineates three alternatives to organizational value change and formation: leader-prescribed top-down planned value change initiatives, spontaneous decentralized value formation among employees, and interactive dialogical value formation through joint dialogue between leaders and employees. Data collected from two companies, ETS and HPS...
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As a result of numerous, highly publicized, ethical breaches, firms and their agents are under ongoing scrutiny. In an attempt to improve both their image and their ethical performance, some firms have adopted ethical codes of conduct. Past research investigating the effects of ethical codes of conduct on behavior and ethical attitudes has yielded...
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This study examines a moderated/mediated model of ethical leadership on follower job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment. We proposed that managers have the potential to be agents of virtue or vice within organizations. Specifically, through ethical leadership behavior we argued that managers can virtuously influence perceptions of...
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In this research, the authors test a model in which the regulatory focus of employees at work mediates the influence of leadership on employee behavior. In a nationally representative sample of 250 workers who responded over 2 time periods, prevention focus mediated the relationship of initiating structure to in-role performance and deviant behavio...
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Brockner and Higgins (Brockner, J., Higgins, E. T. 2001. Regulatory focus theory: Implications for the study of emotions at work. Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes, 86(1), 35–66.) suggest that a leader's behavior may be perceived as an organizational endorsement of promotion-focused or prevention-focused concerns and that this perc...
Whereas most free-riding research has focused on limiting free-riding and on understanding free-riding motives, we were concerned with capturing the psychological processes used by observers to interpret the poor performance behavior of a team member. Using a sample of 268 observers of a simulated team interaction, we found that peer reactions to a...
The impact of supervisors' transformational leadership (TFL), informational and interpersonal justice, and group cohesion perceptions on employee cynicism about organizational change (CAOC) was investigated in a sample of 469 employees from a large Chinese organization undergoing major organizational change. Results indicate that (a) TFL is negativ...
To survive in today's ultra-competitive business environment, organizations must better understand the factors that cause managers to fail to achieve desired results. To that end, focus group data was collected from 1040 managers from over 100 different U.S. manufacturing and service organizations experiencing large scale organizational change in o...
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We studied 284 volunteers, loosely coupled in groups (i.e. low task interdependence, high outcome interdependence), selling memberships in a non-profit organization. Consistent with economic models of altruism, we found individual perceptions of group potency to be negatively related to individual selling behavior (i.e. making telephone calls and c...
Purpose Seeks to examine the psychometric properties and construct validity of the Houghton and Neck Revised Self‐Leadership Questionnaire (RSLQ) in a Chinese context. Design/methodology/approach The RSLQ was administered to 559 Chinese employees of a large petroleum transportation company. Analyses included reliability assessments, exploratory an...
Coaching is a frequently cited, but less often effectively implemented, developmental tool for enhancing managerial performance at all levels. The purpose of this paper is to identify and explore the practices junior managers consider to be most critical for senior managers to employ when implementing coaching as a performance improvement practice....
More women will continue to move into positions of influence in the healthcare industry. This article discusses some of the research, including the author's own, related to differences in leadership between men and women. An executive response from a female chief executive officer affirms the research and offers additional insights from experience....
We test assertions that attribution theory (AT) can explain the responses of peers to the characteristics of a poor performing team member. Study 1 assessed the processes used to interpret the behavior of a poor performer and found that behavioral manifestations of cognitive ability (g) and Conscientiousness were associated with causal attributions...
Despite extensive research on leadership, very little is known about the emergence of informal leaders in teams that have worked together over an extended period of time within “real” organizational contexts. These teams are increasingly composed of both men and women, making gender a potentially critical variable in the dynamics of informal leader...
In the global marketplace of the twenty-first century, we know that managers are being called upon to lead their organization forward in new and creative ways and that improving their performance is no longer optional, but rather an imperative. Unfortunately, most management development activity has continued to emphasize a traditional organization...
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A meta-analysis of one approach to measuring expectancy and self-efficacy was conducted. Although used for over 25 years, this measure has yet to be named or integrated across the two theoretical domains. We proposed to label this measure a Multilevel Performance Probability and conducted a meta-analysis. The search for empirical tests of expectanc...
Increasingly, human resource professionals are being challenged to manage organizational programs that have proliferated in the wake of continual pressure to respond to competition and environmental change. This research examines program commitment, that is, an employee's commitment to an organizational program, and investigates its association wit...
El trabajo en equipo no suele ser un elemento reconocido como prioridad por los directivos de los niveles superiores, ya que se suelen premiar los programas individuales y las políticas de competencias, pero la realidad es que la cooperacion con los ejecutivos de los niveles inferiores resulta vital para el éxito y la viabilidad de la empresa a lar...
Organizations are increasingly relying on informal leaders within teams to positively affect team outcomes. Also, as the percentage of women in the workforce grows, women are likely to shoulder more of the informal leadership responsibility within teams. This study explores the relationship of team performance and team cohesion to informal leadersh...
Organizations are increasingly relying on informal leaders within teams to positively affect team outcomes. Also, as the percentage of women in the workforce grows, women are likely to shoulder more of the informal leadership responsibility within teams. This study explores the relationship of team performance and team cohesion to informal leadersh...
This meta-analysis extends goal setting research by using 16 effect sizes to compare feedback plus goal setting conditions to goal-setting-only conditions (d = .63). Moderator analyses provided strong support for task complexity as a moderator of the magnitude of the resulting effect size. The effect size for complex tasks was found to be over doub...
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Six hundred fifty-two employees composing 51 work teams participated in a study examining relationships among team composition (ability and personality), team process (social cohesion), and team outcomes (team viability and team performance). Mean, variance, minimum, and maximum were 4 scoring methods used to operationalize the team composition var...
Conference Paper
Six hundred fifty-two employees composing 51 work teams participated in a study examining relationships among team composition (ability and personality), team process (social cohesion), and team outcomes (team viability and team performance). Mean, variance, minimum, and maximum were 4 scoring methods used to operationalize the team composition var...
As a result of numerous, highly publicized, ethical breaches, firms and their agents have come under increased scrutiny. In an attempt to improve both their image and their ethical performance, some firms have adopted ethical codes of conduct. Past research investigating the effects of ethical codes of conduct on behavior and ethical attitudes has...


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