Mirza Saric

Mirza Saric
JP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d. Sarajevo | EPBiH · ED MOSTAR

PhD in Electrical and Electronics Engineering


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Multilingual power distribution systems expert and interdisciplinary problem solver with proven management skills. Love to analyse data and design intelligent decision support algorithms. Hate inefficiency. Team player-appreciate honesty, dedication and integrity. My research interests include power distribution system planning, distributed generation and power system economics.


Publications (71)
This paper presents a method for distributed generation (DG) allocation planning and investigates the extent to which system load and generation output uncertainties influence the final optimisation results. The problem is presented as a multiobjective constrained optimization problem in which the objective functions are power loss reduction and vo...
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The modern power system operation is faced with numerous challenges related to the power quality improvements, such as identification and classification of power distribution network (PDN) faults. The recent advances in the area of signal processing allow the development of new algorithms and methods which can be used for fault identification and c...
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This paper presents a new algorithm for distribution system reconstruction planning based on Mamdani type fuzzy inference and Bellman - Zadeh multi criteria decision making method. The proposed algorithm takes system attributes as inputs (number of customers served by renewed infrastructure, energy losses, power demand and cost of investment) and r...
Conference Paper
This paper presents an algorithm for Distributed Generation (DG) allocation planning, using fuzzy set theory and fuzzy multi criteria decision making based on the Bellman-Zadeh method. The proposed model considers power losses and investment deferral values on one side (goals) and line currents, node voltages and short circuit power values on the o...
Conference Paper
Power system stability issues are extremely important for safe and effective operation of the system. They can be categorized as rotor angle, frequency and voltage stability issues. Grid connection of new generators can have significant impact on overall system performance and stability. This paper presents investigation of a wind farm transient st...
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The increased installation of distributed generators in the electrical network presents significant challenges for system planners and operators, demanding strategic adaptations to accommodate diverse energy sources while ensuring grid stability and operational efficiency. HC analysis has recently been proposed as an essential tool capable of guidi...
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This paper presents a method for distributed generation (DG) allocation in medium voltage (MV) distribution system based on energy loss minimization. The main objective of the research is to design, implement and test a DG allocation (siting and sizing) method and to investigate how optimal DG allocation influence the operational parameters of the...
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Islanded microgrids with low-inertia distributed energy resources (DERs) are prone to frequency fluctuations. With the increasing integration of DERs in microgrids, the complexity of control and stability has also increased. Moreover, the integration of DERs into microgrids may result in a power imbalance between energy supply and demand during sud...
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Knjiga Stabilnost elektroenergetskih sistema prije svega namijenjena je studentima drugog ciklusa studija na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Sarajevu. Stabilnost elektroenergetskih sistema je veoma široka i kompleksna oblast, a u knjizi nisu obrađena mnoga poglavlja, koja u suštini nisu ni predviđena za studente drugog ciklusa studija. Također, za raz...
European Union is implementing the decarbonization process of European society. This process starts a development of novel approaches for energy production, control and management. Positive energy district (PED) is the concept in which multiple buildings in the same geographical area are merged into a unique energy network. The main goal of PED is...
Conference Paper
In recent years, the need for renewable energy technologies is growing as a consequence of negative climate changes caused by harmful emissions. Bosnia and Herzegovina, similarly to the rest of the world is committed to follow the trend of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by abandoning electricity production using conventional conversion technolog...
Conference Paper
Transient stability is very important for safety in the power system. In this paper transient stability analysis of a wind power generator connected to distribution network is presented. The analysis was performed on a model of a realistic 12-bus system. In order to improve transient response capabilities of the system, battery energy storage syste...
Conference Paper
With the decreasing reserves of conventional sources and the high emission of harmful gases caused by them, the inclusion of renewable energy sources in power system is increasing. However, to best utilize them, different site location criteria for PV generator installment need to be considered in the decision-making process. This paper presents Fu...
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To provide a stable operation of a standalone microgrid based on the photovoltaic system in the most efficient way, various mechanisms and control strategies need to be engaged simultaneously. Modeling, simulation, and analysis of the microgrid system composed of PV generator, battery energy storage system (BESS), and DC/AC converter are presented...
Use of renewable energy sources is constantly increasing throughout the world. Considerable attention is dedicated to solar energy systems which are interesting due to possibility of direct conversion of solar energy to electrical energy with use of solar cells. However, it is also becoming increasingly important to improve the efficiency of the sy...
Transient stability is very important for safety in the power system. In this paper, transient stability analysis of a wind power generator connected to distribution network is presented. The analysis was performed on a model of a realistic 12-bus system. In order to improve transient response capabilities of the system, battery energy storage syst...
Conference Paper
A power system design is determined by transient conditions, rather than by steady state behavior, hence the significant attention is payed to the analysis of transients in long overhead lines (OHLs). There is an attempt to reduce the secondary arc current magnitude and the extinction time that is created by the stray and ground capacitance in thes...
Conference Paper
Photovoltaic PV solar systems continue to be one of the most promising and widely used renewable energy source. PV systems are increasing used as distributed generation technology connected to low voltage (LV) network. This paper investigates the influence of PV connection on voltage profile in LV network. This analysis includes scenarios with volt...
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This paper presents a fuzzy system for reliability-based power distribution network planning. The proposed Mamdani type fuzzy inference system with subsequent application of the Bellman-Zadeh decision-making method is used to evaluate the reliability of the power line feeders as criteria for power system planning. Unplanned outages of system compon...
Conference Paper
This paper investigates the influence of electric vehicle charging station variations for the cases with and without supplementary renewable sources integration, concentrating on symmetry and voltage stability of the network. The study was performed on a realistic low voltage network using is the load flow analysis in DigSILENT Power Factory softwa...
Problemi realnog svijeta su po svojoj prirodi većinom višeciljni, to jest imaju više ciljeva koji moraju biti istovremeno zadovoljeni (optimizirani). Naučni pristup ovakvim problemima podrazumijeva njihovu postavku kroz matematički model uz korištenje odgovarajućih definicija. Višeciljnost problema može podrazumijevati različite konflikte. Uz egzis...
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This research serves the purpose of determining the effect that the crude oil price has on the financial performance of oil companies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, during the period of 2014–2018. A knowledge gap is easily detectable since the crude oil price was rarely or never used as an independent variable in relation to the finan...
Conference Paper
Electrical power systems throughout the world experience an unprecedented transformation. One of the main motivation for this is a transition from conventional power generation technologies towards renewable energy sources (RES). This transformation has numerous positive effects on power systems, environment and social engagements on a global level...
Conference Paper
The increasing integration of renewable energy resources into distribution systems promotes microgrids as important and emerging network concept. The coordination control between the photovoltaic (PV) generator and the battery energy storage system (BESS) is required to provide a necessary amount of active power in the system. Method for voltage re...
Power system fault identification and classification continues to be one of the most important challenges faced by the power system operators. In spite of the dramatic improvements in this field, the existing protection devices are not able to successfully identify and classify all types of faults which occur power system. The situation in even mor...
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A comprehensive treatment from the physical and mathematical perspective supply modelling, analysis, control and covers a range of topics including modelling, computation of load flow in the transmission grid, stability analysis of the transient state. It is widely accepted that transient stability is an important aspect in designing and upgrading...
The paper presents a method for the Distributed Generation (DG) allocation planning based on a multi-objective genetic algorithm for power loss reduction, voltage profile improvement and investment deferral. The problem is approached as a multi-objective, constrained optimization problem. The best trade-off among the candidate solutions from the Pa...
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Power systems around the world have undergone a number of important organizational, structural and technological changes over the past few decades; they are a direct consequence of the electricity market liberalization and transition from conventional energy conversion technologies towards renewable resources. These changes represent many advantage...
Conference Paper
Distribution generators (DGs) are often built in locations that are hard to reach and quite remote from the consumer centers. In these areas, the distribution network is still passive and radial with one-way power flow. However, the integration of DGs into the distribution network changes the character of the system, which becomes active with two-w...
Conference Paper
Power systems have undergone a number of structural and technological changes over the past few decades, which are a direct consequence of the electricity market liberalisation. These changes represent many advantages as well as challenges for the DSO. The aim of this paper is to review the most important principles, objectives and technical criter...
Conference Paper
This paper presents a method for distributed generation (DG) allocation in low voltage distribution network based on the total annual energy loss reduction and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The proposed method is applied to the PV solar based DG allocation problem in the low voltage distribution network using realistic network data and measureme...
Conference Paper
The use of Distributed Generation (DG) throughout the world increasing. DG siting and sizing is an important engineering consideration, which is inherently influenced by the system load and DG power output uncertainties. This paper presents research results of the uncertainty influence on DG allocation problem. This influence is investigated using...
Conference Paper
This paper presents a method for optimal multi objective capacitor placement in the medium voltage distribution network. The purpose of the proposed algorithm is to determine the optimal sites and sizes for capacitor installation in distribution network for power loss reduction and voltage profile improvements. The search for the set of candidate s...
Identification and classification of faults in the electrical power system remain one of the most important tasks for the system operators and managers. In particular, high impedance faults (HIF) identification and classification is an especially challenging task due to the physical properties of the waveforms and low neutral voltage. In recent yea...
Conference Paper
This paper introduces the distributed generation allocation problem (DGAP) from the point of view of objectives, constraints and methods used to formulate and solve the problem and presents the results of the theoretical and empirical research review conducted in this field of engineering. The first part of the paper presents the fundamental concep...
Recently, there have been have significant changes in the power system operation and management. These changes are driven by deregulation and market liberalization policies and include significant technical innovations and introduction of information and communication technologies to power systems. The introduction of smart meters and advanced mete...
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Identification and classification of high-impedance faults (HIFs) in electric-power distribution systems (EPDSs) represent some of the most significant challenges faced by the distribution system operators (DSOs). The recent advances in signal processing and changes in the EPDS regulatory framework have prompted acceleration in the development of a...
Smart meter installation is one of the largest engineering projects in the world. It is expected to provide numerous possibilities for the power system modernization, management and operational advancement. However, installation of smart meters introduces an unprecedented level of exposure to risk. This paper proposes the application of Mamdani typ...
Conference Paper
Power generated by the Distributed Generator (DG) must satisfy high quality standards and ensure compatibility with network operation and customer supply requirements. The power system needs to maintain stable operating conditions and continue to meet customer load demand for the entire range of generations. This paper presents results of investiga...
Renewable energy based distributed generation (DG) integration provides poten-tial benefits to conventional distribution systems. But distributed generation changes the power flow in power system and hence presents one of the major concerns in modern distribution systems. It gives significant impact since distributed generators can affect the distr...
Power system faults are unwelcome events which pose a safety, technical and social hazard. Power system operators are under increasing pressure from customers and regulators to maintain high levels of power system reliability. Appropriate fault identification and classifications is a crucial part of power system operation and management. This paper...
Underground cables are being increasingly constructed in modern power distribu-tion networks, however overhead lines are still present, making the system more exposed to faults. Faults from medium voltage networks propagate throughout the network and then experienced by low-voltage customers as voltage sags. Voltage sags have become increasingly im...
Since Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country famous for its river flows there has been an expansion of constructing small hydropower plants (SHP) where the whole process includes projecting, gaining concessions and building. 'JP Elektroprivreda' has a plan for constructing 15 small hydropower plants on the side of Neretvica. The construction is planne...
Conference Paper
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Sažetak: Ovaj rad prezentira rezultate analize dva pristupa kompenzaciji reaktivne energije: i) kompenzacija velikih kupaca, koji prekomjerno preuzimaju reaktivnu energiju ii) kompenzacija na nivou niskonaponskih sabirnica u transformatorskim stanicama 10(20)/0,4 kV. Analize su rađene na većem broju modela srednjenaponskih 10 kV i 20 kV elektrodist...
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Use of renewable energy sources for the purposes of electricity generation is increasing throughout the world. Connection of new generators, however, introduces significant challenges to power network operators and managers. The power system transient stability is affected by the grid connection of new generation units. The objective of this paper...
Conference Paper
This paper presents a fuzzy system for management of the power distribution network reconstruction process. The proposed system is based on Mamdani type fuzzy inference which is used to model reconstruction criteria. The system considers number of customers, rate of failure and age of distribution lines as input variables and provides output values...
Conference Paper
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Distribution systems must be ready to face upcoming technical and economic constraints: increase of Distributed Generation (DG) connections, changes in network losses and voltage profiles. Distributed Generations (DGs) are typically connected with the distribution network, which can have an impact on the distribution system, especially on the distr...
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Uncertainty is one of the most important factors which contributes to the complexity of the power system operation and management. This paper presents some of the most important uncertainty modelling techniques and compares their advantages and disadvantage. In particular, this paper focuses on identification, classification and comparison of uncer...
Conference Paper
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Management and planning of electric power distribution systems have changed dramatically in recent years due to regulatory, structural, ownership and technological changes. While the new system organization has brought numerous advantages both to customers and Distribution System Operators (DSO), a number of challenges remain yet to be solved. One...
Conference Paper
This paper presents the application of a fuzzy system to the modelling of the process of degradation of power system lines. Fuzzy system is introduced in order to account for the weakness displayed by the tools based on classical logic. The aim of this paper is to present an intelligent analytic tool which can be used as a decision support system d...
Conference Paper
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Pod dogradnjom sistema cijevne mreže podrazumjeva se uvođenje novih količina vode u sistem, širenje mreže u skladu sa urbanističkim potrebama, te dogradnja cijevnih dionica unutar prostornog obuhvata sistema sa ciljem formiranja prstenastih formi u mreži radi povećanja pouzdanosti vodosnabdijevanja. Svaka od navedenih aktivnosti podrazumjeva izgrad...
Conference Paper
Electricity distribution network planning is a complex optimization process which requires assessment of various planning criteria. Planning is performed under conditions of system constraints, extreme uncertainty and information imperfection. It is possible, however, to obtain precise output value from imprecise input variables, in a process of fu...
Conference Paper
This paper presents fuzzy logic application in modeling of distribution network deterioration process as a consequence of underground cable and overhead line degradation. Fuzzy logics is introduced in order to overcome shortcomings which are apparent when classical binary logic and classical set theory are used for this purpose. Modeling is based o...
Conference Paper
This paper considers the posibility of implementing electricity distribution network development and planning strategy which includes development of distributed resources projects in adition to „traditional poles and wires solutions”. It is noted that there is a number of forces influencing the need for more rational, efficient and profitable elect...
Conference Paper
The smart grid represents an evolution of traditional concept of the power system to a new, optimized and sustainable system that is expected to be intelligent, efficient, reliable, and without having negative impact on the environment. The interoperability and the integration are two key prerequisites for sustainable development of smart grids. To...
Conference Paper
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Sažetak Hidroelektrane sa pratećim hidroakumulacijama znatno mijenjaju ekološke karakteristike tekućica. Formiranjem vještačkih jezera, zahvaćeni riječni kompleks iz oblika tekućice postepeno prelazi u ekosistem stajaćih voda, što dovodi do promjene biotičkih i abiotičkih uvjeta sredine, praćenih promjenama u sastavu životnih zajednica. Na rijeci N...
Conference Paper
In the second decade of 21st century there are still too many households without electricity supply in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They are situated in remote, sparsely populated, rural areas where distribution power lines were completely destroyed during the last war. The restoration requires large investments in power grid extension. The decreasing p...
Conference Paper
This paper investigates Bosnia and Herzegovina's sector and market specific policy priorities, challenges and opportunities with respect to electricity market liberalization and integration process. Main objective of this paper is to present current situation of electricity market in Bosnia and Herzegovina, identify steps required to achieve full m...
Conference Paper
Parcijalna pražnjenja predstavljaju uzrok i indikaciju ozbiljnijih kvarova u električnom izolacijskom sistemu. Kontinuirani monitoring parcijalnih pražnjenja omogućava pravovremeno otkrivanje promjena u izolacijskom sistemu i predstavlja važan aspekt održavanja zasnovanog na procjeni stanja. Intenzivan tehnološki razvoj omogućio je komercijalnu pri...


Questions (2)
I am currently constructing models for optimal allocation of BEES and weighing various problem description options. I would really appreciate if you could share your experience and opinions in this area, with concrete examples if possible.
1) What is the best approach for energy storage modelling and inclusion in power flow studies, taking into consideration charging and discharging cycles?
2) What is the appropriate power system test model for this in terms of load and DG output curves (daily, weekly, yearly etc.) and how should it be integrated with energy storage in a single optimisation model?


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