Mirko De Girolamo

Mirko De Girolamo
University of the Azores | UAc · Okeanos - Research Institute of Marine Science



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Publications (40)
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A craca gigante dos Açores (Megabalanus azoricus) é uma espécie com elevado valor comercial no arquipélago, cujo potencial para produção em aquacultura tem sido avaliado nos últimos anos. Neste âmbito, o Aqualab realizou diversas experiências laboratoriais que levaram à definição de protocolos de cultivo larvar desde a sua postura até ao assentamen...
Megabalanus azoricus giant barnacles are the most traditional seafood of the Azores archipelago (NE Atlantic). This valuable commercial species has been highly exploited in the past and it is considered one of the key species for the development of aquaculture in the region. Despite the importance for conservation and aquaculture there is still a l...
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The production of cultured limpets is a recent research field contributing to aquaculture diversification, focusing on low trophic species while reducing the carbon footprint. Limpets are gastropods that colonize rocky substrates and are mostly present on tidal and subtidal shores. This animal group is in high commercial demand and is endangered in...
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This best practices manual synthesizes the advanced outcomes of the project AQUAINVERT and is a comprehensive guide that pretends to provide knowledge and technical information for aquaculture researchers, students, entrepreneurs and industry professionals
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The limpet Patella aspera is an endemic species to the Macaronesian Islands. Its high economic value and vulnerability to exploitation has triggered the interest in the development of its aquaculture. Significant progress has been made in recent years, with the establishment of artificial fertilization and larval production protocols. However, ther...
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The production of cultured limpets is a recent research field contributing to aquaculture diversification, focusing on low trophic species while reducing the carbon footprint. Limpets are gastropods that colonize rocky substrates and are mostly present on tidal and subtidal shores. This animal group is in high commercial demand and is endangered in...
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Temperature shock induced spawning might increase reproduction performance in European abalone BACKGROUND: There are three main spawning induction methods used for abalone species: Thermal shock (Temp.), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and UV irradiation (UV). The aim of this study is to evaluate if there is any influence of the spawning method in the rep...
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P. candei has great economic value in the Macaronesia region. The interest on developing a sustainable aquaculture production of this resource has grown in recent years, due to high demand and sensitivity to exploitation (Hawkins et al., 2000). Therefore, this study is focused on the performance of two different methods of obtaining P. candei larva...
Technical Report
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This report describes the work carried out between July 2019 and June 2020 at the AquaLab aquaculture research unit. The results presented in this report refer to the optimization of aquaculture production processes of Haliotis tuberculata coccinea (abalone) in the Azores. In this context, research work focused on breeding management, juvenile cult...
Technical Report
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This report describes the research work carried out at AquaLab between 2018 and 2019. The results presented here refer to the domestication process of Haliotis tuberculata coccinea, the optimization of production protocols for Ulva sp. and preliminary studies on the cultivation of sea cucumbers (Holoturia sp.). The first result of interest is the s...
Technical Report
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Control over the production cycle of the animals is essential in order to be able to control and manage all stages of the life cycle of each species in captivity. This process is called domestication. In aquaculture, domestication is a process that, on a five-level scale, begins with simple feeding and growing of a wild species until complete manag...
Conference Paper
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The contribution of aquaculture to worldwide seafood production has seen a steady increase over the past decades, becoming a significant economic activity for many nations. In the Autonomous Region of the Azores characterised, as other outermost regions, by their remoteness, insularity, small size, difficult topography and climate, economic depende...
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We assessed the dietary value of available seaweeds (Ulva lactuca, Ulva intestinalis and Sargassum vulgare) as food for juvenile abalone Haliotis tuberculata coccinea. During the 6 weeks that the experiment lasted, initial shell length and weight increased from 13.95 ± 0.32 mm to 15.30 ± 0.30 mm and from 0.39 ± 0.02 g to 0.47 ± 0.03 g. Ulva lactuca...
Technical Report
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This report presents the work done and the preliminary results obtained during a demersal survey cruise that took place on board the R/V “Arquipélago” of the University of the Azores during the Spring/Summer of 2016 (between April 27th and July 16th). This cruise was intended to estimate relative abundance of demersal species in the Azores. A total...
A series of experiments were conducted to obtain an efficient larval rearing protocol for Megabalanus azoricus. The first part of this study investigates the effect of microalgae-based diets on survival and larval development. Mono and mixed-diets were tested at 20 AE 1°C, in a sequence of 11-day feeding experiments. The second part presents a prel...
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A investigação e a demonstração da viabilidade do cultivo de espécies existentes na Região, é essencial para encorajar iniciativas, públicas ou privadas, que conduzam ao desenvolvimento de uma atividade de produção aquícola que se pretende sustentável. No laboratório Aqualab, realizaram-se várias experiências de produção e crescimento de indivíduos...
Technical Report
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BIOMETORE- “Biodiversity in the seamounts: the Madeira-Tore and Great Meteor” é um projeto financiado pela EEA Grants, tem como promotor o Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA) e inúmeros parceiros, entre os quais o Departamento de Oceanografia e Pescas da Universidade dos Açores (DOP/UAç), o Instituto do Mar (IMAR) e o Centro de Ciência...
Nine microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized in Megabalanus azoricus. Forty specimens from two sampling sites in Faial Island (Azores) were successfully genotyped and tested loci showed to be polymorphic. The total number of alleles sampled range from 6 to 12 and the overall allelic richness varied from 4.69 to 10.38. While the presence...
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This article documents the addition of 234 microsatellite marker loci to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Acipenser sinensis, Aleochara bilineata, Aleochara bipustulata, Barbus meridionalis, Colossoma macropomum, Delia radicum, Drosophila nigrosparsa, Fontainea picrosperma, Helianthemum cinere...
Conference Paper
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Aquaculture is an emergent industry which already supplies almost half of the seafood eaten worldwide (FAO 2010). Besides being a critical sector of food production, it can also be a necessary component of recreational and commercial fisheries and an efficient management tool for conservation programs (Diana 2009). Although aquaculture in the Azore...
Technical Report
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This report shows preliminary results of the cruise on Condor seamount focused on the study of species composition of the epibenthic shrimp fauna. Seven fishing-sets traps were deployed at depths ranging from the summit to about 1000m on the north and south slope of Condor seamount. A total of 11 species, belonging to three families – Oplophoridae,...
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This paper reports the results of preliminary research evaluating the potential of farming Megabalanus azoricus. From March 2006 to September 2006, artificial substrates were immersed bi-monthly in a shallow water bank located in the channel separating the islands of Faial and Pico, Azores. They were monitored monthly for a period of 12 months b...
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There are approximately a dozen species of commercially interesting barnacles worldwide, some of which have been cultured on a semi-industrial scale. These species are listed and information is provided with regard to geographical distribution, landings and prices. Traditionally, ‘goose’ barnacles (four species) are considered to be the most import...
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The first workshop on developing a sustainable aquaculture industry in the Azores was organised as a joint venture between the Institute of Marine Research at the Department of Oceanography and Fisheries of the University of the Azores (IMAR/DOP) and the private enterprise seaExpert. The aim of the meeting was to determine the necessary steps to...
Eleven polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated in the passeriform Petronia petronia using the enrichment protocol FIASCO (fast isolation by AFLP of sequences containing repeats). We detected three to 13 alleles per locus in 25 specimens collected from an Italian population. The level of expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.439 to 0.856. One...
We isolated and characterized seven polymorphic microsatellite loci of Ophioblennius atlanticus atlanticus (Valenciennes, 1836) using an optimized protocol to construct and screen a microsatellite-enriched genomic library. The analysis of variability was performed in 16 specimens from Faial Island (Azores, Portugal). The mean number of alleles was...
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In this study we examined the effect of: observer presence; observer speed; and the impact that multiple surveys had on the number of counted fish in a visual census survey in a typical Mediterranean rocky habitat. SCUBA observer presence had no influence on the number of fish per survey. An improvement in the methodology to estimate the number of...
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We examined the social organization and reproductive pattern of a population of Sparisoma cretense L. at Lampedusa Island (Italy). During the breeding season (July to September) individuals occur either in territorial or in non-territorial groups, which quantitatively differ with respect to use of space, sex-ratio and sexual activity. Territorial g...
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Fish community structure of the Island Lampedusa, with a special focus on the fish assemblage inhabiting the infralittoral rocky substrate, was studied from July to October 1995. Visual census techniques (strip transects and random censuses) and the application of an anaesthetic (quinaldine), to sample cryptic and benthic species, were used. A tota...
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The first workshop on developing a sustainable aquaculture industry in the Azores was organised as a joint venture between the Institute of Marine Research at the Department of Oceanography and Fisheries of the University of the Azores (IMAR/DOP) and the private enterprise seaExpert. The aim of the meeting was to determine the necessary steps to es...


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