Mirjam SteffenskyHamburg University | UHH · Department of Education
Mirjam Steffensky
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Skills and Expertise
Publications (89)
MIN-Unterricht durch digitale Technologien anzureichern, birgt das Potenzial, dessen Wirksamkeit hinsichtlich seiner Adaptivität und Effektivität maßgeblich zu steigern. Aus bisheriger Forschung ist jedoch bekannt, dass viele Lehrkräfte nur bedingt über Wissen und Können zum Einsatz digitaler Technologien im MIN-Unterricht verfügen. Es besteht dahe...
Professional vision is considered a central situation-specific competence of teachers and a prerequisite for professional teaching. It is typically measured by video-based instruments, which differ in the use of closed rating items or open-ended tasks. Since initial studies indicate low correlations between the two formats, the study aims to verify...
Zusammenfassung: Die Qualität pädagogischer Interaktionen in Kindertageseinrichtungen gilt als ausschlaggebend für die kindliche Entwicklung. Methodische Zugänge zur Interaktionsqualität sind daher von hoher Bedeutsamkeit für Forschung und Praxis. Ziel des vorliegenden Beitrags ist eine inhaltliche Diskussion und empirische Analyse der internationa...
The objective of the current study was to identify an effective learning environment for kindergarten students as they acquire an initial understanding of scientific inquiry activities (SIA) and a simple (idealized) scientific inquiry cycle (SIC). The study aimed to examine (a) the effects of instructional support and (b) the role of similarity acr...
Science-specific learning environments in preschools are considered to be important for the development of preschool children’s science-specific knowledge and motivation. Accordingly, there are several studies in the literature that analyze the effects of science learning environments on child development. This article provides an overview of 38 in...
This study explores longitudinal change in professional vision of instructional support during initial teacher education and its association with beliefs about teaching and learning. Growth modeling with multilevel approaches applied to data from N = 130 pre-service teachers at four measurement points throughout their bachelor's degree revealed a l...
Frühe Bildung umfasst auch mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Bildung. Beide Bildungsbereiche sind in den Bildungs- und Orientierungsplänen des Elementarbereichs, der die Bildungsinstitutionen für Kinder im Alter von null bis sechs Jahren umfasst, aufgeführt. Eine Reihe von Studien zeigt, dass jüngere Kinder lange vor dem Eintritt in die Schu...
Although promoting student interest is a pivotal educational goal, student interest in science, and particularly in physics, declines substantially during secondary school. This study focused on the long‐term development of interest in physics at the lower secondary level (grades 5–7) and examined the role of teaching and teaching quality on the de...
Vor dem Hintergrund globaler Herausforderungen hat Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) in den letzten Jahrzehnten zunehmend an Bedeutung in der pädagogischen Praxis und der bildungswissenschaftlichen Forschung gewonnen. Zurzeit ist eine zunehmende Ausdifferenzierung der Forschungslandschaft unter Beteiligung der Erziehungswissenschaften, der...
German preservice teachers always study two teaching subjects instead of only one. This offers an almost para-digmatic approach for the investigation of effects of specific subject combinations on professional competence. So far, few studies focused on potential beneficial effects or risks on preservice teachers' motivational orientations, beliefs,...
Parents play a pivotal role in introducing their children to science, but little is known about the nature of an early science-related home learning environment. This study examines different aspects of the home learning environment and their associations with children's science knowledge. Mediation analyses of a sample of 257 five-year-old prescho...
Das Modell der drei Basisdimensionen von Unterrichtsqualität unterscheidet die Dimensionen kognitive Aktivierung, konstruktive Unterstützung und Klassenführung. Forschung aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen legt nahe, dass kognitive Unterstützung in dem Modell nicht hinreichend berücksichtigt ist. Faktorenanalysen auf der Basis von Schülereinschätzun...
Preschool teachers’ science-specific competences have been shown to influence their science instruction, which in turn appear directly related to the development of children’s science competences. Initial teacher education and in-service professional development may include learning opportunities to acquire science-specific competences necessary fo...
Science is an important domain in early childhood education. Though, initial results indicate that preschool teachers rarely offer science activities. Against this background professional development aims to encourage preschool teachers to provide science activities more frequently. In Germany, professional development is often offered as short-ter...
Lehramtsstudierende haben häufig Schwierigkeiten die Relevanz fachlicher Studieninhalte für ihre spätere Berufstätigkeit zu erkennen. Dies kann zu einer niedrigen Lernmotivation und somit auch zu ungünstigen Ausgangsbedingungen für Wissenserwerb führen. Zur Förderung der wahrgenommenen Berufsrelevanz von fachlichen Studieninhalten durch angehende C...
Guter Unterricht bemisst sich an seiner Wirkung auf die kognitive und motivationale Entwicklung der Lernenden. Als hilfreich für die Beschreibung von gutem Unterricht haben sich die drei Basisdimensionen von Unterrichtsqualität Klassenführung (z.B. die Etablierung von Regeln und Routinen), kognitive Aktivierung (z.B. die Berücksichtigung von Ideen...
Preschool teachers’ domain-specific professional knowledge is assumed to play an important role in the quality of early childhood education and thus in young children’s learning in different areas. Due to a lack of adequate instruments little is known about preschool teachers’ science-specific knowledge. In order to develop such a test instrument,...
Professional vision of instructional support in primary science was investigated with respect to its content-specificity and to learning opportunities in initial teacher education (ITE) which are presumably relevant for the acquisition of this skill. Data from 196 primary pre-service teachers were used. Confirmatory factor analyses suggested pre-se...
This study explores the structure of teacher cognition by investigating the relation of teachers' professional vision with pedagogical content knowledge and beliefs in the domain of elementary science education. An investigation using a video-based assessment approach on professional vision revealed that all three constructs are substantially assoc...
Um im Unterricht situationsangemessen und lernförderlich handeln zu können, müssen Lehrpersonen lernrelevante Elemente des Unterrichtsgeschehens wissensbasiert bemerken und verarbeiten können. Diese professionelle Wahrnehmung kann sich auf fachdidaktische Unterrichtsaspekte wie die Lernunterstützung oder auf pädagogisch-psychologische Unterrichtsas...
In vielen didaktischen Materialien finden sich Anregungen für die naturwissenschaftliche Bildungsarbeit im Elementarbereich, häufig beziehen sich diese auf Vorschläge zur Durchführung singulärer Experimente in unterschiedlichen Inhaltsbereichen. Es fehlen Konzeptionen zu aufeinander aufbauenden Bildungsangeboten, in denen Kinder sich über einen län...
This article focuses on video-based learning environments in teacher education, which have become quite popular in the last years. We draw primarily on results from empirical studies, which use a control-group design. First, we focus on the effects of video-based learning environments on professional competence (e.g., situation-specific skills) of...
The present study investigates the internal structure of professional vision of in-service teachers and student teachers with respect to classroom management and learning support in primary science lessons. Classroom management (including monitoring, managing momentum, and rules and routines) and learning support (including cognitive activation and...
Im Beitrag wird die Prozessqualität im Kindergarten eingeordnet in Angebots-Nutzungs-Modelle zur Erklärung der Wirksamkeit früher domänenspezifischer Lerngelegenheiten für die Kompetenzentwicklung von Kindern. Es werden einerseits Zusammenhänge der Prozessqualität zu strukturellen Variablen der Einrichtung dargestellt, andererseits wird die Bedeutu...
This review conceptualizes instructional process quality in early education within models of mediated learning to explain the effects of early domain-specific educational settings for children's development of competencies. Within this framework, the relation between instructional process quality and structural variables of the setting as well as i...
Natural sciences are an educational topic in kindergartens. At the same time, little is known about how to promote and facilitate the learning of natural sciences for children in kindergarten. This contribution reports on a quasi-experimental study with 245 children, which compares the learning situations ‘experiments’ with ‘discussions on the rele...
Frühkindlichen Bildungsprozessen wird seit einiger Zeit große Bedeutung beigemessen. Dabei wird auch das naturwissenschaftliche Lernen in den Blick genommen. Für das Vorschulalter liegen bislang jedoch kaum Untersuchungen zur Naturwissenschaftlichen Kompetenz und ihrer Förderung vor. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird die Entwicklung und Validierung eine...
ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 100 leading journals. To access a ChemInform Abstract of an article which was published elsewhere, please select a “Full Text” option. The original article is trackable via the “References” option.
The project CHEMOL (CHEMistry in Oldenburg) has developed a structure that integrates laboratories for primary-school children into the university education of teachers, both as in-service and teacher training programmes. The CHEMOL lab is visited once or twice a week by different classes. Supported by members of the team and teacher-training stude...
The main constituent of the scent gland secretion of the tropical butterfly Elymnias thryallis (Lepidoptera: Satyridae) could be identified as (S)-2-methyl-1-(4-methyl-2-furyl)-3-buten-2-ol (elymniafuran, 3). It is accompanied by small amounts of (E)- and (Z)-4-methyl-(2-methyl-1,3-butadienyl)-furan (4) as well as the spiro acetal 3,9-dimethyl-1,6-...
Ein wichtiges Forschungsgebiet in der Fachdidaktik sind Erklärungskonzepte und Vorstellungen, die Schüler zu grundlegenden Konzepten oder Phänomenen der Chemie haben oder entwickeln. Manche dieser Vorstellungen stimmen nicht mit den fachlichen Erklärungskonzepten überein, z.B. die Übertragung makroskopischer Eigenschaften wie Farbe auf submikroskop...
Spiders are exemplary loners: most species are solitary, territorial, and even cannibalistic throughout much of their life spans. Communication between individual spiders involves agonistic signalling in the form of vibratory and visual displays, which serves to maintain a widely dispersed population. Pheromones, however, have been implicated in br...
ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 100 leading journals. To access a ChemInform Abstract of an article which was published elsewhere, please select a “Full Text” option. The original article is trackable via the “References” option.
The courtship-inducing pheromone of female Cupiennius salei spiders has been identified as the asymmetric dimethyl citrate 1 by NMR investigations and synthesis. Only the S enantiomer is biologically active. This identification enabled the characterization of a spider pheromone sensillum for the first time.
Qualitative changes in lipid content and composition were examined on the web and cuticle of Tegenaria atrica females in relation to sexual receptivity. In this spider species, 78 different compounds were detected by gas chromatography in the cuticle extract and 50 in the web; 28 identical compounds were present both on the spider silk and the cuti...
Hamburg, Universiẗat, Diss., 2000. Computerdatei im Fernzugriff.