Miriam C. JägerLabor ParaDocs · Veterinary Diagnostics
Miriam C. Jäger
Dr. rer. biol.vet., Dipl. Bio.
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September 2016 - present
Labor ParaDocs
January 2015 - July 2016
Labor Alomed
- Scientific assistant
October 2014 - December 2014
Publications (36)
Anthelminthikaresistenzen haben weltweit ein besorgniserregendes Ausmaß erreicht, das die Weidehaltung kleiner Wiederkäuer in einigen Regionen der Welt bereits ernsthaft gefährdet. Auch in Europa hat sich die Resistenzlage im letzten Jahrzehnt dramatisch verschlechtert. Der Artikel fasst den Stand der Wissenschaft zum Vorkommen von...
Widespread anthelmintic resistance is a concern for small ruminant health and production worldwide. The current situation regarding anthelmintic efficacy is, however, not very well studied in Germany. Thus, a nationwide field study was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of 253 treatments performed in 223 small ruminant flocks by faecal egg coun...
Paramphistomidosis has recently been identified as an emerging parasitosis in Europe. This study estimated the prevalence of rumen flukes, Fasciola hepatica and Dicrocoelium dendriticum, in small ruminants in Germany and identified occurring rumen fluke species and potential predictors for fluke infections. Pooled fecal samples from 223 sheep farms...
In light of increasing anthelmintic resistance in small ruminants sustainable approaches to parasite control are of paramount importance. Several clinical parameters have been shown to be helpful to guide targeted selective treatment decisions. Very little work has however been done in goats under European farm conditions. A combined clinical score...
Background: Strongylus vulgaris has become a rare parasite in Germany during the past 50 years due to the
practice of frequent prophylactic anthelmintic therapy. To date, the emerging development of resistance in
Cyathostominae and Parascaris spp. to numerous equine anthelmintics has changed deworming management and the frequency of anthelmintic us...
The selective treatment of horses is used to decrease the number of anthelmintic treatments by only treating a proportion of animals in the population. One way to select animals for treatment is to identify low and high egg-shedders using faecal egg counts (FEC); then to treat only the high egg-shedders. The value of this method is enhanced if diff...
In den vergangenen Jahren hat sich eine Arbeitsgruppe am Institut für Vergleichende Tropenmedizin und Parasitologie der Tierärztlichen Fakultät der LMU München intensiv mit Fragen im Zusammenhang mit der Entwurmung von Pferden und den damit zusammenhängenden Resistenzproblemen auseinandergesetzt. Wichtige Teilergebnisse dieser breitgefächerten Stud...
The selective treatment of horses is used to decrease the number of anthelmintic treatments by only treating a proportion of animals in the population. One way to select animals for treatment is to identify low and high egg-shedders using faecal egg counts (FEC); then to treat only the high egg-shedders. The value of this method is enhanced if diff...
The majority of dairy goat farms in Bavaria operate pasture-based systems. Endoparasites are therefore a common problem affecting health and productivity of these herds. Pooled faecal samples from 37 commercial dairy goat farms in Bavaria were examined by modified McMaster, flotation, sedimentation and Baermann funnel techniques. In addition, a que...
After initial observations of suspicious cases in 2009, the occurrence of Fascioloides (F.) magna in deer of a deer farm located in northeastern Bavaria, Germany, at the border to the Czech Republic was confirmed in autumn 2011. In March 2012, the deer were treated for fascioloidosis with triclabendazole. To monitor the epizootiology of fascioloido...
As a consequence of the increasing levels of anthelmintic resistance in cyathostomes, new strategies for equine parasite control are being implemented. To assess the potential risks of these, the occurrence of strongyles was evaluated in a group of 1887 horses. The distribution of fecal egg counts (FECs), the frequency of anthelmintic dr...
In equine parasitology faecal egg counts (FEC) using the McMaster method are becoming increasingly important. But FEC results present considerable variability questioning their reliability. Different reasons for this variability are discussed. Analogous to cell counts in haematology, FEC are based on a Poisson process and thus subject to random err...
Diarrhoea induces massive problems in the rearing of calves. The aim of the study was to obtain current data about the frequency of Giardia spp., Cryptosporidium spp. and Eimeria spp. in diarrhoeic calves in Southern Germany with the particular focus on giardiosis.
1564 samples were analysed for the three pathogens using microscopical methods. Giar...
Giardia-infection in cattle is often subclinical or asymptomatic, but it can also cause diarrhoea. The livestock-specific species Giardia bovis is the most frequently observed in cattle, however, the two zoonotic species Giardia duodenalis and Giardia enterica have also been found. Therefore calves are thought to be of public health significance. T...
The selective treatment of horses is an important method to decrease the number of treatments per horse and year and to thereby slow down the development of anthelmintic resistance. The method tries to identify low and high egg-shedders, respectively, using faecal egg counts (FEC). However, the value of this method depends upon the stability of fae...
Multiple anthelmintic resistance in small ruminant nematodes is widespread in some overseas
and tropical countries but is a relatively new problem in Europe. A population of
Trichostrongylus spp. 100% resistant to ivermectin and albendazole and partially resistant
to levamisole was identified in a Dorper sheep flock in Southern Germany using a faec...
High perinatal mortality, low milk yields and occasional ewe deaths were investigated in a Dorper sheep flock in Southern Germany. Parasitic gastroenteritis due to Trichostrongylus spp. associated with severe weight loss despite regular anthelmintic treatments of the flock was identified as the underlying cause. A faecal egg count reduction (FECR)...
Eine hohe Neugeborenensterblichkeit, Milchmangel und vereinzelte Todesfälle bei Mutterschafen führten zur Untersuchung einer Dorper-Schafherde in Süddeutschland. Als zugrunde liegende Ursachen wurden Abmagerung und eine hohe Belastung mit Trichostrongylus spp. trotz regelmäßiger anthelminthischer Behandlung identifiziert. Die weiter...
Central Switzerland is a highly endemic region for tick-borne fever (TBF) in cattle, however, little is known about A. phagocytophilum in goats. In the present study, 72 animals from six goat flocks (373 EDTA blood-samples) in Central Switzerland were analysed for A. phagocytophilum DNA. A real-time PCR targeting the msp2 gene of A. phagocytophilum...
In this study, goats from six farms in Central Switzerland were examined for the evaluation of the FAMACHA-method under middle European conditions. Individual faecal egg counts were determined at a 4-week interval for a period of 6 months and the gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) genera were differentiated using larval culture. Simultaneously, the go...
Two goat and two sheep flocks have been found to be suspicious of a clinically evident reduced anthelmintic efficacy, i.e. lacking improvement of gastrointestinal disorders, insufficient weight gain and continuing inappetence after anthelmintic treatments. In order to conduct an appropriate evaluation of the efficacy the following trials were perfo...