Miren S . Mendia

Miren S . Mendia
University of the Basque Country | UPV/EHU · Mineralogy and Petrology


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Publications (25)
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The presence of ophicalcites in serpentinized peridotites together with fragments of these rocks in Cretaceous breccias along several North-Pyrenean basins, led to the interpretation of complete mantle exhumation to the seafloor. The westernmost outcrop of peridotites in the Pyrenean-Cantabrian belt is located in Ziga (eastern Basque-Cantabrian Bas...
Conference Paper
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La extensión cretácica durante la apertura del Golfo de Vizcaya generó una serie de cuencas profundas entre Iberia y Eurasia, con exhumación de rocas mantélicas que afloran a lo largo de la cadena Pirenaico-Cantábrica. El afloramiento más occidental se localiza cerca de Ziga (Navarra) y ha sido tradicionalmente asociado a la falla de Leiza. En este...
Conference Paper
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Petrography and C and O stable isotope composition of ophicalcites in the Western Pyrenees/Eastern Cantabrian Mountains: geodynamic implications
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This communication tries to show the given steps taken towards the achievement of the educational objectives derived from the Geodiversity Strategy of Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve. The Handbook of Geosites of Urdaibai has been published based on previous Geosite inventory. It aims to promote public awareness through information and education stressin...
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The Cabo Ortegal Complex is one of the Allochthonous Complexes of northwest Iberia. The complexes are variable subducted continental and oceanic lithosphere fragments obducted onto the Gondwana edge during the Variscan orogeny. They comprise a Lower Allochthon, a sandwiched ophiolitic complex, and an Upper Allochthon made of rock units metamorphose...
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Garnet-bearing ultramafic rocks forming a decametric outcrop occur associated to the eclogites of the upper catazonal unit of the Cabo Ortegal Complex. These ultramafites are included within variably mylonitized amphibole-pyroxene gneisses located between the eclogite band on top and the so-called 'banded gneisses' formation below. They are harzbur...
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Se presentan los resultados obtenidos a partir del estudio petrológico detallado de las eclogitas que componen la unidad eclogítica del Complejo de Cabo Ortegal estableciéndose un modelo para la evolución metamórfica de la misma. Desde el punto de vista petrológico se han reconocido tres tipos de eclogitas: comunes, con distena y ferrotitaníferas,...
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There are presented the results of the detailed petrologic study of the eclogites that form the eclogitic unit of the Cabo Ortegal Complex establishing a model for its metamorphic evolution. From the petrologic viewpoint three types of eclogites have been recognised: common, with distene and ferrotitaniferous, defining their outcrop and structural...
High-pressure deformation and metamorphism in the Cabo Ortegal allochthonous nappe pile (NW Spain) occurred during eo-Hercynian (395-365 Ma ago) subduction/collision. On the basis of thermobarometry, geochronology and a combined petrostructural study of deformed quartz veins from eclogite-bearing deep crustal units, deformation began under confinin...
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A 100-700 m thick and 17 km long composite eclogite stack sandwiched between rheologically weaker HP granulites (on top) and HP gneisses (to the bottom) has been mapped in detail within the Cabo Ortegal Complex. The stack is made of three eclogite slices (recrystallized under c. 800 °C, >1.7 GPa) bounded by major (up to 200 m thick) shear zones wit...
Forty-six children seen during 1989 with the clinical diagnosis of Pertussis are reviewed in this study. In 64.5% of the cases the Bordet-Gengou medium nasopharyngeal culture was positive for B. pertussis. Two age groups showed more susceptibility to B. pertussis, children under one year of age (70%) and of more than five years of age (20%). The di...
105 patients were studied, during a one year period, who had attended the Pediatric Emergency Room, because of a migraine or migraine-like attack. In 8 patients, a different final diagnosis was accomplished during the acute episode: cerebral tumor, subaracnoid bleeding, epilepsy and meningitis. The clinical features are described. Aura symptoms and...
Acid and basic granulites, migmatites, and lherzolites outcrop along the Leiza Fault (Navarra, Spain) in the western extremity of the Pyrenean Belt. The protoliths of the acid granulites have granodioritic composition. Textural and mineralogical data suggest that the acid granulites evolved from a first, syn kinematic medium-pressure granulite-faci...
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Metamorphosed ultrabasic rocks, likely derived from cumulate protoliths, occur intercalated within eclogites in the Cabo Ortegal complex. Mg- and Cr-rich staurolite coexists with Cr-rich kyanite. The staurolite has XMg > 0.74 and contains >6 wt% Cr2O3, and kyanite contains >4 wt% Cr2O3. Associated minerals are tschermakitic- to magnesio-hornblende,...
High-pressure, subduction-related metamorphism is recorded in two structural units of the Cabo Ortegal complex of Spain: (i) an upper thrust unit (Concepenido-La Capelada) composed of granulites, eclogites and metaperidotites and (ii) a structurally underlying unit (Chimparra-Banded) formed of gneisses with minor metabasic intercalations. In the up...


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