Mirela ŽupanUniversity of Osijek | UNIOS · Faculty of Law
Mirela Župan
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Additional affiliations
April 2021 - present
National Council for Sciences
- Member
January 2021 - present
Hague Conference on Private International Law
- Member
- Member of the Croatian Delegation in the Working Group for the Hague Protocol 2007
Publications (65)
A child can be subject to various legal relationships that have a cross-border element, and one of them is succession. Cross-border succession proceedings in the European Union are governed by Regulation (EU) No 650/2012 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and acceptance and enforcement of authentic instruments...
The aim of the training is to train judges for the application of modern digital tools of judicial cooperation in the EU and beyond. The training is conducted in cooperation with judges of the Osijek County Court and the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia. The organizers of the training are the Faculty of Law Osijek and the Association of Cro...
Encouraged by the impact of digitalisation on science and knowledge transfer, the Universities of Aberdeen, Milan and Zagreb (SRCE), led by the Faculty of Law of the University of Osijek, applied for a public call to fund the DIGinLaw project through the Erasmus + program. They were entrusted with two years of funding for the activities.
The overa...
Kretanje pojedinca preko granice obilježava suvremena multikulturalna društva. Globalizacijski i migracijski tokovi promijenili su društveno prihvatljive obrasce življenja te su pojedinci češće međunarodno mobilni, nego li statični unutar nacionalnih teritorija. Taj fenomen uzrokuje brojne pravne dileme, kako za osobu koji se kreće preko granice, t...
The new Croatian Private International Law Act of 4 October 2017 entered into force on 29 January 2019. Its adoption marked the end of the application of the 1982 PIL Act, which had not been revised in 35 years. However, new solutions have been gradually adopted, under the impetus of HCCH conventions and EU regulations. The new PIL Act introduces s...
Following long-term negotiations within the European Union, Council Regulation (EU) 2019/1111 on jurisdiction, the recognition and enforcement of decisions in matrimonial matters and matters of parental responsibility, and on international child abduction was adopted on 25 June 2019 (Brussels II ter).1 As of 1 August 2022, it will replace the regul...
The reality of the administration of justice has changed over the last few decades through massive intervention of international and supranational actors within national judicial systems. Though state-centrism has progressively been eroded, the national State remains the “master of the game” in adjudication. A proper application of European private...
Europski sud za ljudska prava u nekoliko je predmeta utvrdio povrede Konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda u predmetima međunarodnih građanskopravnih otmica djeteta vođenim u Republici Hrvatskoj. Utvrđene povrede prava na pošteno suđenje te prava na poštovanje privatnog i obiteljskog života proizlazile su iz činjenica dugotrajnos...
Mobilnost utječe na povećani broj prekograničnih obiteljskih postupaka, čime je učinkovitost postojećih mehanizama za njihovo rješavanje stavljena na kušnju. Pitanje je, može li suvremeni razvoj tehnologije i sredstava komunikacije ponuditi premosnicu, da li je pandemija utjecala na njegovo učestalije korištenje? Odlučni utjecaj IKT na rješavanje p...
Despite mayor achievements with unified legal standards on international sale of goods in general, sales of certain types of goods remained out of the loops of politics, practitioners, courts and academics. The international sales contracts with companion animals (pets) being their object match exactly the later. Until recently, the topic of cross-...
Regulation 606/2013 and Directive 2011/99 were drafted on the assumption that protection orders can be procured either through civil and criminal law. Most Member States provide for both civil protection orders and criminal protection orders but there are variations, - in some MS civil protection orders are not available but protection orders can b...
Kretanje pojedinca preko granice obilježava suvremena multikulturalna društva. Globalizacijski i migracijski tokovi promijenili su društveno prihvatljive obrasce življenja te su pojedinci češće međunarodno mobilni, nego li statični unutar nacionalnih teritorija. Taj fenomen uzrokuje brojne pravne dileme, kako za osobu koji se kreće preko granice, t...
I’m addressing you on behalf of Osijek (J.J. Strossmayer) University project team. In this project outcome delivery I was accompanied by assistant professor Paula Poretti of Osijek University and full professor Ivana Kunda of Rijeka University. Our young researches Martina Drventić and Marijana Šego assisted with quantitative data collection.
The reality of the administration of justice has changed over the last few decades through massive intervention of international and supranational actors within national judicial systems. Though state-centrism has progressively been eroded, the national State remains the “master of the game” in adjudication. A proper application of European private...
Research addresses the issues of companion animals - pets position in event of a family breakdown upon divorce.
key aspects: animal welfare - companion animals/pets - international and European legal and policy framework - civil law - private international law - matrimonial property regulation - overriding mandatory rules - EC–Seal Products case
Maintenance obligations within the European Union (EU) are governed by the Maintenance Regulation complemented by the 2007 Hague Child Support Convention, accompanied by the 2007 Hague Maintenance Protocol. Once the competent judicial or administrative authority receives a request for the international recovery of maintenance it should first addres...
The cornerstone of EU civil justice is the free circulation of judgments. To achieve that overall aim, the EU has systematically unified private international law rules. Member States afforded the EU with internal and external competence to enact a system that assures smooth recognition and enforcement. Leaning on the principle of mutual trust they...
Currently, the European legislation on family matters is spread out over multiple Regulations that regulate in a fragmentary, yet interconnected, manner relationships of a different nature. The situation gets more complicated with the multilateral agreements previously acceded to by Member States. Recently such agreements which fall into the extern...
The aim of the EUFams ’ s research project was to evaluate the state of implementation of legal instruments applicable to cross-border family matters adopted by European Union regulations and international conventions. The cornerstone of this research was the application of the Brussels IIa Regulation, the Maintenance Regulation, and the Succession...
Intenzivne prekogranične migracije, novi oblici životnih zajednica i neriješeni pravni odnosi roditelja/skrbnika i djece doprinose rastućem broju prekograničnih otmica djece. Međunarodna otmica djece defnirana je kao nezakonito odvođenje ili zadržavanje djeteta u državi drugoj od one njegova uobičajenog boravišta. Takvo odvođenje temelji se na jedn...
By taking into account the principle of the sincere cooperation many of the EU regulations set the obligation to the Member States to make a proper assessment of its own legal system and to notify or declare on the laws and schemes related to the ratione materiae of the regulation in matter. Among other, Member States are obliged to notify and nomi...
This research relates to the collection, processing, and analysis of incoming child abduction proceedings of the four biggest municipal courts (of Zagreb, Osijek, Split, and Rijeka) in Croatia. The research focused on proceedings initiated between 1 July 2013 and 1 July 2017. The collected decisions (all unpublished) were critically evaluated with...
Suvremeni diskurs međunarodnog privatnog prava nerijetko je uvjetovan zaštitom ljudskih prava. Upliv standarda ljudskih prava bilježi se od zakonodavne razine do pravne prakse ; prožima segmente mjerodavnog prava, međunarodne nadležnosti i postupovnih instituta, te poglavito priznanja stranih odluka. Najčešće se u prekograničnim odnosima propitkuje...
"Hungary" national report on social perspective, substantive law, procedural law and private international law relating to matrimonial property, property of registered partners and succession. Report was conducted in the framework of DG Justice Project “Personalized Solution in Family and Succession Law (PSEFS)” No. 800821-JUST-AG-2017/JUST-JCOO-AG...
The coordinated approach in the application of the MPR along with the existing instruments of European PIL aimed at simplification of procedures will obviously bring certain challenges to the courts dealing with matrimonial property in divorce proceedings, legal separation and annulment of the marriage or a succession case. Efforts will have to mad...
About the book:
Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is the testing ground for investment arbitration in Europe: the majority of the cases against EU Member States are proceedings launched against countries from within the region. Despite their relevance, CEE experiences have not previously been analysed in a comprehensive manner. This book takes a sys...
Cilj Europske Unije je održavanje i razvoj područja slobode, sigurnosti i pravde u kojem je osigurano slobodno kretanje osoba. Isto je navedeno u čl. 1. preambule Uredbe Vijeća (EU) 2016/1103 od 24. lipnja 2016. o provedbi pojačane suradnje u području nadležnosti, mjerodavnog prava te priznavanja i izvršenja odluka u stvarima bračnoimovinskih režim...
A child can be subject to various legal relationships that have a cross-border element, and
one of them is succession. Cross-border succession proceedings in the European Union
are governed by Regulation (EU) No 650/2012 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition
and enforcement of decisions and acceptance and enforcement of authentic instruments...
Monograph points to numerous aspects of cross-border movement of a child in EU.
Načelo uzajamnog povjerenja te njegove sveobuhvatne implikacije na sustav slobodnog kretanja odluka izazov su i starim i novim članicama Europske unije. Cilj je ovoga rada postaviti okvire europske pravosudne suradnje u građanskim stvarima te ih staviti u kontekst hrvatskih okolnosti i prakse. Rad se sastoji od triju većih cjelina s pripadajućim po...
Public presentation of research results on international child abduction practice before Croatian authorities.
Research has been conducted in the framework of IZIP scientific support scheme of the J.J.Strossmayer University of Osijek 2018.
Matters of jurisdiction seem to be among aspects of judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters in which so far most regulatory activity of the European union (hereinafter: EU) has been undertaken. Upon close examination of the rules on jurisdiction of courts in civil and commercial matters in the existing legal framework at EU level, it b...
Matters of jurisdiction seem to be among aspects of judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters in which so far most regulatory activity of the European union (hereinafter: EU) has been undertaken. Upon close examination of the rules on jurisdiction of courts in civil and commercial matters in the existing legal framework at EU level, it b...
Svaki građanskopravni odnos ili potraživanje može biti međunarodno obilježeno, ako činjenice vezane za osobe, predmet ili pak mjesto izvršenja neke obveze ukazuju na povezanost s većim brojem pravnih sustava. Tomu nisu iznimka niti sporovi vezani za obitelj i dijete. Rješavanju prekograničnog statusnog pitanja ili pak ostvarivanju pravne zaštite u...
Globalizacija društva te intenzivna migracijska kretanja neminovno dovode do povećanja prekograničnih obiteljskih sporova. Na svim se razinama, od nacionalne, preko regionalne do univerzalne, traže adekvatni modusi njihova rješavanja. Zakonodavcima svih razina nameće se izazov: ne samo da trebaju naći adekvatne odgovore na pitanja sukoba nadležnost...
The purpose of the established system of the proceedings in cases of international child abduction, as set out in the Hague Convention on Child Abduction, which has been strengthened, in relation to the EU Member States, by the provisions of the Brussels II bis Regulation, is to secure a prompt return of the child that has been wrongfully removed o...
Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta J. J. Strossmyera u Osijeku organizirao je 15. - 16. ožujka 2018.
godine međunarodnu doktorsku konferenciju „EU Child”. Konferencija je bila usmjerena predstavljanju rezultata istraživanja mladih znanstvenika, doktoranada i njihovih mentora u području prekograničnog kretanja djece u EU. Organizirana je u okviru aktivnost...
A child as an individual is identified in a society, among other, with its name. Naming law was traditionally perceived as a reflection of sovereign powers of the state over its nationals. Contemporary cross-border migrations challenge this static perception of personal status matters. Moreover, they shift the emphasis to another legal disciplines...
A child as an individual is identified in a society, among other, with its name. Naming law was traditionally perceived as a reflection of sovereign powers of the state over its nationals. Contemporary cross-border migrations challenge this static perception of personal status matters. Moreover, they shift the emphasis to another legal disciplines...
Prekogranično roditeljsko odvođenje i zadržavanje djece posljedica je intenzivnih prekograničnih migracija radne snage, novih oblika životnih zajednica te nesređenih međusobnih pravnih odnosa roditelja, odnosno skrbnika djeteta. Hrvatska nadležna tijela u tim postupcima obvezuje međunarodni (Haška konvencija o građanskopravnim aspektima međunarodne...
Usvajanje Zakona o međunarodnom privatnom pravu (listopad 2017.) dugo je očekivano u široj zainteresiranoj stručnoj i znanstvenoj javnosti. Novi ZMPP zamijenit će Zakon o rješavanju sukoba zakona s propisima drugih zemalja u određenim odnosima iz 1982. godine. Intenzitet i priroda suvremenoga prekograničnog pravnog prometa proteklih se desetljeća b...
The purpose of the established system of the proceedings in cases of international child abduction, as set out in the Hague Convention on Child Abduction, which has been strengthened, in relation to the EU Member States, by the provisions of the Brussels II bis Regulation, is to secure a prompt return of the child that has been wrongfully removed o...
Kindesentführung vor kroatischen Gerichten mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die aus Deutschland kommenden Anträge
The Republic of Croatia became a party to the Child Abduction Convention (hereinafter: HCA 1980) via notification of succession after t...
The Brussels IIa Regulation is one of the many pieces of a mosaic in legal regulation of cross-border family relations. The rationale of Articles 1 and 2 as well as 59-61 of the Regulation is to limit its scope of application. In a complex milieu of interconnected universal and regional legal instruments, a clear understanding of the materia which...
The rising number of complex disputes with a cross-border element burdens the courts, administrative authorities and interested parties. As a response, the complexity of private international law rules is growing. In order to ensure the application of private international law rules as well as their effects abroad, rules on cooperation between judi...
Mandatory application of conflict of law rules seems undisputable in the Croatian legal system. Principle of iura novit curia is embodied in relevant legal sources (Constitution, PIL Act, sectoral laws), confirmed by legal writings and rulings of Supreme Court and Constitutional Court. Despite the compulsory character of the choice of law rules, fi...
Recent cross-border consumer dispute brought before CJEU opened to discussion a number of interesting issues. Main aspects of Verein für Konsumenteninformation v Amazon EU Sàrl of 28 July 2016 ruling relate to applicable law rules to be applied to online sales contacts concluded with consumers resident in other Member States. In the case brought be...
This paper focuses on the way in which the legal principle of the best interests of the child has infiltrated the legal discipline of private international law and international procedural law, which is applied to solve the cross-border i.e. international disputes referring to the rights and the interests of children. In addition to Article 3, the...
The Handbook on the Brussels II bis Regulation is a text which provides a statement of the current legislation and case law and the present position of academic studies related to conflict of laws in divorce and parental responsibility proceedings before the court of European Union Member States. Paying particular attention to good practices, it is...
The Croatian Exchange Seminar was the third National Exchange Seminar organized within the EUFam’s Project. It was organized by the Faculty of Law Osijek. The aim of the Seminar was to evaluate the state of implementation of EU legal instruments on Family Law (Brussels IIbis Regulation, Maintenance Regulation and Succession Regulation), taking into...
Predmet ove knjige su procesno-pravni aspekti prava EU. Knjiga je nastala kao plod aktivnosti Jean Monnet katedre za procesno pravo EU. Jean Monnet program dio je Erasmus+ programa čija je svrha potpora institucijama i aktivnostima u području europskih integracija. Aktivnostima programa Jean Monnet promiče se izvrsnost u podučavanju i istraživanju...
The Faculty of Law at the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), within the framework of the Open Regional Fund for Southeast Europe (ORF) – Legal Reform and South East European Law School Network, organized the 11th Regional Private International Law Conference: “Private Inte...
The Council of Europe and the European Union are major players and partners in the domain of policy-shaping strategies on the European continent, with significant and ever-growing impact on international community as a whole. Although the ratio and ideas behind their establishment were not the same (economic versus humanistic), they have, over the...
The EAPO is a separate and standalone Europe-wide order which provides a maintenance creditor with the opportunity to apply without notice and to prevent transfer or withdrawal of funds held by a maintenance debtor in a bank account held in any other Member State (except in Denmark and the UK). The preservation order application procedure is in pri...
Jedna od konzekvencija suvremene intenzivne mobilnosti je značajno povećanje broja prekograničnih obiteljskih predmeta. Pravni sustavi na ovu pojavu odgovaraju formiranjem (kako na nacionalnoj, tako i na međunarodnoj razini), u okviru kojega se u području pravne zaštite najranjivijih, prije svega djece, naglasak stavlja na rad i funkcioniranje sust...
The international conference entitled ‘Law – Regions – Development. Legal implications of local and regional development’ was one of the events of the DUNICOP project (Deepening UNIversity Cooperation Osijek – Pécs project; HUHR/1101/2.2.1/005) managed by the two partner law faculties in Pécs and Osijek. DUNICOP is a one-year long common research a...
Human activities are becoming borderless and the importance of the role of law in this area is unquestionable. Contemporary legal challenges obviously raise different and at the same time similar problems clearly and manifestly apparent in each state in various fields of law. In order to govern the legal effects of globalization, cooperation has no...