Minna HökkäDiaconia University of Applied Sciences
Minna Hökkä
Doctor of Nursing Practice
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I am a registered nurse working as a Senior Advisor and project manager and a PhD focusing on research of palliative care. My are palliative care competencies, education and palliative care services.
Publications (31)
Palliative care exists in diverse healthcare settings. Nurses play a crucial role in its provision. Different levels of palliative care provision and education have been recognized in the literature. Therefore, nurses need a set of various competencies to provide high-quality palliative care.
To systematically synthesize the empiri...
Background: The need for palliative care (PC) is increasing due to the growing number of chronic diseases and an aging population. As such, the requirement to ensure the provision of PC is evident. This calls for PC competence for nurses working in nonspecialist PC settings.
Objective: The aim was to describe the views of Finnish health care profes...
Despite numerous surveys conducted across the world considering assisted death, content validity evaluations of the survey questionnaires are seldom published. Likewise, there is no previous research about the content validity of the survey “Finnish physicians´ attitudes and opinions on euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide” conducted by the Fi...
Assisted death, including euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide (PAS), is under debate worldwide, and these practices are adopted in many Western countries. Physicians’ attitudes toward assisted death vary across the globe, but little is known about physicians’ actual reactions when facing a request for assisted death. There is a cle...
Background: Nurses should have appropriate education and required competencies to provide high-quality palliative care. The aim of this international multisite study was to list and evaluate core palliative care competencies that European nurses need to achieve in their education to provide palliative care. Methods: The Nominal Group Technique (NGT...
Background: The need for palliative care (PC) is increasing due to the growing prevalence of chronic diseases and the ageing population. There is a clear need to ensure the provision of PC. To provide PC successfully, the necessary services should be integrated into the health care system. In addition, all healthcare professionals need to have suff...
Introduction: To improve the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of healthcare providers for delivering quality generic palliative care, innovation in palliative care education and empowerment of the teaching staff are key. Context for the workshop: The World Health Organization states that “Palliative care improves the quality of life of patients and...
Objective: To study whether E-learning methods are feasible in the post-graduate education of palliative medicine. Methods: A mixed-methods study. Evaluations from pilot course attendees were analyzed numerically and answers to open-ended questions about E-learning were analyzed using inductive content analysis. A national pilot E-learning-based po...
Paramedics face end-of-life care patients during emergency calls and more recently through planned protocols. However, paramedics experiences and educational needs concerning preplanned end-of-life care at home remain largely unknown.
To describe experiences and educational needs of the paramedics included in the end-of-life care pr...
The main aim of this study was to describe the palliative care (PC) nursing competencies required from nurses on different PC levels and to examine nursing students’ views of PC education. The study consisted of three phases: (I) an integrative systematic review (sub-study I), (II) a descriptive qualitative study (sub-study II) and (III) a cross-se...
Background: Palliative care should be seen as a human right and integrated into the healthcare system. Adequate palliative care education is seen as a facilitator to develop the integration of palliative care. Aims: To synthesise evidence of the effect of different teaching methods used in palliative care education to students’ competences, knowled...
Background: Nurses have an essential role in providing high-quality palliative care to patients and their families.
Hence, they require adequate palliative care education. However, there is only limited insight into how fnal-year
nursing students perceive palliative care education in undergraduate nursing programs. This study aimed to describe
The importance of integrating palliative care (PC) education into undergraduate nursing studies has been recognized. Still, there is considerable variation in the PC education of nurses.
To study the nursing students' views of the PC contents during the nursing education; students' self-assessed levels of PC competence; an...
Specialists were asked to describe the most essential palliative and end-of-life care competencies needed in their working units, in order to deepen the understanding of the phenomenon.
To describe the most essential competencies of palliative-care nurses and physicians.
The data was collected using an open-ended question i...
Globally, the need for palliative care will increase as a result of the ageing of populations and the rising burden of cancer, non-communicable diseases as well as some communicable diseases. Physicians and registered nurses working in palliative care should have a sufficient level of education and competence in managing the changing nee...
Palliatiivinen hoito tarkoittaa parantumatonta, kuolemaan johtavaa tai henkeä uhkaavaa sairautta sairastavan potilaan ja hänen läheistensä aktiivista, kokonaisvaltaista hoitoa. Maailman terveysjärjestön mukaan palliatiivisen hoidon tarve kasvaa lähitulevaisuudessa eniten Euroopassa suhteutettuna väestöön. Suomessa on tutkittu varsin vähän asiantunt...
Palliatiivinen hoito on parantumattomasti sairaan potilaan ja hänen läheisensä aktiivista ja kokonaisvaltaista hoitoa. Palliatiivisen hoidon tarve tulee kasvamaan väestön ikääntyessä ja pitkäaikaissairauksien lisääntyessä. Palliatiivisen hoidon saannin turvaamiseksi lääkärillä tulee olla osaamista palliatiivisesta hoidosta ja saattohoidosta kaikill...
Nurses must possess adequate competencies to provide high-quality palliative care. Earlier statements have described certain competencies that are relevant for palliative care, yet only limited empirical research has focused on the perspective of health care professionals to clarify which competencies are required for different levels o...
The purpose of the study was to describe practical nurses' competences in hospice and palliative care.
Although statements on the competencies required from physicians working within palliative care exist, these requirements have not been described within different levels of palliative care provision by multi-professional workshops, comprising representatives from working life. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe the compet...
The purpose of this integrative review was to describe patients and their caregivers´ views of pain counseling to patients who are terminally ill and suffer from cancer pain. (Abstract in English)
AimsTo assess and synthesize the evidence of the effects and safety of non-pharmacological interventions in treating pain in patients with advanced cancer.Background
Pain is a common symptom experienced by patients with advanced cancer; the treatment of such pain is often suboptimal. To manage it, non-pharmacological interventions are recommended a...