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My research focuses on water quality problems in drinking water bodies, with a focus on harmful algal blooms and associated taste & odor problems.
More information can be find at https://drwater.net
Additional affiliations
July 2013 - April 2015
January 2014 - March 2014
November 2010 - June 2011
September 2007 - July 2013
Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Field of study
- Environmental Engineering
September 2003 - July 2007
Publications (39)
Cyanobacteria can sense different light color by adjusting the components of photosynthetic pigments including chlorophyll a (Chl a), phycoerythrin (PE), and phycocyanin (PC), etc. Filamentous cyanobacteria are the main producer of 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) and many can increase their PE levels so that they are more competitive in subsurface layer w...
Cellular 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) yield of cyanobacteria varies under different conditions according to culture studies and field investigations, the causal mechanism remains unclear and results in ineffective MIB prediction. Through an intensive field survey during an MIB episode produced by Pseudanabaena cinerea in QCS reservoir, we demonstrated...
Identification of MIB(2-methylisoborneol)-producing cyanobacteria in source water has been a big challenge for reservoir authorities because it normally requires isolation of cyanobacteria strains. Here, a protocol based on Pearson’s product moment correlation analysis combined with standardized data treatment and expert judgement was developed to...
In comparison with the middle- and high-latitude regions, the low-latitude regions are less associated with the occurrence of 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) episodes, since most of the previously identified MIB producers favor moderate/low light/temperature conditions. Here, we report a serious MIB outbreak over the period from Jul. 2018 to Jun. 2019 in...
Filamentous cyanobacteria have substantial niche overlap, and the causal mechanism behind their succession remains unclear. This has practical significance since several filamentous genera are the main producers of the musty odorant 2-methylisoborneol (MIB), which lead to odor problems in drinking water. This study investigates the relationships be...
Elevated fluoride (F-) levels in groundwater pose severe health risks, in necessitating efficient treatment methods to reduce these levels. In comparison with the traditional membrane-based ion removal technologies which require high energy to drive bulk water molecules to pass through the membranes, electrodialysis (ED) enables the transport of ta...
The utilization of Bacillus sp. for the production of bio-CaCO3 in concrete crack repair and pore filling has garnered attention. However, microbial-induced calcium carbonate precipitation (MICP) has yet to be explored as a precedent with activated sludge. Calcium sourced from concrete slurry waste (CSW) and carbon from sludge microbial β-oxidation...
The musty odorant (2-methylisoborneol, MIB) is prevalent in source water reservoirs and has become one of the major challenges for drinking water quality. This study proposes an approach to control the growth of MIB-producing cyanobacteria in a small reservoir based on hydraulic regulation, according to the results of long-term field investigations...
Up to 95% of hormones are excreted into domestic wastewater with urine or feces, but their macromolecules are difficult to biodegrade. This project studies the treatment of Ethinyl Estradiol (EE2) in swine wastewater in an Upstream Solids Reactor (USR), and explores a new method for oriented bio-feeding to regulate the anaerobic biodegradation proc...
In recent years, dioxanes and dioxolanes have been intermittently detected in water environment and have caused several offensive drinking water odor incidents worldwide. In this study, the co-occurrence of eight dioxanes, twelve dioxolanes and bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether was investigated in Huangpu River watershed to explore potential source...
The production of food wastewater generated during the food waste treatment processes was tremendous, and large amounts of water-soluble organic matter dissolved into the food wastewater, which originate serious problems of both environmental and economic loss. However, food wastewater is abundance in organic matters without toxic substances, which...
The typical musty/earthy odor-causing compound, 2-methylisoborneol (MIB), is usually associated with the occurrence and proliferation of benthic/subsurface-living cyanobacteria in source water. Control of MIB-producing cyanobacteria in source water may greatly reduce the processing burden for drinking water treatment plants. We explored the mechani...
Cyanobacteria release 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) as a secondary metabolite. Here, we propose a reverse transcription quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) based method to evaluate the MIB-producing potential in source water by detecting the MIB-synthesis gene (mic). A MIBQSF/R primer set was designed based on 35 mic gene sequences obtained from 12 pur...
The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 showed various transmission rate (R
) across different regions. The determination of the factors affecting transmission rate is urgent and crucial to combat COVID-19. Here we explored variation of R
between 277 regions across the globe and the associated potential socioeconomic, demographic and environme...
This research presents a web-based application, pkweb (https://pkweb.hhra.net), with a user-friendly interface and a range of functions for pharmacokinetic (PK) data analysis. Capabilities include simulation of PK data, which integrates 27 modules (e.g., intravenous (IV) bolus injection, IV infusion and extravascular administration) and modeling th...
Many physical, chemical and biological processes in lakes depend on lake water temperature. However, attribution of warming rate in shallow lake is not well understood yet. Here, we evaluated a one-dimensional lake model FLake by observed daily lake surface water temperature (LSWT) at four typical lakes in the Middle and Lower Yangtze River basin,...
Fishy odor has become one of the most often encountered aesthetic water quality problems in drinking water. While fresh water algae living in colder water can produce offensive fishy odors, their environmental behaviors remain poorly understood. In this study, two chrysophyte species (Synura uvella and Ochromonas sp.), which are often associated wi...
Disgusting fishy odor problems have become a major concern in drinking water quality, and are commonly related to algal proliferation in source water. Unlike the typical musty/earthy odorants 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) and geosmin, identification of the corresponding fishy odorants is still a big challenge. In this study, two species of fishy-odor-pr...
Swampy/septic odors are one of the most important odor types in drinking water. However, few studies have specifically focused on it compared to the extensive reported musty/earthy odor problems, even though the former is much more offensive. In this study, an investigation covering the odor characteristics, algal distribution and possible odorants...
The removal of natural organic matter (NOM) is a major objective for drinking water treatment. In this study, a novel advanced oxidation process (AOP) based on plasma in gas-liquid interface discharge was investigated for removing humic acid (HA), and ozonation treatment effect was evaluated as comparison. Several index including UV254, dissolved o...
Revealing the main contributors to septic odor is a challenge since diverse compounds are responsible for this odor, and there might exist synergistic effects among different odorants. In this study, based on a reconstitution evaluation, the contribution of eighteen odorants identified in Huangpu River source water to the septic odor was explored....
Subsurface cyanobacterial blooms, are a significant source of odor problems in source water and have been recorded in many oligotrophic/mesotrophic drinking water reservoirs. In this study, we explored the key driving forces responsible for the succession between surface and subsurface cyanobacteria using ecological niche modelling based upon a cas...
Yellow River source water has long suffered from odor problems in winter. In this study, odor characteristics, potential odorants, and algae in the source water of six cities (Lanzhou, Yinchuan, Hohhot, Zhengzhou, Jinan and Dongying) along the Yellow River were determined in winter (February to March 2014). According to flavor profile analysis (FPA...
The production of odorant 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) in water bodies by Planktothrix sp. have not been understood very well. Through a four-year investigation in Miyun Reservoir, a huge mesotrophic drinking water reservoir known to have the MIS episodes, we found that the Planktothrix sp. bloomed during September and October causing the high levels o...
Jianwei Yu Juan Liu Wei an- [...]
Min Yang
A total of 86 source water samples from 38 cities across major watersheds of China were collected for a bromide (Br−) survey, and the bromate (BrO3−) formation potentials (BFPs) of 41 samples with Br− concentration >20 μg L−1 were evaluated using a batch ozonation reactor. Statistical analyses indicated that higher alkalinity, hardness, and pH of w...
The cancer risks from exposure to trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs) through multiple pathways were assessed based on the result of a water quality survey in 35 major cities of China. To express the risks in disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), the excess cancer incidence estimates were combined with a two-stage disease model for...
Ming Su Wei an Jianwei Yu- [...]
Min Yang
This study attempted to reveal the effect of solar radiation fluctuation on the dynamics of phytoplankton communities expressed as cell morphology in eutrophic water bodies where the impacts of nutrients could be considered as small. Two morphological descriptors were proposed, cellular projected area (\(\varphi_{\rm p}\)) and flattening index (f),...
Spatial variations in phytoplankton community within a large mesotrophic reservoir (Miyun reservoir, North China) were investigated in relation to variations in physico-chemical properties, nutrient concentrations, temperature and light conditions over a 5 month period in 2009. The dynamics of phytoplankton community was represented by the dominanc...
A significant outbreak of fishy odor occurred in a reservoir located in Inner Mongolia, China, in the winter of 2011, and the odor rating, algal density and concentrations of some potential odorous compounds were monitored over a period of two months. The peak odor rating of the fishy odor was 7 according to flavor profile analysis. Among the domin...
Geosmin has often been associated with off-flavor problems in drinking water with Anabaena sp. as the major producer. Rapid on-site detection of geosmin-producers as well as geosmin is important for a timely management response to potential off-flavor events. In this study, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) methods were developed to det...
The occurrence of taste and odors, produced by secondary metabolites of cyanobacteria, has been one of the major water quality problems in drinking water. However, the odorous compounds produced by cyanobacteria usually differ significantly with different species. One cyanobacterium isolated from Yanghe reservoir was identified as Anabaena sp., whi...