Mindriany Syafila

Mindriany Syafila
Bandung Institute of Technology | ITB · Water and Wastewater Engineering

Doctor of Philosophy


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Publications (45)
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High global demand for nickel metal has contributed significantly to the growth of the nickel mining industry in Indonesia. This growth has a positive multiplier effect on the economy, with the potential to affect aquatic life and humans owing to the high levels of chromium, nickel, and iron in mine water. Therefore, this study aims to develop an e...
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High global demand for nickel metal has contributed significantly to the growth of the nickel mining industry in Indonesia. This growth has a positive multiplier effect on the economy, with the potential to affect aquatic life and humans owing to the high levels of chromium, nickel, and iron in mine water. Therefore, this study aims to develop an e...
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Open-cast coal mining operations can produce water with high amounts of total suspended solids (TSS). We tested the use of electrocoagulation for the removal of colloidal clay from mine water. Monopolar batch electrocoagulation was performed at the laboratory scale using Al and Fe electrodes and varying the DC current (0.5, 1, and 2 A) and contact...
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This river toolbox book presents technology solutions and inspires communities, river managers, and the general to select appropriate solutions for river management. The Citarum Harum Program documented in this book was not necessarily a success for the limited time of the project or a one-size-fits-all solution given the broad context of interdepe...
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This river toolbox book presents technology solutions and inspires communities, river managers, and the general to select appropriate solutions for river management. The Citarum Harum Program documented in this book was not necessarily a success for the limited time of the project or a one-size-fits-all solution given the broad context of interdepe...
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This river toolbox book presents technology solutions and inspires communities, river managers, and the general to select appropriate solutions for river management. The Citarum Harum Program documented in this book was not necessarily a success for the limited time of the project or a one-size-fits-all solution given the broad context of interdepe...
Conference Paper
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As a country with high rainfall (average 2,900 mm/a in 2021), Indonesia has serious problems with the quantity and quality of coal mining wastewater. By adopting an open pit mining system, wastewater can reach a discharge of 2000 L/s at its worst, with the main quality problem being high turbidity caused by colloidal clays/suspended solids. The tot...
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In recent years, the surge in nickel production, driven by the growing demand for electric vehicle batteries, has raised concerns regarding environmental consequences. The nickel mining and processing industries contribute to increased nickel levels in wastewater, presenting a serious threat to aquatic ecosystems and human health. This article emph...
Conference Paper
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As a country rich in coal reserves and resources, Indonesia faces a potential problem of metal compounds polluting its river. Unfortunately, the quality standards for metals in Indonesia are only available in water, not sediment. This study aims to determine the distribution of metal contamination (Fe, Mn, Pb, Cr, Ni) in Lati River sediments, East...
Conference Paper
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Coal mine water contains high concentrations of suspended solids due to clay minerals carried away by surface runoff. Removing it becomes problematic since it requires chemicals, especially in large catchment areas in mining sites. Due to this, Total Suspended Solid (TSS) concentration in coal mining water can reach up to 5,400 mg/L. In Indonesia,...
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Acid mine drainage (AMD) is a serious problem in many coal and mineral mines. Over the past 50 years, many researchers have developed static tests that play an essential role in preventing AMD. In Indonesia, static tests are conducted using two methods: acid–base accounting (ABA) and net acid generation (NAG) tests. On an operational scale, mining...
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Static tests of acid mine drainage potential are an important part of mining water management. Net acid generation (NAG) test is widely used in Indonesian coal mines because of its convenience. This test uses H2O2 to oxidize sulfide minerals within rock samples to determine their net acid-forming capacity. This study aimed to determine the differen...
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Industri tekstil dalam proses manufakturnya, membutuhkan air dalam jumlah yang sangat banyak dimana kurang lebih 70% dari air proses tersebut akan berubah menjadi air limbah. Limbah cair industri tekstil diketahui mengandung senyawa warna yang sulit terdegradasi sehingga dapat menyebabkan permasalahan nilai estetika di badan air penerima, membahaya...
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Personal Care Cosmetic Products (PCCPs) are used on the exterior of the body, such as the skin, nails, hair, lips, external genitalia, teeth, and oral membranes. Greywater from a bathing activity is a significant contributor to domestic wastewater quantity. The greywater contains residual substances from the rinsing process of body care products. A...
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Up to 60–70% of the total textile dyes produced are azo dyes. An example of azo dye is methylene blue, which is commonly used in dyeing wool, silk, and cotton. This substance possessed harmful effects on the environment. Therefore, the removal process is mandatory. The adsorption process is a common method for dye removal in wastewater. One innovat...
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Graphene Oxide (GO) based adsorbents have attracted much attention from researchers because there have been many reports that they are effective for removing dyes from aqueous environments. That is because GO has good mechanical, electrical, optical and chemical properties, so graphene and its derivatives, such as graphene oxide, have been used in...
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The effect of pH on the formation of hydrogen and ethanol using POME as the substrate has not been widely studied. Indonesia, which is the largest producer of palm oil, has a high potential for the utilization of this liquid waste as a substrate for the formation of hydrogen and ethanol. This study determined the optimum hydrogen and ethanol produc...
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Biomass is a central issue as new material that can be used as a substrate to produce biofuels, it has become global research to replace liquid fossil fuels with alternative renewable and sustainable fossils. Palm oil mill effluent (POME) is the potential of Agri-industrial waste to be used as alternative energy with anaerobic digestion of high con...
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Biohydrogen is one of the promising alternatives to be used as a source of energy in the future. Several studies related to the production of biohydrogen through the process of conversion of organic wastewater by anaerobic process have been done with different reactor conditions. However, biohydrogen is not the main products produced in the process...
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Anaerobic digestion can be used for the treatment of POME to reduce organic content and generate some substances, such as volatile acids, ethanol, and various gasses. During anaerobic fermentation process, microorganism requires the presence of trace elements for growth to improve their performance. This research will be carried out as a study of t...
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Nowadays, crisis of the energy is the main problem in the world. Currently, most the energy resource derived from the fossil material that cannot be refurbished. Ethanol is an alternative fuel that content as a fossil fuels. Wastewater with the high concentration of the organic can be used for the ethanol production to replace foodstuff as a raw ma...
Conference Paper
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Biohydrogen is one of the main alternative fuels promising for the future. Bioconversion of the wastewater with the high concentration of organic using biological processes or microorganism by anaerobic processes can produce biogas which can be used as fuel instead of fossil fuels. In this study, palm oil mill effluent (POME) with the concentration...
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Abstrak: Batik merupakan salah satu budaya warisan dunia yang telah ditetapkan UNESCO. Semenjak saat itu permintaan produksi batik meningkat. Limbah cair batik telah banyak diolah dengan berbagai macam proses biologi. Namun pada penelitian ini akan mengolah limbah cair batik dengan pengolahan secara fisika-kimia. Elektrolisis akan memecah molekul a...
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Abstrak: Secara umum, air limbah industri pulp and paper mengandung produk ekstraktif, karbohidrat, dan lignin. Lignin dan senyawa chlorinated organic merupakan senyawa utama yang menjadi concern dalam potensi pencemaran lingkungan. Pengolahan biologi secara konvensional hanya dapat mengolah sebagian senyawa organik yang terkandung dalam air limbah...
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ABSTRAK Limbah cair industri minyak sawit memiliki potensi sebagai substrat pembentukan etanol. Pemanfaatan kultur campuran dalam pembentukan etanol memiliki keuntungan karena tidak memerlukan sterilisasi substrat, namun akan dihasilkan berbagai produk samping dan sebaliknya pada Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari...
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Abstrak: Pada penelitian yang telah dilakukan, dengan reduksi ukuran partikel hingga dibawah 2 μm dapat menghasilkan diameter pori yang masuk klasifikasi mesopori (2 "“ 50 nm). Uji kemampuan bentonit dan zeolit mesopori sebagai penjerap untuk meningkatkan kualitas minyak jelantah agar dapat digunakan kembali telah dilakukan dengan metode batch. Ko...
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EFFECT OF ANODES TYPES ON NICKEL RECOVERY FROM SYNTHETIC ELECTROPLATING WASTE ELECTRODEPOSITION CELLS. A study concerning the recovery of nickel from electroplating wastewater artificial solution. The study was conducted with a batch system using electrodeposition cell consisting of two spaces separated by water hyacinth leaf, copper cathode plate,...
Conference Paper
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The high organic compounds containing on agro industry wastewater potential as ethanol forming by an aerobic mixed culture bacteria. Preliminary research shown in the condition without pH control and unsterilized substrate, ethanol formation was 48,32 mgCOD/L. In order to increase ethanol formating, this research investigate the influence of pH con...
Conference Paper
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Raw material is one of the problems in the bioethanol industry in Indonesia are using cassava, sugar and molasses are classified as human food. Agro industry wastewater has potention as substrate for ethanol production. Generally the production of bioethanol using yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to easily degradable substrate. Meanwhile, anaerobic m...
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Disinfection process was applied as the last step of the water treatment to kill pathogenic bacteria in the water. However, according to several studies, the ozonation disinfection process could form undesired by-products. One of the by-products potentially affecting human life is bromate produced from bromide ionic-containing water. This study was...
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Abstrak: Industri tahu di Indonesia kebanyakan merupakan industri skala kecil yang berkembang dengan pesat. Penggunaan air yang signifikan pada proses pembuatan menghasilkan limbah cair yang jumlahnya besar pula. Teknologi pengolahan secara biologi dengan memanfaatkan bakteri merupakan alternatif yang potensial untuk dikembangkan karena teknologiny...
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Cocoa is one of Indonesian-main plantation commodities. During the cocoa seed drying process, there are two types of waste that are cocoa pod and cocoa sweating. Since the organic compounds contained in cocoa sweating is high enough, it is possible to anaerobically treat this wastewater in order to recover either intermediate or end products. Preli...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menangani limbah yang terjadi dari industri biodiesel. Air limbah yang dihasilkan dari industri biodiesel diperkirakan memiliki kandungan organik yang cukup tinggi. dengan demikian perlu dipertimbangkan untuk mengolahnya dengan proses anaerob, sehingga berpotensi untuk mendapatkan produk samping berupa biogas (gas met...
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Abstrak. Bioreaktor hibrid anaerob merupakan penggabungan antara sistem pertumbuhan tersuspensi dan pertumbuhan terlekat. Dalam penelitian ini media pelekatan mikroorganisma yang digunakan adalah batu. Larutan umpan dibuat dari molase yang diencerkan sebagai salah satu contoh air buangan dengan beban organik tinggi. Proses degradasi dilakukan denga...
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Sequencing batch reactor which is designed based on several process stages (fill, reaction, settle, decant/draw, and idle) running in one reactor so it gives some advantage that it does not need any clarifier and it has flexibility in application. In this project, SBR has operated under anaerobic conditions during the acidogenic phase for high gluc...
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A Kinetic model has been developed to describe the specific methane gas production and COD effluent concentration from biodegradation of oils and fats on the anaerobic baffled bioreactor. The model was developed, from an assumption that microbial in the bioreactor was distributed h, homogenously. The performance of the anaerobic baffled bioreactor...
Conference Paper
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Penggunaan reaktor berpenyekat anaerob (Anaerobic Baffled Reactor) untuk mengolah air limbah industri kelapa sawit didiskusikan dalam makalah ini. Dengan penekanan pada pengaruh pembebanan organik.
The pattern of end product formation from glucose was examined in an acidogenic culture where the hydrogen partial pressure was controlled by headspace gas recirculation and nitrogen purging. The results demonstrate that physical control of hydrogen displacement can shift the equilibrium toward acetate production with a concomitant fall in reduced...


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