Miloš Gregor

Miloš Gregor
Masaryk University | MUNI · Department of Political Science



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I am an Assistant Professor at Masaryk University, the Czech Republic. I teach courses on political communication and marketing, propaganda, disinformation and fake news. Together with Petra Mlejnková, I am a mentor of projects Choose Your Info (Zvol si info) and Fakescape, both dedicated to media literacy awareness. Both projects received awards in the international Peer to Peer: Global Digital Challenge competition.


Publications (41)
Research on political speeches is commonly undertaken in countries where the president has a powerful position, typically in the United States. In the Czech Republic, too, political speeches are an important instrument for influencing public opinion. Meanwhile, few politicians are so known for their fiercely held opinions on the European Union as f...
This edited volume maps the development of the use of political campaigning and marketing techniques in countries of the former Communist Bloc over the last thirty years. Focusing on the shift from propaganda to political marketing, and from manipulation to persuasion, the book consists of a series of case studies of countries in Central Europe, Ea...
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Disinformation represents a pressing issue in the context of security and politics in the region (not only) of Central and Eastern Europe. With the conflict in Ukraine, European virtual space was flooded with online media offering alternative explanations concerning the situation in that country. So-called alternative media developed into trusted s...
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The article researches the Russian Night Wolves Motorcycle Club from the perspective of the sharp power concept. It is argued that NWMC serve as a proxy for Russian sharp power, playing the role of messenger for pro-Kremlin propaganda in European countries through Victory Roads events. Using a mixed-methods Google Search data and media content anal...
Risk Communication and COVID-19 explores the “risk communication” responses by national governments to the outbreak and global spread of the COVID-19 strain of coronavirus. The book focuses on 17 country case studies, representing countries all around the world, covering a range of democratic and authoritarian systems, styles of leadership, and po...
This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the Night Wolves Motorcycle Club (NWMC), examining how it has evolved from an antiestablishment counterculture group into a Kremlin proxy spreading Russian nationalist propaganda and supporting Russian military interventions, especially in Ukraine. Through a systematic literature review, the chapter...
Třetí přímá volba prezidenta České republiky v roce 2023 se konala v atmosféře plné napětí a očekávání. Tu způsobilo hned několik souběžných faktorů. Jedním z nich byl výkon funkce dosluhujícího prezidenta Miloše Zemana, dalším napětí ve společnosti vyvolané válkou na Ukrajině a s tím související energetickou krizí. Situaci ovlivňoval i příchod mno...
The chapter provides readers with a summary of the edited volume and highlights several takeaways from the previous chapters. The conclusion stresses the new layer of disinformation and propaganda which came about with the rise of the Internet as well as why it is perceived as a security threat. The main issues of laws and rules regulating false ne...
The purpose of the chapter is to describe the concepts of propaganda and disinformation, their development, and how they relate to each other. Other connected concepts, such as fake news, misinformation, disinformation campaigns, psychological and information operations, and influence operations, are introduced and put into the context of the aim o...
The introductory chapter firstly introduces theories and models from the fields of crisis communication, political communication and political psychology in order to develop an analytical framework for the overall volume. Secondly, the chapter focuses on the phases of a crisis, drawing on the Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants guidelines...
The chapter focuses on governmental communication of COVID-19 related issues in the Czech Republic during the first (spring) phase of the pandemic. Although strict measures were taken by the government and both the general public and political opposition supported them, the communication was chaotic, unclear, contradictory, and with frequent unexpe...
The book is open access and full text is available at
Disinformation has recently become a salient issue, not just for researchers but for the media, politicians, and the general public as well. Changing circumstances are a challenge for system and societal resilience; disinformation is also a challenge for governments, civil society, and individuals. Thus, this book focuses on the post-truth era and...
The chapter focuses on the development of political communication and campaigning in the Czech Republic. It starts with a brief overview of the basic characteristics of the political and party system. Then, it introduces the main laws and rules the campaigners must comply with. After that, the author describes the evolution of communication tactics...
The chapter sums up the main common and different characteristics and features of campaigning in the Central European countries. Although campaigning in all four countries differs in many ways (i.e. different approaches to public media or buying airtime), there are some general trends which they share. They all introduced spending limits at some po...
In this chapter, the authors sum up the main findings of the book and compare the development of campaigning and campaign communication in four respective regions: the Baltics, Central Europe, the Balkans, and Eastern Europe. They focus mainly on the regional context which influences the whole political and party system (thus the ‘quality’ of campa...
The chapter recapitulates the development of campaigning during the twentieth century, and it reflects changes in the nature of relationships among political parties and their voters. The discussion starts with Stein Rokkan’s concept of cleavages (which explains the origin of political parties in most European countries) and his finding about ‘free...
The chapter sums up the main characteristics and features of campaigning in the Balkans and tracks the main changes in this field over the last thirty years. While in some countries the development was evolutionary and comparable with the situation of other European countries, in others, the way parties campaign was heavily impacted by ethnic and n...
The chapter focuses on the development of political communication and campaigning in Moldova. It starts with a brief overview of the basic characteristics of the political and party system. Then, it introduces the main laws and rules the campaigners must comply with. After that, the authors describe the evolution of communication tactics and techni...
Research Proposal
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Together with Otto Eibl, we are editors of the special issue of the Journal of Political Marketing. The issue will be focused on the development of political marketing in post-communist countries. It has been thirty years since the communist and socialist regimes fall in many of the Central and Eastern Europe countries. Hence we believe it is the r...
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Těsně po volbách v roce 2017 obletěl republiku videozáznam tiskové konference, při které Andrej Babiš, vítěz voleb, volá na pódium Marka Prchala, svého muže číslo jedna na komunikaci na sociálních sítích. Euforický Babiš viditelně zaskočeného Prchala políbil na čelo a veřejně mu tak připsal nemalou část kreditu za volební výsledek (“…a samozřejmě n...
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Marketing approach in politics has many advantages, such as increasing voter turnout, interest in politics among citizens, or better understanding of voters needs for politicians. However, it also brings negative aspects, especially with growing number political consultant who have been employed by populists in attempt to raise their support in ele...
There are many studies analysing the ability of parties to enact their election pledges. Most of these focus on established Western democracies and conclude that pledges made by parties that enter the government after elections are more likely to be enacted than those made by parties stuck in opposition. As the ability to keep election promises has...
Média, politici, sociální sítě – ze všech těchto zdrojů se na nás neustále valí dohady o tom, kdo, jak a proč se nás snaží dezinformovat. Co ale často opakovaná spojení fake news, dezinformace a alternativní fakta zahrnují? Jedná se o fenomén posledních let, nebo jsou tu s námi, šikovně skryté, už dlouhá staletí? Jak je možné, že fungují? Kdo a pro...
Each country chapter of this volume provides an overview of the national lobbying industry, taking into consideration also institutional, historical and cultural variables, and placing the analysis of lobbying and public affairs into a wider picture. A short overview of the country’s political system is given, illustrating the institutional structu...
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Ormrod, Robert P.; Henneberg, Stephan C. M.; O'Shaughnessy, Nicholas J. 2013. Political Marketing. Theory and Concepts. Los Angeles, London, New Dehli, Singapore, Washington DC: SAGE Publications Inc. 224 pages.
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Research on political speeches is often done in countries with strong presidential powers, typically in the USA. However, political speeches by presidents are also a critical method of influencing public opinion in the Czech Republic. Therefore this article is focused on the analysis of speeches of the former President of the Czech Republic, Václav...
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typically in the USA. However, political speeches by presidents are also a critical method of influencing public opinion in the Czech Republic. Therefore this article is focused on the analysis of speeches of the former President of the Czech Republic, Václav Klaus. Our research is based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative content anal...


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