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Publications (41)
Financial literacy has emerged as a crucial factor in promoting economic stability and resilience, particularly in Montenegro. With the increasing complexity of financial products and the growing need for individuals to make sound financial decisions, the importance of financial literacy cannot be overstated. This study employs a quantitative, surv...
Financial literacy has emerged as a crucial factor in promoting economic stability and resilience, particularly in the context of Montenegro. With the increasing complexity of financial products and the growing need for individuals to make sound financial decisions, the importance of financial literacy cannot be overstated. The paper discusses how...
World have been dramatically changed. Economic and demographic transformations, together with new technologies have changes also world of finance that we knew. Until the last decades there were few that could have imagined negative interest rates. It sounded irrational, even impossible. However, with great contribution of expansive monetary policy,...
Immediately before and after regaining independence (in 2006), Montenegro undertook numerous reforms to its fiscal, monetary, social, trade-related, and business enabling frameworks that have allowed its economy to grow more quickly and raised living standards. Nevertheless, many challenges remain, in particular with regard to fiscal policy and eff...
Montenegro’s economy, prior and post-independence in 2006, has undergone many structural reforms aimed to contribute to long-term economic prosperity and significant improvement in wellbeing of Montenegrin citizens. However, many challenges yet remain in terms of policy actions as well as policy design. One of them is proper planning and costing of...
Promjena intelektualne klime, nakon strahota I i II svjetskog rata i velike depresije, od zalaganja za malu i ograničenu državu ka velikoj brižnoj državi blagostanja, dobro se uklopila u interese političkih elita da fiskalnu i monetarnu politiku stave u funkciji svojih interesa. Umjesto principa balansiranog budžeta donosioci odluka su prihvatili p...
Change of the intellectual climate after the WWI and WWII and great recession, which was in favor of small and limited state toward big, extensive welfare state was very well incorporated in interests of political elites in order to put fiscal and monetary policy in the function of their interests. Instead of principle of balanced budget decision m...
Competitiveness is of particular importance in the countries of the European Union and in the countries that are on the way to becoming members, especially after the adoption of the new Lisbon Agenda. Small countries are as a rule highly vulnerable to external shocks, face limitations in their ability to exploit the benefits of economies of scale a...
Male države su više izložene eksternim šokovima i više zavisne od međunarodnih finansijskih tržišta. Kreditni profil malih država je, po pravilu, rizičniji, a novac za njihovo finansiranje ograničeniji. Zato se male države teže nose sa teretom javnog duga. Tako su dugovi malih država kroz istoriju često restrukturirani. I kao po pravilu, nekoliko g...
This report proposes a comprehensive approach for the formalisation of undeclared work in Montenegro as well as the creation of an environment whereby jobs are predominately created in the declared economy. The proposed policy approach includes a mix of measures including improvement in the regulatory environment, detection and inspection approach.
This report proposes a comprehensive approach for the formalisation of undeclared work in Montenegro as well as the creation of an environment whereby jobs are predominately created in the declared economy. The proposed policy approach includes a mix of measures including improvement in the regulatory environment, detection and inspection approach.
Globalni trendovi na tržištu rada i ubrzane tehnološke promjene mijenjaju paradigmu rada i radnog mjesta. “Sigurna” radna mjesta nestaju. Isto kao i “sigurna” znanja. Roboti i vještačka inteligencija sve više istiskuju ljude sa radnih mjesta. Oni postaju ne samo sredstvo za povećanje produktivnosti ljudi već sredstvo samo po sebi – potpuno zamjenju...
Essential economic reforms in Montenegro began in late 1999, when the German mark was introduced as the legal tender. Stable currency and implementation of new regulations provided favourable framework for the banking sector development. Restored trust has enabled such sector to become the dominant funding source of households and businesses. Stron...
Every transition process has its own specifics. Montenegro is no different. It started like in case of other Eastern European countries in late 80ies and early 90ies. But it soon floundered due to the wars in the region and international sanctions. The transformation of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia into the state union of Serbian and Monteneg...
Nije nam dato da biramo neke od najvažnijih odluka u životu. Kada i gdje ćemo se roditi obilježava i opredjeljuje naš život. Warren Buffett, jedan od najvećih investitora ikada, rekao je da za sve dobro što mu se dogodilo u životu može zahvaliti činjenici da je rođen u pravoj zemlji u pravo vrijeme – Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, 1930-te. Slično,...