Milla RosenlundUniversity of Eastern Finland | UEF · Department of Health and Social Management
Milla Rosenlund
Master of Health Sciences Master of Social Sciences
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I currently work as a project researcher for PROSHADE research consortium at the University of Eastern Finland. The aim of PROSHADE is to make research on promoting the use of evidence and information as well as practice of shared decision-making.
Simultaneously I'm finalizing my dissertation on shared decision-making between a patient and a healthcare professional.
Publications (13)
Shared decision making (SDM) is based on the clinical expertise of healthcare professionals and patients’ preferences and values. Digital health services may offer new possibilities for patient-generated data e.g. in SDM. This study aimed to assess older adults’ experiences of decision making in healthcare and attitudes toward digital health and so...
The aim of this study was to assess the cultural validity and reliability of a Finnish version of the nine-item Shared Decision-Making Questionnaire (SDM-Q-9) in a sample of patients with different sociodemographic characteristics.
The original SDM-Q-9 was translated into Finnish with the agreement of the developers of the original sca...
Previous studies have shown that shared decision-making (SDM) between a practitioner and a patient strengthens the ideal of treatment adherence. This study employed a multi-method approach to SDM in healthcare to reinforce the theoretical and methodological grounds of this argument. As the study design, self-reported survey items and exp...
Digitaaliset palvelut ovat mahdollistaneet hyvinvointitietojen tuottamisen ja ajantasaisen seurannan sekä lisännyt kansalaisen ja terveydenhuollon vuorovaikutusta hoitoprosessin aikana. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata epilepsiaa sairastavien kokemuksia digitaalisten palveluiden käytöstä ja selvittää millaiset kehitystoimet lisäävät kansa...
Plain Language Summary
Research on treatment and vaccination adherence aim at increasing knowledge about improving adherence and treatment outcomes. This study examined explanations given for not adhering to treatment and an association between the explanations and medical decision-making practices. Decision-making practices are known to impact pat...
PROSHADE on Suomen Akatemian Strategisen tutkimuksen neuvoston (STN) vuosille 2021–2026 rahoittama hanke ja osa STN:n LITERACY-ohjelmaa. Hankkeessa tutkitaan ja etsitään monitieteellisesti ratkaisuja tiedon kriittiselle käytölle yhteiskunnassa. PROSHADE tutkii talous- ja vaikuttavuustiedon käyttöä, jaetun päätöksenteon käytäntöjä terveydenhuollossa...
The development of digital health services reflects not only the technical development of services but also a change in attitude and the way of thinking. It has become a cornerstone for engaging and activating patients and citizens in health management while living at home. Digital health services are also aimed at enhancing the effici...
The development of digital health services reflects not only the technical development of services but also a change in attitude and the way of thinking. It has become a cornerstone for engaging and activating patients and citizens in health management while living at home. Digital health services are also aimed at enhancing the efficien...
This scoping review will explore the meaning and content of patient-generated data in epilepsy care decisions.
Clinical decisions about management of long-term conditions such as epilepsy are based on multiple factors, including efficacy and safety of interventions, experiences of professionals as well as patient prefere...
The purpose of this study was to assess the project management of a national health information technology project focused on developing digital health care services. An e-questionnaire was sent at the end of the development project, and 93 experts (18%) from five university hospitals responded. The questionnaire was based on the Common Assessment...
Information quality has an important role in health care as digital services provide patients and healthcare professionals more opportunities for searching and utilising information. Information quality is one of the key factors affecting user satisfaction, perception of digital service usability and intention to use the service. The conceptual fra...
Healthcare professionals play a key role in supporting self-care among patients and clients. Their attitudes and behaviors may influence a patient's capacity to use electronic services (e-services) and may increase patients' trust toward a technical solution. The technology acceptance model explains information systems use and the important variabl...
Lähivuosien sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon palvelujen sähköistämisen yhtenä tarkoituksena on tukea kansalaisen aktiivisempaa otetta oman hyvinvointinsa ylläpitämiseksi ja edistämiseksi. Uudet teknologiat ja palvelujen sähköistäminen voivat kuitenkin aiheuttaa eriarvoistumista väestöryhmien välillä, sillä esimerkiksi ikääntyneiden valmiudet sähköiste...