Milica TopalovićInstitute for Political Studies · Departman for security studies
Milica Topalović
PhD Candidate at Faculty of Political Science
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Milica Topalović is a junior researcher at the Institute for Political Studies, Belgrade, and a Ph.D. student at the Faculty of Political Sciences, Belgrade. Her main fields of research are IRs with a specific emphasis on International and National Security, and civil-military relations. She authored dozen of papers published in scientific and professional journals. She is an alumnus of the OSCE and an active member of the CEEISA international doctoral network. Milica speaks English and French.
Publications (13)
Државе Западног Балкана, региона дефинисаног и познатог као подручје непрестаних сукоба, тензија и одмеравања снага, веома су активне по питању учешћа у међународним војним вежбама. У зависности од историјске позадине, стратешких интереса, актуелних геополитичких прилика,
али и чланства у међународним безбедносним организацијама, све државе Западно...
Femicide, as the most extreme form of gender-based violence, has been highlighted as a special social and security problem in the Republic of Serbia in recent years. Statistical data support the fact that over a tenyear period, more than three hundred women were killed by members of households of the opposite sex, of which over a hundred were kille...
Рад обухвата широко поље настанка, развоја, али и актуелног стања у високом образовању и науци у Републици Албанији. Високо образовање је у свим посткомунистичким државама огледало читавог друштва и политичко-економског стања државе, те се и у Албанији може приметити дуг еволуциони процес превирања између конзервативних и либералнијих високообразов...
Kulturno pamćenje kolektiviteta izgrađeno je na važnim, često traumatskim, istorijskim momentima, koji se u svesti naroda rekonstruišu sakralizacijom, prenose usmenom tradicijom i održavaju kreiranjem narativa koji posledično postaju formativni, integrativni i mobilišući faktor kolektivnog identiteta. Uporišta sećanja i simboli kolektivnog identite...
With the advancement of information technologies, the protection of copyright and related rights has faced numerous challenges that tend to make the existence of copyright and related
rights meaningless and create a dilemma between rights and freedom. The traditional understanding of the protection of these rights no longer corresponds to reality a...
The fact that the policy of support and radical nonrecognition of territories conquered by aggression is simultaneously implemented determines the reality of contemporary international relations in Europe. While on the one hand, it stands uncompromisingly for the territorial integrity of Ukraine, at the same time, the European Union and prominent m...
Since 2015, when the migrant crisis reached its highest intensity, Serbia, as a transit country on the Balkan route, has faced multiple challenges in working with the migrant population. The intensity of the burden on the social protection system during the following years was susceptible to changes because a higher degree of coordination and commu...
Autorke u radu problematizuju uticaj prekomernog stanovništva na mnogobrojne postojeće globalne ekološke probleme poput zagađenja i degradacije životne sredine, klimatskih promena i klimatskih konflikata i nemire. Osnovni cilj rada je da ukaže na zloupotrebu diskursa o populacionom pritisku zarad maskiranja interesa moćnih političkih i ekonomskih a...
The positioning of the People’s Republic of China among the world’s leading
powers has greatly gained importance in 2013, with the implementation of
the new development strategy of the Belt and Road Initiative. The subject
of this paper is the analysis of China’s Belt and Road Initiative as a new model
for establishing deeper relations between the...
After decades of marking the Kurds as an existential threat to Turkey’s territorial integrity and ontological security, a new peacetime period is coming, accompanied by peace initiatives and the conflict’s de-escalation. Taking into account the fact that the Turkish-Kurdish peace process failed during the most significant migrant crisis of the mode...
Prelaz sa zaštitničke demokratije u Turskoj koju karakteriše dominantna uloga vojske na delegativnu demokratiju sa izraženom funkcijom plebiscitirne izvršne vlasti, bila je prirodna i dugoočekivana posledica stogodišnjeg burnog razvoja političkog sistema. Turska verzija prezidencijalizma, uvedena 2017. godine, odlikuje se nedostatkom horizontalne o...
The security sector is often seen as a traditionally male sphere, a state-centric field in which there was no room for women's participation, much less space for discussions on gender, gender identities, and discrimination. Discrimination against women who have managed to fight for their place in the security structures of the male world is still p...